Monday, February 9, 2015

Universal Law of Service

This is your card reading for Monday, February 9th/15.  Your card skimmed out of the fractal art 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana DaPonte and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Service' and Lara, Dana & Marlene's message for the card is this: 
"The Law of Service states that serving the interests of the whole serves the interests of the individual as well.  You are part of something bigger than yourself.  Acknowledging your interconnectedness allows you to be in the service of all life.  When your intention is to serve others, you automatically align yourself with the Universe because you expand your awareness to include the interests of the whole.  This is one of the most powerful questions you can ask:  how can I serve?  No act of service is insignificant.  All positive actions ripple out into the Universe and affect the collective vibrations of humanity as a whole.  This card is guiding you to shift your perspective from asking what others can do for you to asking, instead, what you can do for others.  Take a look at the situations and circumstances in your life and ask yourself where you can find opportunities to be of greater service.  If there is something that you have been seeking but have not found, or if you are not sure what direction to take, it may be time to focus on service.  Remember, that the Universe is in perfect balance, and through service you will receive just what you need."

My message for you today is this:
I have a phrase posted on my bedroom mirror that states: 'Creator, how will you express yourself through me today?'  This is my way of striving to be of service.  The Creator sees in us potential and possibility that we often times don't see within ourselves, and so rather than attempt to 'script' exactly how I will serve, I simply open myself to be of service in whatever way Spirit deems would be of benefit on any given day.  At times, I have absolutely been lovingly pushed outside my 'comfort zone'---for example, the first time that I agreed to doing Akashic Records Readings at the Spiritual Farmer's Market at Vitality Crystals and Fountains.  If I told you the story of how this came to be, you would understand that it was Divinely ordered, regardless of my trepidation.  Yet, this definitely felt like an act of service that I was meant to undertake, and it was ultimately a very fulfilling experience for me, as well!  
When you are in service, you are expressing the Light within yourself out into the World, as only YOU can, and although you may not 'see' the overriding benefit, KNOW that you have impacted the collective in a significant way.  Even smiling in understanding and encouragement at the frustrated, disgruntled mother of a toddler in the grocery store line; or helping her to unload her cart of groceries at the till is a beautiful act of service.  This could change the trajectory of the rest of her day in ways you may not witness but are real all the same.  In the bigger scheme of things, you have your own individual talents and abilities that you incarnated with that you are meant to share for the greater good, as well.  Remember this:  your shining your Light only enhances the Universe, yet there may be those who are threatened by your Light and may attempt to dim it.  Shine your Light anyways!  Recognize that as long as you are coming from a heart-centered place of service, you are in the vibration of Love. 
Blessed be...

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