Monday, February 29, 2016

Cause & Effect

It is great to be back!  This is your card reading for Monday, February 29th/16!  A leap year, and this leap day is also a 22 Master Day!!! (And haven't we been taking 'leaps' in our lives, in one way or another?!?) Your card flipped out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman. Your card is 'Cause & Effect', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Cause and Effect states that nothing happens by chance because every effect has its cause.  Your thoughts and feelings have effects, your actions and inactions produce effects, and your choices and reactions cause effects.  The nature of the thought and action you generate matches exactly the nature of the effect you cause.  If you cause 40% happiness and 60% disharmony in your life, this is exactly what the Universe returns to you. The natural process of cause and effect is generally experienced with a time delay:  cause takes time to unfold into effect.  This process can be sped up by aligning all aspects of your being - your thoughts, feelings, and actions.  The more aligned you are in your full beingm, the faster your results will manifest into form.  You can use the wisdom of this law to produce the results you want to experience in your life.  When you know what it is you want to create, discover what will cause the effect you desire.  What thoughts would you need to be thinking?  What feelings would you need to be generating?  What actions would you take? What attitude would you hold?  When you understand what is needed to bring about the results you desire, all that remains is to think, feel, and act accordingly.  This card is telling you that you have the power to cause the results you desire.
Select one element you like in your life, and think back to determine how you created it. Look back at your past actions, choices, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes. Alternatively, consider an element of your life you do not benefit from and trace its origin; take note of the choices made in your internal world of thoughts and feelings and the actions taken by you to create this condition.  You will discover your true power when you acknowledge yourself as the cause of all the events and circumstances in you life."

My message for you today is this:
What a powerful month of transformation February has been!! No wonder it holds that 'extra day' for us in this leap year of 2016! That which you may have been experiencing as 'whispers' of encouragement for making necessary changes within your life circumstances, has been brought into the forefront of your attention in a more urgent way; if you had not been taking action steps to acknowledge what your Soul has been affirming for you.  We have been pushed to release some of our old 'ways of being' and patterns of behavior which may have served us in the past; but which are no longer in alignment with the shifts in our vibration we have been undergoing.  I know how uncomfortable this can be---I myself, have been undergoing this!  Yet, on this 22 Master Day (2+9+0+2+2+0+1+6=22 and 2+2=4)---the first of 21 Master Days that we will experience in 2016---we are reminded that we are not VICTIMS to the prevailing energy shifts.  Rather, we are being deeply EMPOWERED to take responsibility for living our lives consciously and 'on purpose'.  That is to say, making life decisions and choices that are in alignment with WHO WE AUTHENTICALLY ARE, and in honoring that.  You will find some relationships shifting and some simply 'falling away', depending upon how those you have been in relationship with respond to this 'new way of being' that you are embracing.  There may have been some 'grieving' happening for you over this past month, because that which has shifted in your life may have determined making your attitude or perspective and concurrently, your physical life experience.  This all requires a period of adjustment.  Be gentle with yourself, and stand firmly in your TRUTH in order to move through this adjustment period.  We have been pushed to dig deep and to find that place of power within ourselves.  This does not imply that we now move forward from a place of aggression, but rather from a place of compassion---first and foremost for ourselves.  As I have stated here many times:  true self-empowerment NEVER disempowers another!  You have the power!  Embrace it, as well as all of the support that is there for you---from your spiritual advisors and guides on the ethereal plane and those who here in the physical who recognize, honour and love the REAL you, in all it's glory! 
Blessed be... 

Monday, February 15, 2016

No card readings from Monday, February 15th/16 to Monday, February 29th/16

There will be no card readings from Monday, February 15th/16 to Monday, February 29th/16.  We are traveling to Arizona to pack up our Arizona home, which we have sold.
It will be emotional saying goodbye to our Arizona home; but we are very grateful for all of the wonderful experiences and memories created because we had the blessing of this home for 5+ years!  On to new adventures! 
Love and blessings,

Friday, February 12, 2016

Heart's Desires

This is your card reading for Friday, February 12th/15.  Your card twirled sideways out of the 'Life Purpose' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Heart's Desires', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"The angels are supporting, guiding, and protecting you as your dreams become a reality...
'What does your heart desire?'  This is the question that the angels ask of you.  You're at an important juncture in your life when it's time to make decisions about what you want.
No one---not even God and the angels---can make them for you.  Spend time alone in quiet contemplation and consider your heart's desires, as many options are open to you now.
The great news is that once you've clearly pinpointed your deepest desires and know that you deserve them, the doors of opportunity all easily open for you.  You'll dance in partnership with your intuition; first listening to the inner voice and next taking action upon that guidance.  Although your path may involve work and tenacity, it will be smooth and peaceful.
You, like everyone, deserve to be happy.  This is God's will for us all.  Your happiness uplifts the entire world and radiates healing energy wherever you go."

My message for you today is this:
Despite the circumstances you may find yourself in this month, we truly are and have been in a time of encouraging self-empowerment.  Some of us need to be 'pushed to the limit' in order to actually take a stand for ourselves.  Your self-empowered stance comes from a place of self-honouring, self-love and authenticity.  
We have been pushed to dig deep and are now in the position to genuinely hear what our Soul is speaking to us about our heart's desires. Take the steps necessary, knowing that when you follow your heart, ease and grace are your companions.  Call upon your spiritual team to support you along the way.  True self-empowerment NEVER demeans another, but rather, inspires others to stand in their own power also.  
Blessed be...

Thursday, February 11, 2016


This is your card reading for Thursday, February 11th/16.  Your card today twirled out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish (I sure am drawn to Cheryl Lee's decks a lot lately!)  Your card is 'Footprints', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You have beautiful intentions of doing well in this world and having a lasting and positive effect on the planet.  This was a part of the Divine plan you created for yourself before you came here.  Those inner aspirations you feel and the daydreams associated with them are the whisperings of your Soul calling you to your purpose.  This is all part of your journey. The time has come to take the steps necessary to set this dream in motion."

My message for you is this:
You have very likely been frustrated, or upset, or possibly even felt as though you were in crisis, by some of the goings-on in the early part of the month of February.  It has been a powerful month, energetically!  You have not been 'imagining' the intensity!  And, as a sensitive Soul, you feel the impact of the prevalent energies all the more!  Sometimes the 'gift' of sensitivity can feel more like a 'burden', I know. Especially when those close to you don't understand what you are undergoing, because they do not experience energy as you do. This is why the messages of this past week have been advocating that you stand in your power and in your personal Truth, as a means of honouring yourself.  You have likely been pushed to the place where you have no choice but to do so by events and situations you have found yourself in.  Know that the Universe is indeed conspiring in your favour, when you choose to view what is happening from a viewpoint of conscious awareness; even as that can stir up some deep-seated emotions that you had long been denying. You have no option but to process these emotions now, in order that you may move forward in the way that you are meant to at this time.  Yet, remember that you are supported in doing so---call upon that support.  Your Guides, Guardian Angels, and your spiritual team are all available to assist you (including the goddess Brigit, who presented for you this week). It is ironic that it is often when we are in the midst of a 'storm', that we forget to call upon the Divine assistance available to us!
I was guided, again today, to share a portion of Elizabeth Peru's ( message for us regarding the cosmic energies of the day:
"It might seem that your lessons have been coming non-stop this week, and indeed the pace has been accelerated. Over the next 24 hours the planetary influences are strongly positioned to trigger your deeper emotions, which can be a catalyst for change.  Where you have been sitting back waiting to feel motivated or waiting to know what is the right way to turn, now you have no choice but to move.
The events of this week have all conspired to light the fire in your belly and now you are ready to action your requirements.  In fact you should have no trouble acting upon the very projects you have been holding back on thus far in 2016.  What often prevents us from diving into what we love is an unfounded fear of our own success.  This is often the hesitation to breaking new ground.
I urge you to go ahead and prove that fear unfounded.  As I've been suggesting all week, follow where the course of today's events leads you.  You are fulfilling your purpose and becoming satisfied and accomplished by doing so."
How perfectly Elizabeth's message compliments the card that presented for your message today!  I would say that we have actually been experiencing what Elizabeth speaks of here since the beginning of February, rather than just this week. 
You are having drawn to your attention the footprint that you leave upon the world.  Have you been 'taking the steps' that will honour your Soulful intention of the footprint you which to impress upon the world in this lifetime?  This is being brought dramatically into focus for you at this time.  No self-judgment here about what you may perceive as 'missteps' along the way.  From the Divine's point of view, there is no such thing.  Sometimes, it is the 'action from within' that is required---the 'internal work' of processing what you are experiencing.  All the Divine wants for us is that we seek to live our lives from a place of conscious connection to our Higher Selves and to live our lives from a Soulful place.  Creative courage is required here and now... 
Blessed be...

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Brigit ~ Self-Dignity

This is your card reading for Wednesday, February 10th/16.  Your card flipped to the floor out of the 'Awakening of the Divine' card deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes. Each card in this deck is aligned with a specific goddess and crystal. Your card today is 'Brigit ~ Self-Dignity', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"CRYSTAL:  Blue Lace Agate
Do you speak your truth to others?  Do you honor your inner voice?  Are you judging your own thoughts, your physical body, and others around yourself?  Do you have neck related pain in your body?  Do you have intense fire cycles in your life and aren't sure how to balance the energy?
Brigit is a triple Celtic goddess who represents the three parts of a woman's life; the young virgin, the loving mother, and the wise woman (crone).  These three aspects are phases that a woman goes through from childhood to death.  She cumulates a lot wisdom through these stages in her life giving her the name of a wise woman.
You might have drawn this card as you have been holding back in speaking your truth to someone close to you.  You may thing that you are keeping the peace by not rocking the boat and sharing what's on your mind, but physically you may be creating a block in your throat chakra (your communication center), which can lead to dis-ease in the future if this energy isn't cleared.
You may have been receiving guidance that you may wish to begin writing a blog, a book, or will soon begin teaching about the wisdom you have accrued from the wounds in your life. When we go through these painful experiences in life and have extracted the wisdom and light from them, then we are able to share our wisdom with others who are in the healing process.  Don't belittle yourself and think that you don't have great wisdom to share to help others along their spiritual journey.
You are a strong person and now is the time to stand in your power and speak your truth with love.  The more you practise this, the stronger your power will become and the easier it will be to be straightforward with those around you.  You will find that you are doing less out of obligation and more from the heart, which will keep you in a state of balance.  You may find that those around you will respect you even more when you stand in your power and speak from your heart.
You may be in a fire-cycle which means that your body is burning away a lot of old patterns and energy and Brigit can assist you in using the element of water to calm this cycle and bring you back into a state of receiving, as when we are burning we tend to forget that it's important to receive.
AFFIRMATION:  I am lovingly able to express my innermost thoughts to all without fear of judgment and self-doubt.  My inner voice is honored with love, strength, compassion and wisdom with others who may learn from my words and experiences.  My communication originates from the highest dimensions of one."

My message for you today is this:    
Interesting that one of your cards to begin this week was 'Speak Your Truth', and here you are being advised to do so, again.  It is in first speaking our Truth to ourselves, that we are then able to speak it effectively to others.   You were also advised in yesterday's reading to look to the 'why' or the underlying energy behind your intentions. This is an aspect of determining your authentic Truth.  
The irony here is that it is sometimes most difficult to speak our Truth to those we are in closest relationship with, because they have become used to our relating from old patterns that may no longer serve our greater good, and yet had long been your way of 'being'.  And so, when you speak your Truth, they are unsure just how to receive it, creating moments of discord and upset.  Have the courage to speak your Truth, anyhow.  It is necessary!!!
As Elizabeth Peru states regarding the cosmic energies of today, in her Global Tip-Off Energy Forecast that I often refer to here ( 
"...Each one of us needs to know that we are worthy and are being validated in our growth and participation here on the planet.  We have now been acutely reminded of this.  So what is it you are going to do with this fresh insight that has come to your awareness?  Over the next 24 hours there is so much cosmic support to break free and claim the life you most desire. . .
*This energy is rare and special; so let's make the most of it.
*These are very supportive cosmic energies encouraging you to be positive in the areas of expansion, abundance, career and life purpose.
*The universe has been preparing you for this occasion.
*Our psychic senses and intuition are turned to high.
*Trust where soul is leading you.
*Take positive steps in the direction of manifesting and creating your long held dreams and desires." 
I must add to Elizabeth's message that the way in which the Universe is urging you toward authentic self-expression may not be as you would have imagined.  It may even show up as challenging circumstances that you are forced to navigate your way through. Perhaps you had been receiving 'whispers' about some life changes that you needed to make in order to honor yourself; and you were resistant to listening, because to move out of your current 'way of being' would shake up the status quo.  We sometimes cling to the familiar, because it is, well...familiar...and therefore viewed as comfortable. alluded to earlier, those that we are in close relationship with are used to our being a certain way, also, and when we deviate from that, it is not familiar for them anymore.  Despite the fact that they love you, it is human nature to be confused when you shift from a typical way of being, and so they strive you bring you back to what has been familiar in relating to you.  So, the 'whisper' from the Universe becomes a 'shout' that you cannot ignor.  So you are now compelled to make those life changes. The Universe has been conspiring in your favor, even as it may not feel as though it is in certain moments. Know and understand this.
Pay attention to the people and circumstances that are being presented in your realm of experience at this time.  There are lessons there for you.  Deep Soul lessons.
Embrace self-dignity and self-caring and personal Truth.  
Blessed be...
                                                            Blue Lace Agate

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


This is your card reading for Tuesday, February 9th/16.  Your card today dropped out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Why?' and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  Motives driving intention; the power of knowing the 'why.'
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  There is great power in understanding your motives right now. The Oracle asks you to be very clear about WHY you're asking this question, looking for this answer, behaving in this way, and, most important, making this choice.
Knowing your 'why' is the key to fulfillment.  When you are clear about it, your intention will then be a magnet for miracles.  Motives define the nature of your experience---when you think about something, feel it, and then act on it.  This invisible 'why' is the life-force energy within the seed, which brings it to life and holds the potential for growth."

My message for you today is this: 
I have long held to the missive that 'intention is KEY'.  I had this deeply rooted belief challenged by Panache Desai when I was on an Immersion with him on Vancouver Island a year and a half ago.  He pronounced that to set an intention only caused 'suffering'.  My argument was that, had we not all set the 'intention', none of us would be attending that very Immersion!  He argued back, that by getting wrapped up in intention, we would suffer because the experience may not be what we expected. It was a frustrating exchange, that we really didn't gain resolution to at that time!  To be honest, I wondered how someone I appreciated as a vibrational catalyst; who I felt in such alignment with; and who had been so enlightening in many ways; could be so screwed up about INTENTION!  After having discussed the matter over lunch with some fellow participants in this Immersion, I came to the understanding that Panache and I were defining the word INTENTION, very differently. I defined INTENTION as a SEED---as the underlying energy that you give to something. Panache defined INTENTION as a RESULT---the outcome. Completely different!  I had set the intention to attend the Immersion and believe me, I had let go of any expectations about what it may be!  I planted the seed and surrendered to how it would express itself.  THAT is what INTENTION is to me...  
I often say that it is all about the intention behind an action. You can say the exact same phrase---such as 'I really like your hairstyle'---and depending upon your intention behind saying it, it can be a compliment or a put-down.  You can also recite the most beautiful prayer, but if you simply rattle it off unconsciously and have not fuelled it with the power of your intention, it is meaningless and holds no energy.  Yet, you can say a simple few words that are fuelled with intention and they will be a powerful source of transformation. 
In relation to your message today, your 'why' is in essence, fuelling your intention.  What seed are you planting?  What is the underlying reason for planting your seed?  Be very real with yourself about this...not judgmental...just authentic and real.  
For example: "I am setting the intention to speak my personal Truth with clarity."  Why are you feeling inspired to speak your Truth?  Have you felt unheard in some aspect of relationship? This doesn't mean that you must now go forth and preach to every person that you meet exactly what you are feeling and experiencing in every moment!  It means that when you DO feel inspired or compelled to speak or respond to something, you will honour yourself by speaking what is true for YOU, rather than speaking what you believe the other person wants or needs to hear. You will likely find that you will be less aggressive in your means of communicating, because you don't allow resentments to build up to the point that you just release them in one fell swoop, much to the shock of the person in front of you at the time! 
Perhaps, in the past, you have been a people-pleaser and that is just getting less and less comfortable for you.  So you have set the intention to say 'no' to things that just don't feel right for you.  If your 'why' in doing so is because you wish to honour yourself and only say yes to what feels right; or your 'why' is because you are sick and tired of feeling taken advantage of and you are just 'done; with can feel the difference in the energy you bring to either scenario, as well as the probable results.  You are being asked to look honestly and lovingly at your 'why' and how it affects the intentions you set for yourself. 
Believe me...I know that February has been a powerful month already, and that we are being asked to dig deep.  Yet, it is truly all in order to move us toward honouring ourselves and all that we are meant to bring to this world, even though it doesn't always feel that way.
Being 'conscious' isn't always comfortable, but it IS uplifting, in the end... 
What is your 'why' that comes to mind?
Blessed be...

Monday, February 8, 2016

Divine Feminine & Speak Your Truth

This is your card reading for Monday, February 8th/16---the New Moon and Chinese New Year!  Two cards leapt together out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your cards are 'Divine Feminine' and 'Speak Your Truth'.  Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are:
~Divine Feminine~
"This card asks you to begin operating more from a feminine flow of energy, whether you are male or female.  It asks that you allow your power to flow from within, instead of using force.  Be mindful of using a gentle approach to people and situations.  The role of nurturer and healer is important for you and these gifts will blossom when you allow them to naturally emanate from you.  Focus on your relationships with the people you interact with.  You will find that more will be accomplished, while creating peace and harmony for all involved."
~Speak Your Truth~
"It is time to speak your truth.  You no longer need to hold back what you have to say for fear of what others may think.  You are being asked to speak up and share your feelings, your wisdom and whatever is on your mind.  When you have something to say, yet hold your words back through fear, you create a blockage in your energy and life.  Speak up. What you have to say is important and worth being heard.  If you are a public speaker or have a desire to speak publicly, this card encourages you to use your voice and claim your power."

My message for you today is this:
Just prior to typing your message from me today (after having been interrupted repeatedly in attempting to do so), I saw a live Ladybug on the backsplash in my kitchen!  Perhaps, I was repeatedly interrupted so that I could see the Ladybug, before posting your reading today. Of course, to see a live Ladybug is no common occurrence in mid-February, during our Alberta winter (despite the absolutely balmy chinook-inspired weather that we are currently enjoying at +10 C)!  I often espouse how animals (including birds and insects) can act as messengers from the Spirit world, and I believe that that is why Ladybug presented today. According to Ted Andrews, author of 'Animal-Speak', the message that Ladybug shares with us is: "Wish fulfilled... Wish will be fulfilled soon.  Do not push too hard or it will be delayed. Allow efforts to unfold and manifest in the time best for us."
Interesting how Ladybug's appearance ties in with the energies of the New Moon today and the potential and possibilities for manifestation that the New Moon offers us; as well as the beautiful messages, shared in unison, of the fractal art cards that presented for you today. 
Some misconstrue feminine energy as being submissive or passive.  Nothing is farther from the truth!  Divine feminine energy may be gentle but that does not mean compliant!  Often times you gain more ground by consistently taking gentle steps in the right direction, rather than by attempting to muscle your way through something.  Yet, you ARE still taking self-directed action, when you embrace the Divine Feminine within you.  The reason that the Speak Your Truth card accompanied the Divine Feminine card is that in order to truly approach anything from the Divine Feminine within yourself, you must be standing in your personal Truth. Ladybug is here to remind us that when we attempt to force something into a certain way of being, we can actually block it from happening with ease and grace. 
This New Moon, also welcomes the Chinese New Year---the Year of the Red Fire Monkey---and the Monkey is all about being creative and innovative with what you have. (How synchronistic that I had intuited 2016 as the year of 'creative courage' before I was consciously aware that it is the Year of the Red Fire Monkey? Love that!)  
Bottom line...this is an optimal time for being in your power, as the scope for Soul advancement is intense in all the energies that are being offered you.  This CAN feel overwhelming, if you are attempting to orchestrate all that is happening. By all means, engage in a vision for yourself and set goals.  Just do your best not to script every single aspect of how your vision and goals will transpire.  Speak your Truth (especially to yourself); hold your vision; take the action steps as they are presented to you, so as to nurture your vision; trust that your wish is already fulfilled (even if that is not yet apparent in physical form).  
What area of your life is calling your attention to it profoundly right now?  Will you utilize the energies being offered you at this time? Or will you resist and force them? Or will you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by them?  The choice is yours. 
Choose creative courage.  Be in your power. You are so supported in doing so!
Blessed be...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Life is life... is life...and such as it is, this week just hasn't been conducive to my being able to post your card readings...
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to visit here for the messages that I love sharing with you each day! 
Please check back here on Monday, February 8th/16 for your next card reading.
Love and blessings,

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


This is your card reading for Tuesday, February 2nd/16 (my apologies that your reading didn't get posted yesterday...the internet was really acting up, and is slow even today!)
Your card flipped out of the 'Messages From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Francesca', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"What do you desire right now? Visualize it, and it will come about.  Negativity will block your progress...
You have been asking God and the angels, 'What is next for me? Yet, we have been waiting for you to make that decision for yourself!  That is why you have felt stuck lately.  This impasse occurs because you are afraid of making a 'wrong' decision. We can help you to decide, but ultimately, the next chapter of your life is up to you.  This is a period of your life that is unscripted.
Your desires are like a painting that you create upon the canvas of your life.  Like an artist, you must decide what the theme, background, and foreground will be within your picture. Take some time out to meditate, pray upon, and contemplate this important decision.  Be creative, and maintain standards for yourself.  But remember:  If you don't make a decision, that's the same thing as deciding that everything shall remain the same."

My message for you today is this:
I truly believe in philosophy behind the quote by Wayne Dyer: "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."  How you experience life is often about your perspective and the lens through which you view it.  If you see your life from the lens of a victim, then you will dwell in victimhood, and thereby draw more of the same situations to you.  If you view your life and the experiences within it as opportunities and guideposts toward growth, then you will be proactive in moving in a positive direction. You are the artist, as Doreen alluded to, in her message above. Easy to understand and grasp and even to BELIEVE, but not always easy to implement in every aspect of our lives.  Choosing to live 'consciously' is not always comfortable and 'easy'---quite the opposite---it often requires that we get REAL with ourselves and take responsibility for what is currently going on in our lives.  Ironically, it is when we find ourselves in tumultuous times and energies that we forget, or don't  take the time, to connect with our Higher Selves and the spiritual guidance and support that are available to us.  Francesca is reminding you to draw on that...
Blessed be...