Monday, February 8, 2016

Divine Feminine & Speak Your Truth

This is your card reading for Monday, February 8th/16---the New Moon and Chinese New Year!  Two cards leapt together out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your cards are 'Divine Feminine' and 'Speak Your Truth'.  Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are:
~Divine Feminine~
"This card asks you to begin operating more from a feminine flow of energy, whether you are male or female.  It asks that you allow your power to flow from within, instead of using force.  Be mindful of using a gentle approach to people and situations.  The role of nurturer and healer is important for you and these gifts will blossom when you allow them to naturally emanate from you.  Focus on your relationships with the people you interact with.  You will find that more will be accomplished, while creating peace and harmony for all involved."
~Speak Your Truth~
"It is time to speak your truth.  You no longer need to hold back what you have to say for fear of what others may think.  You are being asked to speak up and share your feelings, your wisdom and whatever is on your mind.  When you have something to say, yet hold your words back through fear, you create a blockage in your energy and life.  Speak up. What you have to say is important and worth being heard.  If you are a public speaker or have a desire to speak publicly, this card encourages you to use your voice and claim your power."

My message for you today is this:
Just prior to typing your message from me today (after having been interrupted repeatedly in attempting to do so), I saw a live Ladybug on the backsplash in my kitchen!  Perhaps, I was repeatedly interrupted so that I could see the Ladybug, before posting your reading today. Of course, to see a live Ladybug is no common occurrence in mid-February, during our Alberta winter (despite the absolutely balmy chinook-inspired weather that we are currently enjoying at +10 C)!  I often espouse how animals (including birds and insects) can act as messengers from the Spirit world, and I believe that that is why Ladybug presented today. According to Ted Andrews, author of 'Animal-Speak', the message that Ladybug shares with us is: "Wish fulfilled... Wish will be fulfilled soon.  Do not push too hard or it will be delayed. Allow efforts to unfold and manifest in the time best for us."
Interesting how Ladybug's appearance ties in with the energies of the New Moon today and the potential and possibilities for manifestation that the New Moon offers us; as well as the beautiful messages, shared in unison, of the fractal art cards that presented for you today. 
Some misconstrue feminine energy as being submissive or passive.  Nothing is farther from the truth!  Divine feminine energy may be gentle but that does not mean compliant!  Often times you gain more ground by consistently taking gentle steps in the right direction, rather than by attempting to muscle your way through something.  Yet, you ARE still taking self-directed action, when you embrace the Divine Feminine within you.  The reason that the Speak Your Truth card accompanied the Divine Feminine card is that in order to truly approach anything from the Divine Feminine within yourself, you must be standing in your personal Truth. Ladybug is here to remind us that when we attempt to force something into a certain way of being, we can actually block it from happening with ease and grace. 
This New Moon, also welcomes the Chinese New Year---the Year of the Red Fire Monkey---and the Monkey is all about being creative and innovative with what you have. (How synchronistic that I had intuited 2016 as the year of 'creative courage' before I was consciously aware that it is the Year of the Red Fire Monkey? Love that!)  
Bottom line...this is an optimal time for being in your power, as the scope for Soul advancement is intense in all the energies that are being offered you.  This CAN feel overwhelming, if you are attempting to orchestrate all that is happening. By all means, engage in a vision for yourself and set goals.  Just do your best not to script every single aspect of how your vision and goals will transpire.  Speak your Truth (especially to yourself); hold your vision; take the action steps as they are presented to you, so as to nurture your vision; trust that your wish is already fulfilled (even if that is not yet apparent in physical form).  
What area of your life is calling your attention to it profoundly right now?  Will you utilize the energies being offered you at this time? Or will you resist and force them? Or will you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by them?  The choice is yours. 
Choose creative courage.  Be in your power. You are so supported in doing so!
Blessed be...

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