Thursday, April 30, 2015

Universal Law of Inspiration

This is your card reading for Thursday, April 30th/15.  Your card dropped out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Inspiration', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Inspiration states that inspired ideas, visions, and thoughts originate from the one universal mind.  Because all minds are one and interconnected, all individuals have access to the knowledge, wisdom, and genius of the one universal mind. The individual is inspired by the universal mind when living in harmony with the Universe.  Be open and receptive to the guidance that will come your way.  Inspiration can come in a variety of forms.  Perhaps a great idea will enter your mind, or a friend may inspire you with the solution you have been asking for, or something you see may initiate a series of thoughts that lead you to a creative breakthrough.  Allow yourself to be inspired by a source that can see the whole picture.  You will know you have been inspired because you can feel it. If you want to receive inspiration, ask for it.  It will come.  Be patient and pay attention.  Remain relaxed and trust that the Universe is sending you exactly what you need.  If you have been seeking direction or guidance in a particular area of your life, this card is telling you to pay attention to your inspired thoughts."

My message for you is this:
Have you ever had a thought or idea come to you and wonder, 'now where did THAT come from'?  All the while, you had a 'knowing' that it was an inspired thought or idea, that is meant to be expressed through you.  We all incarnate with our own special aptitudes and abilities that allow us to act as the conduit through which the Universal mind may be expressed.  Perhaps your aptitude is for writing, or public speaking, or painting, or drawing, or singing, or playing music, or working with numbers, or inventing, or working with animals or the environment...  Regardless, I KNOW that you have experienced moments of Divine inspiration!  When you are being inspired by the Divine, what you are creating flows effortlessly and just feels natural and 'right'...and often times you are left feeling amazed yourself by what has been created, even though it was expressed through you!  It is that wonderful feeling of being 'connected' and in perfect alignment with all that you are and all that is.  In order to draw the experience of being inspired CONSCIOUSLY into your life, it is necessary that you SURRENDER.  The Universal mind holds such limitless possibilities for you.  I have a little prayer that I often say first thing in the morning: 'Creator, how will you express yourself through me today?'  In essence, this prayer is my way of asking for inspiration (the word 'inspire' means 'in Spirit'). This prayer opens me up to the Universal mind and the Divine as a conduit, utilizing my own unique talents and abilities for the betterment of my own life and the lives of others.  Once you ask to be inspired, surrender to how and when that inspiration will be presented to you.  Be open and aware to the multitude of ways that you may be inspired...then act on your inspiration.  When you are given an inspiration you may ask yourself, 'why me'?  Well...why not you?  Trust that you were given this inspiration for a reason and then bravely act upon it. We all benefit when you strive to live an inspired life!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Universal Law of Present Moment

This is your card reading for Wednesday, April 29th/15.  I will be using the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman, for your readings this week.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Present Moment', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Present Moment states that all power is in the present. You do not have any power in the past, and you do not have any power in the future.  The only time and place where you have full access to your power is in the now.  You are fully engaged in the now when you allow yourself to experience whatever the moment has to offer you---without judgment, distraction, or resistance.  You instantly divide your attention from the present moment if you are in any way resistant to what you are experiencing.  The present moment is still and silent and is found beyond your mind's chatter.  Cultivate a calm mind and open heart to fully experience the present moment.  To consciously create in the present moment, act as though you are already in the state of reality you desire to manifest.  Act with your whole self, including your thoughts, feelings, speech, actions and body language.  By bringing the qualities that you want to manifest in the present moment, you make an impression upon the Universe and your ideal is brought toward you."

My message for you today is this:
Wow!  Today's message is DEEP...and yet fundamentally SIMPLE!  In 1997, Eckhart Tolle published a book entitiled, 'The Power of Now'.  Somehow, that book came to my attention in the early 2000's and I remember 'slugging' my way slowly through it (I usually devour books because I am an avid reader), until I just placed it aside with the final chapters left unread.  Some years later, Oprah Winfrey created a series on tv, where she and Eckhart presented and discussed his book 'The Power of Now', chapter by picked up my copy once again and joined them on that journey.  It is clear that Eckhart was not someone who was seeking to be 'the messenger' or to be in the limelight in any way; and he does not have the charisma or appearance or demeanor of a typical New Age thought leader!  Yet, his message has emanated throughout the world, and many are embracing and now also proclaiming the importance of striving to be in the 'present moment'.  I believe that this quote from Eckhart's book encapsulates the core meaning of the 'present moment':
"Nothing has happened in the past; it happened in the Now.  Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now."
Today, you are being reminded to strive to fully BE in the present moment.  Yes...we are here in this physical experience, and so it IS necessary, at times, to look to and plan for the future. To have goals and dreams and to BELIEVE in them, as though they are happening to you NOW, is one of the most powerful means of manifesting them!  It is also true that our past has influenced who we are in the NOW, but to RESIDE in the past, rather than in the present, simply recreates the past and those old patterns and ways of being in the NOW. In order to utilize your past and the learning incurred, you need to focus upon the present and the choices that you make in the present, rather than focusing upon the 'mistakes' or 'regrets' that you cannot change from the past. 'When you know better, you do better.'
Now, many of the contemporary thought leaders are encouraging us to understand that our only point of power is in the present moment.  To be present means to make conscious choices and to interact with what is happening NOW...not what happened previously or what you are projecting may happen.  I have been calling 2015 the year of 'conscious action', and that means taking action in the moment that is guided by your higher self, rather than just unconsciously responding to what is happening around you. We live in a world where there are so many distractions and we are inundated with information and stimulus...strive, when possible, to be FULLY in the present moment. In doing so, you will find that your life moves with such ease and grace.
Blessed be...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Universal Law of Symbolism

This is your card reading for Tuesday, April 28th/15.  Your card flew to the floor from the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creations' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Symbolism', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Symbolism states that your external world is a reflection of your internal world and that all parts of this reflection have meaning.  There are no coincidences, and everything present in your environment is there for a reason.  Everything is meaningful.  The Universe is in constant communication with you through the objects, people, and circumstances that make up your environment.  By learning to look more deeply into the symbolic meaning of your surroundings, you can participate in this communication. You are able to recognize through intuition, repetition, and synchronicity when the Universe is using something in your environment as a sign or symbol.  When your intuition senses that something in your environment is particularly relevant, trust the feeling and ask yourself what this sign might mean to you.  If something captures your attention again and again, pay attention.  By questioning the attributes of the sign or symbol, you will come to decipher deeper meaning.  To decode a sign, ask yourself the following questions: what does this sign make me think of? How do I feel when I see the sign? Under what circumstances does the sign appear? What does this sign symbolize to me? If you have chosen this card, the Universe is trying to get your attention.  Watch for the signs.
Practise perceiving a deeper meaning in material objects by imagining the Universe is sending you a sign right now.  Look around and pick out an object that seems to stand out. Ask yourself, 'If the Universe was using this object to communicate with me, what would the message be?"

My message for you is this:
I have stated here many times my belief that there is NO coincidence...only synchronicity, which is Spirit's way of guiding, supporting, and communicating with us.  Our role is to be CONSCIOUS and to be aware of the signs.  My oldest son has a sign in his home that says: 'If you're looking for a sign, this is it!'  He bought it because I have spoken to my family many times about watching for the signs that Spirit will use to communicate with us, and our family fully embraces that belief. When my mother-in-law and I were sitting at my father-in-law's bedside in 2002, as he was close to passing, my mother-in-law said to him, 'Let me know that you are alright by showing me a very special yellow flower.'  She wanted a sign or symbol that he had crossed over into the Spirit world and that all was well with him, and she chose a flower because they had spent many hours together during their retirement years, working in their gorgeous garden.  Although he was non-responsive by that time, she just trusted that he had heard her, and he passed peacefully that very day.  Some months later, when our son, Jayden, was in Istanbul, Turkey, I expressed to my mother-in-law that I had been worried about him lately, and she told me that she wasn't worried because she had sent Opa (her crossed-over husband, and my son's grandpa) to be with Jayden.  The next day, I received a call from Jayden saying he had been on this tour of an amazing garden in Istanbul, which Holland had created as a gift to the city (my in-laws had immigrated to Canada from Holland as a newly married couple) and that he had been compelled to take a picture of this one area which was a field of red tulips with one solitary yellow tulip blooming boldly amidst all the red ones!  Jayden had not been present when his Oma had made the request of his Opa about the yellow flower. I immediately shared the story with him, and we both KNEW that Opa had made himself known to all of us in this beautiful, synchronistic way!  Upon his return to Canada, Jayden gifted his Oma with a framed photo of that bright yellow tulip amongst the sea of red tulips with a plaque that read: 'His love is always with us.' 
If you are conscious and aware, the Universe will communicate with you by utilizing that which is in your environment in a way that you can understand and receive.  Your role is to TRUST, ALLOW, and BELIEVE.  How do you know that it's a symbol for you?  You will JUST is that simple, and that profound.  When something stands out for you, pay attention.  We are inundated with so many experiences and stimulation in the course of any given day, that when something draws your attention to it, that is happening for a reason. 
Over time, you may find that specific symbols mean specific things for you, and they will appear regularly.  For example: when I am doing a reading for a client, when I experience pain in my right ear, that is my symbol that harsh words have been expressed toward my client by someone.  Whenever a red bird draws my conscious attention (whether in a picture, or in nature), I know that that is my mother-in-law's Spirit expressing to me.  When I see a blue butterfly, or the words to the song 'I love you, a bushel and a peck' present in some way, that is my Mom's Spirit making it's presence known to me.  You will have your own unique symbols that become your 'communication system' with the Universe.  
Always express gratitude for this communication...just pause, receive and give thanks.
Your Guides, Guardian Angels, Crossed-Over loved ones and all aspects of the Universe employ symbolism to commune with you.  Be open and aware and grateful!
Blessed be...

Monday, April 27, 2015

We are back from our motorcycle trip!

We arrived back to our Anthem, Arizona home late last evening from our amazing motorcycle holiday with friends!  We are pictured above, riding into Key West, Florida.
During our 2 weeks, we rode:
~ through Arizona and New Mexico experiencig some cool, rainy weather.
~ to San Antonio, Texas, where we took in the unique 'River Walk' that San Antonio is known for, as well as the site of the infamous battle of the Alamo. 
~on to Galveston, Texas...what a beautiful coastal city with a gorgeous sea walk on the Gulf of Mexico, that we rode in along!  Houses on stilts in vibrant colors!  Who knew that Galveston was an island?
~arrived to New Orleans with plans to stay a couple of nights so we could spend a full day taking in this unique city.  We enjoyed the only sunny day that New Orleans had had for a full week---great timing!  In the morning, we took a private four hour tour to take in the various aspects of the city...and what a historic, diverse, and devastated (in areas) city, it is---with a culture all it's own!  We had our tour guide drop us off in the French Quarter and we walked and shopped our way through that, and had dinner on the infamous 'Bourbon Street', where our balcony table afforded us a great view of the shenanigans!  If you are in to people watching, the French Quarter DOES NOT disappoint, and Bourbon Street was rocking already at 6:00 p.m. on Friday evening! 
~traveled from New Orleans, Louisiana, into Mississippi (wow...there were some gorgeous coastal cities, including Long Beach and Golfport, with fine white sand beaches and impressive beachfront homes), then into Alabama (which also surprised us with it's gorgeous Gulf Coast beaches).  We rode through such lush and prosperous agricultural communities in Mississippi and Alabama, too.  Gorgeous day of riding through 4 states, arriving at Panama City, Florida for the night.
~the rest of our bike trip was spent touring around Florida including:  amazing coastal rides where the colour of the water is intense blues and greens; through the lush Everglades; up through the outstanding Florida Keys area ( the 110 mile ride from Key Largo to Key West was simply incredible, with a combination of quaint ocean townsites and lengthy bridges that joined the keys and traversed the Gulf and Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean); and finally arriving to the very busy Orlando area. 
~during our trip we took in an airboat tour of the Everglades (which is the only way to truly see the beauty and diversity of the Everglades); we did a 27 mile Jet Ski tour of the perimeter of Key West, which had us riding in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean (great way to take in the island); and a zip line tour at Sanford, (by Orlando) that included 8 zip lines and 3 suspension bridges (what a viewpoint you get from up there!) 
~then the motorcycles went into storage at a Harley dealership, until we fly in to Orlando to resume our adventure up the Eastern seaboard next September!
Feeling very blessed to have had this great experience with great friends!
I will resume posting your card readings tomorrow and I am excited about that, too!
Blessings to you,

Friday, April 10, 2015

No card readings from April 13th/15 to April 24th/15

There will be no card readings from Monday, April 13th/15 to Friday, April 24th/15.
We will be away on our annual spring motorcycle trip with our friends.
This trip takes us from our home here in Anthem, Arizona; down to San Antonio, Texas; on to New Orleans; and then over into the Florida Keys; concluding in Orlando, Florida.
Your card readings will resume on Monday, April 27th/15. 
My deepest gratitude to you, for taking time out of your day to visit these readings, and for 'liking', 'sharing', and commenting when you are inspired to do so!  Posting these readings is joyful for me!
Blessings to you,


This is your card reading for Friday, April 10th/15.  Your card is from the 'Return to Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Divinity' and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are a beautiful, wise, and loving soul who has braved the perils and difficulty of incarnation to be here on Earth and in service to humanity.  You uplift the energy and consciousness of others through the work that you do, whether you are aware of it or not. There are billions of souls residing on the planet at this time, yet only a small number of them are here to help humanity evolve to its fullest potential---and you are one of those souls.  Who you are, is a gift to this world.  Even at the best of times it can be difficult to remember this; especially when being human feels so real.
Your connection to Spirit is much stronger than you think.  You are a living, breathing channel of the Divine.  It moves through you in all that you do.  It flows through the words that you speak, even when you don't intend it to.  In every situation, you are a transmitter of the higher cosmic energies and wisdom.
It is those who have the greatest gifts who most often face the biggest challenges in life. Hold your head up and keep your faith.  These challenges are the means to seeing and understanding the strength, wisdom, and compassion you hold within yourself.  On a higher level, your soul chose to have a direct experience of the trials you have faced.  Through each event, you have become better equipped and skilled, so that you in turn could help others.
You are a very special soul, with an important part to play in the healing and betterment of the people of this planet.  You are born to be in service to humanity through the Divine gifts and knowledge you have carried with you into this lifetime.  You are here to ignite the Light in others, to realize their own Divinity."

My message for you today is this:
This is such a PERFECT card to present for you to close out this week!  
As I was typing Cheryl Lee's message for you, this verse from an Alanis Morissette song kept playing in my head: "What if God was one of us?  Just a slob like one of us, Just a stranger on the bus, Trying to make His way home..."   I would venture a guess that when you read Cheryl Lee's message for this card, you were thinking, 'But HOW do I play an important role in the healing and betterment of the people of this planet'?  Why ME? Well...why NOT you?  Often times we assume that we must hold some sort of formal position, such as a spiritual leader; or a professional healer; or a famed public speaker and motivator; in order to affect change or influence our environment, and thereby, the World. Not true!  I am thinking of a dear friend who has been a wife and mother all of her adult life. She has not held any 'illustrious positions', in terms of 'employment', yet I have witnessed the difference that she has made in the lives of those around her!  She is a very positive person and has a joy and enthusiasm for life and it's experiences---'kindness' is her religion, just as the Dalai Lama has expressed it as his.  I call her a 'gracious communicator'!  She has also been an excellent role model in how to deal with profound grief, following the tragic loss of her granddaughter.  She absolutely influences those who have the great good fortune to cross her path---I doubt that she would describe herself as having been a role model for others, but others see it.  The point is, due to the 'ripple effect', you often never fully appreciate the effect that you have upon others.
Alanis Morissette expresses in her song, that we should not hold preconceived notions about just HOW the Divine will be expressed in our humanness.  We ALL hold a Divine spark within us...yet some Souls have made the commitment to elevate the planet and to serve as a conduit for Divine expression.  Please know that YOU are one of those Souls because the Universe has conspired to have you read this message today!  You DO NOT have to have lived a 'perfect' life, to be an expression of the Divine---quite the opposite is often true!  It is those who have fully experienced this physical experience who can best hold compassion, rather than judgment, for others as they navigate their lives.  What a beautiful orchestration by the Divine that Alanis wrote the song, 'What if God was one of us', so many years ago, and now she is one of the key-note speakers at large spiritual events such as the 'Celebrate Your Life' conferences.  I am sure that if you had suggested that possibility to Alanis at the time that she wrote the song, she would not have envisioned THAT for herself!  
Open yourself up as a conduit for the Divine to be expressed in the World.  Allow the Divine to implement you and your unique talents and abilities in that expression. Do not waste any time in comparing yourself to others. Simply reside in the knowing that you are meant to shine your Light in your own way.  We all have our own role to play. The best way to do this is by honouring who YOU are, and in also striving to recognize the Divinity in others...even when it is not apparent on the 'outside'.  Another song that came to mind, for your message today is the one by the group, Emerson Drive, titled 'Moments'.  In this song, a young man is headed to a city bridge with the intention to end his life, when a homeless man living in a cardboard box under the bridge recognizes in the young man, his desperation.  This homeless man intervenes by simply standing in silence with the man...
This is an excerpt from the song that illustrates that 'angels' come in all forms here on Earth:
"...I know somewhere 'round that trashcan fire tonight
That old man tells his story one more time
He says
I've had my moments, days in the sun
Moments I was second to none
Moments when I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do
Like that cool night on the E. Street Bridge
When a young man almost ended it
I was right there, wasn't scared a bit
And I helped to pull him through
Lookin' at me now you might not know it
But I've had my moments".
I KNOW that you have also had your moments...both in acting as an Earth Angel for another and in having had the grace of having had an Earth Angel assist and support you in your time of need.  How then can we do anything other than to have faith in Divinity in all of it's expressions?
Blessed be...

Thursday, April 9, 2015


This is your card reading for Thursday, April 9th/15.  Your card slid out of the 'Healing With the Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Harmony', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"CARD MEANING:  Conflict is resolved in a situation that was troubling you.  Know that you deserve this peace and happiness, and accept it graciously...
Beloved child of God, you are a peace-lover at heart.  This card comes to you as a sign of new harmony that dawns upon you.  Let go of viewing the situation as troubled, and see yourself and others through the eyes of your guardian angels.  In this way, you'll look past the surface and see the beauty that eternally shines within everyone.  
By shifting your viewpoint to the angelic perspective, you become an Earth angel.  Holding an elevated viewpoint sparks miraculous healings in all of your relationships.  Conflict drops away, revealing the clean and new truth about everyone and everything."

My message for you today is this:
Your message today is not only about harmony in regards to relationship with others, but also about harmony in relationship with Self, which is where ALL HARMONY begins!  When you are at peace with yourself, then peace will be your experience, regardless of extenuating circumstances.  Yet, many of us have felt anything but peaceful and harmonious over these past weeks.  We have just come through a highly volatile time, energetically, where much was brought to the surface so that we could deal with it CONSCIOUSLY.  Whew!  It felt somewhat like being put through the ringer at times, didn't it?  We were truly striving to make space to embody the Light that is being inflowed to us as a collective, and to receive that Light in a mindful way.  We have been encouraged to bring into the Light, those 'darker' aspects of ourselves---not so that we can examine them from a place of self-judgment or guilt---but from that elevated perspective of viewing how our 'dark side' has served us and to see the 'unfolding' of it all. The word 'harmony', in terms of musicality, means to bring together various individual tones to create a symphony of sound. We are being asked to bring into harmony ALL that we are---to acknowledge our 'humanness'---even as we strive to express the best of ourselves into the world.  What you would have formally judged as 'darkness' within you---such as your anger, rage, envy, grief, guilt, fear---has now all been revealed as essential 'notes' in the 'harmony' that is your life. These 'dark' emotions (and Panache states that all emotions are simply 'energy in motion') are not 'dark' at all, we have come to realize.  It is the actions that you take in regards to experiencing these emotions that denote your growth and maturation on your Spiritual path. To deny that you are feeling certain emotions, only serves to have them take up residence within you as what Panache terms 'vibrational density'.  'When you know better, you do better', and we have been embroiled in the 'knowing better' of late!  We have been urged to release old 'vibrational density', so that we can come into harmony with the energies and the Light that the Earth has been receiving.  So...when you experience fear or anger, or any 'negative' emotion, henceforth, rather than attempt to stifle it or drop into self-judgment because you are feeling it...BE WITH IT!  Yet, CHOOSE how you will react to it.  Your fear and anger---and even your rage--- can be very constructive emotions in your life---they only become destructive if you express these energies in a destructive way.  The most beautiful HARMONY is composed of high AND low notes---an amazing spectrum of sound.  To come into HARMONY, means to acknowledge ALL the notes---to see their value, and even their beauty---as contributing to the music that is your life.  All that we had been experiencing is truly the Universe contriving to bring us into harmony with ourselves, which in turn denotes being in harmony with our surroundings and circumstances, and relationships with others.
Acknowledge the various 'notes' that compose who you are, and in so doing, you are better able to acknowledge and accept the various 'notes' that compose those you are in relationship with...creating the space for Harmony.
Blessed be...

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Universal Law of Perfection

This is your card reading for Wednesday, April 8th/15.  Your card slid out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Perfection', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Perfection states that all form exists in a state of perfection because all form is made from that which is flawless.  You are perfect as you are because you are made from that which is perfect.  Life unfolds perfectly, whether or not you perceive it this way.  The Universe is reminding you that there is an absolute reality beyond what you can grasp consciously.  Trust that there is much more going on than you are aware of and that all things ultimately come together perfectly.  Make a habit of changing how you perceive the world around you by acknowledging the perfection inherent in nature and the Universe.  The more you look for perfection in the world, the more you will find it.  The Universe is telling you that all things are perfect just as they are.  Trust that the entire Universe is conspiring in your favour, even when things appear not to be going your way.  You cannot imagine the infinite possibilities that are aligning with you right now."

My message for you today is this:
Panache Desai, a new-thought leader and vibrational catalyst whom I have had the privilege of studying with (and will be again, here in Scottsdale, AZ, May 1st - 3rd), makes this same declaration in his teachings.  He tells us that we are perfect---just as we are---because we come from the Divine, which is perfection itself.  As Panache is known to say frequently, "You don't need 'fixing' because there is nothing 'wrong' with you."  A radical idea that is highly opposed to what we have been indoctrinated with culturally here in North America!
Historically we were taught that we must absolve our 'sins' and earn our way into Heaven...that we would never 'be enough', no matter how we tried...that we must continually strive to be more, have more and achieve more in order to be worthy.  
Yet we have also had messengers along the way who understood the grand picture and who shared these beliefs with us, such as in this excerpt from the beautiful Desiderata poem, written in 1927 by Max Ehrmann, which gained huge popularity for it's insight and ideology:
"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.  And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
(I invite you to 'google' the Desiderata poem and to read it in it's is a beautiful expression.)
Max Ehrmann's words, "no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should", and the message that is shared with you through the authors of this card deck in their message above, "Life unfolds perfectly, whether or not you perceive it that way"  inspire a reaction within us. I know exactly what comes to mind for you when you read that, because it came to mind for me initially, too---'how can some of my painful life experiences be considered to be perfect?' Often, when we have allowed enough time to pass, and we reflect back upon our painful experiences, we ARE able to see the lessons, and even the blessings, in them.  They served to shift us in a way that is often pivotal in our lives.  I am NOT saying that it is necessary to experience pain to grow, or that the only growth that happens comes from struggle, but we humans can become so ingrained in patterns and ways of being that it sometimes takes a radical situation to shake us up enough to affect change.  What your message today is relating to you is that you are PERFECT through this entire process---even when you are at 'rock bottom'---from the viewpoint of the Divine you are worthy just because you ARE! 
Today's message is a 'deep' one, that is cause for reflection, and yes, celebration!  There is no 'there' that you need to get to.  There is no 'someone' that you need to become.  There is no acquisition that you need to strive for.  YOU are unfolding just as you are meant to, and you are loved unconditionally as you do so.  How powerful is that?  THAT is the expression of the Universal Law of Perfection.  All the Divine wants for you is that you honor yourself and embrace and express your TRUE and authentic self, as NOONE else can.  Know that YOU are enough, just as you are at this very moment in time. Share the Light that resides within you. 
Blessed be...

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


This is your card reading for Tuesday, April 7th/15.  Your card today sprung out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Fairies', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are being asked to watch for situations that may get you 'fired up'.  Remember, every experience you have is a part of your learning.
If you do find yourself in an uncomfortable situation do your best to stay in the moment.  Be mindful and do not allow yourself to slip back into old patterns.  By staying true to who you are now, you will find the situation will resolve easily.  The fairies are showing you the magic of staying present and heart centered."

My message for you today is this:
Notice the golden colour within the image on this fractal art card at the center of the opening, and framing the opening---also in the beautiful Yellow Bell blooms on the shrub with which your card has been photographed.  This is the color of your Solar Plexus Chakra
---the energy center in your body where you experience your personal power and acceptance of Self.  The recent energy that we were in with the Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse was urging us to release that which was holding us back from fully claiming our personal power. You have indeed experienced a shift in that regard!  Old patterns and ways of approaching confrontation or challenges are falling away and you ARE approaching your life experiences from a more self-empowered and self-honoring place. The Fairies are here with you today to validate the shift that is occurring within you, and to remind you that although you may occasionally fall back into old patterns when under stress, those old patterns will no longer be your 'status quo', as they once were.  You are now conscious of these old patterns and that awareness alone has shifted you.  You've no doubt heard the adage 'when you know better, you do better'.  Do not drop into self-judgment about old patterns, even if they make random reappearances at times---these patterns served you in some way and there were lessons within them that fuelled your growth and evolution as a Soul.  We truly are shifting toward a heart-centered, cooperative way of being, as a collective, but this happens in stages.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling 'fired up'---such feelings serve as guideposts regarding our personal boundaries and self-respect, and where we may need to make adjustments in our relationships and life situations in this regard.  Yet, although you may feel 'fired up', it doesn't mean that you need to breathe fire to rectify the situation!  Fairy energy is Angelic energy that is close to the Earth and to Nature, vibrationally, which makes these Angelic beings very accessible to us here in the physical. Fairy energy is supportive and yet encourages us to take a 'lighter', not so serious approach---they are playful and definitely reside in the 'NOW'!  Call upon the Fairies to assist you with staying present.  While we lovingly acknowledge the past and ALL that brought you to where you are now, the PRESENT is where your true place of power resides!  The energy shared with you in this fractal art card today is one of empowerment, and opening to possibilites as the Fairies view this for you.
Blessed be...

Monday, April 6, 2015

Archangel Gabrielle

This is your card reading for Monday, April 6th/15.  Your card sprung out of the 'Messages From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Archangel Gabrielle', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You have an important life purpose involving communication and the arts.  Please don't allow insecurities to hold you back.  I will help you...
ADDITIONAL MESSAGE:  I am with you as one of your guardian angels.   You may wonder why an archangel is with you.  I help many people simultaneously, and you are among them.  I help those whose life purpose is in the arts or communication.  I will help you polish and trust in your natural talents.  Then I will open doors for you to express those talents in a way that will help others.
What I need from you in return is honesty and cooperation.  Tell me about your fears, your hopes, your confusion, your insecurities, and your dreams.  Ask me to help you.  And then, please walk through the doors of opportunity that I open for you.  I am on your side completely!  My function is to be your coach, and as such, I may prod you along.  Please know that I am only pushing you because I know that you need a little boost from above."

My message for you today is this:
Archangel Gabrielle's name means 'messenger of God'.  The Archangels are Light Beings and are neither 'masculine' nor 'feminine' in form...yet because we are here in the physical, they present to us in a way that we can relate to.  Due to the life themes that they assist us with the Archangels present to us as either male or female.  Archangel 'Gabrielle' is sometimes denoted as Archangel 'Gabriel'---so you will see this Archangel presented variously as either male or female in representation.  I personally have always related closely with Archangel Gabrielle (I believe this is due to my 'teacher energy'; because I studied dance from the ages of 3 to 16 years old; and because I have always loved to write---all aspects of communication in some form) and I experience this Archangel as a 'feminine' energy.  There is no right or wrong way for you to experience Gabrielle, or any of the Archangels---the only important thing here is that you call upon them to assist and support you in your Earthly experience---for that is their Divine mission!   Having said that, many 'see' Gabrielle's aura as copper in color, and a crystal that is said to align well with her energy is Citrine.  As I view Archangel Gabrielle as the 'Archangel of communication',  I associate Blue Topaz and Blue Calcite (the colors of the Throat Chakra) with Archangel Gabrielle, and I wear these crystals when I intend to call her energy to me.  Work with this Archangel in whatever way resonates with you, keeping in mind that the Archangels will show up for you in the way that YOU can best relate to.  Archangel Gabrielle has presented today to assist us with this accelerated period of spiritual growth that we are in at this time. It is my belief and experience that we all incarnate with at least 2 Guardian Angels, and that additional Guardian Angels will present to be with us throughout our lives, depending upon our life circumstances.  Some of these additional Guardian Angels will remain with us for the duration of our Earthly lives, and others will remain with us only as we 'work' our way through certain themes.  Archangels are Light Beings, and therefore have the ability to 'bi-locate'---meaning to be in multiple places simultaneously---so you are not keeping them from working with another Soul when you ask them to be with you.  Archangel Gabrielle recognizes that many of us are being challenged at this time to really 'step up to the plate', in regards to expressing our authentic selves out into the World.  She is here to lovingly encourage us in that expression.  We have just come through a powerful period, energetically, where we were asked to shed at a deep level that which was holding us back. Now is the time to take 'conscious action' (that is what I feel the theme of 2015 is---'conscious action') and to move forward in the way that your Soul is calling you to.  This may realistically mean taking small steps, rather than giant leaps...just ensure that you are making that forward movement.  Call upon Archangel Gabrielle and even ask that this energy remain with you as you strive to express what YOU are here to express.  No comparing yourself with others---the time for that is over---we are now in the energy of authentic self-expression and self-empowerment. What does that look like for you?  It's time to be honest with yourself and to know that you have Divine support available to you---just ask!  Here we go...into the week following a most intense weekend, energetically, where we did a lot of releasement! open to the possibilities that your Soul and the Universe are presenting to you!
Blessed be... 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse!!!

Today's Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse is a wonderful opportunity for releasing, at the deepest level, whatever old patterns and ways of being are holding you back from diving into your fullest potential.  Add to this, that this Full Moon in Libra (whose theme is relationships and self-esteem) is in symphony with the Total Lunar Eclipse, which serves as a portal or opening to your potential!  Wow!  
I strongly encourage you to conduct some type of releasement ceremony today.
I, personally, will be listing patterns of behavior that I have held to in the past that no longer honour how I desire to 'show up' in my various relationships.  I wish to bring to consciousness my responsibility in deriving self-esteem, and to release any shadow beliefs and patterns that hold me back from fully acknowledging my own magnificence (whew...I have some work to do yet, as it was difficult for me to even type the word 'magnificence'...remember that this is a PROCESS)!  It's always been easy for me to see and acknowledge the magnificence in others, but to declare my own magnificence has often been a struggle.  I believe that this is a common theme that we are being urged, collectively, to step out of.  We are being pushed to OWN our magnificence! Further to my releasement ceremony today...I will then burn the list of what I wish to release, with some Palo Santo wood (Holy wood from Peru), which is beautiful for clearing and releasing old energy. The next step is important in embracing the energy of the Total Lunar Eclipse that offers itself up for us today (and on into tomorrow). I will list attributes and talents---and even specific PROJECTS that incorporate my unique talents and abilities---that I intend to birth in the near future.  Some of these projects are already in the works, but I will use this 'opening' energy to further manifest what I am feeling compelled to express at this time.  I will keep this list as a reminder and as an 'affirmation' of sorts.
How will you honour yourself by implementing these powerful cosmic energies being offered you at this time?  I would love to hear what you have to say about how you have been experiencing these energies and also utilizing them for your conscious development...
Blessed be...

Friday, April 3, 2015

A Favorable Outcome

This is your card reading for Good Friday, April 3rd/15---the day prior to the Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse!  I chose the Archangel Michael card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue, for your reading today---this supreme Archangel of protection and courage, also assists us with matters regarding life purpose and life changes.  Your card today is 'A Favorable Outcome'.  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"MY PRAYER:  Thank you for the beautiful outcome to this situation, which is perfect and fair for everyone involved. Thank you, Archangel Michael, for helping me trust and have faith...
A situation that you're concerned about has already resolved itself with fairness and justice, and you (and others involved) will be pleased with the outcome.  Heaven's ingenuity has devised a plan that's beyond the scope of human imagination.  You may not see the solution at this moment, but trust that it's already in place.  You're guided to give your worries or anger to Archangel Michael, for there's no need to burden yourself.  The more that you let go and allow God to be in charge, the faster your favorable outcome will manifest.
POSSIBLE SPECIFIC MEANINGS:  A legal matter will settle in your favor. * Your new relationship will be long term. * You'll get your desired job. * The money will come through. * A healing will occur."

My message for you today is this:
I love the synchronicity with which the Divine delivers guidance and messages for us!  As I have said here so frequently, 'I couldn't script these things, if I tried!'  Just yesterday, I was watching a video posted by Elizabeth Peru, whom you have seen me quote here a number of times regarding cosmic energies.  She was speaking in this video to the energies of the month of April and said that she is calling tomorrow's Full Moon the 'Justice Moon'!  Then, Archangel Michael's message for us today holds the theme of 'justice' also!!! Love it!!!
I have also shared that I am extremely sensitive to the energy of the moon...particularly New and Full Moons...and that we all sense these energies on the day prior to and following these lunar events.  The energy is in flow and so, while it reaches it's 'peak' on the day that it is New or Full...the flow of New or Full Moon energy can be experienced on either side of the actual event.  Last night's Moon here in Arizona was so bright as to appear Full---highly illuminating! 
We have been told that this Eclipse season harkens back to a similar Eclipse season that occurred in 1997, and that we are being given the opportunity to deal with similar themes that may have shown up in our lives in 1997, but to revisit those themes from a different viewpoint.  We have matured and grown. Having said that, those old patterns and coping mechanisms that you once employed may be reappearing and challenging us for a final releasement---this implies that you may be feeling very vulnerable and emotional.  Some old patterns and shadow beliefs are stubborn.  I have always said that the energy of a Full Moon encourages releasement of what no longer serves us...add to that the Total Lunar Eclipse which acts as a 'doorway' or 'opening' and you have two powerful energies working in unison for your greater good!  When you consciously acknowledge old patterns that no longer serve you, and CHOOSE to adopt new patterns, there is often a period of adjustment.  Be gentle with yourself...recognize when old patterns of behavior and coping resurface and make the conscious decision to step out of that pattern. Maturity means taking personal responsibility, stepping out of matyrdom or victimhood, and affecting change.  In terms of the theme that Elizabeth has discerned for this Full Moon: 'justice' is not something that is 'given to you', but rather an expectation that you hold.  I mentioned in yesterday's reading my penchant for quotes and this one by Denise Linn speaks to personal 'justice': "The way you treat yourself sends a very clear message to others about how they should treat you."  Denise's quote places such an empowering spin on 'justice'!  When we honour ourselves, and hold certain expectations about how we will be treated, others pick up on that and respond accordingly.  Or, if they don't, we are not as hurt or affected by their behavior.  For example: if you have long held the role of 'peacemaker' or 'fixer' in the past---to the detriment of your own needs and Spirit---it is time to let go of that pattern.  How can the Universe provide you with a 'just' situation, if you refuse to expect 'just that' for yourself (pun intended)!  
Utilize the powerful energy being offered you over the next few days (and on into the continuing Eclipse season) to make changes that your Soul and Spirit have been lovingly encouraging you to make.   Acknowledge that your old ways of being may have served you in the past, but are no longer 'in sync' with whom you have grown to be.  No self-judgment about those old patterns...only acknowledgment and releasement.  Call upon Archangel Michael to be with you and to support you as you move toward your 'favorable outcome'...all is well!
Blessed be...