Thursday, March 31, 2016


This is your card reading for Thursday, March 31st/16.  Your card spun out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Work', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This card relates to work.  It describes working at what you are 'really' here to do.  It is about combining all of your knowledge and gifts, on both the physical and spiritual plane and utilizing both as a means of earning a living.
If you are not sure what it is you are 'really' here to do, this card is asking you to take action and the rest will follow. The two worlds have come into alignment and the time has come.
This card can also show you that you ARE on the right path.  Everything is in proper balance."

My message for you today is this:
Your message today is not only in regards to your career, or what it is that you do to 'make a living'.  WORK, in this instance, alludes to the Soulful purpose for which you incarnated at this time.  It is very important to honour ALL that has brought you to this point in which you are well prepared to live from this Soulful place, and to also understand that to live your life 'on purpose' is ALSO a journey, rather than a destination.  That is to say, that living your life 'on purpose' will look differently at various junctures in your lifetime. We truly have been maturing, spiritually, as a collective at an accelerated rate...which has meant that many of us have experienced chaos, confusion and angst during these vastly changing times. Honour that, also, as it has been leading you to the next great Soulful step for yourself. 
You have been repeatedly advised by Spirit for some time to 'shine your Light as only you can'.  Delay or procrastinate no more!  Everything is in balance and the time is right!  Yet, it is truly up to YOU, and your participation and activation are required. When I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, I cold palpably feel the pulsing, encouraging energy emanating from it.  What comes to mind for you that you wish to draw into your life experience that feels like a Soulful expression of yourself?  Be TRULY HONEST with yourself about what is 'calling to you'---not what your obligations are---what your Soul is whispering to you. Listen...we all have obligations in our lives, that is a reality...yet we sometimes use these obligations as an 'excuse' to keep us from living our lives 'on purpose'.  You CAN prioritize and meet your obligations, while still giving energy to Soulful pursuits. Spirit is cheering you on! 
You may have been experiencing some situations in your life experience this past month (or even longer) that have been 'rocking your world' or shaking you up somewhat from the status quo.  Spirit is advising you that this was honestly bringing things 'into balance' for you, even as it didn't seem so at the time. We here in the physical do not have the advantage of the omnipotent vision that Spirit holds.  Trust in your spiritual advisors...your 'Team' assist you in navigating your way, and then take guided action. Be in your power!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Milk and Honey

This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 30th/16.  Your card dropped swiftly to the floor AS SOON as I began shuffling, from the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Milk and Honey', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  The taste of prosperity; opportunities born of authenticity; nurturing abundance; trusting that your needs will be met.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  You've entered a sweet time in your life, enjoying the 'land of milk and honey' that everyone wants to experience.  It's an interlude that feels more languid than ambitious, when all your senses are awake to the the unlimited possibilities in the universe.  These times are precious and only come when you're in your authentic zone, 'wearing the world as a loose garment', not wanting, yet able to be nourished in ways both tangible and subtle.  Abundance is an energy that you are a living part of.  All your needs are being met.  You are given the gift of nourishment in every form.
PROSPERITY MESSAGE:  There is only one authentic YOU. This version of your Self is Spirit's emissary in the world.  When you are in alignment with the truth that you are a unique expression of the Divine, your ego can rest and your soul can illuminate your purpose.  Now is the time when you're seeking your true north.  When you find this direction, you automatically step into prosperity and the world brings you evidence of abundance. Miracles are a choice and a way of seeing the world. With every choice you make right now, you have the potential to seize good fortune and embrace your destiny. Opportunities will lead you to your best life now. Be open to them.  You're getting a sweet taste of what you want."

My message for you today is this:
I was getting goosebumps as I typed up the 'Prosperity Message' portion of Colette's message for you today! I particularly LOVE and appreciate this segment:
"There is only one authentic YOU.  This version of your Self is Spirit's emissary in the world."
That is such an incredibly beautiful way of encapsulating what Spirit has been saying to you repeatedly during this time of great shift that humanity has been undergoing!  I savour words and believe in the power of words. You will find quotations that are 'speaking' to me posted at various places around my home and in my journals...this has been a lifelong habit of mine.  Just yesterday, I came across a collection of quotes I had compiled as a gift to my Mom on her 65th birthday. (I will be printing this inspiring expression by Colette, and posting it in my sacred space, for sure! Thank you, Colette!) 
Also, the Universe has presented this message for you at such a time when you are well able to truly HEAR it...Universal energies have been pushing all toward our authentic expression of Self.  This has been uncomfortable and even painful at times, admittedly, but has always been for our greater good.  Sometimes we need to be radically shaken out of our old status quo; and into situations, circumstances, and relationships that will allow us to be who and what we truly came here to be.  
I've said this before, and I'll say it again (and likely again and again!)...your Soul CHOSE to be here at this time.  It is no accident that you have incarnated during a time when the possibilities and potential for Soul advancement is substantial!  How exhilarating, and sometimes overwhelming!  Universal cosmic energies are powerful today in urging you to rise into your power. As Elizabeth Peru states in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast: "There is now a magnificent series of planetary influences that we have not experienced in a long time.  There is an intense and supportive cosmic vibe. . . there are planetary lines of influence over the next 24 hours.  You may feel swamped by your full potential and not know where to begin, or you may feel overwhelmed and wish to hide under the covers. Either way, I urge you to use this RARE DAY to your advantage. How? BY BRAVELY SPEAKING UP FOR WHO YOU ARE AND FOLLOWING THROUGH."   The card and message that presented for you today is in perfect alignment with the message that Elizabeth shares with us in regards to prevailing cosmic energies.  Understand that, ". . .speaking up for who you are and following through", need not entail standing up on a soapbox and proclaiming your awesomeness to the world; so don't be intimidated by that statement!  It may mean that you actively engage in something that feels as though it is an authentic and Soulful expression of who you are.  Or it may mean that you take the time today to at least honour that aspect of yourself.  For me, the Universe conspired that I will be doing an Akashic Records Consultation with a beautiful Soul this afternoon, which is emphatically a Soulful expression of who I am!  Perfect Divine timing (which was 'scheduled' well before today), for me to have this appointment at a time in my life when 'fitting it in' is challenging to say the least! In truth, I have been frustrated with how this fulfilling aspect of my life has been 'placed on the sidelines' due to life circumstances; and so the Universe has conspired to remind me today that I have the choice to prioritize myself and who I am as "...Spirit's emissary in the world", regardless of extenuating circumstances.  YOU are being reminded of that today, also!   If you embrace the knowing that you ARE a unique expression of the Divine, then you will not feel overwhelmed; but rather, blessed and, embrace that knowing! In doing so, you honour the Divine and the Divine within you!
Blessed be...

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Universal Law of Desire

This is your reading for Tuesday, March 29th/16.  Your card today, spun out of the fractal art 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Desire', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Desire states that desire is an inherent quality within all life.  It is the feeling, the spirit and the energy underlying life's intention for growth and expansion.  Life itself desires to increase, expand and create, and to become more in quality and quantity.  Harmonious desire is constructive and one with all life.  Harmonious desire always serves the greater good.  Inharmonious desire, in contrast, is a result of operating as though one is separate from all other life. Inharmonious desire may result from an attempt to serve the individual at the cost of the whole.  Because we are one with all life, we inevitably harm ourselves when we cause harm to any part of the whole, regardless of how far removed from us that harm may seem to be. Inharmonious desire is also the result of seeking externally for an internal experience.  External things, circumstances, and events are desired in the hope that they will create an internal experience, such as happiness or love. Because, at the deepest level, it is always an internal experience that you seek, first create that experience within yourself and the external things, people, circumstances, or events you desire will then be attracted into your life.  If you have pulled this card, the Universe is telling you to feed your constructive desires and watch carefully for inharmonious and destructive desires."

My message for you today is this:
This is the Universe giving you a pep talk!  Even those who appear to be 'living their dream' will tell you that life continues to have it's ups and downs---yet, the downs don't seem to last as long and they don't RESIDE in the 'downs'.  Also...those who are 'living their dream' see the 'down's' as learning opportunities, rather than roadblocks...this is KEY!  There is a quote by Robin Sharma that states: ~"What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny."~  Living a Soulful life does NOT imply that everything is going to happen smoothly all of the time---that is just not realistic here in this physical experience.  Essentially, living your life 'on purpose' and consciously, means to be aware that your perceptions and attitudes about what 'happens to you' is a huge determinant as to what will next happen to you.  Many disappointments or frustrations in life are meant to steer us in a different direction that will serve us even better. Sometimes, what we believe in the moment that we desire, is not a true representation of what our Soul is actually seeking.  
How can we know the difference---if what we desire is fleeting and not Soul-serving, or if it is truly our Soul's desire?  This requires that you take the time to go within and to be honest with yourself about what you are feeling.  When your desire is brought to mind, you can literally feel your heart swell and warm, even if you have not yet achieved that desire.  That 'heart warming' is consistent each time you bring that desire to mind, and especially once you achieve it.  A Soulful desire is really more about situations and circumstances, rather than physical possessions or acquisitions.  Of course, your Soulful desire may entail that you acquire something physical---such as a space from which to offer your healing services, for example---but the underlying DESIRE is to be of service as a healer; it's just that you concurrently desire the space in which to work from in order to be of service in the way that you want to be. It is the fundamental desire to serve as a healer that fuels the manifestation of all that is required to achieve it.  Dwell upon the desire; allow the Universe to conspire in providing the best situations and circumstances being presented; be courageous enough to embrace those opportunities; take conscious action.  The Universe provides the conscious enough to recognize them, and then it is up to YOU what you do with them! 
Today you are being called to focus upon what it is that you Soulfully desire.  Universal energies are truly supporting you in this at this time.  I came to the understanding and conscious awareness some time ago that a heartfelt desire for me in this lifetime is to be a teacher. This desire has been expressed in a myriad of ways throughout my life to this point; in conventional, and not so conventional expressions.  When I am in this role--in whatever capacity--it is joyful for me, and heartwarming, and I feel 'whole'.  What is it in your life that derives this feeling for you?  What can you do to experience that feeling more consistently in your life? The Universe is prodding you to recognize and honor your Soulful desire(s).
As Elizabeth Peru summarizes in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast for today (
"~Think positively about your path, so your actions follow.
~When success comes your way today, pause and say, 'Thank you'.
~Become the spokesperson for your soul.
~Talk yourself and your abilities up.  You are deserving."
Blessed be...

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter Monday!

There will be no card reading today, Monday, March 28th/16 (Easter Monday), as I have an early morning appointment.  I trust that you and your family enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend!
Love and blessings to you,

Friday, March 25, 2016


This is your card reading for Friday, March 25th/16---Good Friday!  Your card today projected out of the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Integrity', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
I trust my ability to know what is true for me...
You drew this card because the situation you're asking about involves someone's integrity. This card comes as guidance to pay attention to your body's signals, because you can sense whether someone is being honest.  Mother Mary is a wonderful role model of gently and lovingly demanding that others live truthfully.  You can do the same with the people in your life.  You can also avoid those who aren't acting with integrity.  Either way, trust your gut feelings to steer you toward individuals who tell the truth and who 'walk their talk'.
This card also asks you to tell the truth to yourself, even if you're uncomfortable with the possible reaction.  Prayer can guide your words, give you courage to speak up, and help create a healthy atmosphere of honest communication."

My message for you today is this:
Integrity is defined in the Merriam Webster Dictionary as this: 1. adherence to a code of values : INCORRUPTABILITY  2. SOUNDNESS  3 COMPLETENESS
Had you ever defined integrity for yourself as 'soundness' or 'completeness'?  Yet, to be of integrity DOES require that you embrace and acknowledge ALL that you are; while making the conscious choice to act upon what is Soulfully TRUE for you.  
Mother Mary is the epitome of integrity...she is representative of integrity, and she inspires us to reach for the same.  To be of integrity doesn't mean that you never make a poor decision or take a misstep away from what is integrally true for you---otherwise, you would not be human---you are here in this world of duality and contrast.  To be of integrity means to RECOGNIZE and learn from those occasions.  I realize that the times when I was MOST PROUD of my children growing up, was when they had made an error in judgment, yet had shown integrity in 'owning' that; making amends for it; and learned a vital lesson from it. Sometimes these missteps and misjudgments really serve to illustrate for us EXACTLY what is important and true for us.  We take a misstep and know that we cannot continue in that way, because it feels viscerally WRONG for us.  Therefore, we must redirect ourselves. 
Mother Mary's energy is not judgmental, but rather, encouraging...encouraging us to have the courage to stand in our personal integrity, thereby inspiring others to do the same for themselves.  Mary's son, Jesus, was the embodiment of just that. How beautifully synchronistic that this message presented for you on Good Friday---the day commemorating Jesus' crucifixion---I hadn't consciously 'thought' of that, until I was typing this message for you!  (Spirit works in incredible ways, and I am in gratitude!)
I KNOW that, as the energies and vibrations have been undergoing a dynamic shift here for humanity, people have been urged to step into their personal Truth, and have also found it increasingly difficult to be in the company of people who are not of personal integrity, or whom they don't feel in alignment with, vibrationally.  You have likely found some old friendships falling away and new friendships developing with some people that you feel you have known 'forever'! Even longstanding and familial relationships have been shifting, as you move into expressing your True self. Approach none of this from a stance of judgment--of yourself, or others.  Honour yourself and trust in your feelings about others---do what you must to maintain your own integrity---but honour where they are at also, rather than drop into condemnation.  You cannot fully understand their path when you haven't walked it. Perhaps the path that you shared for a time now leads you in different directions.  Perhaps you must make the choice to walk away. That's ok. For both of you.  Bless them, for the learning and experiences, and walk on.
On this Good Friday, make the commitment to be of personal integrity and to honour your Truth, while allowing others to do the same.  Mother Mary has presented for you, with her loving maternal energy, to assist you in doing so. 
Blessed be...

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Go the Distance

This is your card reading for Thursday, March 24th/16.  Your card coasted out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Go the Distance', and Colette's message for the card is this:
ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  Endurance; strength; the long haul.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  To bring your dream to life, you must think long-term and pay no attention to the fluctuations in the current of your experience.  Joy and disappointment commingle with opportunities, so there is no need to fear the occasional obstacle.  Life is not a sprint.  This card is a reminder that you have endurance, strength, and fortitude to carry you all the way.  Remain true to yourself.  Your authenticity alone will keep you in alignment with the energy of miracles.  What is yours will never be withheld from you. Remember that!"

My message for you today is this:
This card has presented as a great reminder of 'being in the flow' of life.  Many successful people will tell you that their success came to them when they 'surrendered' to the flow; rather than struggling with striving to control every little detail and thereby expending unnecessary energy in paddling upstream (it just struck me as ironic that these 'water' analogies are comprising your message, when the image on the card is a desert scene!).
Essentially, you are being reminded that because you may experience what YOU deem as disappointments or even set-backs on your journey; the Divine has a more pervasive view and these perceived set-backs may actually be steering you in a better direction.  To embrace this concept, you MUST have FAITH---faith in yourself and in the knowing that your desire to live your life in Soulful expression IS supported by the Universe, even during those times when it may not seem so in the present moment.  
This quote, by Thomas Edison, came to mind for your message today: "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." And another quote by Thomas Edison: "If we did the things we are really capable of doing we would literally astound ourselves."
Being in the flow of life does not imply that action is not required!  Just that you approach things from the understanding that, if one situation didn't turn out as you had planned or anticipated, it doesn't mean that your options are exhausted---only that you now need to seek another option.  Pay attention to what the Universe presents you with.  Listen to those intuitive messages. 
Being in the flow of life means that you are heading in the general direction of your desired destination; all the while knowing that there will be twists and turns and detours along the way.  It is in these detours that the greatest adventures and learning experiences often occur!  Embrace THAT knowing, also, rather than standing in judgment of yourself for those deviations.  It is in hindsight that we often see the value within an experience or situation that we would have labeled as 'difficult' or 'disappointing' at the time.
Understand that you have been laying solid foundations and that they will not fail you.  You are, indeed, moving in the direction of your heart's desire, and you have already learned some important lessons in that regard.  You are in an energy that encourages you to understand your own self-empowerment and that the Universe is conspiring in your favour. 
So...have faith and trust that 'all is well'...because it IS!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 23rd/16---the day of the Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse!  Your card dropped out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Manifest', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Energetically, everything is falling into place.  You are coming into a high point where you will find you are able to easily manifest the people, things, and situations you need to carry you forward on your journey.  The energy of manifestation is a creative force and right now it is in full flow for you.  Stay focused on where you want to go in your life and how you want to feel.  Don't worry about the details of what you think life should look like.  The Universe is infinitely wiser than we are, with our human point of view.  Just know and trust that things will come to you in perfect order, and in perfect time.
We don't manifest anything that is not part of our Soul's plan.  So while you may not win a lottery, you can expect to experience abundance and ease while these energies are here. This is a great time to play with and learn about the order of manifesting.  While you will notice that most of what is manifested is done by the Higher Self, a smaller portion will be manifested from your conscious mind.  Explore it fully and have fun with it!
Anything can be manifested at this time, so do not limit your potential. Your soul knows no limits.  You are a creator and able to naturally turn energy into physical manifestation.
You can use this power of manifestation to help you gain understanding about your purpose, to help connect you to the right people or organizations, or even aid you in gaining the financial resources you require.  Really, the sky is the limit with this one.  Enjoy it while it lasts!
Hold in mind, that it wasn't intended that you use your ability to manifest for yourself only. You can also use this to help others who may not be able to help themselves right now."

My message for you today is this:
Did you have the opportunity to view the amazing Moon in the sky last evening?  Although the Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (when a partial shadow surrounds a complete shadow---the Moon travels through the peripheral shadow of the Earth, as the Earth is between Earth and Sun) will be occurring this evening.  Recall that energy is 'in flow', rather than 'clap on/clap off'.  Therefore, we also experience the Full Moon lunar energy on either day of the actual event, as it morphs in to and out of being. While Full Moons are typically about 'releasement', each Full Moon also holds it's own unique vibration, dependent upon the prevailing cosmic energies at that time.  This particular Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse occurs at a dynamic energetic time!  As Elizabeth Peru shares in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast: "This is a power period for celebration, letting go and creating a new way."
Don't be intimidated...  You have been 'doing the work' leading up to this. Those who are particular sensitive to energy, such as Empaths, must be particularly conscious about how you navigate your way through these energies.  Ensure that you are, indeed, 'in your OWN energy'---do not allow surrounding energies to take you off course.  How do you do this? The best way is to spend some time alone, and especially in Nature, if that is possible for you today.  We are deeply connected to Mother Earth at this time, so take advantage of the beautiful 'grounding' she has to offer you.  Do your best to reside in what you desire for yourself, whether or not it has yet manifested for you here in the physical.  Relationships and career are particularly poignant themes at this time. Understand that the Universe is conspiring in your favor---even if you can't see it yet---and you can support it in doing so by focusing upon the positive outcomes and changes you have been longing and working towards.  This stance requires faith and trust and belief in your being worthy.  It also necessitates CREATIVE COURAGE, as even desired change can feel uncomfortable initially, as we step out of the familiar.  You are a powerful manifestor, and all the more so now. Have the cognizance to recognize how far you have already come in 2016. We often get so caught up in making our way through the days, that we don't realize the Soul growth we have achieved along the way.  Take a moment to acknowledge that for yourself.  You are and have been brave!  Have faith!  Trust, allow, believe!
Blessed be...

Monday, March 21, 2016


This is your card reading for Monday, March 21st/16.  Your card dropped out onto the desktop (so gently, that I didn't even notice it had dropped out at first), from the 'Goddess Guidance' deck authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Ostara ~ Fertility', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"It is the perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas, and give birth to new conditions...
MESSAGE FROM OSTARA:  Springtime is any time when the light increases within your mind and entire system.  If you feel dark, heavy or depressed, then you can lighten up by fueling yourself with positive intentions, nutritious foods, and anything that sparks your feelings of love.  Surround yourself with beautiful flowers, brighten the colors in your wardrobe and home, and draw back the curtains to let in natural light.  You can paint a sunnier outlook within yourself, which will give rise to all sorts of new opportunities, since like attracts like.  Feel more energized and powerful as you spruce up your inner and outer worlds.  Then capitalize on this increased vigor by starting a new project that really makes your heart sing with excitement!
VARIOUS MEANINGS OF THIS CARD:   * This card signifies pregnancy. * You will be involved with a successful child conception, adoption, or custody resolution. * Your desire will fully manifest in the springtime. * There will be a resurrection of the old. * Your new idea or venture will be successful. * It's an opportune time to make life changes. *
ABOUT OSTARA (pronounced Oh-STAR-uh): She's the Teutonic goddess of fertility and springtime, who's sometimes called 'Eostre.'  The words East  and Easter were both named after Ostara, because of the reference to the sun rising in the East, and the increase in sunlight beginning in the Celtic springtime. She's celebrated during the Spring Equinox as the bringer of increased light and the balance between nighttime and daytime hours.  Call upon Ostara to increase your fruitfulness, fertility, or to help you embark on new ventures."

My message for you today is this:
I have often said that we couldn't script the ways in which Spirit reveals messages to us, if we tried!  Today's card is another beautiful example of the synchronicity with which Spirit communicates with us!  I personally had no idea that Ostara was the Goddess of Spring, and of course, I had no idea which card would reveal itself for your reading today...yet, the Goddess of Spring gently presented for your reading today, on the day following Spring Equinox!   It's a paradox that we are experiencing light snow fall here today in central Alberta, now that 'Spring has sprung'; whereas we had been experiencing Spring-like weather for much of the month of March leading up to Spring!  Go figure! 
The energies that abound at this time DO encourage that 'Spring fever' feeling... I keep 'hearing' a phrase that I believe is from a song: 'Everything old is new again.'  We are absolutely in the vibration of renewal and of approaching things from a 'new way of Being'. The ways in which we approach many aspects of our life situations have been undergoing a shift.  We have been releasing some of our old patterns of behavior and learning how to embody and express ourselves as we are NOW.  This has likely caused some discomfort , and perhaps even chaos, in some of your close relationships over the past months.  Know that all of this is coming to resolution and that these experiences were indeed meant to serve you in moving forward.  You are going to begin to witness the 'new growth' that is reminiscent of Spring.  Your role now, is to pay close attention to what your intuition is communicating to you; to trust in it; and to take guided action.  You have done the 'inner work'---it is now time to express that out into the world.  In what area of your life are you now meant to foster new growth?  Call upon the Goddess, Ostara, to support you in this...
Happy Spring!
Blessed be...

Friday, March 18, 2016

Universal Law of Purpose

This is your card reading for Friday, March 18th/16.  Your card dropped out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Purpose', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Purpose states that all life has a purpose.  You are who you are for a purpose, and your individuality serves the whole.  Your existence serves life, whether or not you are consciously aware of how you do so. The Law of Purpose is reminding you that who you are today is perfect and serves a higher purpose.  A common purpose of life is to grow and expand, to become more in quality and quantity.  Part of growing and becoming more is to expand your consciousness and awaken to who you really are:  oneness experiencing individuality.  As an individual, you also have the power to consciously choose a purpose. Perhaps you feel your purpose is to inspire others or heal the environment or be the best parent you can be.  Choose a purpose that serves the whole and you will align with the Universe.  Whatever purpose you choose, hold it in your heart and mind as you go about your day.  Infuse your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your purpose. Hold your purpose in mind as you act, and put the feeling of your purpose in each action.  The Universe will support your purpose with ease, grace, and synchronicity."

My message for you today is this:
We are on the cusp of a powerful weekend, energetically!  Tomorrow, March 19th, will be a 22 Master Day, numerologically (1+9+0+3+2+0+1+6=22).  As Elizabeth Peru states: 
"On a 22-day we are being reminded about the importance of creating a life of great meaning, personal reward, dignity and respect. These days are liberating and allow us to extend and test our wisdom and patience.  This is a day to experience the freedom that comes with having confidence in using your innate talents and abilities."
And...Sunday, March 20th/16, will be Equinox---Spring Equinox, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere.  A day of new beginnings and opportunity.  This...following a 22 Master Day! 
The Universe is asking you today, to be conscious and aware of all of the talents and abilities that you incarnated with in expression of your 'purpose' for being HERE.  Recall that how your 'life purpose' is expressed out into the world throughout the course of your life, will evolve and change.  Also, keep in mind that your 'life purpose' is NOT only what you choose as your is SO much more than that...although, if you strive to be conscious (and courageous); your career path may well be a reflection of your life purpose!   
THE MOST COMMON question clients ask when they come to me for Akashic Records Consultations is 'what is my life purpose'?  This is admirable, because it means that the person is endeavoring to live their life in a conscious way. Yet, I have come to a new understanding about our 'life purpose'. I LOVE the message shared by the author's of this deck for this card: "The Law of Purpose states that all life has a purpose."  I particularly appreciate the phrase: ". . .oneness experiencing individuality."   In essence, you are an expression of the Divine (Oneness), and thereby your PURPOSE is to strive to be the most conscious, authentic, unique, embodiment of that that you can be!  Many of us have this belief that our 'life purpose' is a specific task that we are to undertake or some achievement that we are meant to attain in this lifetime.  In truth, living your life 'on purpose' means to honour all of the Divinely gifted talents and abilities that you incarnated with, in ALL aspects of your life experience, to the best of your ability, at each given moment in time.  Your life purpose is NOT about the destination, but the journey.  Spirit is calling this to your attention today.  Bask in the knowing that your primary purpose in being here is to grow and evolve and to share your innate gifts in a multitude of ways.  You are worthy, and you ARE here 'on purpose'!  How will you embrace that knowing today? 
Blessed be...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Shine Your Light

There will be no card reading today, Thursday, March 17th/16, as I have appointments.
I wanted to share this image with you as a reminder to 'Shine Your Light' out into the world--you are a beautiful 'lantern' and giver of Light!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Love and blessings to you,

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Bast ~ Unified Strength

This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 16th/16.  Your card dropped to the floor from the 'Awakening of the Divine' card deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes.  Each card within this deck is aligned with a Goddess.  Your card today is 'Bast ~ Unified Strength', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
Do you feel called to work together as a team for victory?  Are you ready to let go of the old paradigms where there is only one winner on the podium?  Is now the time for you to use your strength to follow through with that step in a decision that has been whispering to you for awhile now? 
Bast is an Egyptian goddess who represents strength, independence, and wisdom.  She strives to forge forward and overcome any and all obstacles that she may encounter on her path of her true life purpose.  Bast has the qualities of a cat, independent and strong.
This card is an affirmation to you that it's time to make that move that you have been waiting to.  Bast is here to affirm that it is the right divine time to move ahead with that change in your life. She will support you energetically and will align all of the resources you will need to move through this change with ease and grace.  When you release the old you will amplify your inner strength and trust.  Please know that you are never walking alone as the goddesses will illuminate your path.
You are a leader moving forward showing others that it's impossible to achieve your dreams when you follow through with your intentions and create healthy boundaries for yourself to achieve these goals.  When you trust your intuition and follow your heart's desires you will amplify your own light within, which will illuminate the light for other's to follow their own goals and desires.  We need to come together supporting one another in achieving a collective union of dreams lighting up the planet with the essence of a collective victory.
AFFIRMATION:  I am strong and I am supported by the divine feminine.  I am a leader of love and enlightenment.  I chose the path of spiritual expansion feeling a deep sense of peace within."

My message for you today is this:
How perfect that the Goddess, Bast, has presented for you today to support you in the energies that we are currently experiencing.  Her appearance is in compliment to the message that you received yesterday.  Bast is affirming that you are divinely supported as you strive to live your life in a conscious way that is in full expression of your Soul.  She also reminds us that all of humanity benefits when we, as individuals, live our lives from a Soulful place.  It's that 'ripple effect' alluded to in your reading yesterday.  To stand authentically and lovingly in your power, is truly empowering and inspirational to another.  We are being called to pay close attention to what Spirit is communicating to us at this aware!  
You may benefit from wearing or carrying the beautiful crystal, Tiger's Eye, with you at this time.  I am going to wear my Tiger's Eye bracelet while I am on my walk in the coulee this afternoon (where I often feel most 'open' to receiving messages and 'in tune' with my Higher Self).  Allow the vibration of this crystal, which aligns with the energy of the goddess Bast, to help bring you into sync, energetically, with the cosmic energies that are prevalent at this time.  Tiger's Eye is about 'balance', calling in the balance between the Solar and Earth energies.  As Naisha Ahsian (creator of the Crystal Resonance Therapy™ program) says about Tiger's Eye: " Tiger's Eye lends it's frequency to balance of perception, enabling one to walk a true path.  It is a stone of strength, in that it enhances one's connection to the Earth, while grounding higher energies into the energetic systems and physical body.  It is useful for those who are in positions of leadership, as it encourages the balancing of extremes, so that the needs of the majority can be perceived.  Finding our own place of balance is a necessary step for growth. When we are able to respond to the situations that arise around us without losing our sense of center, we are always able to act upon our guidance.  Tiger Eye encourages you to find your place of balance within."
Allow the goddess, Bast, and the energies of Tiger's Eye to collaborate with you today.
Blessed be...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ideas and Inspiration

This is your card reading for Tuesday, March 15th/16.  Your card today floated out of the 'Healing With the Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue (her first published deck, published in 1999). Your card is 'Ideas and Inspiration', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"CARD MEANING:  Pay attention to new thoughts and ideas that come to you.  They are seeds of magnificent co-creations with God...
God speaks to you through your thoughts, and this card shows that the angels want you to notice and follow the ideas you have recently received.  These thoughts are answers to your prayers for guidance, so please don't discount them as mere imagination.
By drawing this card, the angels seek to give you confidence that you are just as capable of receiving wonderful ideas as any other child of God.  That is because all wonderful ideas originate from the one Divine mind of God.  Since God is omnipresent, meaning everywhere, God is within you.  So, God's mind continuously expresses new thoughts and ideas right inside your mind!"

My message for you today is this:
Just imagine how radical this message may have seemed to many when it was first shared by Doreen in 1999!  That GOD would communicate directly with YOU? That GOD is IN YOU?  Many would have deemed that very thought as sacrilegious! (And some still do today). 
Personally, I would rather refer to that which is Divine as 'Source' or 'Creator'; due to the connotations that humanity has placed upon the label 'God'...yet, however you choose to label this beautiful, unconditional Love Divinity, it was seldom referenced that it was part of who we are, in our humanity, at the time that Doreen shared this message.  I honour Doreen as a pioneer of new age thought and understanding that has carried us forward in our personal relationship with the Divine! 
We have grown to the understanding that our Higher Self...our intuitive selves and the guidance that is Divinely provided for not SEPARATE from us.  Rather, it is an integral part of ALL that we are.  We are now in the process of our spiritual development whereby we are striving to integrate and OPERATE in our lives from that place of integration of all aspects of WHO WE ARE.  This means that we are striving to incorporate the Divinity that is part of each and every one of us and to utilize it CONSCIOUSLY as we navigate our way through this physical experience.  Does that mean that we are ALWAYS in our Higher Selves?  That we are ALWAYS exemplifying our embodiment of the Divine in every action that we take on our life paths?  Most certainly not!  Yet, just coming to the place of understanding that we are indeed spiritual Beings having a physical experience, elevates the experience and allows for us to escalate our Soul's development and maturation while we are here.  And you HAVE chosen to be here, during these challenging and exciting times, energetically!  You are NOT here at this time by accident!  Even as you may sometimes ask yourself, 'WHAT was I thinking?' in signing up for THIS, your Soul always holds the knowing that you DID sign up for it!  Because your Soul realized the potential for vast incremental growth being offered you and all of humanity at this time. 
So, dear Soul...honour the messages and 'ideas and inspiration' that are being offered you at this time...even as they may cause you some discomfort!  Creative courage is called for here.  You ARE here to make a difference, and if you feel as though you are a small duck in a large pond, know this:  You may never know the impact that the ripples you create may have.  They are more far-reaching than your Earthly self may comprehend.  So paddle consciously!  Your angels and spiritual advisors---your Higher Self---is reminding you of that today!
Blessed be... 

Monday, March 14, 2016

No reading Monday, March 14th/16

There will be no card reading on Monday, March 14th/16, as I have appointments.
I am happy to share this quote with you that speaks to the energies of the day, though.
Most especially, today, the Universe is conspiring in your favour...
Love and blessings to you,

Friday, March 11, 2016

Building Blocks

This is your card reading for Friday, March 11th/16.  Your card glided out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Building Blocks' and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  Strong foundations; a beautiful work in progress.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  You have everything you need to cultivate an extraordinary life.  This is a time when your focus needs to be on the foundations you build upon.  Your work, your relationships, and your very BEING are underwritten by your values, ethics, morals, and core beliefs.  Are they still true for you?  Will they stand the test of time and serve as the solid grounding upon which you construct your life?  Now you are making changes that will affect everything in a positive way.  Your destiny is truly a remarkable and beautiful design. 
RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE:  When you see this card, know that you are attracting new relationships into you life---and solidifying the ones you already have---by building them on the foundations of honesty, humility, clear communication, and a genuine desire to know one another.  You are moving toward laying the groundwork for a relationship with the firm footing that will ensure it can withstand any storm.  Long-standing relationships are also repaired and strengthened.  You and the other person are stronger, wiser, and more powerful together than apart.
PROSPERITY MESSAGE:  You have everything you need to turn into iron into gold in the alchemical process of creating the prosperous life your desire.  Now is the time to build on the strong foundation you have already laid for your prosperity.  Keep in mind that these building blocks are imbued with the sparkling energy of your intentions.  Own your dream, and remember that you always have more than enough and you always ARE enough, so abundance is ever present.  Your creativity is Divinely inspired, and the design for your life is taking shape in service to the world.  You are meant for success.
PROTECTION MESSAGE:  Now is the time to address the cracks in the foundations of your life.  Perhaps your values have changed and it is time to strengthen your convictions and let go of the things that no longer serve the vision you have for your life.  Or perhaps you chose to ignore the signs that a situation or agreement you have entered into is not right for you. Remove the rotten pieces and reinforce your core moral strength and integrity.  Now is the time for rigorous honesty, for you are called to renovate and upgrade your consciousness! You will be so happy when you do.  Spirit has a spectacular blueprint for your life far beyond your imagination.  Don't be afraid to replace what's not solid."

My message for you today is this:
The energies of the day are very healing.  Be sure to spend time out in Nature today in some way (and what a glorious day it is here in south/central Alberta). As alluded to in yesterday's reading, the veil is very thin now between you and the Spirit world, so open yourself up to all the messages that are being conveyed to you!  Oh boy, have we been in some intense energies, and although that continues, you may feel as though you are being gently embraced by the energies of this day...rather than urged on by them.  Allow yourself this time. YOU are the creator of your every way! 
Blessed be...

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bull Guide & Fairies

This is your card reading for Thursday, March 10th/16.  Your cards skimmed out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your cards are 'Bull Guide' and 'Fairies', and Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are:
~Bull Guide~
"The Bull Guide appears to offer you strength as you move through your life.  He imparts the teaching and wisdom of standing strong and firm when you need to and not allowing others to cross your personal boundaries.  Look at all the situations happening around you at this time.  Bull Guide is here to help you be firm where ever and when ever you need to be.
He wants to remind you that you are strong and you are deeply supported as you find your way to your own self-empowerment."
"You are being asked to watch for situations that may get you 'fired up'.  Remember, every experience you have is a part of your learning.
If you do find yourself in an uncomfortable situation do your best to stay in the moment.  Be mindful and do not allow yourself to slip back into old patterns.  By staying true to who you are now, you will find the situation to resolve easily.  The fairies are showing you the magic of staying present and heart centered."

My message for you today is this:
Fairy energy abounds as we enjoy this recent, amazing Spring-like weather is south/central Alberta!  This prevalent Fairy energy is making itself known to you today to support you in the dynamic cosmic energies we are currently in the midst of.  How perfect that Bull Guide presented also, in compliment to the Fairy energy.  This reinforces the knowing that there is gentleness in true strength.  We have had ongoing lessons in this year of Creative Courage that have illustrated this for us...particularly in regards to self-empowerment.  We have been 'encouraged' to stand in our power from a loving stance (including self-love).  This theme will continue...particularly into the upcoming Full Moon.  Recall that Fairy energy has a 'playful' aspect to it.  Embrace that; even as you simultaneously embrace the Bull Guide energy that is being offered you.  Neither 'counteracts' the other, but are actually 'complimentary'.  True freedom---as epitomized by Fairy energy---comes from confidently standing in your authentic self and in being true to who you are.  Approach ALL situations from this loving place, and you cannot go wrong.  
Blessed be...

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Angelic Being

This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 9th/16.  Your card twirled out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Angelic Being', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Your Angelic Being has been with you since the day of your birth, and will continue to be with you when you cross through the veil and return home.  Your angelic guardian is asking you to look for signs and synchronicities. They are trying to communicate with you now.  In a whisper of gentle guidance, you may hear your name being called, or feel the subtle touch of a feather or a tender tickle.  You may see a sign on a billboard, a magazine or even on TV.  Keep your awareness open to the message they are bringing you."

My message for you today is this:
We continue to be in the energies of last evening's New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse. During such dynamic cosmic events, the lines of communication with Spirit are all the more accessible, requiring only your acute awareness and receptivity. As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, the message that came through loud and clear was to open your heart---I can literally feel the energy from the card emanate up my left arm, to dwell in my heart chakra.  'Open up your heart'---it sounds so simple, but in truth, to do so requires that you trust and allow---this necessitates vulnerability.  Your Spiritual Advisors are letting you know that they are there for you. The energies at this time are calling us to make the adjustments necessary to living a more Soulful existence.  
As Elizabeth Peru ( the Tip-Off Global Energy Report) shares for the energies of this day:
". . .You are now looking over the last six months of your life and wondering what you have achieved, where you have been and deciding if you are happy with where and who you are. Are you?
This New Moon is asking for a re-set on a very personal and internal level. You will be sinking deep into your imagination and drawing forward the highest vision for your life.  Your dreams are totally merging with your reality; they are now one and the same.
Where in your life could you trust your intuition more? . . .
* Your long held desires are strong and demanding that you take action on them over the coming month.
* I suggest you take some time out of your busy schedule today and write down what your intuition is telling you.
* Have the courage to acknowledge and face what you are being told from within.
* See it written in black and white, in your own handwriting, right in front of you.
* Let your truth wash over you today.
* At the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in September, you will see the results of what you begin now."
Understand that these energies are NOT just alluding to aspects of CAREER, in terms of 'achievement', as Elizabeth refers to in her message.  This is all about personal growth and development in terms of authentic self-expression and your 'way of being' in the world. Perhaps you have recently had some health or relationship issues brought to your attention in such a way that you can no longer just continue on as you had been.  Although you may have, for some time, been hearing the 'whisperings' and therefore held the intention of making some needed changes in this regard; you hadn't taken the action steps necessary. Well...the time is NOW.  Your Spiritual Advisors are stepping forward to make their presence known and to assure you that those 'intuitive hits' you have been receiving are REAL.  Your intuition---in the form of your Higher Self and your Spiritual Advisors---is 'amped up' right now.  Settle into your heart chakra and open yourself up to the guidance that is being shared with you.  You will feel the 'realness' of it, as you allow yourself to trust and receive.  How do you know what is your Truth?  It literally warms your heart. THAT is the energy that is emanating from the fractal art card that presented for you today...
Blessed be...

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Wholeness & Inner Peace

This is your card reading for Tuesday, March 8th/16---the day of the Super New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse!  No wonder that TWO cards revealed themselves for you on this super-charged day!  Your cards flipped together out of 'The Crystal Ally' card deck, authored by Naisha Ahsian.  Your cards are 'Wholeness ~ Turquoise' and 'Inner Peace ~ Black Tourmaline'.  Naisha's message for the cards is this:
Wholeness ~ Turquoise:
"When Turquoise appears as your Ally, it calls you to seek the unity within.  What is the aspect of the situation that is most difficult for you?  This may be the very aspect that you need to recognize in yourself before you can understand how to release it from your experience.  Every situation and experience that arises in your life is meant to bring you closer to a sense of wholeness and unity with the Universe.  Each experience leads you to a new understanding of yourself and the talents, strengths and weaknesses that you have been given to complete your lifetime here.
Looking within your heart, you will see that everything you are at odds with in your environment is merely a reflection of an inner part of yourself that you have not acknowledged and integrated.  Turquoise is asking you to find that aspect of yourself with which you are having difficulty, and to accept and integrate it into your total self.
CHAKRA:  Throat through Soul Star
AFFIRMATION:  I accept and integrate all aspects of myself."
Inner Peace ~ Tourmaline
"When Tourmaline appears to you, you are being told that the answers you are seeking will appear when you stop living for the past or the future, and begin resonating with the vibration of Inner Peace.  It is in the moment that we create and live through joy.  By living in the current moment you are able to release the emotional patterns you created in the past, and create each moment as you wish it to be.
You will not find your answers in the future, and you will not find them in the play of the past. You will only truly discover yourself when you disconnect from the roles you may have created for yourself and those around you.  This can occur when you accept peace with yourself and the world.  Seize the moment and become like Tourmaline; emanating peace, joy, and healing.
CHAKRA:  Heart
AFFIRMATION:  I live and create in the moment."

My message for you today is this:
It has been said, that when someone triggers a strong response in you, it is because they are mirroring an aspect of yourself that you need to look at. I used to be very resistant to the concept that those who behaved poorly toward me in my life, and caused me pain, were there to mirror something within me.  I am far from perfect, but I am in no way a mean-spirited person, who would even consider acting out against another as has been done to me at certain times in my life.  I understand completely that we incarnated to experience the duality---the dark and Light and all the nuances therein---that this Earthly experience has to offer us.  Therefore, we are ALL made up of dark and Light. Yet, because I have experienced betrayal, for example, does not mean that that is a mirror of my propensity to betray another.  I am actually an extremely loyal person (sometimes to a fault), because I have experienced the deep pain of betrayal.  Yet, over the course of my life, and because of the times that I felt betrayed; I now understand that those experiences PUSHED me to a place of taking a stand for myself and to honour myself.  AHA!  Those people who inflicted the pain of betrayal upon me, WERE there to mirror something within myself that I was meant to take a look at, so that I could bring myself to wholeness.  Some of those people are no longer in my life.  Some have remained, and I have had to have the courage to voice my deepest feelings---so that what we now share is a deeper, more authentic relationship that enhances my life.  'Wholeness' means to recognize ALL aspects of yourself without self-judgment.  Spirit is always striving to bring you toward the best version of yourself---sometimes through experiences that challenge you to release those aspects that no longer serve you, in order to make room for those that now will.  During this Total Solar Eclipse today, the dark (the Moon) will encompass the light (the Sun). How perfect that this message presented for you on this day!  Embrace the energy of Turquoise to support and nurture you in the knowing that ALL that you experience has the potential to help you discover the totality of who you came here to be. 
The other message that has been presented for you on this gateway to the eclipse season is also so appropriate...Inner Peace.  While we are in the energy of seeking alignment, the only TRUE experience of complete alignment is in the the NOW.  I have heard that SO many times in recent in the NOW.  Yet, there is a reason that this message has been repeated so frequently---because it is a very real way to achieve Inner Peace. You CAN experience peace, even in the face of turmoil.  The choice is yours.  Utilize the breath.  Choose to bear witness to the present moment.  Call upon Tourmaline to assist you with being in the moment.  
Elizabeth Peru of, in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast, offers us this exercise to align heart and head on this day of the Eclipse:
"Rub your palms together vigorously, until they heat up and tingle.
Release your hands and place your left hand about 4 inches from your forehead and your right hand about 4 inches away from your heart.  
Hold and when you are ready, bring your hands together in prayer positiion.
Feel the life force energy flow and warm you.
This is an instant head and heart balancing."
Such a wonderful, dynamic day energetically, that the Universe has on offer for us!
Blessed be...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Come to the Edge

It seems that our internet issues have been resolved! Yay!
This is your card reading for Monday, March 7th/16.  Your card today skipped immediately out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Come to the Edge', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  Courage; taking a leap of faith; overcoming fear and accepting risk.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  Facing the unknown is the only choice you really have right now if you want to progress.  It's okay to be afraid.  Now is the time to take a risk that is not calculated--to feel the exhilaration as you ready yourself for a leap of faith.  Spirit is present, so let go of fear.  You are called to express your true self.  Listen to your heart and soul, not your head.  Come to the edge and discover that you can fly. You must step into the familiar so that you may find your miracles.
RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE:  It's scary to be truly intimate with someone, to allow him or her to see all of you, especially the parts that you've kept hidden and protected.  Now is the time to take that risk and let yourself be seen---truly SEEN. It's important that you speak up, voice what you need, state who you are, say what you hope for.  This is not the time to play it safe but to take a leap of faith.  You will be glad you did.  If you're seeking a relationship, the same applies.  Take one step toward the gods and they will deliver what you truly desire.
PROSPERITY MESSAGE:  If ever there was a time for you to take a leap of faith into the unknown, it is now.  This is the perfect moment to take the big risk.  The unknown is the only choice now, and if you come to the edge, you will discover treasure beyond your wildest dreams.  Allow your courage to lead you in spite of your fears.  You don't need to know the exact form of what you're going for.  The essence is much more powerful, and Spirit has a way of delivering an even better version of prosperity than you could imagine.  Take that step.  The results will be amazing.
PROTECTION MESSAGE:  Fear is leading the way into places you don't need to go.  Most of what you fear at the moment is an illusion stemming from an old belief that isn't even true. Now is a time for courage. You will not be lost at sea; you will not watch everyone else get what you want while you are left alone and unloved---oh, the drama of it all!  False evidence appearing real is hovering over you.  The more you dwell in fear, the more real it will become.  Ask yourself, Who in me is afraid?  Love that part of you.  Ask, Is this true and real right now?  The answer most likely, is no. Give yourself a hug.  It's okay to be scared. Courage must be summoned.  In spite of your fear, even when you're not feeling confident, Spirit will always catch you."

My message for you today is this:
If your 'way of being' has been as a 'people pleaser', you have likely been finding that you are no longer completely comfortable in that role. This transition has been happening for some time now. Your Soul has been calling out to you---in fact, pushing you---to honour yourself and your own Truth, rather than to deny that Truth in order to make those around you more comfortable.  This does NOT mean that you have suddenly become this obnoxious, 'self-centered' b*tch!  Although, as you adjust to 'speaking your Truth', you may have been surprised by the aggression with which you expressed yourself, initially---no self-judgment---you are finding your way, here.  When we strive to hold something in, or to stifle ourselves, it sometimes comes bursting out!  As Colette shared in her message for this card, it takes courage to share who we are authentically---we often feel vulnerable in doing so.  Both in our intimate relationships, and in how we express ourselves out into the world...we are being urged to be authentic and to honour who we truly are; as scary as that can feel sometimes. Remember:  We are in the year of Creative Courage, as I have intuited! Tomorrow will be a Super New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse.  Allow this incoming Light to illuminate the 'dark'---those aspects of yourself that you may have kept hidden or protected. Do not allow fear to hold you back from being ALL that you are.  Pay attention to the opportunities and experiences that the Universe presents you with, to stand in your power in an authentic way. Acknowledge any fear you may be experiencing, but don't allow it to cripple you. 'The edge' can be an exciting place to be, when you have faith.  Achieving that which you had not conceived for yourself is exhilarating!
There is a beautiful, and apt quote that would be a great mantra for you today:
"A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself."  ~Unknown~
I would add to that, that you are always supported by Spirit and your Spiritual Advisors, also. You are never in that.
Blessed be...