Monday, March 21, 2016


This is your card reading for Monday, March 21st/16.  Your card dropped out onto the desktop (so gently, that I didn't even notice it had dropped out at first), from the 'Goddess Guidance' deck authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Ostara ~ Fertility', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"It is the perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas, and give birth to new conditions...
MESSAGE FROM OSTARA:  Springtime is any time when the light increases within your mind and entire system.  If you feel dark, heavy or depressed, then you can lighten up by fueling yourself with positive intentions, nutritious foods, and anything that sparks your feelings of love.  Surround yourself with beautiful flowers, brighten the colors in your wardrobe and home, and draw back the curtains to let in natural light.  You can paint a sunnier outlook within yourself, which will give rise to all sorts of new opportunities, since like attracts like.  Feel more energized and powerful as you spruce up your inner and outer worlds.  Then capitalize on this increased vigor by starting a new project that really makes your heart sing with excitement!
VARIOUS MEANINGS OF THIS CARD:   * This card signifies pregnancy. * You will be involved with a successful child conception, adoption, or custody resolution. * Your desire will fully manifest in the springtime. * There will be a resurrection of the old. * Your new idea or venture will be successful. * It's an opportune time to make life changes. *
ABOUT OSTARA (pronounced Oh-STAR-uh): She's the Teutonic goddess of fertility and springtime, who's sometimes called 'Eostre.'  The words East  and Easter were both named after Ostara, because of the reference to the sun rising in the East, and the increase in sunlight beginning in the Celtic springtime. She's celebrated during the Spring Equinox as the bringer of increased light and the balance between nighttime and daytime hours.  Call upon Ostara to increase your fruitfulness, fertility, or to help you embark on new ventures."

My message for you today is this:
I have often said that we couldn't script the ways in which Spirit reveals messages to us, if we tried!  Today's card is another beautiful example of the synchronicity with which Spirit communicates with us!  I personally had no idea that Ostara was the Goddess of Spring, and of course, I had no idea which card would reveal itself for your reading today...yet, the Goddess of Spring gently presented for your reading today, on the day following Spring Equinox!   It's a paradox that we are experiencing light snow fall here today in central Alberta, now that 'Spring has sprung'; whereas we had been experiencing Spring-like weather for much of the month of March leading up to Spring!  Go figure! 
The energies that abound at this time DO encourage that 'Spring fever' feeling... I keep 'hearing' a phrase that I believe is from a song: 'Everything old is new again.'  We are absolutely in the vibration of renewal and of approaching things from a 'new way of Being'. The ways in which we approach many aspects of our life situations have been undergoing a shift.  We have been releasing some of our old patterns of behavior and learning how to embody and express ourselves as we are NOW.  This has likely caused some discomfort , and perhaps even chaos, in some of your close relationships over the past months.  Know that all of this is coming to resolution and that these experiences were indeed meant to serve you in moving forward.  You are going to begin to witness the 'new growth' that is reminiscent of Spring.  Your role now, is to pay close attention to what your intuition is communicating to you; to trust in it; and to take guided action.  You have done the 'inner work'---it is now time to express that out into the world.  In what area of your life are you now meant to foster new growth?  Call upon the Goddess, Ostara, to support you in this...
Happy Spring!
Blessed be...

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