Friday, January 30, 2015


This is your daily card reading for Friday, January 30th/15.  Your card jumped out of the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Action', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Today I take action related to the priorities that I have previously put off...
Mother Mary sends you this gentle reminder that sometimes you must take human action in order for your prayers to be answered.  Such is the case with your current situation, where you may have disregarded, or procrastinated working on, a priority.  Mother Mary is compassionate and understands that you've got multiple responsibilities demanding your time and attention.  Even so, this is a case where things will stay at a standstill until you take steps in your desired direction.  
To clarify which action steps to take, sit quietly and interview your heart with these questions:
What is most important to me?
How much time do I devote to these priorities daily?
What can I do right now to support them?
Notice the thoughts and feelings that arise, because these are part of the answers to your prayers.  Then ask Mother Mary and the angels to boost your motivation and confidence to take these actions."

My message for you today is this:
The energy is strong right now in urging us to take 'conscious action' I have stated here often, that is the energy of 2015 on the whole, but today's energy is 'amped up' in that regard.  Mother Mary---with her maternal, nurturing energy---is imploring us to express our Light out into the World, in the same way that a loving Mother sees the great potential within her child and wants that potential to be expressed.  Although Mother Mary's energy is gentle, she is adamant that today we take the action steps necessary in sharing our unique gifts and talents with the World.  Procrastination is NOT in alignment with the energy of this day!  Choose to be proactive, even if it means taking baby steps.  Tap into your inner knowing, which is heart-centered, as to how best to proceed today.  Perhaps you will pick up the phone and make that phone call that you have been putting off making, for whatever reason.  Perhaps you will register for that course that you have been interested in taking, but haven't yet committed to.  Perhaps you will follow through on your plans to take better care of your physical body by researching nutrition and committing to an exercise program that feels right for you.  Whatever this means for you today, follow your heart's urgings, take guided action, and witness the sense of elation you feel once you have taken some steps to bring your desired reality into being!  Mother Mary stands with you today to support you in doing so...she offers you the firm, yet gentle hand of maternal energy.  Feel embraced and know that Mother Mary looks upon you seeing the potential and possibility within you, longing for it to be expressed.  What you place your intention upon today and your energy into accomplishing, will move forward with ease and grace. Take action!  You will be so glad that you did!
Blessed be...  

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Universal Law of Love

This is your card reading for Thursday, January 29th/15, from Anthem, Arizona!  Your card dropped out of the fractal art 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana DaPonte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is the 'Universal Law of Love', and Lara, Dana and Marlene's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Love states that the formless substance, or essence, from which all things are created is permeated with the quality of universal love.  Universal love is an inherent quality of the life force that animates all things and is thus within every atom and molecule of everything that exists.  Universal love is whole, open, and inclusive.  It contains an interconnection with all life and embraces everyone and everything without conditions.  It allows that which is without restriction.  Oneness experienced at the level of feeling is universal love.  The polar experience of love is fear.  All feelings are a variation of either fear or love.  When you perceive yourself as separate from all life, you experience fear or another emotion rooted in fear, such as anger, hate, depression, or pain.  All emotions that made you feel badly are rooted in the perception of separation.  All emotions that make you feel good are rooted in love or oneness.  When you feel good, you become expanded and open.  An open, expanded state of being allows the Universe to work with, for, and through you.  This card is telling you to choose love.  Ask yourself: what would love do now?  How could you look at your present conditions more lovingly?"

My message for you today is this:
As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, what I felt emanating was a glowing warmth that was all-encompassing.  You are being asked today to take a moment to allow yourself to consciously bask in the glow of unconditional Love.  You CAN make the conscious choice to do so, you know, regardless of extenuating circumstances.  Take the time to sit quietly, and support yourself with crystals, candle light, and uplifting music, or a locale in Nature that you resonate deeply with---whatever you feel inspired to 'set the mood' (Rose Quartz is a beautiful crystal whose vibration is in alignment with unconditional Love).  Give yourself the loving gift of this time to honour yourself and the Divine spark that resides within you...this spark is fuelled by unconditional Love.  See the Divine spark, in your mind's eye, and imagine it growing, and glowing, and expanding, until it fills you up with Light and Love. Now, you are in complete vibrational alignment with Source energy, which is Love energy. Sit with that, and feel yourself embody the peace and serenity that is being offered you. Unconditional Love energy is so healing, and you CAN choose to access this vibration, even when (and most especially when) you are not feeling your optimal self.  Feeling sad, or angry or frustrated or unworthy?  Acknowledge that you are feeling that way, and that there are no 'bad' emotions, because as Panache Desai states, 'emotions are just energy in motion'.  Look to how that emotion is there to guide you, and then nurture yourself by engaging in the simple practise of connecting with Source, unconditional Love energy as a reminder that you ARE LOVED  and you ARE LOVE.  Sitting with this Love energy can serve to shift your perspective about any situation or circumstance within your life.
I so appreciate the question presented in the message for the card which asks: 'what would love do now?'  Any act that is taken with Love as the motivating agent is going to be for the greater good.  For today, though, do not place any requirements upon yourself, other than to take a few moments to 'bask in unconditional Love'.  To simply do so will shift and impact how you move through the rest of the day and the near future, in ways that you cannot even begin to imagine!
Blessed be... 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Archangel Ariel ~ Strength

This is your card reading for Tuesday, January 27th/15 (note: there will be no card reading posted for Wednesday, January 28th/15, as my husband and I will be flying to Arizona).
Your card skipped out of the 'Angel Tarot Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine.  No surprise that your card is a major arcana card, nor that it is 'Archangel Ariel ~ Strength'!  Doreen and Raleigh's message for the card is this:
"This card comes to you because you need to realize that you are stronger than you realize. You can definitely handle your current situation. However, instead of 'powering through it', you're better off with an approach of compassion, kindness, and gentleness.  The strength that this situation calls for comes from the softness of a spiritual core.
Your strength and effectiveness increase as you believe in yourself and your ability to grow from the experiences you have in life.  Look upon challenges as opportunities to learn and apply your knowledge and magical touch.
Additional meanings for this card:  * Patience. * Forgiveness. * The courage of your convictions. * Using honey instead of vinegar. *"

My message for you today is this:
Archangel Ariel, whose name means, 'Lioness of God' is known as the 'Nature Archangel' because her energies are closely aligned with Nature and animals.  She has a gentle energy that is underscored with strength and she teaches us that it is possible to be strong, yet gentle at the same time.  Many experience her aura as pale pink and a crystal that resonates with her energy is Rose Quartz---the crystal of unconditional Love. 
Archangel Ariel has presented for you today because she wishes to remind you that to be self-empowered NEVER implies that you disempower another!  True self-empowerment means to stand firmly in your own power from a loving place (including love of SELF), regardless of the circumstances surrounding you.  
Perhaps---as we are in Mercury Retrograde---you have had or will have people or circumstances present to you that 'push your buttons'.  Ariel is asking you to come at such situations from a place of knowing that there lies within this, the opportunity for you to heal or 'sort out' something that will ultimately serve you.  She guides you to approach such occurrences from the perspective of 'gentle strength'; rather than from an old pattern of defensiveness or withdrawal.  Experiences and learnings of the past have brought you here. You  have proven to yourself that you are strong, and you have proven to yourself that you are is the time to embrace the understanding that you can be loving and strong all at once, and that therein lies the greatest strength of All!
Blessed be...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Admit Your True Feelings

This is your card reading for Monday, January 26th/15.  After the INCREDIBLE Spring-like weather that we experienced here in south/central Alberta yesterday, I was inspired to draw your card today from the 'Magical Messages from the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Mother Nature and the Nature Angels have been gracing us of late!  Your card is 'Admit Your True Feelings to Yourself', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Be honest with yourself.  Only you know what it is that you truly desire...
This card indicates that you've been concealing something from yourself.  What is it?  Your emotions are true and accurate, and they're trying to get your attention.  Right now admit your deepest feelings to yourself.  Know that it's safe for you to engage in this self-honesty. Your genuine feelings form the compass that points you in the best direction and guides you to the answers you seek.  Trust that any changes you make will come about in harmonious ways.  You'll be glad that you admitted your true feelings to yourself!
Additional meanings for this card:  * Allow other people to get to know the real you. * Retain your integrity by following the path that you know is right for you. * Be yourself. * Face your fears head-on. *

My message for you today is this:
Why is it that we are reluctant to admit the truth of our own Divinity, even to ourselves?  It's frightening to face the knowing that we hold within us a great potential and our own unique gifts that we are meant to express out into the World.  It's as though we are afraid that--- should we shine our Light too brightly---there will be someone or some circumstance that will present to attempt to dim that Light, and so we 'keep the wick low' so as not to dazzle with our brilliance!  The problem with this is that we are coming to a place in time where it will no longer be 'comfortable' to live our lives inauthentically. We are being urged and encouraged to 'get real' about ourselves in regards to WHO and  HOW we TRULY wish to be in this World.  A famous quote by Anais Nin says it eloquently: 
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
I myself, only came out of the 'psychic closet' (as I term it) to some of my closest friends about 5 years ago...yet I had been actively studying and learning about my metaphysical self for almost 15 years by that time!  It is because I hold this part of myself as sacred and I wasn't ready to make myself vulnerable to the possibility of scrutiny or criticism, that I told even my closest friends nothing about my pursuits and studies at that time.  My 'psychic coming out' and revealing my authentic Self has continued to be an ongoing process, which definitely has not always felt 'comfortable'.  Yet, I have been happily surprised by how my sharing has been received, sometimes in the places and with the people that I felt would be least likely to receive it---and more importantly how my having the courage to do so has impacted the lives of others. It is as the quote above states...we are entering a time when being authentic is the ONLY WAY, and it begins with being authentic with yourself.  Be willing to embrace the Divinity that resides in YOU, and lay aside any old patterns of self-judgment or lack of worthiness.  The simple truth is that your BEING here makes you worthy.  To be Divine does not imply implies striving to express your best self and your unique gifts out into the World...knowing that choosing to do so in this physical existence requires self-discovery and yes, it can be 'messy' at times!  Our emotions and feelings are an excellent barometer to help guide us through the experience, but you have to be willing to acknowledge your TRUE feelings.  You are more than supported in doing so at this time---you are urged to do so!  
Blessed be...

Friday, January 23, 2015

Gentle Release

This is your card reading for Friday, January 23rd/15.  Your card today is from the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is the 'Gentle Release' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"The presence of Archangel Michael is here to assist you with clearing your energy field of old hurts and past experiences that are weighing you down and slowing your progress in life. He is here to help you cut the cords that keep you energetically attached to people and events that no longer serve you in a positive way.  Michael always performs his duties with love and asks you to consciously send love to those people and things in your past so that you may release them into the Light and move forward with your life."

My message for you today is this:
We entered into the powerful energetic period of Mercury Retrograde mid-week and this is a wonderful time for clearing up and healing aspects of 'unfinished business' from the past...particularly in regards to relationship and communication issues. We will be given the opportunity to deal with these past issues from a place of higher perspective and deeper understanding so that they can be brought to resolution for the 'greater good of All'.  Prior to doing that though, we must release our old patterns and hurts, and you HAVE been doing this for some time, now...but it is time to take that releasement to a deeper level.  Archangel Michael has presented to assist you with that.  Pay attention to the people or situations from your past that come into your experience over the next few weeks...there is a reason that this is being re-invited into your life at this time.  Understand that you are being given the opportunity to firmly stand in your power in a way that you may not have in the past, but that you now understand that LOVE is the most powerful energy of all (this includes self-love)!

As I lay my hand upon the card it also came to mind that your message today is about releasing the projections that you have placed upon yourself about how you are viewed by others and the 'roles' that you feel have been imposed upon you. In truth, no one can impose these restrictions upon you, but is only YOU who holds YOU back from being your authentic self.  True self-empowerment is taking responsibility for ourselves and our lives---victimhood directs the blame upon others.  You have been working toward living your life in a conscious way and in understanding that when you seek to follow your guidance and intuition, it is clear that the Universe is indeed conspiring FOR you, not AGAINST you!  Archangel Michael is here to assist you in gently releasing any residual 'victimhood' from your belief system regarding yourself and how you will express your authentic self out into the world.  This is the year of 'conscious action' and this gentle release that you are being advised to undertake will help to prepare you for creating a beautiful opening that will allow all that you are meant to be to be revealed.  Relax into it. It is an act of LOVE toward yourself and others.  It serves no one to hold on to old hurts or patterns that hold us back.  Choose to gently release, on a deep level, what no longer serves you so that you can have greater clarity in moving forward.  Call upon Archangel Michael---he has presented for you today for a reason!  This does not require a specific prayer or invocation---the angels respond to the energy of our sincerity and intentions---you can recite the most beautiful prayer or poem, and if there is no real intention to connect to the angels behind it, it is ineffective.  By all means, employ a prayer of invocation if that feels right to you, but be sure to infuse it with the energy of your INTENTION to connect with Archangel Michael...your request can be as straight-forward as: "Archangel Michael please help me to cut cords with what no longer serves me at this time".  Be more specific if you are clear about exactly WHAT or WHOM you are intending to cut energetic cords with.
You can also utilize the energy that this fractal art card offers you to gain clarity in that regard...gaze upon it, or lay your hand upon the image of the card shared here, and see what 'comes to mind' for you...this is Spirit communicating with you, if you are open to it.
Blessed be...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

I inadvertently deleted the posting for today's reading ~ 'Mawu ~ Mother Earth'...see my Facebook page for today's reading!


This is your card reading for Wednesday, January 21st/15---today we begin the 3 week period of Mercury Retrograde!  I chose the 'Ascended Masters' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue to lead us into this powerful energetic period.  Your card is 'Meditate ~ Siddhartha Gautama Buddha'---perfect!  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"This card is a call for you to meditate regularly.  Your path, body, and soul are asking for quiet time to reflect, think, and receive insights.  Even a small amount of time devoted to daily meditation will bring you great gifts.  You don't necessarily need any formal training in meditation.  It's simply a matter of sitting quietly, closing your eyes, breathing, and listening.
Additional meanings for this card: *Be still and listen. * You need some alone time. * Be honest with yourself. * Join a meditation group or take a meditation class. * Listen to a meditation CD. * "

My message for you today is this:
This is just the perfect card to present for you as we head into the powerful cosmic energy of Mercury Retrograde!  The people whom I follow---whose gift is in understanding and explaining cosmic energies---advocate Mercury Retrograde as having the possibility of being a period of rapid transformation and a time when we are urged to be authentic. 
Yes...I am AGAIN going to quote Elizabeth Peru ( here, in snippets from her supplement article, 'The Ultimate Survival Guide to Mercury Retrograde'. It is 13 pages of guidance from Elizabeth regarding how best to navigate your way through, and UTILIZE, the energies that Mercury Retrograde offers us here on Earth.  I am merely offering a few key quotes from that article, but I LOVE her positive take on it!

"...I have come to know that the three-week periods of the Mercury Retrograde, which come around three to four times a year, are amongst the most cosmically powerful available to us each year.  They push and move us to clear up any uncertainty, doubt, and confusion around communication and messages from our past in particular...
...We can actually have a greater perspective on our life during Mercury Retrograde...
...The  Mercury Retrograde helps you to develop discernment that supports your growth.  You will be learning to act on decisions based upon what your heart desires.  This will be what is best for your growth rather than what you think you should do or be.  There is a big difference between the two and the more you can make the firm and supportive decisions during this period, the greater will be your expansion and release from fear.  The greater will be your personal acceleration and freedom.  Mercury loves you to be independent, empowered, aware and free."

While meditation is ALWAYS a beautiful means of nurturing and caring for our mind, body, Spirit; it is even MORE so when we are experiencing strong energies or when we are in times of turmoil or stress.  Meditation is a wonderful way to 'center' ourselves.  Yet, it is when we need it most, that we tend not to make the time to engage in this self-nurturing act!
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha---referred to by many as simply 'the Buddha'---was a sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.  Born into a wealthy family, he left this lifestyle behind to devote his life to seeking the end of suffering; and the path to enlightenment.
Many of his insights were attained while in meditation.  This Ascended Master has presented to you today to remind you of the benefits of meditation.  
As Doreen states in her message to you, meditation need not be made complicated.  Most of the spiritual mentors and teachers that I have had the privilege of working with, teach that to meditate means to bring your attention to your breath.  I have always loved the phrase that a yoga instructor I had years ago used to use: "Rest in the stillness of your breath." Now, decades later, in my learnings with Panache Desai, he often uses that very same phrase!  I find that just to hear or think of that phrase, takes me to that inner place of peace.
Honour yourself by making the commitment to make meditation a part of your life, and NOW is the perfect time to initiate that, as we move into our first Mercury Retrograde of 2015.
Set aside 10 minutes (or more, if possible); get comfortable in a quiet place; light a candle; play some soft music, if you choose; gently close your eyes; and 'rest in the stillness of your breath'.  A beautiful gift for yourself.  Perhaps you will feel that you want to listen to specific guided meditations (I am currently listening to some by Panache Desai); or perhaps you will feel guided to join a meditation group or circle; or perhaps you are making the commitment to begin or end (or both) each day in solitary meditation.  It comes to mind---as I witness the brilliant, breathtaking colours of the sunrise outside my office window just now---that to even take the time to sit in stillness and appreciation of that natural spectacle of beauty, is a form of meditation. (And so, I did take the time to witness this particularly gorgeous sunrise!) grateful...  
Buddha is here to support you as you seek to bring the practise of meditation into your life, in whatever way feels right for upon him to assist and inspire you.  I encourage you to make the commitment to meditate for yourself; and to utilize the energies being offered you by Mercury Retrograde to enhance your life experience, also...these energies are not to be feared (as some portray them); but to be embraced as assisting us in moving forward in our spiritual growth!
Blessed be... 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


This is your card reading for Tuesday, January 20th/15...the day of the Super New Moon! Your card today flipped out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Up', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Time to lift your eyes off the ground and start looking up toward the heavens.  Keeping YOU down and trying to be small isn't doing anyone any favours.  This world needs you---the REAL you.  Low self-esteem and self-worth is impeding your perception of whom and what you really are.  It is also affecting your ability to put yourself out into the world.  There is a whole other life, waiting inside you, crying to be lived.  The only thing standing in your way is you.
The Universe sees you and knows you as a Divine spark of the All.  They are calling you now to begin embracing that aspect of yourself too.  Stand up, hold your head up, and bein looking at the ways in which you are dis-empowering yourself.  It's time to start building your own personal sense of value and your own sense of worth.  Spirit knows this is not an easy task, which is why they have brought you this message today.
Every time you feel you are not enough, look up to the heavens and know the entire Cosmos is supporting you on this.  When you see the sky above you, let that be your reminder that you are more than enough.  You are God incarnated.  And the only one who can give you value and a sense of worth is you.
There is nothing your guides and angels want more than to see you step in to the truth of who you really are.  Start looking to the good within you, the value you actually do have, and the difference you really do make.  Start to see yourself as the Universe sees you.  Human is what you are wearing on the outside.  Inside, you are a brilliant Light of Divine Source. Remember who you are."

My message for you today is this:
Wow!  I have long spoken of the MANIFESTATION energy that comes with a New Moon, and today's Super New Moon is a doozy!  Spirit has given you a loving 'kick you in the butt' message today!  
I was speaking only yesterday with a dear friend about how we had both had serious moments of self-doubt late in 2014; where we were asking ourselves if we were having any REAL impact with our spiritual work and teaching, and if it was really worth all the effort...  I share this with you because we spoke also of how some of the leading spiritual mentors and teachers that we have had the good fortune to work with over the years, have also experienced just such doubts.  It is part of the human experience---NO ONE, having a human experience, resides in total confidence and 'knowing' at all times!  We were both given validation, just when we needed it most, that we were on the right Soul path, and Spirit is doing the same for you now.  Spirit is reminding you today that you DO have gifts to offer and that you DO make a difference, often in ways that you may not even know or realize!  The thing is, to honour YOURSELF enough to be true to yourself and to express yourself out into the world in the way that your Soul is urging you to do.  I have stated that I see 2015 as the year of 'conscious action'---take responsibility for the Divine spark that is within you and embrace the unconditional Love that resides there.  When self-doubt or low self-esteem visit you, acknowledge your feelings and then turn your attention to the Divine spark within and allow it to Light your way.  This 'kick in the butt' from Spirit is meant to lift you readjust your perspective so that you may see yourself as the Divine sees you.
This card has presented for you at the perfect time...CONSCIOUSLY set your intentions for sharing your gifts.  As Elizabeth Peru (yes...I have been quoting her a lot lately, but her advice truly resonates with me right now, particularly!) of states  in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast', regarding this Super New Moon:
"Around the time of a New Moon we pull in and reflect.  You may be looking over the last six months of your life and wondering what you have achieved, where you have been and deciding if you are happy with where and who you are.  Are you?  This New Moon is asking for a re-set on a very practical level.  There's nothing wishy-washy or unsure about what it is you need to refresh and begin anew.  You know what needs good solid practical action in your life, don't you? It's what you keep thinking about and dreaming about.  It just won't go away until you give it some attention. WELL, ATTENTION TIME IS NOW.  I suggest you take some time out of your busy schedule today and write down what your intuition is telling you. Have the courage to acknowledge and face what you are being told from within... Let your truth wash over you today.  That will be enough to set your inner intent. Then you can start taking actions steps from today onwards to fulfilling your heart's desires.  At the Full Moon in July you will see the results of what you plant now.  So let's go and build solid foundations that we can thrive from come mid year." we go...utilize the supporting energy of this Super New Moon to look UP!  Know that in honouring yourself and all that you are, you are thereby honouring the Divine!  Get clear and take 'conscious action'...Exciting times!
Blessed be...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Seraphinite ~ Healing

This is your card reading for Monday, January 19th/15.  Yesterday, January 18th, marked one year since my dear friend, Melanie Anderson's, passing.  Melanie, and her beautiful crystal shop, 'Vitality Crystals & Fountains', were impactful on so many lives as Melanie shared her love for, and knowledge of, crystal energy, and so much more.  I miss you my friend, I am in gratitude for your love and guidance in my life, and I am grateful for the times that you have 'dropped in' to grace me with your presence...
I chose 'The Crystal Ally' card deck, authored by Naisha Ahsian, in honour of Melanie and her gift of crystal consciousness---it was no surprise when the 'Seraphinite ~ Healing' card floated out of the deck for your reading today!
Naisha's message for the card is this:
"When Seraphinite appears in your cards, you can be sure that a time of healing is upon you.  Healing is the process of bringing aspects of our self that are out of balance back into balance again.  Most imbalance is caused by the belief in the illusion of separation from Divine love.  Seraphinite has come to remind you that you are loved, and that any imbalance you have created can be healed by accepting that love into your life again. 
Before we can step fully into the age of Light, we must integrate all of the experiences that reside within our physical body.  When we have done this, we can fully experience the clarity of our Light body being anchored on the Earth plane.  Seraphinite's frequency aids in the rapid processing, healing, and integration of cellular memories and information, creating clarity in our bodies, emotions, and minds.
By accepting the healing that Seraphinite offers, you can once again experience the beauty of connection to the Divine source of all creation.
AFFIRMATION:  I honour my body as a vehicle for the Light."

My message for you today is this:
Do you see the Light orb to the left of the angel in the image here?  It is no coincidence...
There are 3 pendants that I have draped around the angel in the photo, also---I wear these 3 pendants together, right over my heart chakra, whenever I am doing any spiritual work. 
The pendant on the left is 'Seraphinite', and was gifted to me by my dear friend, Cindy Smith: creator and facilitator of the AEP (Angel Empowerment Practitioner) certification course, when I assisted her with a course some years ago.  The middle pendant is a 'Super Seven' or 'Sacred Seven', that my husband gifted to me after having made a trip to Melanie's shop to ask her what she would suggest to assist me with moving through the 'Shift' that many of us were feeling profoundly in 2012.  The pendant on the right is a 'Liquid Crystal Rainbow' pendant; which is comprised of a naturally-occurring clear quartz crystal point, tumbled black tourmaline chips, and liquid crystal.  These high vibration, highly protective pendants are made in Germany and were only available in Canada through Vitality Crystals & Fountains---I gifted it to myself some years ago!  It just felt 'right' to picture these with your card today; when the 'Seraphinite' card presented.
We, as a collective, have been experiencing a profound energy shift with the advent of 2015!  Interesting that Naisha's message today (which was published in 1995!) is so relevant in supporting and assisting us through this radical time of change in the present! Indulge me, if I can't help but feel that Melanie continues to guide us from the other side, in bringing Seraphinite to our attention today, as a beautiful crystal to support us through this transition that we are experiencing...  I certainly intend to wear my Seraphinite more regularly at this time; rather than just when I am doing readings or teaching classes!  
Elizabeth Peru, of, shares this information with us in her weekly on-line newsletter, 'The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast' (this forecast is available for a nominal fee and I highly recommend it, if you feel at all sensitive to cosmic energies and want to receive information about that in a 'down to Earth' fashion):
"The effects of the New Year's Great Shift (like a wave) are still rolling through us. A physical purge and cleanse is underway...
Now let this energy flow through you, like water flowing through a stream. It's all OK, it will pass and clear, go with it.  The spiritual force wants to transform you and create a new energy template that your physical body will then morph and grow into.  A NEW HUMAN IS BEING CREATED.  WE ARE GETTING WHAT WE ASKED FOR.   And what have we been asking for?  Well lives of greater flow, peace, abundance, surety, love and happiness.  Our subtle non-physical senses are getting fine-tuned.  Your telepathy and psychic awareness is strengthening.  Can you feel it?  All of this is now available in the YEAR OF ACTION, but here's the clincher...YOU HAVE TO GET OFF YOUR BUM AND DO WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU THIS YEAR.  No excuses, OK?"
Ha!  As I said, I appreciate Elizabeth's no-nonsense method of delivery!  We are truly experiencing a huge infusion of LIGHT at this time, and while the adjustment to that can be discombobulating, resistance only enhances your discomfort...we have literally been making physical adjustments in our bodies so that we can EMBODY this Light, and one of those adjustments is in healing old wounds and ways of Being.  After which, you are being urged to shine your Light as you have never shone it before!  You are SO supported in this!
There is an individual and a collective transition occurring and it is a beautiful thing!  Utilize the healing energies of Seraphinite being offered you; call upon your Spiritual Advisors to assist you; share what you are experiencing with other like-minded people and even take a class or read some books that will help to explain that you are an energetic/vibrational Being, and all that that implies!  You are not a 'victim' to the energies that abound at this time...they are meant to ultimately empower you as we move into this year of what I have come to call, 'CONSCIOUS ACTION'!  A powerful (and empowering) start to your week!
The affirmation that Naisha offers us for Seraphinite is perfect for these times!
Blessed be...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Conscious Connections 2 Day Course Being Offered!

So...further to the courses I had posted previously that I will be offering in February and March...I am also offering my 'Conscious Connections' 2 day course.  You will learn about chakras, auras, working with energy, the psychic senses, Guides and Angels, crystal energy, pendulums, oracle cards, and so much more!  This is a very comprehensive introductory level course!  I LOVE teaching this course and witnessing the opening of my students!
Course cost is $198 (GST included in cost) which includes an angel oracle card deck of your choice, a crystal of your choice, the course manual, and refreshments.
COURSE DATES BEING OFFERED:  Saturday, March 7th & Sunday, March 8th/15; Thursday, March 19th & Friday, March 20th/15.

PRIVATE MESSAGE ME ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE:  Conscious Connections With Linda

I am SO looking forward to our time together!
Blessings to you,

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Upcoming Courses!!! Yay!!!

I am definitely coming off of the 'high' that facilitating my 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records™' course took me to the past couple days; and so I am looking at my calendar and determining possible course dates for the upcoming months, because teaching (and witnessing others step into their own power) is my PASSION!!!
These courses will be held at my home at Crossfield, Alberta.

Those of you who know me, know of my love for crystal energy...and if you've been in my home, or spent time in my presence, you will find crystals EVERYWHERE!  My husband and I will be going to the Tucson, Arizona 'Rock & Gem Show' from February 2-5th/15 (the show actually runs from January 29th - February 9th/15).  This will be our 3rd experience of this mega-event, and I KNOW that I will be in such excitement energy about crystals, following this event, that it is perfect timing for me to offer my 'Introduction to Crystal Energy' full day course when I return to Canada!  Check out my website for course details, but I will promise you that this is a very comprehensive, foundational, 1 day course that you will benefit from, even if you have previous experience with crystal energy. Course cost is $114.00 (GST included in that cost); which includes the course manual, a crystal or crystal bracelet of your choice, and refreshments.
COURSE DATES BEING OFFERED:  Sunday, February 15th/15; Tuesday, February 17th/15; Tuesday, March 17th/15. 

~ KNOW AND CONNECT WITH YOUR ANGELS (including how to work with Angel Oracle Cards) ~Full Day Course~
I have been working with Angel Oracle cards for almost 2 decades, and I find them to be a very accurate, beautiful, divination tool for connecting with your Angels!  I post a daily card reading on my Facebook page (Monday through Friday) and primarily utilize angel oracle cards for these readings.  Check out my website on the 'Courses' page, for course details.
The Angelic Realm---including your personal Guardian Angels---are a gift from the Creator to support us here in our physical experience.  Learning how to better access and work with this Realm truly enhances your life---it is an empowering experience!  Your Angels WANT to connect with you...will you make the commitment of 1 day to learn how to better connect with them?  Course cost is $124.00 (GST included in that cost); which includes the course manual, an angel oracle card deck of your choice, and refreshments.
COURSE DATES BEING OFFERED:  Saturday, February 21st/15; Tuesday, February 24th/15; Wednesday, March 25th/15.  

Two Day Course
This course is absolutely an integral part of my LIFE-PURPOSE!  This beautiful means of making a 'conscious connection' and of self-discovery is best suited to those who have been on the spiritual path and are ready to access this very high vibrational space. Again...check out my website for more course information, and also check out the 'Akashic Records' page on my website to learn more.  Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.  My experiences in facilitating this course have been PROFOUND!  I am in deep gratitude!  
Levels 1 & 2 are offered together over 2 days, and Level 3 & Practitioner Level are offered together over an additional 2 days.  Course cost is $222/level, with an 'Early Bird' cost of $180/level being offered when you make payment in full, 7 days prior to the course.
COURSE DATES BEING OFFERED FOR LEVELS 1 & 2:  Thursday, March 12th & Friday, March 13th/15 OR Saturday, March 14th/15 & Sunday, March 15th.
NOTE:  I will only offer this course on the Thursday/Friday OR the Saturday/Sunday, depending upon which course fills up first, so register for your preferred time right away.

PRIVATE MESSAGE ME ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE: Conscious Connections With Linda

Teaching is my PASSION!  It is JOYFUL for me to witness others step into the power that is within them, and to step into their inherent ability to make a 'conscious connection' with Spirit and the Divine!  I thank you for the honour of allowing me to be the facilitator for you in that regard, and I sincerely look forward to our time together!

Blessings to you!


I am so grateful!

I am SO grateful to the beautiful Souls that I had the honour of sharing my 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records', Level 3/Practitioner Course with the past 2 days!  It was a profound experience of learning and sharing and being in such amazing, high vibration energy!  Just WOW!  I THANK YOU for your gift of SELF and for all that you brought to the experience...this was a truly JOYFUL experience for me! I say 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'!
The buck and fawn pictured here, graced us with their presence.  We have had some does and fawns 'hanging out' in our yard this month, but we had not seen a buck until yesterday afternoon as my course headed toward it's conclusion.  He walked casually by the windows right outside where we were gathered in my house.  What a blessing from Spirit!
We all recognized the blessing and that this was a message.  According to Ted Andrew's book, 'Animal Speak', the antlers of a male deer signify heightened perception, and the 'rack' on this buck was impressive!  We were DEFINITELY in that state of receiving when he chose to make himself known to us...there is no COINCIDENCE, only SYNCHRONICITY!
With deep gratitude, much love and blessings,

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

No daily card readings for Wednesday, January 14th to Friday, January 16th/15

There will be no daily card readings posted for Wednesday, January 14th to Friday, January 16th/15.  I am thrilled to be teaching my 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records' course to some beautiful Souls on Thursday and Friday, and Wednesday is all about lovingly prepping for that!  JOYFUL!  
Look here for your daily card reading on Monday, January 19th/15.
Blessings to you,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


This is your card reading for Tuesday, January 13th/15.  Your card today skimmed out of 'The Animal-Wise Tarot' card deck, authored by Ted Andrews.  Your card is 'Loon', and Ted's message for the card is this:
"The Loon is unique among water birds, almost always found around water birds, almost always found around water but clumsy on land.  Powerful swimmers, loons can dive deeper and swim faster than other birds, including the penguin.  When Loon appears, it reminds us to pay attention to our dreams since they will become more vibrant, more colorful, and more lucid---taking on greater importance, providing answers, and inspiring hope.
The time is ripe for us to gain insight into our problems and anxieties through the dream state.  It is not unusual for lucid dreaming to occur when Loon appears.  In lucid dreaming we become aware that we are dreaming in the midst of the dream.  The dreams may have a tendency to be intense, awakening old pains, but only so they can be cleansed out.  Such dreams remind us of coming opportunities if we face and resolve past unhappiness. Though there may be sadness and some pain in the process, Loon reminds us that anything lost is no longer healthy for us and it will be replaced by something more beneficial.
The Loon has a haunting call that stirs us on a primal level.  When Loon shows up, it is calling us not only to pay more attention to our nightly dreams; but also to remind us of all the hopes, wishes and dreams we have tucked to the back of the heart, which are about to surface once more.  Loon's appearance reminds us not to compromise these.
It's ability to swim, it's iridescent colours, and haunting call symbolize the possibilities opening to us.  Loon awakens imagination, reassuring us we are never given a hope, wish or dream without also being given opportunities to make them a reality.  The only thing that shatters that possibility is compromise.  Loon's appearance tells us that when we deal with the past, we open doors to fulfilling our greatest dreams and imaginings in the future."

My message for you today is this:
Ted Andrews ( who transitioned in Oct. 2009) was an internationally recognized author, teacher, and mystic.  His strong alliance with the animal world, and his understanding of their potential role in our lives as messengers and support---because ALL of Nature is interconnected---caused him to write 2 best-selling books, 'Animal Speak' (1993) and 'Animal-Wise' (1999), which are EXCELLENT references as to the energies that certain birds, animals, insects, and amphibians share with us. His deck, 'The Animal-Wise Tarot', is an off-shoot of those books. 
It is my belief, that we each come to this Earth with a 'Power Animal'---which is a Spirit animal that aligns with us at birth---and acts as a 'Guardian Angel' for us, in cooperation with our other spiritual advisors.  Our Power Animal holds certain characteristics and attributes which will support and honour what our Soul has chosen to experience and learn through this incarnation.  Our Power Animal always remains with us, to guide and protect us, just as our Guardian Angels do. Further to that, we have 'Totem Animals' throughout our life, who appear as messengers, if we are open to their presence and their teachings.  It is not necessary for an animal to present to you in the physical, to be a Totem, or messenger, for you---you may see an animal on a billboard; on t.v. or in a movie; on the cover of a book or magazine; an oracle card deck, etc.  Once, prior to going for a motorcycle ride with my husband, I asked that we would see a bald eagle on our ride that day...when we later rode past a huge motorhome with a large mural of a Bald Eagle on the side of it.  While the Universe had granted my request, my husband reminded me that perhaps I should have been more specific, and asked to see a 'LIVE Bald Eagle'!  Anytime a particular creature draws your attention, know that it is presenting as a messenger for can also call upon certain animals to support and assist you in your life, just as you call upon certain Archangels.  Use Ted's books as references as to the energies and messages that animal holds for you, or simply trust in your own intuition in that regard. 
Loon has presented for you to remind you that your dreams ARE valid and worthy of pursuing!  Let go of anything that may be holding you back, while blessing the lessons provided, and then go for it!  Allow the call of the Loon to lure you toward the active pursuit of your heartfelt desires.
Blessed be... 

Monday, January 12, 2015

King of Gabriel

This is your card reading for Monday, January 12th/14.  I chose the 'Archangel Power Tarot Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine, for your reading today.  Your card is 'King of Gabriel', which is a minor arcana card in the deck.  Doreen & Radleigh's message for the card is this:
"The Suit of Gabriel ~ Archangel Gabriel is known to be a patron of creativity, as well as a helpful and supportive guide to accomplishing all our goals!  Gabriel was chosen for the first suit of this deck because it represents the aspects of our lives where we take action. Creativity and passion combine in order to empower us to make our dreams come true. This suit also reflects artistic ability, careers, and the desire to develop and grow.
~King of Gabriel ~
Generous, Inspirational, Dramatic, Driven ~
Keep your eyes on the big picture; leave the details to others.  Experience that leads to success.  Genuine concern for others...
Situations:  This is all about the big picture!  There is a great deal to be done, but your job is to come up with the grand vision.  Leave the details to someone else.  You can take risks because you have the experience and know-how to do so successfully.  Those around you expect (and want) you to take the lead.  Let your enthusiasm and natural charm shine through.  Creativity is the key to a successful endeavor.  
People:  A magnetic and determined leader.  Someone with broad vision who can motivate people to greatness.  Inspirational.  Generous.  Forceful.  Ingenious.  Dramatic.  Driven. Enthusiastic.
Additional meanings of this card:  An investor with morals.  Genuine concern for the welfare of all.  Setting an example.  Unexpected money."

My message for you today is this:
I would say, that in the month of January, we are 'setting the stage' and 'seeing the big picture' for 2015.  Your card today reminds you of that.  This is the year of action and of taking CONSCIOUS ACTION, so pay attention to where you place your attention!  We have been undergoing a massive shift, collectively, and how we navigate our way through this as individuals is going to impact the whole!   We are embracing the understanding that we are indeed all ONE, and are leaving behind the old masculine/competitive paradigm.  We are integrating the understanding that our individual actions have a ripple effect beyond what we can even imagine!  When you are called to see the 'big picture' today; this is in regards to your INDIVIDUAL big picture plans, but also in how that relates to the big picture of the COLLECTIVE.  Bottom line...YOU make a difference!  So, choose consciously to express your best self out into the world!  Know that the interconnectedness and cooperative energies that we are currently EMBODYING, will support you in your grand scheme!  Your having courage, and stamina, and determination, and VISION; will thereby inspire others to envision their own big awesome is that?
Blessed be...  

Friday, January 9, 2015

Be Honest With Yourself

This is your card reading for Friday, January 9th/15.  I chose the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue and your card propelled out of it!  Your card is 'Be Honest With Yourself' and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Look into your heart and you will know the truth of this situation.  It's safe to admit the truth to yourself, for we will support and guide you through any necessary changes.  Lean upon us for courage and the strength to take good care of yourself.  Focus only upon your true desires, and they'll come to you upon angel's wings.
You received this card as a gentle confrontation because the angels know you've been hiding from your true feelings.  You've probably been afraid that if you admitted how you honestly felt, you'd be overwhelmed with feelings and faced with making some necessary changes that you feel unprepared for.  Yet, the angels assure you that it's healthiest to face this situation with honesty.  They will help you with your emotions, relationships, and any support you need to make positive changes.  However, the angels remind you to focus only upon your desires and not upon your fears so that you can attract the former and not the latter.  
Additional meanings for this card: *The situation will improve when you face it squarely. * You deserve better. * Trust your own feelings even if others don't agree. * Don't give away your power to others. * Avoid getting caught up in the illusion that 'this is the way it is."

My message for you today is this:
You will hear this a lot from me this year...2015 is the year to take action and to take CONSCIOUS ACTION, meaning to get real with yourself about the role that YOU want to play in the world---then take the necessary action to make it happen.  This is not a sudden expectation that the Universe has of us...we have been laying the groundwork over the past few years, and particularly in 2014.  If you look back over many events in your life in 2014, particularly in the latter months, you will see that life circumstances and perspectives were altering for you, even then.  Now, enter the energy of 2015 and you need to embrace the knowing that you are NOT a victim!  Although we are influenced by the very powerful and transformational cosmic energies that are prolific at this time (and for those of us who are sensitive to energy, even more so); this does not mean that we need fall victim to it!  When we strive to live our lives from a conscious place, we UTILIZE the energies to assist and support us in living our best lives.  
Today, you are being asked to sit quietly with yourself and to place aside any and all 'expectations' that you feel have been put upon you by society or those people close to you. The TRUTH is, in many cases, we have placed these expectations upon ourselves, also! Just sit quietly, focus upon your heart center, and allow what warms your heart to come to mind.  Be honest!  Perhaps you will have feelings of grief arise, as some situation that is no longer in your life comes to mind.  Don't deny your feeling of grief, if that is the case...just allow it to flow through you, knowing that in so doing, you are making 'space' for other 'self-loving' thoughts to enter. Grief is only stifling when you attempt to deny and stuff it---so allow yourself to feel it, and ask for the angels to support you in allowing it to flow through you. Then, strive to be completely honest with yourself about what makes your heart sing...and make a commitment to take conscious action to draw more of that into your life in 2015. You are a powerful manifestor---even more so in 2015---so choose to create consciously!  Bless the lessons and experiences of 2013 and 2014 as serving to bring clarity as to how you REALLY want to express your authentic self out into the world!  When you are honest with yourself; release any self-judgment; and honour the inherent growth that those experiences brought to you, you are then able to carry the learnings forward from an empowered, self-loving place.  THAT is how you express your best self out into the world, and thereby bless it!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Freyja ~ Bold

This is your card reading for Wednesday, January 7th/15.  Your card skimmed out of the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Freyja ~ Bold', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Unleash your adventurous side! Take risks and be daring...
Message from Freyja:  Don't play it safe right now.  Instead, take bold action in the direction of your true heart's desire.  Success comes not from timidity but from committing yourself fully to realizing your dream.  Hold the clear intention of success and it shall come about. Enjoy the excitement of taking risks, of being bold, and of being daring.  And be sure to celebrate your success with a party or by splurging on a wonderful indulgence!
Various Meanings of This Card:  *Take a risk. * Make a bold life change. * Appreciate your body. * Flirt. * Go have fun and celebrate. * "

My message for you today is this:
Freyja (pronounced FRAY-yah), and meaning 'the lady' in Old Norse, is a Nordic Goddess who is associated with love, fertility, celebration and passion.  According to Nordic lore,she rides a chariot pulled by two cats across the rainbow bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
She unabashedly embraces her sexual power---meaning the power of the sacral chakra---the energy center of creation on all levels.  Call upon the Goddess Freyja to boldly create what it is that you most desire to draw into your life experience.  She will assist you in setting aside any doubts as to how your creation will come into being; and she will infuse you with the confidence and daring to pursue your dreams, one step at a time.  
The Goddess Freyja also supports us in appreciating the inherent beauty of our physical body...whatever form it takes at this moment in time.  She assists us in reaching for an attitude of appreciation, rather than self-judgement, about our physical form. Your physical body is a beautiful vessel in which your Soul resides during this incarnation---honour it as such!  Place aside any self-limiting thoughts or condemnations regarding your physical body and choose today to be in gratitude for how it lovingly houses your Soul!  Freyja encourages you to send LOVE to any aspect of your physical body that you see right now as 'less than': rather that be a perceived illness or condition; or a part of your body that you see as needing 'improvement' or change.  Send LOVE to that part of you, because LOVE is the highest vibration there is, and thereby the most healing and transformative. Embrace ALL THAT YOU ARE now---with wild abandon---as the energy of Freyja encourages you to do. Celebrate exactly who you are right now, because according to the Divine, you are already perfect...just as you are!  Now, take that bold confidence and take on the World, in whatever way you feel inspired to---Freyja has stepped forward for you today to support you in that!
Blessed be...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Abundance & Freedom

This is your card reading for Tuesday, January 6th/15.  Your cards today sailed together out of the 'Healing With the Angels' deck---one of the first, if not THE first, decks that Doreen Virtue authored (1999)!  Your cards are 'Abundance' and 'Freedom', and Doreen's messages for the cards are:
"A new flow of support is coming to you right now.  Ask the angels to help you release fears about scarcity so that you can enjoy this increased abundance.
Your messenger angels announce the arrival of an inflow of abundance coming your way. The source of all abundance is God, and you at some level had faith that the Creator would supply your needs.  Your faith, even if it was small, triggered the abundance that is manifesting for you right now.
Keep your faith, as it will ensure a steady flow of support materially, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually.  A wonderful affirmation to help you stay in the stream of a a steady flow of abundance is: 'I accept good graciously into my life.  All of my needs are met abundantly for me now and always."
"The angels guide you to freely express your true thoughts and feelings with love.
You may feel trapped right now by life conditions.  By drawing this card, the angels ask you to realize that you are the only jail keeper that ever surfaces in your own life.  Whenever you realize that you have the power to be free, freedom follows.  Everything that you do in your life is by choice, and you are free to choose again.  Even prisoners are free to choose their thoughts so that they feel peace and happiness under any conditions.
The next time you begin a sentence with the words, 'I have to_______,' please stop.  Ask God and the angels to show you some alternatives.  They will either help you complete the task from a loving mind-set so that you don't feel trapped, or they will guide you to do something else that you WILL love."

My message for you today is this:
Recall that ABUNDANCE comes in all forms:  health, friendship, shelter, time, peace, money, food, love, and on and on...  I LOVE that these two cards presented together for you today, because in order to dwell in true ABUNDANCE, we need to embrace the concept that we have the FREEDOM to choose.  And, as Doreen points out in her message: that may mean the freedom to choose your PERSPECTIVE, if not your CIRCUMSTANCES.  Yet, it is through shifting and choosing your perspective that you then shift and change your circumstances.  
Nelson Mandela was a great teacher for us in this regard.  Even while being wrongfully imprisoned in the most horrific of circumstances, he came to the realization: "I am the Master of my fate, and the Captain of my destiny."  He would not allow his captors to determine how he viewed his circumstances.  He also shared this powerful lesson with us upon his release from prison: "As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison." So, even though he was being physically freed from prison Mandela understood that he could remain a prisoner of sorts, if he chose to dwell in the experience of having been a prisoner...he was, ultimately, 'the captain of his destiny', in choosing the perspective that he would not carry his bitterness and hatred forward with him in his life, and allow that to poison him.
Mandela's messages here, illustrate that we have the freedom of viewpoint and that can be a powerful energetic catalyst for calling in abundance in all ways.  Today, focus first upon a situation or circumstance where you feel in gratitude for the abundance you experience (it could be that you are wrapped in the warmth of your home, as you look out upon the very cold winter weather we have been experiencing in Alberta of late).  Then, focus upon a situation or circumstance that feels 'restrictive' or 'less than abundant' in your current life experience.  (I have called to mind the task ahead of me of doing our company year-end books, when being a bookkeeper is far from my 'calling'! Ha!)  How could you shift your thoughts up about that, and thereby shift your experience of it?  The absolute truth is that we are here in this physical experience, which requires that we complete mundane tasks in order to survive and to thrive.  We are going to be presented with challenges and tasks that may require diligence, perseverance and fortitude. Yet, we always have the freedom to choose our perspective about those challenges.  This doesn't mean that we deny our frustrations or fears or means that we acknowledge them and look to how they may be serving as a guidepost for us, and then we do not dwell in those but will employ our freedom to CHOOSE how we will proceed, in seeking the abundance the Universe wants us to enjoy! 
In this 2015 year of action and abundance, keep in mind that you have the freedom to pursue abundance in all forms and to shift your perspective to support you in that regard.
Sometimes, it means shifting our perspective to understand that we are WORTHY of the abundance we seek!  We DO inhabit an abundant Universe! Believe that!
Blessed be...

Monday, January 5, 2015


This is your card reading for Monday, January 5th, 2015, the day following the first Full Moon of January (in some parts of the world, the Full Moon is today).  This is an 'intense energy' day, and so I chose the very high vibration 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish, for your reading today. The 'Gratitude' card glided out of the deck for you.  Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Gratitude is a very powerful energy which can open the heart and mind to all the wondrous blessings we are given.  Take time each and every day to offer your deepest, heartfelt gratitude for all that you have and are given.  Make a conscious effort to look for all the good that is flowing into your life.  Send your love to all those you cherish and love.  Your acknowledgement of the Divine flow, that supports and provides for you, opens your energy in a powerful way.  You will become your own bright Light, even in the darkest of times."

My message for you today is this:
I had the blessing of attending a Full Moon drumming/releasement ceremony yesterday afternoon and evening.  What came up in ceremony, was to express gratitude for what revealed itself in 2014 and to acknowledge what we wished to carry forward from that year; in addition to what we wished to release.  I loved this approach to honouring the learnings that we had embodied, as well as releasing what no longer served us.  
I have expressed here many times the powerful manifestation energy of GRATITUDE. Gratitude is a very high vibration.  Employ it's energy to draw into your life in 2015 the experiences, situations and people who will best serve you in living an authentic Soulful life.
For me, the Full Moon energy can be felt on the day proceeding and the day following the Full Moon...this is due in part to the fact that we are a global community, regardless of geographical manifestations.  The Moon reveals itself at different 'times' in different parts of the world; and also, it's waxing and waning are a gradual progression...not a sudden occurrence.  So...embrace the powerful cosmic energies being offered you today and express gratitude for all that 2014 had to offer you on your spiritual path; release what no longer serves you; and lovingly choose to reside in gratitude for the lessons and growth you experienced in 2014.
As I sat in contemplation yesterday morning to consciously write down what I wished to offer in the fire ceremony, I made my list of that which I wished to release in moving forward.  But I concluded my writing/offering intuitively with this phrase that I strive to live my life by:
" will you express yourself through me today?"
And...I expressed my gratitude, as I do with, "I say 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'..."
As I wrote this, I had no knowing that the person leading the ceremony was going to be directing us to express gratitude in addition to releasing what no longer served us...but my Soul obviously knew...  Further evidence that we are guided and supported when we strive to be conscious.
There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for...and when you are in gratitude for your blessings, you are further blessed...
Blessed be...