Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Freyja ~ Bold

This is your card reading for Wednesday, January 7th/15.  Your card skimmed out of the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Freyja ~ Bold', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Unleash your adventurous side! Take risks and be daring...
Message from Freyja:  Don't play it safe right now.  Instead, take bold action in the direction of your true heart's desire.  Success comes not from timidity but from committing yourself fully to realizing your dream.  Hold the clear intention of success and it shall come about. Enjoy the excitement of taking risks, of being bold, and of being daring.  And be sure to celebrate your success with a party or by splurging on a wonderful indulgence!
Various Meanings of This Card:  *Take a risk. * Make a bold life change. * Appreciate your body. * Flirt. * Go have fun and celebrate. * "

My message for you today is this:
Freyja (pronounced FRAY-yah), and meaning 'the lady' in Old Norse, is a Nordic Goddess who is associated with love, fertility, celebration and passion.  According to Nordic lore,she rides a chariot pulled by two cats across the rainbow bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
She unabashedly embraces her sexual power---meaning the power of the sacral chakra---the energy center of creation on all levels.  Call upon the Goddess Freyja to boldly create what it is that you most desire to draw into your life experience.  She will assist you in setting aside any doubts as to how your creation will come into being; and she will infuse you with the confidence and daring to pursue your dreams, one step at a time.  
The Goddess Freyja also supports us in appreciating the inherent beauty of our physical body...whatever form it takes at this moment in time.  She assists us in reaching for an attitude of appreciation, rather than self-judgement, about our physical form. Your physical body is a beautiful vessel in which your Soul resides during this incarnation---honour it as such!  Place aside any self-limiting thoughts or condemnations regarding your physical body and choose today to be in gratitude for how it lovingly houses your Soul!  Freyja encourages you to send LOVE to any aspect of your physical body that you see right now as 'less than': rather that be a perceived illness or condition; or a part of your body that you see as needing 'improvement' or change.  Send LOVE to that part of you, because LOVE is the highest vibration there is, and thereby the most healing and transformative. Embrace ALL THAT YOU ARE now---with wild abandon---as the energy of Freyja encourages you to do. Celebrate exactly who you are right now, because according to the Divine, you are already perfect...just as you are!  Now, take that bold confidence and take on the World, in whatever way you feel inspired to---Freyja has stepped forward for you today to support you in that!
Blessed be...

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