Friday, January 23, 2015

Gentle Release

This is your card reading for Friday, January 23rd/15.  Your card today is from the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is the 'Gentle Release' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"The presence of Archangel Michael is here to assist you with clearing your energy field of old hurts and past experiences that are weighing you down and slowing your progress in life. He is here to help you cut the cords that keep you energetically attached to people and events that no longer serve you in a positive way.  Michael always performs his duties with love and asks you to consciously send love to those people and things in your past so that you may release them into the Light and move forward with your life."

My message for you today is this:
We entered into the powerful energetic period of Mercury Retrograde mid-week and this is a wonderful time for clearing up and healing aspects of 'unfinished business' from the past...particularly in regards to relationship and communication issues. We will be given the opportunity to deal with these past issues from a place of higher perspective and deeper understanding so that they can be brought to resolution for the 'greater good of All'.  Prior to doing that though, we must release our old patterns and hurts, and you HAVE been doing this for some time, now...but it is time to take that releasement to a deeper level.  Archangel Michael has presented to assist you with that.  Pay attention to the people or situations from your past that come into your experience over the next few weeks...there is a reason that this is being re-invited into your life at this time.  Understand that you are being given the opportunity to firmly stand in your power in a way that you may not have in the past, but that you now understand that LOVE is the most powerful energy of all (this includes self-love)!

As I lay my hand upon the card it also came to mind that your message today is about releasing the projections that you have placed upon yourself about how you are viewed by others and the 'roles' that you feel have been imposed upon you. In truth, no one can impose these restrictions upon you, but is only YOU who holds YOU back from being your authentic self.  True self-empowerment is taking responsibility for ourselves and our lives---victimhood directs the blame upon others.  You have been working toward living your life in a conscious way and in understanding that when you seek to follow your guidance and intuition, it is clear that the Universe is indeed conspiring FOR you, not AGAINST you!  Archangel Michael is here to assist you in gently releasing any residual 'victimhood' from your belief system regarding yourself and how you will express your authentic self out into the world.  This is the year of 'conscious action' and this gentle release that you are being advised to undertake will help to prepare you for creating a beautiful opening that will allow all that you are meant to be to be revealed.  Relax into it. It is an act of LOVE toward yourself and others.  It serves no one to hold on to old hurts or patterns that hold us back.  Choose to gently release, on a deep level, what no longer serves you so that you can have greater clarity in moving forward.  Call upon Archangel Michael---he has presented for you today for a reason!  This does not require a specific prayer or invocation---the angels respond to the energy of our sincerity and intentions---you can recite the most beautiful prayer or poem, and if there is no real intention to connect to the angels behind it, it is ineffective.  By all means, employ a prayer of invocation if that feels right to you, but be sure to infuse it with the energy of your INTENTION to connect with Archangel Michael...your request can be as straight-forward as: "Archangel Michael please help me to cut cords with what no longer serves me at this time".  Be more specific if you are clear about exactly WHAT or WHOM you are intending to cut energetic cords with.
You can also utilize the energy that this fractal art card offers you to gain clarity in that regard...gaze upon it, or lay your hand upon the image of the card shared here, and see what 'comes to mind' for you...this is Spirit communicating with you, if you are open to it.
Blessed be...

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