Monday, January 26, 2015

Admit Your True Feelings

This is your card reading for Monday, January 26th/15.  After the INCREDIBLE Spring-like weather that we experienced here in south/central Alberta yesterday, I was inspired to draw your card today from the 'Magical Messages from the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Mother Nature and the Nature Angels have been gracing us of late!  Your card is 'Admit Your True Feelings to Yourself', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Be honest with yourself.  Only you know what it is that you truly desire...
This card indicates that you've been concealing something from yourself.  What is it?  Your emotions are true and accurate, and they're trying to get your attention.  Right now admit your deepest feelings to yourself.  Know that it's safe for you to engage in this self-honesty. Your genuine feelings form the compass that points you in the best direction and guides you to the answers you seek.  Trust that any changes you make will come about in harmonious ways.  You'll be glad that you admitted your true feelings to yourself!
Additional meanings for this card:  * Allow other people to get to know the real you. * Retain your integrity by following the path that you know is right for you. * Be yourself. * Face your fears head-on. *

My message for you today is this:
Why is it that we are reluctant to admit the truth of our own Divinity, even to ourselves?  It's frightening to face the knowing that we hold within us a great potential and our own unique gifts that we are meant to express out into the World.  It's as though we are afraid that--- should we shine our Light too brightly---there will be someone or some circumstance that will present to attempt to dim that Light, and so we 'keep the wick low' so as not to dazzle with our brilliance!  The problem with this is that we are coming to a place in time where it will no longer be 'comfortable' to live our lives inauthentically. We are being urged and encouraged to 'get real' about ourselves in regards to WHO and  HOW we TRULY wish to be in this World.  A famous quote by Anais Nin says it eloquently: 
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
I myself, only came out of the 'psychic closet' (as I term it) to some of my closest friends about 5 years ago...yet I had been actively studying and learning about my metaphysical self for almost 15 years by that time!  It is because I hold this part of myself as sacred and I wasn't ready to make myself vulnerable to the possibility of scrutiny or criticism, that I told even my closest friends nothing about my pursuits and studies at that time.  My 'psychic coming out' and revealing my authentic Self has continued to be an ongoing process, which definitely has not always felt 'comfortable'.  Yet, I have been happily surprised by how my sharing has been received, sometimes in the places and with the people that I felt would be least likely to receive it---and more importantly how my having the courage to do so has impacted the lives of others. It is as the quote above states...we are entering a time when being authentic is the ONLY WAY, and it begins with being authentic with yourself.  Be willing to embrace the Divinity that resides in YOU, and lay aside any old patterns of self-judgment or lack of worthiness.  The simple truth is that your BEING here makes you worthy.  To be Divine does not imply implies striving to express your best self and your unique gifts out into the World...knowing that choosing to do so in this physical existence requires self-discovery and yes, it can be 'messy' at times!  Our emotions and feelings are an excellent barometer to help guide us through the experience, but you have to be willing to acknowledge your TRUE feelings.  You are more than supported in doing so at this time---you are urged to do so!  
Blessed be...

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