Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Abundance & Freedom

This is your card reading for Tuesday, January 6th/15.  Your cards today sailed together out of the 'Healing With the Angels' deck---one of the first, if not THE first, decks that Doreen Virtue authored (1999)!  Your cards are 'Abundance' and 'Freedom', and Doreen's messages for the cards are:
"A new flow of support is coming to you right now.  Ask the angels to help you release fears about scarcity so that you can enjoy this increased abundance.
Your messenger angels announce the arrival of an inflow of abundance coming your way. The source of all abundance is God, and you at some level had faith that the Creator would supply your needs.  Your faith, even if it was small, triggered the abundance that is manifesting for you right now.
Keep your faith, as it will ensure a steady flow of support materially, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually.  A wonderful affirmation to help you stay in the stream of a a steady flow of abundance is: 'I accept good graciously into my life.  All of my needs are met abundantly for me now and always."
"The angels guide you to freely express your true thoughts and feelings with love.
You may feel trapped right now by life conditions.  By drawing this card, the angels ask you to realize that you are the only jail keeper that ever surfaces in your own life.  Whenever you realize that you have the power to be free, freedom follows.  Everything that you do in your life is by choice, and you are free to choose again.  Even prisoners are free to choose their thoughts so that they feel peace and happiness under any conditions.
The next time you begin a sentence with the words, 'I have to_______,' please stop.  Ask God and the angels to show you some alternatives.  They will either help you complete the task from a loving mind-set so that you don't feel trapped, or they will guide you to do something else that you WILL love."

My message for you today is this:
Recall that ABUNDANCE comes in all forms:  health, friendship, shelter, time, peace, money, food, love, and on and on...  I LOVE that these two cards presented together for you today, because in order to dwell in true ABUNDANCE, we need to embrace the concept that we have the FREEDOM to choose.  And, as Doreen points out in her message: that may mean the freedom to choose your PERSPECTIVE, if not your CIRCUMSTANCES.  Yet, it is through shifting and choosing your perspective that you then shift and change your circumstances.  
Nelson Mandela was a great teacher for us in this regard.  Even while being wrongfully imprisoned in the most horrific of circumstances, he came to the realization: "I am the Master of my fate, and the Captain of my destiny."  He would not allow his captors to determine how he viewed his circumstances.  He also shared this powerful lesson with us upon his release from prison: "As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison." So, even though he was being physically freed from prison Mandela understood that he could remain a prisoner of sorts, if he chose to dwell in the experience of having been a prisoner...he was, ultimately, 'the captain of his destiny', in choosing the perspective that he would not carry his bitterness and hatred forward with him in his life, and allow that to poison him.
Mandela's messages here, illustrate that we have the freedom of viewpoint and that can be a powerful energetic catalyst for calling in abundance in all ways.  Today, focus first upon a situation or circumstance where you feel in gratitude for the abundance you experience (it could be that you are wrapped in the warmth of your home, as you look out upon the very cold winter weather we have been experiencing in Alberta of late).  Then, focus upon a situation or circumstance that feels 'restrictive' or 'less than abundant' in your current life experience.  (I have called to mind the task ahead of me of doing our company year-end books, when being a bookkeeper is far from my 'calling'! Ha!)  How could you shift your thoughts up about that, and thereby shift your experience of it?  The absolute truth is that we are here in this physical experience, which requires that we complete mundane tasks in order to survive and to thrive.  We are going to be presented with challenges and tasks that may require diligence, perseverance and fortitude. Yet, we always have the freedom to choose our perspective about those challenges.  This doesn't mean that we deny our frustrations or fears or insecurities...it means that we acknowledge them and look to how they may be serving as a guidepost for us, and then we do not dwell in those but will employ our freedom to CHOOSE how we will proceed, in seeking the abundance the Universe wants us to enjoy! 
In this 2015 year of action and abundance, keep in mind that you have the freedom to pursue abundance in all forms and to shift your perspective to support you in that regard.
Sometimes, it means shifting our perspective to understand that we are WORTHY of the abundance we seek!  We DO inhabit an abundant Universe! Believe that!
Blessed be...

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