Friday, January 9, 2015

Be Honest With Yourself

This is your card reading for Friday, January 9th/15.  I chose the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue and your card propelled out of it!  Your card is 'Be Honest With Yourself' and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Look into your heart and you will know the truth of this situation.  It's safe to admit the truth to yourself, for we will support and guide you through any necessary changes.  Lean upon us for courage and the strength to take good care of yourself.  Focus only upon your true desires, and they'll come to you upon angel's wings.
You received this card as a gentle confrontation because the angels know you've been hiding from your true feelings.  You've probably been afraid that if you admitted how you honestly felt, you'd be overwhelmed with feelings and faced with making some necessary changes that you feel unprepared for.  Yet, the angels assure you that it's healthiest to face this situation with honesty.  They will help you with your emotions, relationships, and any support you need to make positive changes.  However, the angels remind you to focus only upon your desires and not upon your fears so that you can attract the former and not the latter.  
Additional meanings for this card: *The situation will improve when you face it squarely. * You deserve better. * Trust your own feelings even if others don't agree. * Don't give away your power to others. * Avoid getting caught up in the illusion that 'this is the way it is."

My message for you today is this:
You will hear this a lot from me this year...2015 is the year to take action and to take CONSCIOUS ACTION, meaning to get real with yourself about the role that YOU want to play in the world---then take the necessary action to make it happen.  This is not a sudden expectation that the Universe has of us...we have been laying the groundwork over the past few years, and particularly in 2014.  If you look back over many events in your life in 2014, particularly in the latter months, you will see that life circumstances and perspectives were altering for you, even then.  Now, enter the energy of 2015 and you need to embrace the knowing that you are NOT a victim!  Although we are influenced by the very powerful and transformational cosmic energies that are prolific at this time (and for those of us who are sensitive to energy, even more so); this does not mean that we need fall victim to it!  When we strive to live our lives from a conscious place, we UTILIZE the energies to assist and support us in living our best lives.  
Today, you are being asked to sit quietly with yourself and to place aside any and all 'expectations' that you feel have been put upon you by society or those people close to you. The TRUTH is, in many cases, we have placed these expectations upon ourselves, also! Just sit quietly, focus upon your heart center, and allow what warms your heart to come to mind.  Be honest!  Perhaps you will have feelings of grief arise, as some situation that is no longer in your life comes to mind.  Don't deny your feeling of grief, if that is the case...just allow it to flow through you, knowing that in so doing, you are making 'space' for other 'self-loving' thoughts to enter. Grief is only stifling when you attempt to deny and stuff it---so allow yourself to feel it, and ask for the angels to support you in allowing it to flow through you. Then, strive to be completely honest with yourself about what makes your heart sing...and make a commitment to take conscious action to draw more of that into your life in 2015. You are a powerful manifestor---even more so in 2015---so choose to create consciously!  Bless the lessons and experiences of 2013 and 2014 as serving to bring clarity as to how you REALLY want to express your authentic self out into the world!  When you are honest with yourself; release any self-judgment; and honour the inherent growth that those experiences brought to you, you are then able to carry the learnings forward from an empowered, self-loving place.  THAT is how you express your best self out into the world, and thereby bless it!
Blessed be...

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