Friday, September 29, 2017


This is your card reading for Friday, September 29th/17.  Your card today wafted out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Divinity' and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are a beautiful, wise, and loving soul who has braved the perils and difficulty of incarnation to be here on Earth and in service to humanity.  You uplift the energy and consciousness of others through the work that you do, whether you are aware of it or not. There are billions of souls residing on the planet at this time, yet only a small number of them are here to help humanity evolve to its fullest potential—and you are one of those souls. Who you are, is a gift to this world. Even at the best of times it can be difficult to remember this; especially when being human feels so real.
Your connection to Spirit is much stronger than you think. You are a living, breathing channel of the Divine. It moves through you in all that you do. If flows through the words that you speak, even when you don't intend it to. In every situation, you are a transmitter of the higher cosmic energies and wisdom.
It is those who have the greatest gifts who most often face the biggest challenges in life. Hold your head up and keep your faith. These challenges are the means to seeing and understanding the strength, wisdom, and compassion you hold within yourself. On a higher level, your soul chose to have a direct experience of the trials you have faced. Through each event, you have become better equipped and skilled, so that you in turn could help others.
You are a very special soul, with an important part to play in the healing and betterment of the people on this planet. You are born to be in service to humanity through the Divine gifts and knowledge you have carried with you into this lifetime. You are here to ignite the Light in others, to realize their own Divinity."

My message for you today is this:
One of my core beliefs is that there is no such thing as 'coincidence'—only synchronicity— and that it is through synchronicity that Spirit and the Divine communicates with and guides us. If you are reading this message, then it is meant for you to receive this message. I always trust in that. 
Many hold the misconception that to be an impactful and contributing member of society, you must be a public figure of some sort, who is seen by multitudes. Your message today is to understand that that need not be the case!  You are being reminded that WHO you are MATTERS and that you make a difference in the world!  In truth, you don't even realize the breadth and width of your influence upon those around you, and how that then ripples out. 
I am thinking at this moment of a dear friend who spent the day yesterday with someone very close to her, who is desperately struggling at this time, both physically and emotionally.  Holding space for, and supporting someone when they are in need, is a beautiful expression of Divinity. The grace with which I know that she will have done that is a blessing upon that person.
Being kind to, and expressing compassion for someone who is not currently presenting their 'best self' is also an act of Divinity. This could be as 'simple' as smiling encouragingly at someone who is struggling with their testy two year old in the check out line. 
Striving to be graceful in times of adversity is also an act of Divinity.  It is actually in the day to day ways in which we express our Divinity that we truly impact the world.  Parenting a child who has extreme challenges, whether physically or mentally,  is absolutely an act of Divinity. It is not only on the world stage that we have significant influence. 
You are reading this now, because you are that person whom people turn to.  Your compassion and the Light within you shines brightly, as a beacon.  Acknowledge this about yourself and take the time today to honour that about yourself. September has been an intense month, energetically and on the world scene, as it were, with all of the politics, hurricanes, fires, earthquakes and so on that have been happening!  For some, there has been chaos and strife in personal life circumstances, also.  Many of us feel as though we have been through the wringer!  This card has presented for you today to remind you of the Divinity within you, and the Light within you, and to pay tribute to you and the contributions you make to this world!  You are a Light and an inspiration to others.  Allow yourself to breathe that in.  You KNOW in your heart that you came here to be of service.  Give yourself the grace of that knowing and feel the support and gratitude being offered you. Your sensitivity and compassion are a gift to the world. 
Blessed be...

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Divine Timing

This is your card reading for Thursday, September 28th/17.  Your card today wafted out of the 'Healing With the Angels' card deck authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Divine Timing' and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"CARD MEANING: Pay attention to doors that are opening and shutting for you right now. Walk through doors that open and learn from the doors that shut.
     Your prayers are being answered; there is no doubt about that. However, everything operates according to the Universal Laws of Divine Timing. This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fall into place so that other parts can come to fruition. If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation.
     Don't try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or it it's simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that DO open and walk through them with faith and gratitude."

My message for you today is this:
There are two important aspects to the Universal Law of Divine Timing. The first is having trust and faith that the Universe is indeed conspiring in your favour, when you strive to live your life in a conscious way and you ask for Divine assistance.  The second is then taking the ACTION that is presented to you through synchronistic events and creative circumstances when they happen!  Things may not happen when you would deem that they should, and sometimes it may even feel very 'inconvenient' to open that door when it is shown to you.  Yet if you trust that that a door (opportunity) has been called to  your attention at that time for a Divine reason that may be beyond your current understanding, who knows what will be revealed to you if you  open it?
"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live." ~Flora Whittemore~ 
The Divine often sees a bigger picture for our lives than we are able to envision from our physical perspective.  Don't waste your time trying to find the key to a door that isn't meant for you at this time, and waste even less pining over the door not opening! Instead, acknowledge that Divine Timing is at play; ask for guidance as to your next best move; and then make that move, even if it doesn't seem to be the 'logical' move at the moment. Your intuition will let you know if it's the right move, even if making that move takes you out of your comfort zone. It is absolutely possible to feel some trepidation and excitement at the same time!  You HAVE been making progress and any doors you may have perceived as closed to you are merely steering you in a better direction! 
Blessed be...

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

No card reading Wednesday, September 27th/17

No card reading today, September 27/17, as I spent the morning introducing a dear long-time friend to our sweet little granddaughter Amelia, and enjoying a wonderful visit!  
Bonus: my daughter and Amelia are spending the rest of the day here at the farm and I am blessed with Amelia snuggles and time with my daughter! Feeling grateful!
Blessed be...

Monday, September 25, 2017

Universal Law of Allowing & Universal Law of Least Effort

This is your card reading for Monday, September 25th/17. Your cards today dropped together out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' card deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte and Marlene Chapman.  Your cards are 'Universal Law of Allowing' and 'Universal Law of Least Effort' and the author's messages for the cards are:
"~Universal Law of Allowing~
The Law of Allowing states that the Universe, and all life within it, is expanding in perfect order, and the acceptance of this perfection creates harmonious conditions for the individual. As life unfolds and expands, it reaches certain transformation points. These points of transition, where the new reality is being birthed into the old reality, are often perceived as difficult. Our natural tendency is to resist that which is difficult and uncomfortable. The Law of Allowing is reminding you that accepting every moment, including the difficult ones, will make transformation easier and more enjoyable. You will instantly create pressure and tension if you are in any way resistant to what you are experiencing.  Allow yourself to move with the natural flow of life. Allowing is only possible when accompanied by the wisdom of trust. Trust that transformation occurs for your highest good and the present conditions are only temporary. Allow your life to evolve and the Universe will bring you the results you desire."
~Universal Law of Least Effort~
The Law of Least Effort states that the Universe always moves along the path of least resistance. As an individual, you can follow the path of least resistance by concentrating your efforts on your internal world of thoughts and feelings until the conditions are right for you to take action If you choose to act before the Universe has aligned conditions to support your actions, you must expend great effort. Your job in the creation process is to live in the vibration that matches your ideal, to act upon opportunities that come your way, to notice the signs and synchronicities, and to open, detached, and trusting. The Universe's job is to work behind the scenes to attract to you what it is you are creating.  Once you've decided what it is that you want, your first tendency may be to act on that desire. Use the wisdom of this law instead: stop and wait. Allow opportunities to come to you. This does not mean that you will not have to act; it means that when it is time to act, your next steps will be obvious and harmonious. When opportunities present themselves, synchronicities abound, and everything seems to be coming together effortlessly, the time is right for action. And when the time does come to act, always give 100%.  This card is reminding you that when you are putting in a lot of effort but getting very few results, it is time to align with the Law of Least Effort. Concentrate your efforts on mastering your thoughts and feelings first, and let the Universe take care of the HOW."

My message for you today is this:
WOW!!! Does your message today ever speak to me personally!!! I quite honestly spent yesterday morning on the computer (for much of the time in tears of frustration) feeling as though I was literally 'hitting my head against a wall'!  I was attempting to fact-find about the best action to take in regards to an aspect of a heart-centered project of mine.  Certain facets of this project have come easily to me and have been Soulful and joyful in the creative process. Other facets have been challenging and have involved reaching far beyond my comfort zone—yesterday was one of those times!  Finally, in my angst I remembered to call upon the help that is available to me.  I asked for Archangel Uriel who is known to bring us insights and new ideas; Archangel Jophiel who heals negative and chaotic situations (which is most certainly how I'd been feeling about my challenging fact-finding mission that morning!); and any angels or Archangels who could assist me in better navigating my way through this necessary task. Then I went for my walk in our coulee, which is always the best place for me to clear my head and to receive messages.  I didn't go with any agenda, except to be open and to enjoy the beautiful Autumn day.  This is where the Universal Laws of Allowing and Least Effort came into play, as well as asking for the support of the Universe and the Divine.  As I was walking, a conversation 'came to mind' that I'd had with someone more than a year ago who'd been involved in a similar project as mine. She had offered some advice that seemed unrelated to what I had been discouraged in trying to accomplish that morning—but it wasn't. Through recalling that conversation with her, I looked into some things, and realized that there was an important step I needed to take BEFORE I took the step I had been so ineffectively trying to research and implement!  
I completed the paperwork for that necessary step with ease and grace this morning! 
I share this personal story with you to illustrate that sometimes when it feels as though we are 'hitting our head against a wall' in attempting something, it's the Universe's way of showing us that we are not meant to be doing that at that time!  Can you see, through my story, how the Universal Laws of Allowing and Least Effort were at play, once I asked for Divine assistance, and got out of my own way?  Ironically, it is often when we are disheartened that we forget to call upon the very support that is available to us!  Your message today is a reminder of that.  This is not to say that you don't have to take action, but I will return to the task of yesterday morning with a new perspective and the trust and understanding that even when it doesn't seem so, the Universe is indeed conspiring in my favour!  And I will call upon the support available to me through utilizing the Universal Laws and calling upon my Spiritual Advisors.  What area in your life right now could employing these Universal Laws serve you?
Blessed be...

Friday, September 22, 2017

King of Water

This is your card reading for Friday, September 22nd/17—the first day of Autumn! Your card today flew out of the 'Angel Tarot' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. Your card is 'King of Water' and the author's message for the card is this:
"~Trustworthy, Compassionate, Respected, Cultured~ 
Open your heart and mind to those around you. Trustworthy and heartfelt advice. Charity work.
SITUATIONS: You're a natural counselor who listens to people and offers them comforting and kind words, born  of your experiences. Open your mind to the ideas of others and be accepting of those who are different from you. It may be time to volunteer for charity work to help those less fortunate than yourself. Excellent advice may be offered to you by someone you can completely trust; follow his or her suggestions carefully. 
PEOPLE:  Someone wise and compassionate, with a rich inner life. A person with quiet authority who can see the truth and meaning behind any situation and provide a perfect solution that's both intelligent and heartfelt. Trustworthy. Cultured. Respected. Reliable. Accomplished. Emotionally stable."

My message for you today is this:
Doreen and Radleigh have separated the minor arcana cards of this angel tarot deck into the suits of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. They describe the aspects of the suit of water in this way:
"The suit of water represents the depth of our emotions. It's where we fall in love, nurture our children, and open our hearts to deep feelings. The water cards represent love, romance, relationships, family, dreams and desires. This suit also encompasses the depths of our intuitive and psychic gifts."
Ahhh—the first day of Autumn!  Do you feel the cocooning energy?  The desire to spend some time alone in quiet contemplation of all the intense energies that we have been experiencing in September and the massive energy shifts that have been occurring?  Today feels like a day of integration—which may seem in contradiction to the message that Doreen and Radleigh have given for this card, but it is not.  You may feel reflective and the past may enter your thoughts for review as you contemplate your next best move in attaining your goals. This is where the deck author's message comes into play for you today. YOU are that person who is wise and compassionate with a rich inner life!  The message for you today is to honour how far you have come and to trust in the inner guidance you have been receiving.  The attributes listed in the PEOPLE portion of the message above describe YOU, and your message today is to acknowledge that you are your own best advocate and advisor, when you follow your intuition and and the guidance that your Spiritual Advisors are providing for you. The suit of water represents our relationships, dreams and desires. You have come to the place wherein you are ready to place your time and attention on what is important and authentic for you and the Soulful life you wish to live, which honors the talents and abilities you came here to share. The Equinox means that we experience daylight and nighttime equally, which denotes a sense of balance. Feel the sense of balance entering your life, as we come out of turbulent (yet productive, if you consciously utilized the energies being offered you) times, energetically. This does not imply that we don't need to continue to act on our dreams and desires—only that we can do so from a more 'stable' frame of reference, now that we have weathered the storm, so to speak. Today is a day to honour yourself for how far you have come, and to fully let go (as the trees are letting go of their leaves) of anything that no longer serves you in continuing with your forward momentum.
Spending time in Nature, on this day of Equinox, would be particularly beneficial in integrating the balancing and stabilizing energies being offered.
Blessed be...

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Regeneration & Treasure Island

This is your card reading for Thursday, September 21st/17.  Your cards today dropped together out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your cards are 'Regeneration' and 'Treasure Island', and Colette's message for the cards is this:
"~ Regeneration~
ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: Rebirth; second chances; new opportunities.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  Second chances are available to you now. Whatever opportunities you thought were dead are now revived, in a more authentic, stronger form. Whatever you may have perceived as a failure or loss is now being replaced by something better and more powerful growing in its place. This rebirth is assured. Step into your new life. Destiny is being fulfilled in wondrous ways. 
~Treasure Island~
ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  The Law of Attraction bringing dreams into fruition; the results of positive thinking made manifest; abundance appearing as if from nowhere; financial gains and the sharing of good fortune.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  You've worked hard and acted upon your unwavering belief in abundance, and suddenly, in the midst of it all, you hit the jackpot. You have uncovered the map to buried treasure and tapped the unlimited potential within you. What you must hone now is your ability to recognize when X marks the spot, because some of the golden opportunities may be obvious but others may not be so readily apparent. Trust your intuition to light your way now as you enter this truly prosperous phase, where all the long, hard work navigating your inner life is now paying off externally. In all aspects of your life at this time, you have good fortune. Don't forget to enjoy it and share it with others, as treasure shared multiplies like magic."

My message for you today is this: 
At first glance, I wondered why such seemingly divergent cards presented for your reading today: Regeneration and Treasure Island could seem to be conflicting messages to present together.  Yet, I always trust in the messages that Spirit brings through for us and so I moved forward with these cards for your reading and the 'why' of their presenting together became apparent as I typed Colette's messages for the two cards.  Today is a powerful 22 Master Day (2+1+0+9+2+0+1+7=22).  22 Master Days hold the energy of being true to your Soul path and to living your life being WHO you came here to be authentically.  Self-worth and self-expression are accentuated on these days. On 22 Master Days, our Spiritual advisors, including our Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides, and the Angelic Realm on the whole, are front and center, energetically, to assist and support us on our journey. Yet, we must ask for and be open to this assistance (recall the Universal Law of Free Will, which means that our Angels may not intercede in our lives without our permission). 
Your message today is to REALLY pay attention to the guidance and support you are receiving.  Understand that although it may not SEEM as though that which you have been working toward is happening in the ways you had thought, it doesn't mean that your dreams and ambitions aren't being made manifest!  What you may have deemed as a 'failure' is actually a guidepost to lead you in a better direction toward your 'X that marks the spot' and the 'treasure' that you seek!  In truth, there will be more than one 'X' that will present to us, and this is where your intuition and inner guidance comes in!  Keep this in mind: there are no 'wrong' decisions, when you are following your intuition!  It's only when we push aside what we feel and know to be right (even if, and ESPECIALLY if, doing what we feel or know is right for us makes us uncomfortable!) that we are counter-productive. Understand that the path to the treasure holds twists and turns and that sometimes you even have to turn around and retrace your steps to a different path. Today, let go of any frustration and/or disappointment you may have been feeling and tap into the wealth of information being offered you by your Spiritual advisors and your intuition.  Utilize today's energies and positive thinking (faith) and take the action steps that feel right to you, but above all else take the action steps! Faith does NOT mean sitting back and expecting things to come to you. Faith means moving forward and taking action, even when you haven't yet seen the fruits of your labours!  Redirection and regeneration are POSITIVE things in moving toward your treasure! 
Blessed be...

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Sixth Chakra ~ Archangel Metatron

This is your card reading for Wednesday, September 20th/17—the day of the New Moon! Your card today glided out of the 'Energy Oracle' deck, authored by Sandra Anne Taylor.
Your card is 'Sixth Chakra, Archangel Metatron', and Sandra's message for the card is this:
"~Clarity of Thought, Personal Vision~
This very powerful Archangel Metatron brings brilliant indigo vibrations to your brow chakra—or Third Eye—which is the center devoted to insight and clear thought. When this card appears, it indicates a much greater clarity in your thought process and an expanded perspective toward broader horizons. Some new perceptions are taking hold, and the clouds of confusion are clearing. In some ways, this could be a new beginning, for you're on your way to developing a deeper insight about what's going on in your life and why.
Now is the time to focus on your personal vision. What do you want your life to look like in the years ahead? Create a clear picture of that and support it with your daily thoughts. The insight you need to create a vibrant life is available to you now.
AFFIRMATION:  My sixth chakra is open to its perfect, healthy state. My personal vision guides me, and my thoughts are peaceful and clear."

My message for you today is this:
Spirit simply blows me away!  This is an EXCELLENT card to present for you on this day of the NEW MOON, which is all about manifestation and new beginnings!   This New Moon's energy is supporting us in bringing our visions to reality.  Perhaps, like me, you had been experiencing some frustration and confusion about a heart-centered project that you felt isn't moving at the pace you had expected. It is very important today to hold a POSITIVE attitude and to hold the vision of what it is you wish to create. You are being given clarity in how you should best move forward, just as you are being asked to take action! Trust in the guidance you are receiving—trust in what your 'gut' is telling you and the ways in which Spirit is striving to help direct you forward. Pay attention! The messages are incoming in a myriad of ways! 
Your chakras are the energy centers of your body (and you have heard me state here very frequently that we are energetic beings!). There are 7 major chakras. Each chakra has a different color vibration, to do with the speed that they vibrate with, and each chakra is associated with various qualities and functions. The sixth chakra—your Third Eye chakra—is located between your eyebrows in the center of your forehead. It's color is indigo, and this is the center of inner vision, intuition, insight, clairvoyance. 
Archangels are non-denominational, powerful light Beings, whose mission it is to support us here in our physical experience.  The Angelic Realm is governed by the Law of Free Will and they cannot intercede in our lives without our permission, and so we must ASK. This need not be a formal prayer, but can be as simple as 'help me'!  Each Archangel has a 'specialty'. Archangel Metatron is one of only two Archangels who were ascended from a life in the physical. He was the prophet Enoch here on Earth. Metatron specializes in working with children, especially regarding learning disorders; he also assists us with clarity of thought. Many experience his aura as green and pink stripes and a crystal said to align well with his energy is Watermelon Tourmaline (I will be teaching about chakras and auras, working with energy, the psychic senses, guides and angels, crystal energy, pendulums; oracle cards,  and so much more in my upcoming Conscious Connections course on Sept. 30-Oct.1 here at Cross Creek Farm, if you want to learn more!  It is not typical for me to mention my courses and such in my readings, but for some reason I felt guided to share that with you today! :-)  
Be sure to utilize the energies being offered you by the New Moon and ask Archangel Metatron to assist you in bringing clarity and positivity to how you should move forward over the next 6 months until we reach the Full Moon in March in 2018.  Anchor in the guidance you are receiving by writing it down on paper.  Take guided action today. Hold your vision and allow the New Moon to illuminate it!
Blessed be...

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


This is your card reading for Tuesday, September 19th/17. Your card today rocketed out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Rewards', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"We have lift-off! Energetically and physically things are about to take-off in your world. Hold on to your hat. All your hard work is about to pay off. Whatever your venture is right now, there is a great movement coming. Things are about to sky-rocket for you. Good things do come and this is your time to enjoy them. You have done the work, now it is time to reap the rewards. Congratulations!"

My message for you today is this:
Seldom is the road to success a direct one!  Whenever we are seeking to move toward a goal or dream, we find our path deviates and even sometimes stalls. This is when faith is required—faith that there are undercurrents of activity that continue to move us toward our goal or dream even though they may not be visible to us at that moment. Oftentimes, it is just as we surrender that that which we have been working towards reveals itself to us! Sometimes there are things that we need to let go in order to continue to move forward more effectively.  Cosmically, we are coming out of the Mercury Retrograde season wherein we experienced looking to what the lessons of the past held for us and letting go of what no longer served us in moving forward. It may have felt as though you'd gone through a major overhaul, and there are still residual effects of that! Your message today  is that you have done the work and the rewards of your work are on their way to you.  Surrender into that and choose to focus upon the positive. Much as we are now in the harvest season here in North America, so too are you in the energies of reaping the rewards of what you have sown.  You are so supported! Trust in that! 
Blessed be...

Monday, September 18, 2017

Welcome the New

This is your card reading for Monday, September 18th/17.  Your card today wafted out of the 'Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes'  deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Welcome the New', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Change can be exciting, bringing you opportunities for joy, learning, and success. This card indicates that you may have been anxious in the face of newness. You are reassured, though, that this change will bring many blessings for everyone involved. Although it may occur differently than how you would have scripted it, all is in Divine and perfect order.
Have faith that you'll know what to do in each moment. Trust that your needs will be provided for every step of the way, as long as you follow your inner guidance. Allow yourself to feel excited about this change, and approach it with a spirit of adventure!
ADDITIONAL MEANINGS:  A big positive change. * Respecting the free will choices of everyone involved, even if they differ from your own. * Taking an adventure trip. * Going on a holiday. * Trying something completely different. *"

My message for you today is this:
As I was typing the words "My message for you today is this", the phrase, "All you can do, is all you can do," kept repeating in my mind!  So, I guess that's part of your message today! 
Perhaps you have been feeling that you have been putting in the effort to affect change in some aspect of your life, but have been feeling a little frustrated that you haven't yet seen the results as you had expected.  Don't despair!  That change IS occurring and is manifesting into form, even if you can't see it yet! Have faith! If you have been doing all that you can to bring it about, it is indeed on it's way, although not necessarily in the way that you'd imagined!  You are being STRONGLY encouraged not to drop into victimhood and 'woe is me' mentality!  Rather than dropping into 'But, I've put in the effort, so why haven't things happened as I imagined they would?', choose instead to take a look at how what you are currently experiencing could be indicating to you how you could move forward now with EASE and GRACE toward the change you wish to bring about. The prevailing energies are such that we are able to achieve more with less effort at the moment.  If you choose to reside in frustration and victimhood, you will NOT be taking advantage of these supportive energies!  Choose, instead, to come from a place of welcoming in the new!  Your attitude and your willingness to openly and actively embrace the new as it comes to you, in perfect Divine timing, will ensure that you experience this change in the best possible way. Take action when opportunities present. Avoid procrastination. Do what you need to (all you can do, is all you can do) and then surrender to the knowing that positive change is on it's way to you! Trust in that!
Blessed be...

Monday, September 11, 2017

Consider Your Foundation

This is your card reading for Monday, September 11th/17.  Your card today dropped out of the 'Whispers of Love' card deck (a new card deck I acquired yesterday!), authored by Angela Hartfield, with (gorgeous) artwork by Josephine Wall. Your card is 'Consider Your Foundation', and the author's message for the card is this:
~You are being asked to consider how committed you are to love.~
Love means to commit without guarantees. We give ourselves completely in the hope that love will be the lasting result. Love is an act of faith. Surround yourself with love and know that your life will be better for it."

My message for you today is this:
Just...WOW!  I always trust that the 'right' card will present for readings and I understand completely that it isn't 'me' who is selecting the card—that I am simply the conduit. I have to admit to feeling that I didn't quite 'get' why today's card presented, or the message behind it, until I typed in the date for today! September 11th! Of course! It all makes sense now! 
We are being reminded on this important day in history that LOVE must be the foundation.
On our motorcycle trip in 2015, we visited New York City.  As I am extremely sensitive to energy, I was nervous about going to the site of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01 in which nearly 3000 lives were lost. I feared that the energy there would feel overwhelming to me. Yet, knowing that it was a pivotal and monumental event in history we felt compelled to visit the site to pay our respects.  I am so deeply grateful that we did! What I felt as we walked the grounds of the memorial was that this ground was sacred. The vibration there is one of unity and honouring.  The terrorists behind the attack achieved the OPPOSITE of what they were striving for that day. They were attempting to impose FEAR and division by orchestrating this tragedy. Instead, people came together in heroic ways to support one another in the wake of this attack.  Yes—you will feel sadness and loss when you visit this site.  You will also feel hope, and faith, and courage, and resilience, and LOVE. Love is the foundation of what has been constructed there in the wake of the twin towers falling. 
May this serve as a reminder to us all that we need to choose LOVE, especially in challenging times.  This begins with love for ourselves, which is the foundation of the love you have to share.  
Blessed be...

Friday, September 8, 2017

Eternal Dance

This is your card reading for Friday, September 8th/17.  Your card today 'danced' out of the 'Gaia' oracle card deck, authored by Toni Carmine Salerno. Your card is 'Eternal Dance', and Toni's message for the card is this:
"~Movement, Wheel of Life, The Path of Least Resistance~
The lady featured on this card feels completely at one with nature. She is in tune with the rhythm of the Earth and her changing cycles. She does not resist the forces of nature but moves gracefully with the wind. Yet, though her body sways with the wind, she is not swayed from her path, for her feet are firmly planted in the Earth; she remains poised, dignified and balanced. She has shown up in your reading today to help loosen you up and feel the rhythm of life. You will benefit greatly if you allow yourself to be a bit more flexible. Be open to new ideas; accept that it is natural for things to change. Do not resist life's natural flow. If the the path you are on seems to be all up hill then find another way. There are many ways to get to where you want to go, so find the way that offers the least resistance. Life does not need to be as difficult as you are making it. It is often easier to dance your way through rather than try to push your way through. Try it!
I accept change and the new possibilities it brings
I am flexible and open to new ideas
I create pleasure in my life
I look at life from a balanced perspective
I celebrate life and dance my way through it."

My message for you today is this:
Isn't it an interesting dichotomy that sometimes, just when we are on the cusp of realizing something that we have been striving to bring to fruition, we encounter that niggling little resistance or self-doubt?  It's as though we are almost afraid, on some level, of our own ability to manifest within our lives...and so we create resistance where it isn't necessary!  I have shared often my love of quotes, and my belief that they can serve as affirmations in our lives—to redirect our perspective and to inspire us. At times of great change within my life, I post this beautiful quote where I will frequently see it:  
"May my spirit flow freely down the river of change."
This helps me to remember to relax into the currents of change---including those which I have been working toward!  While we know where we desire to go, there are often bends in the river and changes in the current that are natural and out of our control. If we flow with them—and even dare to dance in symphony with them—our journey can be enjoyed, including all of the deviations along the way.  We have been in a time of great change and as has been shared with you in recent messages, this is a time when many have been experiencing (or are about to) some sort of birthing of the 'new' in their lives. Whether it seems as though you consciously called this change into your life or not, know that the Universe IS conspiring in your favour.  These words in the  lyrics to the Garth Brooks song, 'The River', are an excellent synopsis of your message today:  

"You know a dream is like a river
Ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel
That must follow where it goes
Trying to learn from what's behind you
And never knowing what's in store
Makes each day a constant battle
Just to stay between the shores . . .
. . .So don't just sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance the tide . . .

It's all coming together for you and your role is to remain in faith and 'dare to dance the tide'!
Reflect back upon all that you've accomplished and hold gratitude. 
See what you encounter as an opportunity to dance, rather than as a challenge. ARE realizing your own worth and the contribution you make! 
Blessed be...

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Wow! Busy week!

Wow! Busy week! There will be no card reading today, Sept. 7th/17, as I have Akashic Records Consultations and I continue to be happily busy with market prep! 
I wanted to share this quote with you because you truly are on the cusp of something important for you in your life. Be sure that you don't allow self-doubt or self-criticism to stand in your way! 
How did you experience the energies of yesterday's Full Moon (remember that we continue to reside in those energies yet today, as energy is in flow)? This is your time to bring to fruition in the coming months what you had dared to dream for yourself—don't stop now! 

Blessed be...

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Harvest Moon

There will be no card reading today, Wednesday, September 6th/17. Enjoy the prevailing energies of this Harvest Moon this evening! This is a particularly powerful Full Moon in that is encouraging us to see the realization or 'harvest' of that which we had had sown back around the time of February of this year. In this '1' year of new beginnings you are likely experiencing a new beginning of some sort in your life at this time. Under the light of this Full Moon, express your gratitude and allow anything that may be holding you back in any way to fall to the wayside... This is your time.

Blessed be...

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

3 to 1

I trust that you enjoyed your September long weekend!  This is your card reading for Tuesday, September 5th/17.  Your card today soared out of the 'Journey of Love' card deck authored by Alana Fairchild, Rassouli, and Richard Cohen.  Your card is '3 to 1' and the author's message for the card is this:
"There is a heavenly child in your midst. It may be within your heart, in your womb, or a glimmer in your eye, soon to be.  This child holds the key to the fulfillment of a process that is happening for you now. The child might be a physical culmination of your marriage or commitment to another. It might be a symbolic birthing of a new self after a time of learning to bring new energies of protection and discernment together with female energies of feeling and creativity, whether within yourself or in your relationship with another. The child might symbolically be a new life; an improved relationship, a book, a new job, a completely renewed way of dealing with what was once a challenging issue (and so soon will not be an issue for you anymore), just to name some examples. From masculine to feminine to child, there is now just one—a new reality dawning with grace.
This oracle holds a message for you—new life is upon you now. You are being reborn and you will give birth to what is meant for you this lifetime. There is no need to worry. Just pray with an open heart that you may be supported to fulfil your destiny. You already are, of course, but prayer can help you realize it. The rest is in the loving and capable hands of the Divine."

My message for you today is this:
I can most certainly relate personally to the message today in a number of ways!!  I very recently used the exact phrase, "Thank you for helping me to birth my baby!", in gratitude to someone who has been working on a very heart-centered project with me, for example! Of course, my 56 year old self meant that metaphorically!!! 
What first comes to mind for you as you read the author's message above?  We are coming out of the recent Mercury Retrograde period and the completion of the Eclipse season, and with that, much is being 'cleared up' for us. We have clarity and are moving forward at a quickened pace in 'birthing' something important in our lives! Now is the time to envision and hold faith in that!  The energies right now invite you to commune with your Spirit Advisors and the Angelic Realm as the veil is thin at this time.  Receive the support you are being offered to guide you on your way. Give gratitude for the new birth now happening in some aspect of your life experience.  How beautiful!
Blessed be...

Friday, September 1, 2017

Hello September!

Wow! September 1st!!! Where did August go??? 
Your messages this past week have been about taking responsibility for your life and for how you engage with the circumstances and experiences that life brings you. The messages have been intended to be EMPOWERING, and to call to your attention that it is necessary for you to be a proactive co-creator in being the authentic expression of who you came here to be!  August was an intense month, cosmically and energetically, and this was meant to urge us toward courageous expression.  The energies of August inspired us to gain personal CLARITY.  What no longer serves us was brought dramatically to our attention, so that we could release it on a deep level. September is calling to us to get focused. How will you utilize this month to take action steps to progress your life?  What is calling to you to be DONE, now that you have clarity?  Where will you place your focus? What truly matters to you?  Strive to be in FAITH and TRUST as you move toward your goals.  Your Spiritual Team is highly accessible and is there to support you through these accelerated energies. Be conscious!
Hello September!
Blessed be...