Friday, August 26, 2016

No card readings from Monday, August 29th until Friday, September 9th/16

We are headed out on a bike trip on Sat. August 27th, returning home Fri. September 9th/16.  So, there will be no card readings over the next couple of weeks.
I will be speaking at International Angel Day at the Grey Eagle Resort in Calgary on 
Sun. September 11th/16.  Check out the site to purchase your ticket for this event:
It's a great day of high vibration and I would love to see you there!

Love and blessings,


This is your card reading for Friday, August 26th/16.  Your card slid out of the 'Messages From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Indriel', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You are a Lightworker.  God needs you to shine your Divine light and love--like an angel--upon the earth and all of its inhabitants...
ADDITIONAL MESSAGE:  Yes, you are a lightworker.  As such, you have always had a burning desire to make the world a better place.  It is a deep calling that is beyond time and space.  You are often called into service during ordinary circumstances, such as when you're shopping for groceries and someone needs your help.  Right now, your life's mission is expanding so that you can reach even more people. This will require you to make some life changes that you will learn about through your inner guidance.
You are deeply sensitive to others' emotions, and it is important for you to clear yourself regularly--especially after helping someone.  You can call upon Archangel Michael, your other guardian angels, and me to clear you of toxins or cords that may have resulted from your helpful efforts.  You are an Earth angel, and we are happy to assist you in all ways. Just ask!"

My message for you today is this:
Time to step firmly onto your path, whatever capacity that holds for you uniquely.  Sometimes we are loving 'pushed' by the Universe in ways that we had not envisioned for ourselves, but which end up bringing us great joy and satisfaction.  
A simple kind gesture to a stranger; reaching out to a friend; doing energy work or readings for others...whatever your means of expression as a Lightworker is, it's time to get to it!
As Doreen advised, Lightworkers tend to be people who give too much of themselves away and sometimes leave themselves depleted.  Therefore, your message today also reminds you that you cannot offer another a drink from your empty cup.  Take care of yourself in order that you can care for others.  Shine on...
Blessed be...

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Angelic Being & Astral Realms

This is your card reading for Thursday, August 25th/16.  Your cards skimmed together out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your cards are 'Angelic Being' and 'Astral Realms'.  Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are:
~Angelic Being~
"Your Angelic Being has been with you since the day of your birth, and will continue to be with you when you cross through the veil and return home.  Your angelic guardian is asking you to look for signs and synchronicities.  They are trying to communicate with you now. In a whisper of gentle guidance, you may hear your name being called, or feel the subtle touch of a feather or a tender tickle.  You may see a sign on a billboard, a magazine or even on TV. Keep your awareness open to the message they are bringing you."

~Astral Realms~
"You have a strong connection with the astral realms.  Usually, we visit these realms while sleeping and that is where we meet with our guides, teachers and even other souls who have moved on from the Earth plane.  For you however, this connection is allowing you to connect while you are awake, either when meditating or working with your intuition.  This is truly a gift, as the information you receive here can aid both you and others through life. Spirit is calling you to begin using your gifts in service to others, in the way that feels right for you."

My message for you today is this:
The message is clear the you are to pay very close attention to what your intuition is striving to communicate with you at this time.  You will likely not achieve this by dropping into the energy of desperation ("I just HAVE to get the message!!!"); but rather by dropping into the vibration of allowing and receiving and awareness ("I am open to receive the message in whatever way you communicate it to me, and I will trust what I receive.")  When you are trying to 'force' communication, you place yourself in a vibrational space that actually may hinder your receiving the information being offered.  Relax into it and then trust, allow, receive and believe.  Often times, Spirit communicates with us in unexpected ways that we couldn't script if we tried!  
I shared here previously, how I had asked my Guides and Angels for validation that I was meant to take a very important, specific step on my spiritual path in February 2015, and I received that undeniable validation on March 1st/15. When I went down to my sacred space on that day, simply to get something from that room, I found a supple red leaf standing at the remains of a previously burnt incense stick on my incense burner.  Now...this was MARCH 1st, in Alberta, and we were in the throes of winter, with snow on the ground and cold temperatures!  Where had this red leaf, that was not dry and crunchy, but that was supple and soft, come from and HOW could it have possibly found it's way into my sacred space, which has the door closed all of the time, with the only access to the outdoors being the window that is screened and was locked closed because it is winter?  Add to that, that my primary Spirit Guide is named Red Leaf!  I began to sob, knowing that this was clear and certain communication from my 'team' that I couldn't deny!  The beauty of it was overwhelming, and I KNEW then that I was being told that the important step I had taken was a Soulful one for me, though not necessarily the easiest one; as it carried with it responsibility. When I had asked for validation and support from my Guides and Angels, I then let go of any expectation of how it would occur, and merely remained open and aware. And the way in which they shared their message was a beautiful gift to me!  I placed that supple red leaf in a small glass jar that is displayed on a shelf in my sacred space, as a reminder that Spirit works in mysterious ways, but is always there for us to support us. (That red leaf is now dry, and shrivelled up, though still red in colour...which speaks even stronger to the mystery of how it 'happened' into my sacred space on that day, in a place that I could not help but notice it.) attention, dear ones... How is Spirit striving to communicate with you today?
Blessed be...

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


I chose the 'Wealth & Wisdom' oracle card deck authored by my friend, Jaden Sterling, for your reading today.  Yesterday, Jaden launched the App for downloading and using his deck on your phone or Ipad.  I downloaded my copy right away!  Go to Jaden Sterling's Facebook page to find out how to download is being offered for half-price during this launch period. The card that slipped out of the deck for you today is 'Beliefs'. Jaden's message for the card is this:
"The Universe is providing you an opportunity now to look at your belief system.  Do your beliefs support you or stop you from manifesting your goals? Remember beliefs are boomerangs; what you believe to be true comes back to you.

ACTION:  Challenge your current beliefs by taking an inventory of what is working in your life and what isn't.
Ask and answer the questions:
1) What are my beliefs about my professional and spiritual life and do they support each other?
2) Where did my beliefs come from?"

My message for you today is this:
A BELIEF is very different, energetically from a THOUGHT... A belief, is a thought that you give time and attention to repetitively and therefore it impacts your vibration and your experience more than just a fleeting thought would.  Yet you can shift your belief system when you choose to be conscious about the thoughts that you give your time and attention to.  No doubt you've come across the quote that states: "What you focus upon expands."  In a way this is alluding to your belief system.  If you hold a certain belief, then that is what you are most likely to attract into your life experience.  Yet, by shifting your BELIEF around something, you can then shift what you draw to yourself; even though it often takes some time for that to happen (which is where our 'instant gratification' way of being these days can trip some people up).   We are speaking to the Law of Attraction here.
Have you heard about the story that the actor, Jim Carrey, has shared about how he would 'visualize' his future success as an actor?  Despite his current circumstances---in which we was a struggling actor in California---he ACTIVELY took on the BELIEF of success as an actor for himself.  He wrote himself a cheque for $10,000,000.00 (yep! 10 million dollars!) for 'acting services rendered' and he gave himself 3 years; he dated it Thanksgiving 1995 and he kept it in his wallet. Although he continued to struggle along, just before Thanksgiving 1995 he found out that he was going to make ten million dollars on the movie 'Dumb and Dumber'.  Jim says in an interview with Oprah that ". . .you can't just visualize and then go eat a sandwich. . ." You have to work hard toward your goal.  Oprah synopsizes what Jim shares in that interview as "If you can see it, and believe it, it is a lot easier to achieve it."
(I encourage you to look up Jim Carrey's speech on Youtube titled, "The Power of Intention and Visualization by Jim Carrey and Oprah Winfrey".  It is a synopsis of various speeches he has given on spirituality. As Oprah says, who knew that Jim Carrey would be such a great spiritual teacher? 
Here's a personal example of how a belief can affect what we pull into our experience: Although many people have a natural aptitude for stepping into the technological world of Iphones and Ipads and laptops, etc. that have become such a large part of how we now communicate, I absolutely did NOT consider myself one of them!  I used to say, "I am striving to make friends with technology" when I spoke about my endeavors to record and burn cd's of readings for my clients; and all other necessary undertakings with technology (like navigating postings on Facebook and running a website for my business)...all very intimidating for me, because I did not see myself as having any aptitude for that 'tech stuff'! 
One day as I stated "I am striving to make friends with technology" to a client, she reminded me: "By saying it that way, you are keeping it in the need to say 'I AM a tech goddess!'  Ha!  Great reminder.  My belief was that I would always be struggling with technology and so therefore, I would always be struggling to make friends with technology! 
Now...I am not going to tell you that I am that tech goddess that you should go to for tech advice!  However, I do understand that for things to run smoothly for me in regards to working with technology I have to let go of the limiting belief that I just can't do it (and to also seek 'expert' support, when I need it...such as in setting up my website)!
You are being asked today to look to a belief that you hold that may not be supporting you in some aspect of your life...the first thing to come to mind is what you are being asked to look at.  NO self-judgment...that is NOT what this is about...quite the opposite.  This is about choosing to look at the current belief you hold around what comes to mind, and how you can choose to shift that belief to one that will serve you better, regardless of your current life circumstances.  Then BELIEVE in your BELIEF!  Witness how the Universe conspires in your favour...
Blessed be... 

Monday, August 22, 2016

No card reading for Wednesday, August 23rd/16

There will be no card reading for Tuesday, August 23rd/16. Please check back here on Wednesday, August 24th/16 for your daily card reading.
Love and blessings,
(P.S….a dear friend shared this quote recently on Facebook…I LOVE it! Profound! Thanks, Jan, for sharing!)

Here and Now

This is your card reading for Monday, August 22nd/16.  Your card today skimmed out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Here and Now', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  Being fully present in the moment; living one day at a time.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  Everything happens in the now, in the present.  Only THIS moment counts.  You have what it takes to handle anything today if you let go of the need to look into the future or reflect on the past.  Be present and notice what is going on right now. This very moment has the potential for you to create miracles in your life.
PROSPERITY MESSAGE:  What you are working on is golden, and your efforts will leave a powerful legacy.  Focus not on meeting a goal in the far-off future but on creating your dream now releasing your desire for an outcome and owning that it already exists.  It will appear in the material world as if by magic.  Claim your prosperity now. The essence is more important than the form.  When you are immersed in prosperous thoughts, you automatically tune in to a sense of timelessness and unlimited potential  You can 'act as if' in spite of the temporary outer conditions.  You are prosperous at this moment.  What you think now becomes your reality.  Stay present.
PROTECTION MESSAGE:  Whenever you find your mind drifting into the past, wondering if things could have or should have been better--or whenever you find yourself longing for the good old days---you leak power.  The same is true of looking too far ahead and hoping the future will provide you with certainty.  Driven by ambition, you might wander too long in a place with no substance and forget that you are HERE today.  The past and future are illusions.  Whenever you leave the present moment, you're disconnecting from your inherent power to manifest your reality with true substance.  Neither past nor future can give you what you need.  NOW is all that counts.  Come back from these eternities and be here now. All will be well, and miracles appear as if by magic in the perfect timing of Spirit!"

My message for you today is this:
It is often said that your point of power is in the NOW.  In other words, all you can truly do anything about is this very moment in time. There are two distinct messages that are presenting for you today in regards to 'Here and Now'. 
For one thing: ruminating about the past or worrying about the future are ineffective.  This doesn't mean that you can't learn from the past, or look to the future...but, in terms of ACTION, your point of power is in the NOW.  This is NOT an irresponsible way to approach your life---quite the opposite.  What is being implied here is not that you merely let life happen to you!  Be proactive!  Take appropriate action here and now in order to create what you desire.  I have shared here that I have a speaking engagement booked for Sept. 11th. Of course, there is preparation involved in being a responsible presenter, and so I need to take action (in a way that works for me) in order to be well-rehearsed when that day comes. Yet, if I choose to dwell in the past, to a time when I wasn't particularly pleased with my delivery at a certain event that I was public speaking at; or if I choose to project my attention to the future and focus upon the anxiety I will likely be feeling just prior to speaking...I have then rendered myself ineffective in this moment.  Rather, my POWER in this moment is in being HERE in this moment and in creating the message that I wish to share at that event. I can indeed carry forward the lessons I learned from the past speaking engagement (and others at which I was actually pleased with my delivery).  I can understand that it is impossible for me to accurately project into the future exactly how this speaking experience will play out until I am actually IN THAT MOMENT, so there is no point 'worrying' about that, either. All I can affect, when the time comes for me to speak publicly at IAD, is how I choose to approach THAT MOMENT.  
There is also another message to be shared today in regards to the 'Here and Now' card. We were just discussing as a family yesterday, how societally, people are seldom 'in the now', with the advent of Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, etc.  Often times---even as someone is in the middle of a wonderful experience---rather than simply being in the moment and fully EMBRACING the moment; they are taking action to post it on Facebook or 'Share' it in some other way on social media.  My niece wisely stated, "I'd rather just truly enjoy what I'm doing, rather than be distracted from it by 'Sharing' or 'posting' about it at the time!"  Yes!  There is nothing wrong with wanting to share your joys, and even your sorrows, and there can be great satisfaction and support in doing so.  But allow yourself to first fully experience the moment!  Don't be distracted from the will never have that exact moment again, so be fully present for it! 
Each moment in time is indeed a gift that we are given, and to live your life from an empowered stance means to choose consciously how you will utilize that moment.  All we truly have is the 'here and now'. Have you heard the saying, "Take care of today…tomorrow will take care of itself."?  Your message is that the way in which you approach 'today' will impact tomorrow.  
Blessed be...   

Friday, August 19, 2016

Purification (Fire) & Hidden Path

This is your card reading for Friday, August 19th/16.  Your cards today dropped together out of the 'Gaia Oracle' card deck, authored by Toni Carmine Salerno.  Your cards are 'Purification (Fire)' and 'Hidden Path', and Toni's message for the cards is this:
~Purification (Fire)~
"Bare Essentials, The Naked Truth, Wholeness
What is it your heart truly desires?  What do you perceive is missing in your life?  In order to find the answers you must look inside your heart.  You already know this but have been reluctant to look because a part of you fears what your heart is trying to tell you.  The only way forward is to face your fear. Something in your life is not working out as you would have liked and it's not going to get any better unless you have the courage to face it.  Close your eyes and relax. Imagine a beautiful flame, warming your heart and soul.  Feel its purifying and healing light burning away your fears and doubts, healing your body and mind and clearing away all obstacles either imagined or real.  Feel your heart center as an endless space full of only love and light.  Feel the peace. You are safe in this eternal space of light. Now, what is your heart saying? When it brings a tear to your eye you will know that it is your truth.  Your soul will guide you towards happiness; all you need to do is follow. Trust!
I listen to my heart and follow its guidance
I deserve to by happy
I have the power to create my reality
I trust that all will work out well 
My life is clear of obstacles."
~Hidden Path~
"The marriage of spirit and matter
You have traveled far in search of greater meaning and fulfilment, having made much progress and learning valuable lessons. You want to continue your journey, but the road seems to have come to an end.  Where do you go from here?  The symbolic imagery on this card is set within a magical forest:  it seems inviting, yet the way forward is not clear.
No physical path exists, however there is a way forward.  Between the trees is a symbol for eternal life and to the right, a symbol for healing and protection. This card is inviting you to move forward spiritually and offers you healing and protection along the way.  Spirit and matter must now merge if true progress is to be made; your rational mind must align with your heart.  When heart and mind are both focused on the same goal, great things are possible. This is true spiritual alchemy; all you work towards can now be achieved.
My heart and mind
are in perfect alignment
My heart's desire and my thoughts 
are one
I am a spiritual being
in a physical body
The journey ahead
is filled with light
The light of my soul
illuminates my path."

My message for you today is this:
These are powerful and perfect cards to present for you on this day following last evenings Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse!  The undeniable theme for you in the messages this week have been about self-empowerment and taking responsibility for your life path, and for living a life that holds meaning for you; rather than merely existing. 
I love and appreciate how the Purification (Fire) card presented while we remain in the energies of the Full Moon, which IS about releasing what no longer serves us, and purifying our life in this way...thereby making room for us to move in a direction that better serves us, as is shared in the message for the Hidden Path card.  It is not what happens TO you, but what you choose to do about what happens to you that is the greatest predicator of the quality of life you will live. As Toni's message states, it can be very scary to 'follow your heart' often feels 'safer' to 'follow your head'.  Yet, in truth, your head and your heart need not be 'in competition' with one another.  It is all in your perspective.  Those who have led the most satisfying and Soulful lives will tell you that it was in melding of employing their heart's desires through the expression of their mind that they achieved this.  
You chose to live in this embodied state here on Earth, and to take on the challenge of developing your Soul and expressing 'all that you are' on the Earth plane.  Your point of power comes through acknowledging what your heart center is telling you, and then employing your mind to bring it to fruition.  The term 'alchemist' has presented in your cards today and in your card yesterday...that is no coincidence!  
Blessed be...

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Universal Law of Emotion

This is your card reading for Wednesday, August 17th/16.  Your card today skimmed quickly out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Emotion' and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Emotion states that emotion is energy in motion, and your ability to feel and express emotion is also your ability to influence the movement of energy.  Your emotions are a powerful force that you can use to experience individuality and to fuel your thoughts into creation.  You are the pure, intelligent essence directing your emotions; you are not your emotions.  Pay attention to what you feel because whatever you are feeling will gradually shape the conditions in your life, which will show up as physical things, people, events, and circumstances.  You guide the quality of what manifests in your life by determining the quality of the feelings you entertain.  The Universe is reminding you that you have the power to choose to feel badly, or you can choose to feel good.  You do not need an external reason to cause you to feel good.  You can simply make the decision to feel good.  The Universe will respond to the vibration of that positive inner feeling by manifesting more experiences in your life that make you feel good.  Learn what methods enable you to shift your emotions more quickly and easily; apply these techniques whenever you need to.  How you feel will determine what you attract into your life.  If you pulled this card, the Universe is encouraging you to be happy now.  Don't wait for things to be different before you allow yourself to feel good.  Choose, instead, to radiate joy, no matter what you are currently experiencing.  The more you commit to feeling good, regardless of your circumstances, the more good things will appear in your life."

My message for you today is this:
Panache Desai, a current New Age thought leader, often proclaims that there are no 'good' or 'bad' emotions...that emotions are simply 'energy in motion', and that they serve as 'guideposts' in our lives when we strive to live our lives consciously.  He advises that we must not DENY our emotions, as though it is wrong to have them; but rather, acknowledge what we are feeling, allow ourselves to feel it (even strong emotions like rage or grief), and then look to how this emotion may serve to guide us or teach us.  We are meant---in this physical experience---to entertain a myriad of emotions.  Even rage may serve us. Sometimes  the emotion of rage has inspired profound change, as we have witnessed historically (the Civil Rights movement in the United States, for example).  If you were merely feeling slightly agitated, you may not be motivated to make the changes that are necessary in moving your life in a more positive direction.  It is NOT the emotion itself that is 'positive' or 'negative', but rather the actions that you choose to take in regards to the emotion you are experiencing.  For example:  you may feel envy toward an aspect of your friend or acquaintance's life.  You may choose to just dwell in that feeling of envy in a 'woe is me', martyr-like way; or you may choose to take action to bring that which you envy into your own life experience.  You may feel rage when you witness mistreatment of another. You may choose to merely reside in that rage, and wallow in it; or you may do what you can to either end that mistreatment you witnessed, or ensure that it doesn't happen to another.
If you are feeling fear, look to whether or not that fear is rational and valid, and to what is motivating that emotion.  Perhaps that fear is directing you to make some important changes in your life. 
The point here is that there are no 'right' or 'wrong' emotions; but that emotions are very powerful, energetically.  Do not drop into self-judgment when you experience powerful emotions.  Rather, acknowledge the emotion; allow yourself to FEEL it, and to have it flow through you, but do not reside in it; then understand that you can CONSCIOUSLY utilize the energy of this emotion as a positive influence in your life---no matter the emotion.  
We are not meant to feel 'happy' all of the time!  We live in a world of duality and flux. 
Everything is energy and energy is constantly in motion...ever changing.  You attract to yourself, that which is in alignment with you vibrationally...which is why you are advised to acknowledge emotions you may deem 'undesirable', but not DWELL in them. 
Your message today is an empowering one.  While it may seem as though you are not always in control of the circumstances and experiences in your life---especially the challenging ones---or the emotions that these experiences evoke; you ARE in control of how you choose to respond and react to them.   There is a quote that says: "Choose to be better, not bitter."  I know of people who have survived some serious challenges in their life experiences, but who are now in a better place in their life than they have ever been or that they had once thought possible for themselves. Had they chosen to reside in the emotions of those challenging times---and for those emotions to become energetic 'blocks'---rather than utilizing those emotions to affect positive change; their current life circumstances would be very different. 
The Universal Law of Emotion is advising you that you can either take the stance of victimhood in regards to your emotions; or you can take the stance of consciously utilizing your emotions to inspire and guide you in living an authentic life.  Allow your emotions to flow through you and allow yourself to derive the message they carry for you.  In so doing, you release the emotion and make space for that which your Soul desires to draw into your life experience. Keep this in mind...the power of LOVE is the highest vibration of all.
Blessed be...  

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I am THRILLED to be returning to posting your daily card readings!  Thank you for your patience, as I was incredibly busy with preparation for our daughter and son-in-law's wedding celebration here on our farm on July 9th; our Brazilian guests before, during and after the celebration; and then some much needed R & R, including riding our Harley home from Arizona and then our annual lake holiday at Mara Lake, BC.  The wedding celebration was wonderful, despite the weather; it was great to meet and get to know our son-in-law's Brazilian friends and family; and our bike trip and lake holiday have left me feeling rejuvenated and EXCITED to be posting here, once again! 
Your card today dropped quickly out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Surfacing', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Every time we allow ourselves to step out beyond our boundaries or find a way to get past our fears, the entire Universe celebrates.  It isn't easy to let the world see us, and Spirit knows this.  But we are here to allow our true expression and to allow the deepest parts of ourselves to rise to the surface--to be seen and shared.  The Surfacing card comes when we are about to face the challenge of stepping up and stepping out into the world. 
You could be asked to speak publicly, give a presentation, perform, release a novel, or anything which involves putting yourself out there.  Whatever it is that is going to be asked of you will involve shining your soul's light in some way, for others to see.  You might be feeling scared as hell and wanting to run as fast as your legs will carry you. But this is why the Universe has given you this card today.  Look carefully at the image.  There are hundreds of tiny bubbles rising to the surface.  Take a moment to energetically feel the colors.  There is a lot of joy in there.  This is Spirit's way of reassuring you that this process brings with it much joy and celebration.  This is part of your soul, doing what it has come here to do. You just have to get past yourself first.
The Surfacing card can also come if we have been brave and expressed our truth in some way.  It comes if we have shared a part of ourselves, our gifts, or our talents.  Spirit is here to acknowledge you and your bravery.  Every time you allow the expression of your soul, it is a cause for celebration!
There is a whole lot more to you, just below the surface.  These are aspects of yourself which you are not fully conscious of yet. When the Surfacing card comes, it means that these hidden qualities are about to rise to the surface.  Enjoy this time of self discovery."

My message for you today is this:
Just....WOW!  Can I ever relate personally to the message today!  I have shared here that I have had the honour of being asked to speak at International Angel Day at Grey Eagle Resort on Sunday, September know the part where Cheryl Lee states in her message: "...You might be scared as hell and wanting to run as fast as your legs will carry you..."  Yep!  That is pretty much what I am currently feeling!!!  When I agreed to this speaking engagement, I had an absolute KNOWING that the Universe was presenting this opportunity to me for some reason and that I must say 'yes'.  This 'knowing' was simultaneous with the thought, 'why me'?  In addition, when I was first presented with this opportunity, my life was EXTREMELY busy, and I had no time to truly grasp what it was that I had let myself in for.  Having said that, even as I was speaking to Cindy when she asked me to speak at IAD, parts of what I needed to say were already 'coming to me', which further validated that I was meant to agree to speak. Bottom line...this 'far away' event is quickly becoming a reality to me, and I am honestly petrified and excited at the same time. 
I know you know what I mean by that, and that you have experienced this strange combination of emotions at times in your life.  What's most 'scary' for me, in some ways is that the Universe is pushing me to truly step boldly out of that 'psychic closet' that I had protectively placed myself in over the past 2 decades of studying and developing my abilities. I know that the MOST important thing for me to do will be to be fully MYSELF, to be authentic, and to be vulnerable enough to share with others what I had kept safely hidden away for so many spirituality, which is sacred to me.  I honestly do not know WHY this challenge has been presented to me, but I have learned that these experiences present for us for reasons that will become clear to us later, and that Spirit dreams bigger dreams for us than we would ever dare dream for ourselves, sometimes.  So...I will trust in that...that I am meant to take on this challenge, for my Soul's scary as it truly is!  
The Universe and your Spirit advisors will absolutely push you outside your comfort zone in order that you reach your Soul's potential and step into expressing all that you came here to be.  It need not be in the form or public speaking or have anything to do with a large group setting to be hugely impactful!  Like ripples in the water's surface from just one action, your Soul and your actions may carry to others, blessings beyond your immediate observance.
This card today is coming to you to remind of your importance here...that sharing WHO you are is WHY you are here.  Be brave enough to share your unique gifts...whatever they may be.  You have been working at developing your gifts and abilities and you are now being asked to share them...perhaps even PUSHED to share them. IS scary to be vulnerable and to risk judgment or condemnation when you allow your true self to be seen; but then, does it feel GOOD when you are not being your authentic self?  When do YOU experience JOY?  When you have had the courage to take that chance, I'll bet! We are constantly evolving and growing in the expression of ourselves.  Today you are being notified that you have reached a point in your evolution, where it is time for you to embrace and share authentically with others.  When opportunities present, lovingly embrace them. Dare to be you! 
Blessed be...