Saturday, June 20, 2015

We are off to Brazil! No card readings from Monday, June 22nd/15 to July 1st/15.

We are off to Brazil for our daughter's civil marriage ceremony!
There will be no card readings while we are away.  Card readings will resume on Wednesday, July 1st/15.
Blessings to you,

Friday, June 19, 2015

Right Order

This is your card reading for Friday, June 19th/15.  Your card slipped out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Right Order', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Eventually, everything finds its right place and proper order in life.  This card is about creating proper order in your physical environment.  The world around us has a very strong effect on our emotional and energetic well-being.  Often, our inner environment is symbolically reflected through our outer environment.
It's time to put things in their proper place and create right order in your physical world.  Roll up your sleeves and take a weekend to begin cleaning out the closets.  Start to sort what you would like to keep and what needs to go.  Take care of any paperwork, banking, or bookkeeping you may have been putting off for later.  Tidy your garage or storage spaces. Re-arrange one of your rooms.  Vacuum the blinds or dust in the corners.  Take a serious look at any space or job you think you may have neglected lately and start to deal with it. It's time to give your physical space an energetic shift.
The very act of organizing our clutter is a powerful way to symbolically cleanse and clean out our inner emotional and energetic closet.  It sends a powerful message out to the cosmos that you are ready to take care of your business; willing to do whatever needs to be done, open to allowing the new to flow in your life, and keen to have a fresh start.  Get ready to release stagnant energy and old emotional patterns.  The new is on its way in.
You will feel lighter, free of old burdens, and more accepting of what Spirit brings you way. By putting your physical space in its right and proper order, you are doing the same for your inner space too.  You might find yourself quite surprised and delighted with the results."

My message for you today is this:
Do not go into a state of 'overwhelm' as you read this message today, by creating a LONG 'to do' list of what needs to be cleared and organized in your physical space!  The message is, that by taking on even ONE area of your life that you are feeling 'clutter' in, you energetically create the space for greater good to come to you.'s about releasing that which no longer serves you, in order to make room for what DOES serve you.  
Here's a practical example: My children will tell you that I am not very responsible with my Iphone!  It is often just left in my purse and I will miss calls and texts, if I am home.  But I do appreciate that I can take pictures with it...until last week, when I wanted to take a picture of something and my Iphone wouldn't let me, because there was no more 'room' in the memory to allow another picture to be taken!  We have an important family event upcoming that I am going to want to take pictures of, so yesterday I went through all the photos that had been saved on my phone and deleted those that 'no longer served me'!  I couldn't believe some of the photos that were still there, just 'taking up space'!  Now, I have created the space for beautiful memories to be recorded there.  That 'simple act' of deleting unimportant photos from my phone, energetically creates space in other ways, also.  
We are heading into the Summer Solstice this Sunday, here in the Northern hemisphere...
This is what Elizabeth Peru has to say about the cosmic energy in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Report':
"Right now the energy is palpable. Can you feel it?  We've been shedding and detoxing our energy field in preparation for the Solstice event, which peaks in two days time.  The Solstice this year signals a particularly strong pulse of solar light into the atmosphere."
The 'Right Order' card has presented for you today, to remind you to consciously prepare for the influx of LIGHT that will be expressed to us here on Earth.  Clear a space---in whatever way feels right for you---in your physical world, and you thereby signify your conscious opening to the Light.  The Truth is, you have been in the process of 'decluttering' for some time now---some of you have been experiencing this in your life in profound ways (the ending of relationships, moving to a new home, changing jobs, etc.)!  Know that everything has been happening in 'Right Order', and that you can accelerate the process, if you feel the need, by continuing to de-clutter as we head into this Solstice energy.  Let the Light rain down upon you!
Blessed be...

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

No card readings on June 16th & 17th/15

There will be no card readings today, June 16th/15 (New Moon in Gemini---an action filled manifestation day) or tomorrow, June 17th/15.  I will be very happily busy teaching my 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records™' ~ Level 1 & 2 course! Truly looking forward to spending these next couple of days with the beautiful Souls who were inspired to learn how to consciously connect with the Akashic Records energy!  Teaching is my passion, and this course is VERY heart-centered for me!  I am beyond excited!  I will resume posting your readings on Thursday, June 18th...
Blessings to you!

Monday, June 15, 2015

You're on the Right Path

This is your card reading for Monday, June 15th/15---the day prior to the New Moon in Gemini.  Your card bolted out of the 'Life Purpose' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'You're on the Right Path', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Keep doing what you're doing, because it's working...
In case you were doubting your feelings and plans, this card is your angels' way of encouraging you to continue with your present dreams and goals. Just the act of having a dream has added passion and meaning to your life.
Now, the angels are encouraging you to take positive steps related to your dream.  They know that you'll feel happier and more energized as you devote daily time and energy to its fruition.
Begin by centering your mind and body with a few deep breaths.  Close your eyes, and then silently ask your guardian angels, 'Please clearly give me signs, guidance, motivation, support and inspiration related to my Divine life purpose.'  Notice the thoughts and feelings you receive after making this request.  Work as a team with your angels by asking them for additional information and clarity, and then follow that guidance as it occurs."

My message for you today is this:
I have often said here that I have always been highly attuned to the moon energy, and---as energy is in flow---we feel the energies of the Full and New Moons on the days either side of the actual event.  So it is today, as we lead into the New Moon in Gemini tomorrow (June 16).  Kathy Rose, of 'Kathy Rose Astrology' (with whom I had an incredibly accurate and insightful session over a year ago) had this to say about tomorrows New Moon:
"Whatever you believe and give your energy to will manifest at the level of your belief. confident in your success, and let your future shine!"
The angels are sharing that same message with you today---in truth, this has been the theme for you thus far in June!  As we head into Summer Solstice on June 21st---at which time we will experience another substantial SHIFT, just as we did with the Spring Solstice---choose to embrace the energy being offered you in a conscious way.  Utilize the energy and opportunity being afforded you to manifest and draw into your life, your heart's desires.
Let your heart lead the way, and trust that things are unfolding as they should, even if that is not yet evident in your physical experience.  Use affirmations to be clear with the Universe just what your desired outcome is---words have energy, and are a powerful tool of manifestation.  State your affirmations in the NOW (for example, 'I am in perfect health') to avoid keeping your desired outcome forever in the 'future'.   Then---as Doreen suggests in her message for you today---watch for synchronistic events, people and situations that occur in your life and take guided action.  Be aware of the ways in which the Divine is communicating with you and TRUST that all is well!
I see the New Moon energy as that of manifestation. The angels are encouraging you to correlate the cosmic energy at this dynamic period prior to Summer Solstice, with the support of the Angelic Realm and your personal Spiritual 'team', to become your own master manifestor!  
Blessed be...

Friday, June 12, 2015

New Beginnings

This is your card reading for Friday, June 12th/15.  Your card skimmed out of the 'Healing With the Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'New Beginnings', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"A clean slate is presented to you as you now encounter fresh opportunities and novel experiences...
Embrace the new in your life, including new opportunities, people and projects.  The angels know that change can be frightening, and they surround you now with loving energy.  Call upon them whenever you feel afraid of facing novel situations.  They will boost your confidence and energy so that you can enjoy your new beginnings.
Sometimes we cling to old routines because they are familiar.  By drawing this card, the angels ask you to be open to new approaches to life.  Perhaps they will teach you a new way of looking at situations.  Or maybe they will call on you to learn a new skill.  Whatever the new beginning is for you, allow yourself to be stretched by the fresh circumstances."

My message for you today is this:
I have been calling 2015 the 'year of conscious action', as I intuitively knew that we were going to be called to action that is Soul-based this year.  We are being urged to live our lives in an authentic, and Soulful way and to step out of old paradigms.  We are being called to 'walk our talk', but to first be clear (most especially within ourselves) just WHAT our TALK is!
Most of us are being pushed outside our comfort zones, even as we have the knowing that it is for our greater good (and thereby, for the greater good of All).  At this midpoint in the year, we have been dealing with what 'underlies' perceived obstacles in expressing our authentic selves, and---particularly over this recent period of Mercury Retrograde---areas in which we needed to make adjustments in regards to 'communication' were brought to our attention. We have absolutely experienced some chaotic and unexpected twists and turns in our lives over recent months that have, at times, left us reeling!  We are, as a collective, honestly shifting and evolving at a rapid pace at this time---and your Soul CHOSE to be here to take part in this beautiful opportunity for accelerated Soul growth! (Even if you may ask yourself some days...'Why'?????)  Some of us have been dealing with chaos and rapid change; while others have been experiencing frustration that desired change is not happening rapidly enough.  Relax into Divine timing and trust that 'All is well'.  The one thing that we know for sure in this physical experience is that nothing remains the same and that change is inevitable.  Will you choose to take 'conscious action' and move in symphony with change?  That is what we are being called to do.
The message that the Angels wish to share with us today is to 'hang in there'!  The 'work' that you are doing to become more in alignment with what your Soul desires for you, will impact not only your own life path, but also society as a collective.  This is a GOOD thing!
You are a beautiful Lightworker---and when you shine your Light fuelled by the Divine spark within you, you make the world a brighter place for All!  You are SO supported...know this!
Blessed be...

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Krishna ~ Find the Blessing in Your Current Situation

This is your card reading for Thursday, June 11th/15.  Your card tumbled out of the 'Ascended Masters' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Krishna ~ Find the Blessings in Your Current Situation' and Doreen's message for the card is this:
" Every situation offers opportunities to grow and learn.  When we curse a situation, we block its energy flow and things fester and grow worse.  In contrast, as you recognize the blessings within your current situation, supportive and healing energy flows toward you. This card comes to you because there's an unrecognized blessing within your current situation. It could be something that you've learned or gained, for example.  Recognize the blessing to accelerate the healing and manifestation that's trying to come to you.
ADDITIONAL MEANINGS FOR THIS CARD:  Instead of worrying, pray and use positive affirmations. * Know that everything's in Divine and perfect order. * This situation is resolving itself perfectly. * You heal through the power of gratitude. *
KRISHNA:  Krishna is the eighth incarnation of Vishnu, who is one of the three Hindu gods who oversees and protects Earth and her inhabitants.  He is a messenger of joy, happiness, romantic love, and spiritual teachings.  Krishna brings blessings to whoever calls upon him."

My message for you today is this: Mercury moves direct and we are easing out of the intense energy of Mercury Retrograde.  I appreciate that Elizabeth Peru of 'Delta Waves' proclaims the 3 week period of Mercury Retrogrades as something to be embraced and utilized; rather than something that you need to 'fall victim' to.  When you WORK WITH the cosmic energies of Mercury Retrograde, rather than fight against it, you can make great strides in areas of your life that may need some 'clearing up'! Of course, doing so isn't always comfortable, but is so important in moving forward in a positive way.  What did this recent Mercury Retrograde bring up for you, particularly in terms of 'communication', that you were confronted with? Several scenarios come to mind for me, personally. Taking the next step with my project I mentioned in your reading yesterday is one of them. 
Understand that energy FLOWS, and so we will continue to be in the 'post-shadow period' of Mercury Retrograde and may feel and experience some residual effects.  Krishna has presented for you today to assist you in seeing the POSITIVE in some of the challenges you may have encountered over the past number of weeks (including prior to Mercury Retrograde, actually) and to give you the proverbial 'pat on the back' for your conscious and constructive way of dealing with those challenges. Rather than being simply 'reactive', you did strive to be 'proactive', and Krishna recognizes and commends you for that!  
Tania Grabrielle, an Astro-Numerologist, also speaks to the energy of today in her 'Daily Astrology and Numerology Forecast:
"The powerful June 11 Gateway coincides with Mercury moving Direct again!  All your inspirations and ideas from the past 3 weeks are poised for you to implement---starting now!"
Call upon Krishna today---and in the days ahead---to assist you in acknowledging the demands that have been placed upon you in your life recently, and to look below the surface so you can recognize the blessings being bestowed upon you.  Recall that the energetic vibration of Ascended Masters is such that they can be available to a multitude of Souls here in the physical simultaneously, so you are not pulling Krishna away from another by asking him to be with and assist you. 
Blessed be...

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Into the Unknown

This is your card reading for Wednesday, June 10th/15.  Your card floated out of 'The Enchanted Map' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Into the Unknown', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"Trust...and all will be revealed...
Life is an adventure, and often, new opportunities will arise that you won't know how to deal with.  This is one of those times.  You're required to trust that this new phase will reveal wonders and miracles as you step into unknown territory.  Imagine that you are not only a path finder, but a path MAKER.  Whatever your inquiry, trust that you'll be safe. Stay aware as you discover new and marvellous territories and valuable treasures."

My message for you today is this:
I LOVE the synchronicity of the Universe and how the messages I share with you in these readings are often validated for me when I later come across messages shared by other mentors and sources, that are in alignment with what has been brought forward for you here.  I truly just open myself to the experience and trust in what is presented and that it will serve in some way.  This happenstance of validation happened yesterday when I was reading on Facebook a posting by Samantha Orthlieb of 'Senses of the Soul' who shared this message:
"What brings you ABUNDANCE? The Universe is asking us this question during the month of June. After struggling through the busy month of May, which also saw us trudge, stomp, rage and grieve through past trauma/hurt to free the soul and sit deeper in our heart, we are on the precipice of understanding what makes our heart sing and what brings us abundance on all levels of being...  So as you move through June---sit with each day, make wise choices, don't demand answers, wait for everything to line up, trust the process, have faith and courage as you walk an authentic path.  Patience this month is a key virtue!  DO NOT WORRY IF WHAT YOU ARE CONSIDERING AS CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE PURPOSE IS GOING TO BRING YOU ENOUGH MATERIAL WEALTH.  This is very important as we move forward to balance the spiritual with the material through our heart center!  If the change ignites your creativity, makes you feel excited, allows deeper bonds with others, brings you together with people you respect and admire, helps the world positively in some way and just feels so darn good---then move forward with it! Step by step you will get there. Everything you need will be provided!  TRUST!  You are being asked now by Spirit to have resolute faith in a higher calling..." (Thank you, Samantha!)
Your readings last week had the distinct theme of 'abundance/prosperity' and this week it would seem that the cards that are presenting for you are about trusting yourself and the Universe and knowing that you have the strength and ability to make your way in the world as only YOU can! You are being provided for in doing so, even if you can't see it yet!  Relax into how things will play out, but take guided action from a self-empowered, confident stance.  
I have a project that is close to my heart and that I had been feeling rather stymied with in recent months.  I was feeling frustrated because my personal life had become so BUSY that there seemed to be no TIME to commit to progressing this project, even while I felt this inner urging to 'get on with it'!   I had also been feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with who to 'bring on board' to assist me in moving forward. It was my husband who reminded me about what had been right in front of my eyes---we have a close family member and his girlfriend who have their Masters degree in graphic design!  Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees!   Still, I must admit that I felt some trepidation about sharing my project---even with this couple, whom I trust and love---and so I had to consciously choose to take the 'risk' and 'STEP INTO THE UNKNOWN'.  What this project entails is new territory for me---but as I TRUST---it has seriously blown me away with how it has moved forward and been supported by people and 'circumstances that have presented' in ways that I could not have imagined for myself (despite very real time constraints, in my reality lately)!   I share this with you to illustrate how you need to relax into how your desired expressions will manifest.  I often state here that the Divine has bigger dreams for us than we could ever dream for ourselves!  The Divine sees potential and possibilities for us that are beyond what we dare envision.  Dare to dream and forge your way into the unknown...with the understanding that when what you are striving for comes from your heart, you will be SO supported!
Blessed be...

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Bull Guide

This is your card reading for Tuesday, June 9th/15.  Your card projected out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Bull Guide' and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
The Bull Guide appears to offer you strength as you move through your life.  He imparts the teaching and wisdom of standing strong and firm when you need to and not allowing others to cross your personal boundaries.  Look at all the situations happening around you at this time.  Bull Guide is here to help you be firm where ever and when ever you need to be.
He wants to remind you that you are strong and you are deeply supported as you find your way to your own self-empowerment."

My message for you today is this:
Notice in the fractal art image for this card, the emanations going out in four directions, and also above and below the Bull Guide in the center of the image, resulting in the glowing light in the center.  When you are in a self-empowered state, you can best access the Light of the Divine and be the conduit in bringing it to the physical, to be expressed as only you can. There has been a distinct theme in your recent readings here, encouraging you to approach your life experience from a self-empowered and confident way of being.  Adjunct to this message is the knowing that when you stand in your power, you are in no way diminishing another's self-empowerment, but rather encouraging and inspiring the same in them!  Self-respect, self-confidence, and self-love are not SELFISH!  Quite the opposite!  It is when you express yourself through those filters that you express the Divinity that is within you out into the world!  Recall the different underlying energies between 'self-empowerment' and 'power'...  Self-empowerment is based in the energy of LOVE, while power is based in the energy of FEAR.  What do YOU choose to be the basis of your self-expression and how you relate to the world?  If you choose love as your theme, then that must begin with love of SELF... Bull Guide has presented for you today as a reminder of that.
Blessed be...

Monday, June 8, 2015


This is your card reading for Monday, June 8th/15.  Your card today skimmed out of the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Grace', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"I am filled with the same beauty, poise, and Divine perfection as all of God's other creations...
You received this card because Mother Mary sees your graceful beauty, and she wants to help YOU to see this in yourself, too.  This is a message about increasing your self-confidence and sense of self-worth.  As you feel better about yourself, your actions will shift in positive ways, which will create a healthier climate for you and your loved ones.
Today, envision how Mother Mary would handle each situation you face.  Emulate her composure as you gracefully embrace everything that comes your way.  Your grace will naturally exude a magnetism that draws wonderful people and experiences to you."

My message for you today is this:
According to the Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast, as published by Elizabeth Peru, today is a '22 Master Day'.  Here's what Elizabeth has to say about 22 Master Days:
"The 22 Days are here to help us build lives of greater meaning, personal reward, dignity and respect.  The 22 energy is a very high master energy, being Angelic (and highly responsible) in nature.  The Angelics invoke the energy of 22, which asks for temperance and justice in all ways.  How to best use this22-Day?
~ Focus on your task at hand.
~ One firm step at a time.
~ Know where you are treading.
~ Make each decision after consideration first.
~ Do your very best to not skim over details on any project that is important to you.
~ Notice that when you slow down, you become present.  Powerful for manifesting.
In summary:
~ Face all of your thoughts and feelings today without deflecting. Own your own actions.
~ Turn a corner by changing the way you respond and react to situations that challenge you."

What Elizabeth shares with us in regards to how to best utilize the cosmic energy of the day, is in beautiful alignment with the card that presented for you on this day.  
The maternal energy that Mother Mary exudes is a gentle, yet empowered state of being. She is a wonderful example of how being gentle does not mean being 'weak'...that there is an underlying strength in true gentleness.  Today choose to approach all that do and experience from that stature of 'empowered gentleness'---including in regards to the self-talk that you direct at yourself!  Be 'firm' in your approach, but not 'forceful'---can you feel the difference energetically, between these two approaches?  The latter can feel somewhat 'confrontational', while the former feels authoritative and self-confident.  The Angelic Realm is the epitome of GRACE...  Call upon Mother Mary to assist you in moving throughout your day as an embodiment of grace, and notice the ease with which it flows. 
Blessed be...

Friday, June 5, 2015

Cultivating Prosperity

This is your card reading for Friday, June 5th/15.  Your card rocketed from the 'Gateway Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Denise Linn.  Your card is 'Cultivating Prosperity' and Denise's message for the card is this:
"The abundance of the Universe is pouring into my life!
CARD MEANING:  A stream of abundance is ready to flow into your life, but you need to take action to receive it.  Believe that you deserve it.  Take steps forward by planting seeds for your future prosperity.
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW:  Right now you are moving toward receiving an outpouring of money, energy, time and love.  However, you must first know that you deserve it...and you do.  Take action in the direction of your dreams.  This is not the time to passively wait for prosperity to fall into your lap.  Give deeply and fully of who you are and what you have, for the more you truly give, the more you will receive.  It is a universal law.  As you focus on gratitude for what you already have, your abundance will grow in leaps and bounds. 
QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF:  Am I truly open and ready for abundance to flow into my life?  What could I do to cultivate even more riches?  Is there a symbol in my life that could give me insight into what blocks my prosperity?  What is it saying?"

My message for you today is this:
WELL!  There has certainly been a prosperity/abundance and bringing into your life all that the Universe holds available for you, in this week's readings!  We are speaking to abundance in the myriad of ways that it can be experienced in our lives---not restricted to, but including, financial abundance.  Perhaps the abundance or prosperity that you are seeking at this time is PEACE.  Maybe your life circumstances have left you feeling that you have been on a roller-coaster ride and you long to experience peace.  Perhaps the abundance or prosperity that you are seeking is TIME.  My daughter has a beautiful way of reminding me, when I get myself stressed out about my perceived time constraints, that 'there is time enough'.  It is interesting when you shift your PERSPECTIVE from one of 'lack' to having 'enough', how the Universe strives to accommodate you!  
Your message today is to have the understanding that the Universe abounds, but it is up to you to embrace what it has to offer through your perspective and taking guided action.  To use the analogy of a garden that Denise has presented for us: If you dream of a garden and you buy the seed packets but don't plant them, you will have no garden. If you plant a seed and then don't tend to it or believe that it will germinate and thrive, you will have no garden. If, once the germinated seedlings pop above the soil's surface, you neglect them out of fear that you won't know how to tend to the full grown will have no garden.  Do you see the message in all of this?  Whatever abundance/prosperity you wish to draw into your life requires your knowing that you are capable and deserving; that you take each step as it presents to you and trust that you are up to the task; that you lovingly express gratitude for the current riches in your life, which in turn draws more abundance to you.  Gratitude holds a powerful energy for manifestation!  
Know that you are worthy!  Take the action steps necessary!  Trust that the Universe is abundant in all ways (yes...for YOU)!  Reside in gratitude, rather than in the perception of 'lack'!  Understand that even the 'weeds' which show up, play a part in directing you toward your desired goals/dreams of the expression of abundance/prosperity that you wish to experience.  Choose to be the conscious gardener of your life.  What is it you wish to grow? Give THAT your loving time and attention and faith, and the Universe will follow suit.
Blessed be...  

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ace of Abundance

This is your card reading for Thursday, June 4th/15.  Your card dropped out of the 'Guardian Angel Tarot Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.  Your card is 'Ace of Abundance', and Doreen & Radleigh's message for the card is this:
"This cherub brings wonderful news!  A windfall of resources comes your way to help you with your plans.  These resources may involve money, advice, or assistance in getting things done.  It's a good time to start a new venture, change careers, or go into business for yourself.  There may be important contracts to sign...
This is the beginning of a wonderful new endeavor!  A windfall of resources comes your way to help you get things off to a fantastic start.  This is a good time to launch a venture, change careers, or even go into business for yourself.  Be open to new acquaintances or even old friends who can introduce you to helpful people or provide insights on how to get things done successfully.
This card may refer to resources from others that are not limited to money, but could also be gifts of time, wisdom, or material goods.  Making sound, long-term investments is also indicated when this card is drawn.  You may want to set aside money for the purchase of a home, further education, or retirement.
A business document or contract. * Good health. * Focusing on results. * Good luck. * Hope for the future. * Feeling very blessed. *

My message for you today is this:
It is no coincidence that yesterday's card spoke to you of the infinite supply that the Universe holds, and that your card today also speaks to abundance! All that you need IS available to you.  As alluded to yesterday, it may not come to you in the way that you had imagined.  Garth Brooks had a hit song some years ago with the line, 'Some of God's greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers.'  This song spoke about how a young man and his wife were out at an event and ran into his old high school flame.  While in high school, he had prayed to God for a loving future with his high school flame and that didn't come to be. Yet, he realized as he stood there with his wife, that God HAD answered his prayer for a powerful and positive love in his life, and that it was the love he now shared with his wife. As he now looked upon his old high school flame he understood that that would not have been the love that he had been praying for.  The Universe often has greater dreams for us than we can dream for ourselves.  So: do your dreaming; request abundance in your life (in all facets of your life, not just financial, although because we live this physical existence, that is necessary also); surrender into how the Universe will bring it to you; TRUST that you reside in an abundant Universe with enough for ALL; and then take guided action.  While preparing my sacred space yesterday for the Akashic Records Consultations I have today, I came across this quote from 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle:
"Surrender is perfectly compatible with taking action, initiating change, and achieving goals. But in the surrendered state a totally different quality flows into your doing.  In the state of surrender, you see very clearly what needs to be done, and you take action, doing one thing at a time and focusing on one thing at a time."
Do you see how the energy behind 'being in the now' and placing your attention fully on the task at hand is different than looking to the long 'to do' list and focusing upon that?  Imagine a very long staircase in front of you that you must climb.  If you place your focus on each step that is before you, or you gaze at the imposing multitude of steps that you must take to reach the end, your perspective is entirely different, isn't it? Can you feel the energy behind each perspective?  The latter perspective of the long staircase can be overwhelming, and you may find yourself tripping as you go, because you are not seeing what is right in front of you. The former perspective of one step at a time allows you to see it as easily 'doable', and you are more effective and sure footed as you take each step as it presents to you.  Being in the 'now' or surrendering to just how things will play out in your life, does not imply being PASSIVE!  Quite the opposite!  It means taking 'conscious action' (recall that I have dubbed 2015 as the year of 'conscious action').  Pay attention to the ways in which the Divine is seeking to meet your needs and desires.  Surrender into the knowing that the Universe may present these to you in ways you had not guessed or expected, but that will best serve you. Take guided action, focusing upon what is front of you at the moment.  Trust that all is well.
Abundance is yours...will you receive?
Blessed be...

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sedna ~ Infinite Supply

This is your card reading for Wednesday, June 3rd/15.  Your card today dropped out of 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Sedna ~ Infinite Supply', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You are supplied for today and all of your tomorrows...
MESSAGE FROM SEDNA:  This is an abundant Universe, filled with more than enough for everyone.  Yet, the energy format of this planet is about polarities.  In this instance, it's about giving and receiving.  The key is to balance the two.  If you only give, you'll feel drained, resentful, and experience lack.  If you only receive, you won't enjoy what you have. Balance comes from fearlessly giving as you're guided, and then receiving with joy and gratitude.  It's exactly like breathing:  Both the inhale and exhale are identically important. Practise giving and receiving daily, and you'll never want for anything.
ABOUT SEDNA (pronounced SED-nuh):  She's the Inuit Eskimo and Alaskan goddess of the sea who provides sustenance for the body and the soul...Sedna is intimately connected with the ocean's inhabitants.  Call upon her for plentiful supplies, especially for your family. Sedna can also help you with any ocean-related ventures, including interacting with whales and dolphins.  She's very appreciative of those who give time, money, or efforts to protect the sea and its creatures."

My message for you today is this:
We continue to resonate in the energy of last evenings Full Moon, in which you were asked to release old patterns---particularly in regards to communication--- which may have been holding you back.  Today, you are being assisted by the goddess Sedna, in taking that to the next level.  When we speak of INFINITE SUPPLY, this is in regards to all aspects of your physical experience here on Earth.  We are absolutely, as a collective, shifting away from the old paradigm of competition/lack and scarcity to the new paradigm of cooperation/abundance enough for All.  Look to Sedna to support you in the knowing that all that you need is made available to you by the abundant Universe.  Once you surrender into this knowing, you may be amazed by exactly how your needs are met!  This is NOT to imply that you merely sit on your couch, waiting for the Universe to drop all that you need into your lap!  Your initiative is a key component, but so is your TRUST and BELIEF that your needs will be met!  Today's cosmic energy is conducive to taking the action steps that will bring in the abundance that you have been seeking.  Perhaps there is a project that you have been working on that just seems to have 'stalled'.  Perhaps there is a friendship that seemed to have 'fallen by the wayside' that you wish to renew.  Perhaps you had been debating about taking a course of study.  Perhaps someone has asked something of you that you feel reluctant to agree to.  Today is the day to take positive action steps in rectifying whatever it is in regards to balancing the giving/receiving aspect of your life that is currently out of balance. Your Soul will guide you, if you pay attention.  Ask Sedna then, to assist you with drawing on the infinite supply of the Universe in supporting you as you need.  Step out of the belief that you are lacking and into the belief that you have access to all that you need!
I love Sedna's reference to the inhale/exhale of the breath---a perfect analogy to how natural and necessary balance in giving and receiving needs to be.  Just as it is natural to breathe, make it a 'natural' part of you to understand that there is an infinite supply being offered by the Universe...
Blessed be...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


This is your card reading for Tuesday, June 2nd/15---the day of the Strawberry Full Moon!
Your card shot out of the 'Magical Messages From the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Assertiveness', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Stand up for your beliefs, and only say yes if you really want to...
One reason why the fairies are so happy is because they're assertive with each other.  This trait is very different from aggression, which denies the rights of others.  Assertiveness, in contrast, honors everyone's rights (including your own).  Assertive people are easy to get along with because you always know where you stand with them.  Your current situation calls for you to be assertive: Speak your truth with love; and let go of old, unhealthy communication habits."

My message for you today is this:
I appreciate how Doreen makes the distinction between 'assertiveness' and 'aggression'---the underlying energy is vastly different.  I was discussing with a friend just yesterday the difference between 'envy' and 'jealousy' and how the underlying energy behind these two expressions of emotion are vastly different, also.  While many would describe these expressions of emotion as similar (assertiveness/agrression and envy/jealousy), the way in which they are received is entirely different.  Assertiveness means to stand in your own power---to be empowered.  Recall that I have stated many times here that true self-empowerment NEVER implies disempowering another!  Aggression comes from a place of low self-esteem and DOES seek to disempower another.  When someone behaves in an aggressive manner, it is because they feel threatened, whether or not that threat is real or just perceived.  Although someone who acts as a bully may seem to be overpowering and 'strong', the fact is that that person is truly just striving to compensate for the actual overwhelming sense of vulnerability and lack of control that they feel inside.  This is not to excuse behaviors that are aggressive or based in jealousy...only to understand the energy behind them so that you can face them from a self-empowered place.  
Many perceive the Fairy realm as carefree and 'flighty', rather than assertive and empowered.  As Doreen states in her message, it is their self-empowered way of being that allows them to embrace the joy of BEING exactly who they are in a light-hearted way! 
The Fairy realm has presented for you today, on this powerful day of the Strawberry Full Moon, whose energy is compelling us to release past patterns that may have been holding you back from expressing yourself authentically and assertively!  This Full Moon's theme is 'personal freedom'.  To be truly FREE means to feel EMPOWERED.  What areas of your life do you need to look at in terms of personal assertiveness?  Let go of that old 'Lightworker's' belief that to please everyone is what will make you 'loveable' and bring you peace!  Honour yourself today and you thereby honour others for who they are, also!  The energy of this Full Moon during the Mercury Retrograde period specifically brings to 'light' areas where you may need to release old habits in the area of communication.  Ask the Fairy Realm to assist you in doing so from a 'love-centered' place that seeks to demean no one, even as you honour yourself.  Today's energy is excellent to support you in making that vital shift!  Bask in the light of the moon!  
Blessed be...    

Monday, June 1, 2015


This is your card reading for Monday, June 1st/15.  Your card skimmed out of the 'Messages From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Leila', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Spend time alone in nature, meditating about your desires and intentions.  Ask the angels to help you gain a positive perspective...
Your life has been noisy lately, and you need to escape into a place of natural tranquility.  It is time for you to be alone in nature, even if it is for just a brief while.  You don't need others' permission to take care of your soul in this way.  Simply plan your sojourn, and then follow through on those plans.
Once you are alone in nature, allow your mind to wander wherever it wants to go. Notice your thoughts and feelings, and perhaps write them down.  After a time, speak (aloud or silently) to the nature angels that surround you.  Ask them to clear your body and aura of any stress that you may have absorbed.  Then meditate and pray about your desires and intentions.  Prayers are amplified by the power of nature, and you will feel very refreshed when you return home."

My message for you today is this:
This is the perfect card to present for you on this first day of June!  I LOVE lilacs, and my husband had picked the lilacs pictured with today's card for me this morning...then 'Leila' presented as your card today!  Beautiful synchronicity!
Did you find that May was a very fast-paced and action-packed month, with twists and turns and unexpected scenarios?  I sure did!  Leila is asking us to begin the month of June---as we head into tomorrow's Full Moon---with some time for reflection, best spent in nature's embrace.  Allow yourself this quiet time to just BE, rather than DO!  Call upon the Nature Angels, whose vibration is highly accessible to you when you quiet yourself and relax into your surroundings, to assist you in feeling at peace.  Just for a moment, 'rest in the stillness of your breath', as a yoga teacher used to advise...  This does not mean to attempt to alter your breath in any way...just rest into it and be with it, and RELAX... To do so refuels and reenergizes you in so many ways...  I have always alluded to the energy of a Full Moon as that of 'releasement'...what do you wish to unburden yourself of that no longer serves you? 
Do NOT make this another 'to do' on your, simply allow what comes to you to be acknowledged and write it down so that you can consciously release it with the support of tomorrow's Full Moon.
Nature is such a healing vibration---you can find a natural setting, even if you are in the midst of a large city.  Sit in the shade of a tree.  Place a potted plant on your office desk. Open your window and listen to the birdsong.  Sit cross-legged on the grass or walk barefoot through the grass.  However you do it, embrace Nature consciously.  Leila and the Nature Angels are here for you as you do.
Blessed be...