Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Bull Guide

This is your card reading for Tuesday, June 9th/15.  Your card projected out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Bull Guide' and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
The Bull Guide appears to offer you strength as you move through your life.  He imparts the teaching and wisdom of standing strong and firm when you need to and not allowing others to cross your personal boundaries.  Look at all the situations happening around you at this time.  Bull Guide is here to help you be firm where ever and when ever you need to be.
He wants to remind you that you are strong and you are deeply supported as you find your way to your own self-empowerment."

My message for you today is this:
Notice in the fractal art image for this card, the emanations going out in four directions, and also above and below the Bull Guide in the center of the image, resulting in the glowing light in the center.  When you are in a self-empowered state, you can best access the Light of the Divine and be the conduit in bringing it to the physical, to be expressed as only you can. There has been a distinct theme in your recent readings here, encouraging you to approach your life experience from a self-empowered and confident way of being.  Adjunct to this message is the knowing that when you stand in your power, you are in no way diminishing another's self-empowerment, but rather encouraging and inspiring the same in them!  Self-respect, self-confidence, and self-love are not SELFISH!  Quite the opposite!  It is when you express yourself through those filters that you express the Divinity that is within you out into the world!  Recall the different underlying energies between 'self-empowerment' and 'power'...  Self-empowerment is based in the energy of LOVE, while power is based in the energy of FEAR.  What do YOU choose to be the basis of your self-expression and how you relate to the world?  If you choose love as your theme, then that must begin with love of SELF... Bull Guide has presented for you today as a reminder of that.
Blessed be...

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