Monday, June 15, 2015

You're on the Right Path

This is your card reading for Monday, June 15th/15---the day prior to the New Moon in Gemini.  Your card bolted out of the 'Life Purpose' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'You're on the Right Path', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Keep doing what you're doing, because it's working...
In case you were doubting your feelings and plans, this card is your angels' way of encouraging you to continue with your present dreams and goals. Just the act of having a dream has added passion and meaning to your life.
Now, the angels are encouraging you to take positive steps related to your dream.  They know that you'll feel happier and more energized as you devote daily time and energy to its fruition.
Begin by centering your mind and body with a few deep breaths.  Close your eyes, and then silently ask your guardian angels, 'Please clearly give me signs, guidance, motivation, support and inspiration related to my Divine life purpose.'  Notice the thoughts and feelings you receive after making this request.  Work as a team with your angels by asking them for additional information and clarity, and then follow that guidance as it occurs."

My message for you today is this:
I have often said here that I have always been highly attuned to the moon energy, and---as energy is in flow---we feel the energies of the Full and New Moons on the days either side of the actual event.  So it is today, as we lead into the New Moon in Gemini tomorrow (June 16).  Kathy Rose, of 'Kathy Rose Astrology' (with whom I had an incredibly accurate and insightful session over a year ago) had this to say about tomorrows New Moon:
"Whatever you believe and give your energy to will manifest at the level of your belief. confident in your success, and let your future shine!"
The angels are sharing that same message with you today---in truth, this has been the theme for you thus far in June!  As we head into Summer Solstice on June 21st---at which time we will experience another substantial SHIFT, just as we did with the Spring Solstice---choose to embrace the energy being offered you in a conscious way.  Utilize the energy and opportunity being afforded you to manifest and draw into your life, your heart's desires.
Let your heart lead the way, and trust that things are unfolding as they should, even if that is not yet evident in your physical experience.  Use affirmations to be clear with the Universe just what your desired outcome is---words have energy, and are a powerful tool of manifestation.  State your affirmations in the NOW (for example, 'I am in perfect health') to avoid keeping your desired outcome forever in the 'future'.   Then---as Doreen suggests in her message for you today---watch for synchronistic events, people and situations that occur in your life and take guided action.  Be aware of the ways in which the Divine is communicating with you and TRUST that all is well!
I see the New Moon energy as that of manifestation. The angels are encouraging you to correlate the cosmic energy at this dynamic period prior to Summer Solstice, with the support of the Angelic Realm and your personal Spiritual 'team', to become your own master manifestor!  
Blessed be...

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