Friday, June 5, 2015

Cultivating Prosperity

This is your card reading for Friday, June 5th/15.  Your card rocketed from the 'Gateway Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Denise Linn.  Your card is 'Cultivating Prosperity' and Denise's message for the card is this:
"The abundance of the Universe is pouring into my life!
CARD MEANING:  A stream of abundance is ready to flow into your life, but you need to take action to receive it.  Believe that you deserve it.  Take steps forward by planting seeds for your future prosperity.
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW:  Right now you are moving toward receiving an outpouring of money, energy, time and love.  However, you must first know that you deserve it...and you do.  Take action in the direction of your dreams.  This is not the time to passively wait for prosperity to fall into your lap.  Give deeply and fully of who you are and what you have, for the more you truly give, the more you will receive.  It is a universal law.  As you focus on gratitude for what you already have, your abundance will grow in leaps and bounds. 
QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF:  Am I truly open and ready for abundance to flow into my life?  What could I do to cultivate even more riches?  Is there a symbol in my life that could give me insight into what blocks my prosperity?  What is it saying?"

My message for you today is this:
WELL!  There has certainly been a prosperity/abundance and bringing into your life all that the Universe holds available for you, in this week's readings!  We are speaking to abundance in the myriad of ways that it can be experienced in our lives---not restricted to, but including, financial abundance.  Perhaps the abundance or prosperity that you are seeking at this time is PEACE.  Maybe your life circumstances have left you feeling that you have been on a roller-coaster ride and you long to experience peace.  Perhaps the abundance or prosperity that you are seeking is TIME.  My daughter has a beautiful way of reminding me, when I get myself stressed out about my perceived time constraints, that 'there is time enough'.  It is interesting when you shift your PERSPECTIVE from one of 'lack' to having 'enough', how the Universe strives to accommodate you!  
Your message today is to have the understanding that the Universe abounds, but it is up to you to embrace what it has to offer through your perspective and taking guided action.  To use the analogy of a garden that Denise has presented for us: If you dream of a garden and you buy the seed packets but don't plant them, you will have no garden. If you plant a seed and then don't tend to it or believe that it will germinate and thrive, you will have no garden. If, once the germinated seedlings pop above the soil's surface, you neglect them out of fear that you won't know how to tend to the full grown will have no garden.  Do you see the message in all of this?  Whatever abundance/prosperity you wish to draw into your life requires your knowing that you are capable and deserving; that you take each step as it presents to you and trust that you are up to the task; that you lovingly express gratitude for the current riches in your life, which in turn draws more abundance to you.  Gratitude holds a powerful energy for manifestation!  
Know that you are worthy!  Take the action steps necessary!  Trust that the Universe is abundant in all ways (yes...for YOU)!  Reside in gratitude, rather than in the perception of 'lack'!  Understand that even the 'weeds' which show up, play a part in directing you toward your desired goals/dreams of the expression of abundance/prosperity that you wish to experience.  Choose to be the conscious gardener of your life.  What is it you wish to grow? Give THAT your loving time and attention and faith, and the Universe will follow suit.
Blessed be...  

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