Friday, June 19, 2015

Right Order

This is your card reading for Friday, June 19th/15.  Your card slipped out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Right Order', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Eventually, everything finds its right place and proper order in life.  This card is about creating proper order in your physical environment.  The world around us has a very strong effect on our emotional and energetic well-being.  Often, our inner environment is symbolically reflected through our outer environment.
It's time to put things in their proper place and create right order in your physical world.  Roll up your sleeves and take a weekend to begin cleaning out the closets.  Start to sort what you would like to keep and what needs to go.  Take care of any paperwork, banking, or bookkeeping you may have been putting off for later.  Tidy your garage or storage spaces. Re-arrange one of your rooms.  Vacuum the blinds or dust in the corners.  Take a serious look at any space or job you think you may have neglected lately and start to deal with it. It's time to give your physical space an energetic shift.
The very act of organizing our clutter is a powerful way to symbolically cleanse and clean out our inner emotional and energetic closet.  It sends a powerful message out to the cosmos that you are ready to take care of your business; willing to do whatever needs to be done, open to allowing the new to flow in your life, and keen to have a fresh start.  Get ready to release stagnant energy and old emotional patterns.  The new is on its way in.
You will feel lighter, free of old burdens, and more accepting of what Spirit brings you way. By putting your physical space in its right and proper order, you are doing the same for your inner space too.  You might find yourself quite surprised and delighted with the results."

My message for you today is this:
Do not go into a state of 'overwhelm' as you read this message today, by creating a LONG 'to do' list of what needs to be cleared and organized in your physical space!  The message is, that by taking on even ONE area of your life that you are feeling 'clutter' in, you energetically create the space for greater good to come to you.'s about releasing that which no longer serves you, in order to make room for what DOES serve you.  
Here's a practical example: My children will tell you that I am not very responsible with my Iphone!  It is often just left in my purse and I will miss calls and texts, if I am home.  But I do appreciate that I can take pictures with it...until last week, when I wanted to take a picture of something and my Iphone wouldn't let me, because there was no more 'room' in the memory to allow another picture to be taken!  We have an important family event upcoming that I am going to want to take pictures of, so yesterday I went through all the photos that had been saved on my phone and deleted those that 'no longer served me'!  I couldn't believe some of the photos that were still there, just 'taking up space'!  Now, I have created the space for beautiful memories to be recorded there.  That 'simple act' of deleting unimportant photos from my phone, energetically creates space in other ways, also.  
We are heading into the Summer Solstice this Sunday, here in the Northern hemisphere...
This is what Elizabeth Peru has to say about the cosmic energy in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Report':
"Right now the energy is palpable. Can you feel it?  We've been shedding and detoxing our energy field in preparation for the Solstice event, which peaks in two days time.  The Solstice this year signals a particularly strong pulse of solar light into the atmosphere."
The 'Right Order' card has presented for you today, to remind you to consciously prepare for the influx of LIGHT that will be expressed to us here on Earth.  Clear a space---in whatever way feels right for you---in your physical world, and you thereby signify your conscious opening to the Light.  The Truth is, you have been in the process of 'decluttering' for some time now---some of you have been experiencing this in your life in profound ways (the ending of relationships, moving to a new home, changing jobs, etc.)!  Know that everything has been happening in 'Right Order', and that you can accelerate the process, if you feel the need, by continuing to de-clutter as we head into this Solstice energy.  Let the Light rain down upon you!
Blessed be...

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