Friday, November 28, 2014

Sodalite ~ Journey

This is your card reading for Friday, November 28th/14.  Your card slid out of the 'Crystal Ally' card deck, authored by Naisha Ahsian.  Your card is 'Sodalite ~ Journey', and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"Sodalite is signalling you to begin a journey.  It is time to take stock of where you have been, where your choices have led you, and where you want to go.  Then, set foot upon the path and begin to move forward toward your new experiences.  Exploration and adventure are crucial to one's inner work.  Explore your interests and intuition, and go where they lead. Sodalite is signalling you to a new and exciting phase of your life.
This Ally also reminds us that in order to know where we are going, we must know where we are.  Perhaps you have been past or future tripping so much that you have forgotten where you are on your journey right now.  Sodalite is reminding you to take note of the landmarks around you. Explore and experience this place that you have come to on your journey.  Honor yourself for all that you have created.
Each moment, each step on the journey, we have an opportunity to create ourselves as the person we truly want to be.  Choose a direction, and allow Sodalite to guide you down the proper path.
CHAKRA: Sixth (Third-Eye)
AFFIRMATION:  I allow my inner voice to guide me on my path."

My message for you today is this:
Sodalite is a great crystal for activating the Third-Eye Chakra, while simultaneously bringing in a sense of calm---what a beautiful energetic combination!
We truly are in compelling energy that is leading us into 2015, where we are feeling the need to get to the 'heart' of why we are here at this time!  As I have stated on numerous occasions here in your readings:  you have ALWAYS been in your 'purpose' just by being here!  What some members of humanity are experiencing, in their spiritual maturation and evolution at this time, is the DESIRE to live more CONSCIOUSLY and SOULFULLY in their purpose!  In other make the contributions to humanity, both great and 'small', that they are here to make a difference!  You will know that you are 'soulfully in your purpose' when you feel that natural 'high' of pure joy and love.  You know what I have already felt it.  What the Divine and Spirit are calling us to do is to reside in that place more consistently and to choose more consciously, because we have matured to that place where we can!
Perhaps you are meant to do readings or healings for people; perhaps you create beautiful paintings or write books with inspiring messages; perhaps you own and operate a crystal shop where you have consciously selected and displayed what you offer there; perhaps you 'have the voice of an angel' and share your gift of song; perhaps you create unique pieces of jewellery that resonate with the love that you created them from; perhaps you are the SUPPORT system that allows any of the former creative contributions to be made!  Do not think for one moment that being an accountant; or a teller at a bank; or a clerk in a store; or a house painter; or a housekeeper; or any other such 'mundane' occupations means that you are not coming from a CONSCIOUS and SOULFUL place!  You can approach ANY activity consciously and soulfully, and when you do, the energy of that will be felt and will ripple out in ways that you cannot even begin to imagine! 
So...where to begin your journey?  Sodalite is here to remind you that you have ALWAYS been on it, and that you are now to embark on just another phase of your journey. Remember that where you have been has brought you here, and honour that, but you can not look ahead if you are constantly looking backward.  Employ your beautiful Third Eye Chakra to help you to 'see' your way into this next exciting leg of your journey, and call upon Sodalite to support your conscious approach to taking the next steps!
Blessed be...

Thursday, November 27, 2014


This is your card reading for Thursday, November 27th/14.  Your card today skipped out of the 'Magical Mermaids and Dolphins' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  I chose this deck because my friend, Patti---who will be assisting me at the 'Your Wellness Expo' this Saturday---is on her way home today to wintry Alberta, from their winter refuge by the ocean in Florida.  Patti LOVES her dolphins, and she sees them frequently while at their place in Florida!  Welcome back, Patti---can't wait to see you on Saturday, my friend!
Your card is 'Empowerment', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You're more powerful than you realize.  It's safe for you to be powerful.
This card confirms that your inner power wants to surface.  You'll use this power appropriately, and you're incapable of abusing it.  Your true friends, and the people who really love you, will be happy that you've taken your power back.
Empowerment means that you're no longer willing to see yourself as a victim in any way.  It means letting go of all blame with respect to other people, past conditions, or present circumstances.  Know that you can be powerful and gentle simultaneously---and still be very effective.
Affirm frequently: "It's safe for me to powerful!  I accept my God-given power to be used in the service of light and love.'  Then, enjoy the shifts you see around you.  Instead of worrying what others think about you, use your power to make the world a better place.  You may never feel self-conscious again!"

My message for you today is this:
As Marianne Williamson shares with us in her book, 'A Return to Love'---her reflections upon the teachings shared in  'A Course in Miracles'---embracing self-empowerment can be challenging for many.  Her inspiring quote regarding self-empowerment is enlightening:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?  Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.  We are all meant to shine, as children do.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
~Marianne Williamson, from 'A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles~

What if Marianne had said to herself, "Why me? Who am I to write a book reflecting upon the teachings of 'A Course in Miracles'?"  Perhaps then, these teachings would not have been brought to the attention of our present-day society, to our great loss!  The teachings within 'A Course in Miracles' are relevant and enlightening, even today, and have served us in so many ways---including with the quote above which resonates so strongly for many of us at this time.  
We are being compelled and urged, at this time to shine our present our best selves to the world through revealing and implementing our unique talents and abilities which have been Divinely impressed within us.  When you express the best of yourself out into the world, you inspire others to do the same.  Realistically, you may encounter those who attempt to dim your Light, but that is their journey, NOT yours!  If you are coming from a heart-centered place of loving service; and not from a self-serving Ego; then you are fully representing the Divine aspect of yourself and NOTHING can undermine or dim that Light. To be truly self-empowered means to stand firmly in your own empowerment and NOT in undermining---but rather, in celebrating---the self-empowerment of another.
Step into it, Dear One!  Remind yourself that you are here for a REASON. Drop the fear, and make the valued contributions that the Divine intended for you to make!
Blessed be... 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Making a Difference

This is your card reading for Wednesday, November 26th/14.  Your card is 'Making a Difference', which flew out of the 'Gateway Oracle' card deck, authored by Denise Linn. 
Denise's message for the card is this:
"My inner light shines far and wide.
Card meaning:  You are making a difference in the lives of others.  In ways that you may not even know, many benefit because of you.  Your light radiates far and wide.
The Universe wants you to know:  Sometimes the smallest actions can have the greatest impact.  Perhaps it's a smile shared with a stranger, a kindness extended to an acquaintance, or a favor done for a friend.  This is akin to the story about the man who returns beached starfish to the sea.  Although he knows that he cannot possibly save them all, he continues his work because it makes a difference to the few he can save.  You CAN and WILL change lives. Take steps today that will make a difference in the life of another.
Questions to ask yourself:  How can I make a difference?  Whose life is positively impacted because of me?  What can I do to make even more of a difference in the world?"

My message for you today is this:
The message that Denise shares with us today is a powerful and empowering one. Sometimes we get caught up in the notion that only those standing on a stage in front of a huge audience; or the author of a best selling book; or that person conducting healing sessions or readings for another; are truly making a difference in the world.  NOTHING IS FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH!  Many have labelled it the 'ripple effect'---that even what would seem to be the 'smallest' of actions then ripple out to have a huge impact.  Do not ever discount the effect and impact you can have on the world---you are here for a reason and you matter!  Interesting, how we can readily observe how others influence the world in which we live, but it is so difficult for us to see how WE influence those around us!  Choose consciously today, to share the best of yourself is some way.  When you shine your Light, as only you can, it serves to illuminate and Light the way for those around you to also shine!
Blessed be...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Lakshmi ~ Bright Future

This is your card reading for Tuesday, November 25th/14.  Your card burst out of the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Lakshmi ~Bright Future', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Stop worrying.  Everything is going to be fine.
Message from Lakshmi:  'This is a kind Universe, and everyone within it is working in your favour.  There are no tests, blocks, or obstacles in your way, except your own projections of fear into your future.  Take a moment and hush your mind, quieting it from worries and fears.  Feel me brush your brow with a new energy of faith, hope and optimism.  These energies fuel your exciting present time, as well as all future moments.  Why would you wish darkness upon yourself when light shines all around you?  Step into this brightness by lightening your thoughts and feelings.  You must stop worrying, as this anxiety squelches the goodness that seeks to find you!  Clear your heart of fear, and replace those energies with ones that will serve you and your family instead.  Refuse to think of anything except your bright today and tomorrow, and I promise you that it shall be so.'
Various meanings of this card:  *You and your loved ones will be protected and provided for. * Hold positive thoughts and intentions. * Know that you'll always have your needs met, now and in the future. * Don't worry about money, but instead, visualize abundance. *"

My message for you is this:
The Hindu Goddess, Lakshmi (pronounced LOCK-schmee), is closely aligned with Ganesh; the Hindu deity that presents as an elephant-headed God whose specialty is in assisting us to overcome obstacles.  Lakshmi assists us in receiving abundance in our lives in all ways: money, time, knowledge, health, etc.  Lakshmi reminds us that the Universe is an abundant one, and that any fears of 'lack' that we may have, are our own.  Lakshmi is most often depicted in her favoured environment of lotus flowers and water, which are meant to represent fertility and faith in the abundance available to all; and with elephants, in representation of her strong connection to Ganesh. 
Lakshmi has presented today to remind us that 'all is indeed well'.  Hold only positive thoughts and expectations as you move forward, knowing that the Universe is here to support you and that the Divine holds only the best of intentions for you.  It is up to you how you will approach your current situation---with faith and optimism or with lack of trust and pessimism.  We are human, and even if we choose to be optimistic, we may endure moments of worry and anxiety---in those moments, call upon Lakshmi to remind you of the Divine support available to you.  She will ease and alleviate your woes, if you ask for her assistance.  Your future is bright---focus upon that and know that you are WORTHY of that!
Blessed be...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Angelic Being & Alignment

This is your card reading for Monday, November 24th/14.  Two cards dropped together out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish, to begin your week.  Your cards are 'Angelic Being' and 'Alignment'.  Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are these:
~Angelic Being~
"Your Angelic Being has been with you since the day of your birth, and will continue to be with you when you cross through the veil and return home.  Your angelic guardian is asking you to look for signs and synchronicities.  They are trying to communicate with you now.  In a whisper of gentle guidance, you may hear your name being called, or feel the subtle touch of a feather or a tender tickle.  You may see a sign on a billboard, a magazine or even on TV.  Keep your awareness open to the message they are bringing to you."
"This is the beginning of a very powerful shift, both spiritually and energetically.  This is a complete connection and alignment of your higher-self and physical self.  Sometimes this alignment can cause chaos and confusion, but there is no need to worry or feel alarmed with what is happening in your life right now.  Everything is moving into perfect order as your spiritual and physical selves align into perfect balance.  Once complete, your daily life will be more in harmony with your spiritual path."

My message for you today is this:
How beautiful that these two cards presented together for you today!  They both truly support the current cosmic energy that we are in, as outlined by Elizabeth Peru of, in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast', in which she says:
"There is a distinct energy of evolving and ascending to new heights right now. Can you feel it?  I advise that you run with this, if you are tuning in.  Do whatever you need to and shift your life to one where you get to be more like the eagle or hawk.  Rise up and look around at the big picture.  When you do, what is life telling you right now?  Write it down and then follow and act upon your own sage answers as the week begins..."
Just as Cheryl Lee shared in her message for you about the 'Angelic Beings' card, I LOVE how the Universe employs synchronicity to inform and guide us!!!  I had intuitively selected the Divine Guidance deck, and your cards for today had presented before I even 'thought' to look at Elizabeth's message for the cosmic energy of the day---but the cards and Elizabeth's message align brilliantly!  
We are, indeed, in a time of alignment and I know that I have been feeling this personally.  
I have been feeling urged and guided to 'take it to the next level'---in taking care of my physical Self, and in making the commitment to honour my spiritual Self consistently.  My husband and I have travelled extensively in 2014, and while I am certainly not complaining about that; I have come to realize that I need to ALIGN how I will balance and incorporate caring for my physical and spiritual selves when I am not in my usual space and I am out of 'routine'.  I need to develop an exercise/nutrition regime; and a spiritual practise; that will 'travel with me', in order to be my best self.   
What is so wonderful about the cards that presented for you today, is that the 'Angelic Being' card joined the 'Alignment' card---thereby reminding us that we are supported by the Angelic Realm, including our Guardian Angels, as we strive to live our lives as our best selves!
In what ways are you being urged to bring 'alignment' into your life at this time?  Be conscious and be honest with yourself about this!  You will likely feel a little 'uncomfortable' when you consider making the changes that will serve you in this way, because coming into alignment requires shifting and adjusting.  Keep your vision on your desired outcome, and call upon the Divine support which is ALWAYS available to you, if you just ask!  Feel the excitement of shifting into this next phase of your life!  Many of the spiritual teachers/advisors/mentors of our time have been saying that we are NOW setting the stage for 2015, which looks to be a time of great spiritual advancement for those who are open and aware.  How exhilarating is that?
Blessed be...

Friday, November 21, 2014

Ear Chakras

This is your card reading for Friday, November 21st/14---the day prior to the New Moon. Your card is 'Ear Chakras', drawn from the 'Angel Therapy' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Notice messages that appear as sounds, music, and words, from both external sources and within your mind.  These messages are real answers to your prayers.
You received this card because the angels have been trying to get your attention.  They've heard your prayers and are giving you information and instructions so that you can take appropriate action.  You are hearing the angel's messages in various ways: repetitive songs, an overheard conversation, a stranger's out-of-the-blue reassurances, or words that you hear in your mind.  The angel's messages are always loving, positive, trustworthy, and constructive.
In a quiet place, where you'll be undisturbed, say the following to Archangel Michael:
'I now ask you to vacuum and clear any lower energies in my physical ears or ear chakras. I am willing to release anything painful that I've ever heard, in exchange for clarity in my ability to hear the voice of love and the angels."

My message for you today is this:
I am so grateful to Doreen for bringing the Ear Chakras to our attention!  Although there are a multitude of chakras (energy centres) in our body, most only refer to the seven major chakras centres: the Root, the Sacral, the Solar Plexus, the Heart, the Throat, the Third Eye, and the Crown.  Your Ear Chakras lay on either side of your head, just above your eye brows, at a 30 degree angel.  They are violet-purple in color, and particularly for those whose major psychic means of receiving information is clairaudience ('clear hearing'), it is important to recognize this chakra.  I have always acknowledged the 'power of words' and the Ear Chakras validate this.  So, when you are clearing and balancing your chakras, include the Ear Chakras as you do so (they are typically addressed after the Third Eye and before the Crown chakra).  Doreen's chakra clearing and balancing meditation CD does include the Ear Chakras, as does mine.
As Doreen pointed out, there's a myriad of ways that your Guides and Angels, and also crossed-over Loved Ones will communicate with you through the Ear Chakras. I would like to share a personal experience I had recently, to illustrate this...
My husband and I were in Arizona on our way to a home decor store that I love to shop at there, when my cell phone rang with a call from our oldest Son back in Canada.  Our Son had received some sad news and he called to talk to me about it, feeling hurt and disappointed.  Of course, I shared in his pain and was feeling hurt and disappointed also, after the call. Just as we entered the store, which was FULL to the brim with Thanksgiving and Christmas themed decor items, particularly; my attention was drawn to the plaque which is pictured with your card for today's reading.  The words on the plaque are a phrase from a song that my beloved deceased Mom (who was also an integral, loving person in my Son's life) used to sing to me as a child, and also to her Grandchildren.  I just KNEW that this was my Mom's way of giving a message to me and my Son that everything was going to be alright, and that she still watches over us and loves as, just as she said she would at the time of her passing.  I felt such deep gratitude and of course I purchased that plaque, and see it as reminder of my Mom's continued presence in my life and that love never dies.
This is an example of how your Ear Chakras act as messengers in your life---do not restrict yourself to believing that you actually have to 'hear' something in order to receive a message---it may be that something important that you have heard will be called to mind in a number of ways (like a plaque in a store!).
Your role is to be open and to TRUST, ALLOW, and BELIEVE  the messages that are being sent to you.  And as I have stated on so many occasions, give GRATITUDE for the messages being expressed!  It takes work for our crossed-over Loved Ones to lower their vibration in order to communicate with us here in the physical---acknowledge and appreciate that!  Gratitude holds a very high vibration, and so to express gratitude places you in a higher vibration also.
Your Ear Chakras are being brought to your attention today for a reason.  Pay attention to how your Guides, Angels and crossed-over Loved Ones may be communicating with you through this chakra; and when you receive and acknowledge their message, give thanks!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Chariot ~ Archangel Metatron

This is your card reading for Wednesday, November 19th/14.  Your card flew out of the 'Angel Tarot Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is a major arcana card, 'The Chariot ~ Archangel Metatron', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Congratulations!  This card means you've successfully balanced a recently challenging situation!  Your ability to see both sides, take action, and make decisions has garnered you approval, respect, and gratitude. So, bask in the joy of what you've accomplished!
Stay calm and grounded, and be clear about what you're trying to achieve.  It's important to show self-control, determination, and the willingness to go the distance at this time. Exercise control firmly---but kindly---with other people.
Additional meanings of this card: *Self-discipline. * Sheer willpower. * A great leap forward. * A promotion or award. * Travel. * Modes of transportation. * "

My message for you today is this:
Archangel Metatron is one of only two Archangels (the other being Sandalphon) who was once embodied here on Earth, as the prophet Enoch.  Many experience Metatron's aura as stripes of green and pink; and a crystal said to align well with his energy is Watermelon Tourmaline. Metatron's 'specialty' is in healing learning disorders and in assisting with childhood issues; although he is obviously not restricted to those themes alone. Metatron is closely associated with geometric shapes and sacred geometry and a tool that he employs in his work with us is the 'Merkaba' (otherwise known as 'Metatron's Cube').  This sacred geometric shape is of a very high vibration. 'Mer' means 'light''; 'ka' means 'spirit'; and 'ba' means 'body'.  So, the Merkaba can assist in shifting vibration.  
Metatron has stepped forward for you today to congratulate you on a job well done, and to further offer his support in 'taking things to the next level'.  If you happen to have a Merkaba (and if you don't, you can 'google' it, in order to gain a visual of what it looks like, to hold in your mind), you are encouraged by Metatron to hold it in your receiving (non-dominant) hand and sit quietly, allowing it's vibrational energy to infuse you.  You have all that is required within you---Metatron is merely offering his additional support and encouragement and sharpened FOCUS at this time.  Just as the image presented on this angel tarot card, you have taken it's time to soar to the heights that are destined for you!
Blessed be...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Light and Love

My husband and I arrived back to Canada from Arizona in the wee hours of the morning...
This is your card reading for Tuesday, November 18th/14.  Your card popped out of the 'Life Purpose' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Light and Love', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Your purpose is to bring Divine healing light and love to this world.
You are a conduit of God's pure light and love; and you bring this healing energy through your prayers, visualizations, and positive intentions.  This is your life purpose!  Although it may seem nonspecific, rest assured that your prayers have helped in significant, specific ways.  You are anchoring Divine light and love to the earth, which is ensuring that the planet is safe, stable and protected.  Please keep up this good work, as it is necessary and valuable!
You can also channel this purpose in other ways as well.  For example, your natural spiritual gifts make you a wonderfully successful healer.  Whether you conduct energy work, counselling, or some other form of physical or psychological therapy, always remember to bring through the Divine healing force.  You don't need to drain your own energy, as there is an unlimited supply readily available for all who tap into the Divine.
This card also signifies that you can heal your present situation by applying light and love to it and everyone involved.  Hold only positive and loving thoughts and feelings, and watch the blessings multiply in beautifully surprising ways."

My message for you today is this:
It has been brought forth for you here previously that how your 'life purpose' is expressed morphs and changes throughout the course of your lifetime.  Your message today reaffirms that.  We are ALL infused with a Divine spark, and our purpose is to express that Light out into the world, utilizing our own unique gifts and abilities and the Love that IS Source energy.
The cosmic energies today are about surrendering into your heart's calling, rather than attempting to script or control everything.  Sometimes our Ego (which is a necessary and integral component of who we are here in the physical world) will seek to dictate just 'how things should go' for us.  While our Ego can and DOES serve us in certain ways, it can not be the primary navigator if we choose to live our lives consciously and soulfully.  The Ego is not comfortable with surrender and allowing our Higher Selves to lead the way.  The Ego is not comfortable with change, and seeks to hold the status quo.  The Ego strives to keep us 'safe' and therefore is not comfortable with exploring our Divine potential.   
Today, you are being urged to 'drop from your head (Ego), to your heart (Divine Love and Light).  Surrender to the knowing that you are here to shine your Light as only you can, and that the Divine has a greater plan for you than you could ever dream for yourself!  Recall that 'surrender' does not imply being 'passive'; but rather allowing the Universe to present you with the opportunities, people and events through which you are meant to express your Light and Love by taking guided action.  This is a day in which to be authentic with YOURSELF in terms of the Soulful life that you wish to lead, and to then allow your intuition and Higher Self to be your navigational instrument in steering the way.  In so doing, you are setting the stage for sharing your Love and Light, as you are meant to at this time.
Blessed be...

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Universal Law of One

This is your card reading for Monday, November 17th/14.  Your card sailed out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana LaPointe, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is the 'Universal Law of One' and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of One states that we are all one and interconnected because there is only one source from which all life is created.  The source of all life is an infinite field of formless substance that has no beginning, no end, and contains all possible potentials.  You are the infinite expressing itself as an individual, and because of this, you have unlimited potential. The 'I' that is you is the same 'I' that created all existence and remains within all existence. You can connect with the infinite power within you by remembering your connection with all life. Mastering the Law of One ensures that everything you think, say, do and create is for the good of all.  Oneness therefore creates peace, harmony, abundance, health and joy and every other harmonious quality experienced on earth.  If you have pulled this card, the Universe is reminding you that the only limits you will ever have are those you impose on yourself.  The entire Universe supports your dreams because the entire Universe is one with you.  Let go of the idea of being separate from the world. See yourself in others, and spend time everyday experiencing your inherent oneness with all that is."

My message for you today is this:
Wowza!  Spirit has presented us with profound and weighty 'food for thought' to begin our week!  Please take some time today to contemplate what has been shared with you in the message above and to determine what 'Oneness' means to you.
To me, the focal point of 'the shift' that we are in as a people, and Mother Earth as well, revolves around embracing the knowing that we are ONE.  We are moving out of the illusion of 'separateness', from the Divine and from each other.  It is when we live from a viewpoint of separation that we reside in 'competitive' energy.  When we realize that we are really all ONE, from a global perspective, we move into a more compassionate and 'cooperative' way of being. 
No judgment about where we were in the past, as we move into our future---we are MEANT to evolve and grow.  The past, laden with all the experiences of humanity, led us here and what we are experiencing now will lead us to our future.  
We chose to incarnate into this physical life.  We do not reside in the higher perspective of the Divine; but when we choose to live our physical lives CONSCIOUSLY we can access that higher perspective and guidance, and therefore express our best selves out into the world for the greater good of ALL.  
The bottom line here is that YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE, and you are never alone.
Separation is an illusion.  Having said that, you are a unique expression of the ONE---how will you honour that?
Blessed be...

Friday, November 14, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Friday, November 14th/14.  Your card today was drawn from the, 'YOGA ~ Inner Spirit' deck authored by Angela Wiens, whom I met at the Panache Desai Immersion on Vancouver Island last August.  Angela was the yoga instructor at the immersion.  Her website is  Your card is the 'Energy' card and Angela's message for the card is this:
"My vital life force rides on the wave of my breath and fills every cell of my body.  I feel alive and vibrant.
REFLECTION:  How do my thoughts, words, and actions affect my energy and vitality?"

My message for you today is this: 
Angela shares a powerful message with us in the few words expressed on this card.  
The first aspect of her message that I want to address is the power of the breath.  My Akashic Records instructor, Ernesto Ortiz, proclaimed that the breath is the strongest healing tool that there is, and that it is so underused.  Yogic breathing is taught as a tool in manipulating your energy and vitality.  Think about how people often advise you to 'take a deep breath' when you embark on something that may be nerve-wracking or carry some anxiety.  In many languages the word 'breath' is synonymous with the word 'spirit'.  The breath is a beautiful means of connecting to Spirit---of shifting your vibration to a higher place.  Utilize your breath to assist you in shifting your energy level, whether you want to calm and relax yourself; or increase your energy level and 'pump yourself up'.  I LOVE the words I first heard from my yoga instructor well over a decade ago: 'Rest in the stillness of your breath...'   Ahhhhh.....
The other aspect of Angela's message that I want to address pertains to the 'Reflection' part of her card.  Our thoughts, words and actions ABSOLUTELY affect our energy and vitality! The attitude we bring to any situation, opportunity, or challenge: through our thoughts that we think about it; the words that we use to describe it; and the actions you take regarding it; will undeniably impact the results that you experience.  Be CONSCIOUS and CHOOSE!   There is a quote that says, 'Choose your thoughts, and you choose your life'; and another that says 'What you focus upon expands'.  Our thoughts, when we use them consciously, can be impactful.  The attitude---reflected by your thoughts, words and actions---you approach any aspect of your life with, will be made apparent in the way that you experience your life.  
Today, allow yourself to reflect upon the message shared by Angela's card.  To live a conscious life means to understand the interconnectedness of mind, body and Spirit.
You are a powerful being!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Work & Fertile

This is your daily card reading for Thursday, November 13th/14.  Two cards presented for your reading today from the fractal art deck 'Path of the Soul', authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your cards are the 'Work' and 'Fertile' cards, and Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are:
"This card relates to work.  It describes working at what you are 'really' here to do.  It is about combining all of your knowledge and gifts, on both the physical and spiritual plane and utilizing both as a means of earning a living.
If you are not sure what it is you are 'really' here to do, this card is asking you to take action and the rest will follow.  The two worlds have come into alignment and the time has come.
This card can also show you that your ARE on the right path.  Everything is in proper balance."
"This is the card of creation and fertility.  Although it can signify the possibility of a pregnancy, it usually appears as encouragement to begin taking action.  Now is the time to start the groundwork for your deepest inner desires, dreams, ideas or plans.  All the conditions are right for setting things in motion; to bring things from the world of thought to form."

My message for you today is this:
LOVE how these two cards compliment one another, and also meld beautifully with the theme that runs throughout your readings for this past week so far!  Do you get the feeling that you are being URGED to consciously step onto your Soul Path?  You have been Divinely created to express yourself out into the world as only YOU can!  
I firmly believe that setting an INTENTION plants a SEED; and that in order to live a CONSCIOUS and SOUL-FUL life, we must live our life with INTENTION.  Having said that, I have come to understand that we must then surrender into exactly how the seed of intention that we have planted may reveal itself and come to fruition.  As has been said and is so very true---the Universe holds a greater dream for us than we dare to dream for ourselves.  Much like a parent sees the greatest potential and possibility held in their child; so the Creator and the unconditionally loving force of the Divine sees the greatest potential and possibility with us---even (and especially) when we are unwilling or unable to see it for ourselves.
The 'Work' card is not indicative of the burden of 'work'; but is referring instead to the energy that you have to share and are likely feeling COMPELLED to share at this pivotal time!
Pay attention to the opportunities and people that the Universe is presenting to you at this time and choose to observe and participate with conscious intention in the life that you are being lovingly guided and led to lead.  The Divine has birthed an amazing creation in YOU! In honouring your gifts and abilities, you honour the Divine... So get to work, Lightworker!
Blessed be...

Archangel Michael

This is your daily card reading for Wednesday, November 12th/14.  Your card skimmed out of the 'Messages From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Synchronistically, it is the 'Archangel Michael' card that presented for you today from this deck.  Your card was drawn from the 'Archangel Michael' deck yesterday, also, so rest assured that Archangel Michael is making himself known to you at this time!  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"I am with you, giving you the courage to make life changes that will help you work on your Divine life purpose...
Message from Archangel Michael:  I have come to you because you asked God for safety and protection, and because you asked about your life purpose.  Since you are a lightworker, I am overseeing the fruition of your Divine life purpose.  You have been a lightworker for a long time, and you have felt different from others, isolated at times.  Be assured that you have never been alone, and that you never will be alone.
When you feel pushed to make a change at work or at home, that may be my influence, encouraging to make your life's purpose a high priority.  I can rearrange your schedule and support you in other ways to make your path smooth and harmonious.  Simply ask me, and it is done.  I will also help you feel safe and comfortable during your life's changes."

My message for you today is this:
As I have said previously, our life purpose is an integral aspect of our earthly experience, and therefore ever present.  If you look back over your life to this point from a conscious and aware point of view, you will recognize times in your life when you have been 'in your purpose'.  Being 'in your purpose' means sharing of yourself and expressing your own unique gifts out into the world for the greater good of All (including yourself).  The means by which you are in your 'purpose' will transition throughout the course of your life naturally---and this is the way it is supposed to be!
What Archangel Michael is drawing to your attention today, is that when you strive to live your life in a CONSCIOUS way, you live a more 'fulfilled' life and a more 'soulful' life that tends to move with greater ease and grace and can be so joyful.  There IS a difference in being in your purpose 'randomly' and 'occasionally'; rather than choosing consciously to connect to your higher self and intuition and striving to share of yourself in the way that the Divine intended for you.  Call upon Archangel Michael to assist you with this...  He will infuse you with the strength, courage and fortitude sometimes required to actively live in your purpose.  The Universe WANTS you express your best self!  Share of yourself---from a conscious, purposeful place---and live a soulful life!
Blessed be...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Have Confidence

This is your daily card reading for Tuesday, November 11th/14.  WE REMEMBER...  
Your card today was drawn from the 'Archangel Michael' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Have Confidence', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"This card serves as a talisman to raise your self-confidence...
Possible specific meanings: * Have confidence in your plans and ideas. * Tune in to your intuition, as it's right on target. * Trust the person you're enquiring about. * Have faith that you're on the right path. * KNow that your financial and other needs are being met now and in the future. *
PRAYER:  Archangel Michael, please lend me your courage and fortitude.  Help me realize that I am one with all that is Divine:  wisdom, strength, love, creativity, abundance, and health.  Allow me to feel confident and peaceful about myself in all ways."

My message for you today is this:
Cosmically, today is an 11 Master day (and on the 11th day of the 11th month!), and the sky is the limit for you!  Choose your thoughts with intention.  The energies of this day are of PROMISE and POTENTIAL! 
As Elizabeth Peru, of Delta Waves states in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast' for today:
"GOOD DAY FOR:  Taking chances and making giant leaps; Saying 'Yes'; expressing boldly; letting go of the past and honouring it's passing; placing your focus on today and the present moment; dropping expectations an seeing where the moment takes you."
Today is about being open to and embracing new opportunities.  Dare to dream big and ask Archangel Michael to 'shore up' your confidence, with the knowing that you hold the abilities and talents and skills necessary in moving forward as you are meant to.  There is a 'first time' for everything, and you are being urged to take that first step---however it presents for you---with the knowing that you are SO supported in doing so!  
Archangel Michael is the supreme protector and he also assists us with our life purpose, so utilize his energy and the energy being offered you today with confidence and consideration!
Blessed be... 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Universal Law of Purpose

This is your daily card reading for Monday, November 10th/14. Your card is from the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creations' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana LaPointe, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card today is the 'Universal Law of Purpose' card, and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Purpose states that all life has a purpose.  You are who you are for a purpose, and your individuality serves the whole.  Your existence serves life, whether or not you are consciously aware of how you do so.  The Law of Purpose is reminding you that who you are today is perfect and serves a higher purpose.  A common purpose of life is to grow and expand, to become more in quality and quantity.  Part of growing and becoming more is to expand your consciousness and awaken to who you really are:  oneness experiencing individuality.  As an individual, you also have the power to consciously choose a purpose.  
Perhaps you feel your purpose is to inspire others or heal the environment or be the best parent you can be.  Choose a purpose that serves the whole and you will align with the Universe.  Whatever purpose you choose, hold it in your heart and mind as you go about your day.  Infuse your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your purpose.  Hold your purpose in mind as you act, and put the feeling of your purpose into each action.  The Universe will support your purpose with ease, grace, and synchronicity.
Find a word or a symbol that reflects your purpose.  Write or draw this symbol on several pieces of paper and put these in places that you will see often.  Think about your purpose upon waking and before falling asleep.  The more you make a habit of being conscious of your purpose, the stronger the impression you will make upon the Universe."

My message for you today is this:
One of the most common questions that comes up in the Akashic Records Consultations that I do for others is, 'What is my life purpose?'   Your Akashic Records are an excellent place to explore that question.  This is what I have learned personally, as I move along my spiritual path:  while our PURPOSE holds a theme, how it is expressed into the world morphs and changes throughout the course of our lives.  For example, I have come to understand that my purpose in this lifetime is as a TEACHER---this has been exhibited in various roles already in my life.  Having been a student of dance since I was 3 years old, I began to teach dance classes in the basement of our home as a young teenager (my parents set up a rudimentary 'dance studio' for me);  when I took figure skating lessons in our small town, I was selected by the primary instructor to teach some of the 'learn to skate' classes; while in high school I earned high school credits by assisting the speech therapist in working with elementary school children; I earned my Bachelors of Education degree following high school, and enjoyed my teaching career, focusing on elementary education; I believe that MOTHERS are among the most important and impactful teachers and I am proud and honoured to be the mother of 3 amazing people; I now teach and share my learnings and experiences of a metaphysical nature with courses I have created; and I see this daily card reading and the Akashic Records Consultations I do for others as a form of teaching, because it is my intention that they will serve to enlighten you in some way. 
You get the picture---your life purpose, whatever it may be---will be expressed out into the world in various ways at different times.  
Do not attempt to box your self in or go into self-judgment by believing that you have not been in your purpose before now!  This card has presented for you today to encourage you to CONSCIOUSLY be in your purpose and to recognize that you are here for a reason!  You were created in your beautiful individuality as a powerful expression of the Divine.  How will you reveal that?  The possibilities are infinite, so choose consciously and intentionally.  The Universe supports you!
Blessed be...

Friday, November 7, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Friday, November 7th/14.  Your card to close out this impactful week floated out of the 'Saints & Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Reward' card, which is aligned with your Guardian Angel.  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Your guardian angels are rewarding you for all your concerted efforts, hard work, and dedication to helping others.  You've been giving so much, and now it's time for you to receive.
Your reward comes to you in an unexpected and happy way.  It helps you know that you're not alone, and that you're being watched over.  Allow this to boost your faith even further.
This is also a message for you to treat yourself with a few goodies.  You've been expending so much energy that there's a need for a retreat and rejuvenation.  Indulge yourself with a massage, a pedicure, or a long soak in a warm bathtub.  Rewarding yourself helps you keep going and feel appreciated for all your hard work, and it balances all the giving that you've been doing.  You deserve this reward, and remember:  The more you allow yourself to receive, the more you have available to give to others."

My message for you today is this:
My friend and a wonderful spiritual teacher/mentor, Jaden Sterling, teaches that we should give from an overflowing cup, in order to be most effective.  What he means by this, is that it serves NO ONE if you give to the point of depleting yourself and your resources.
It is a common theme---especially among Lightworkers---to be excellent at giving, and to find it challenging to receive.  How many times have you deflected a compliment; or attempted to deny a tip that a client has offered you in appreciation; or 'thanked' someone for a gift with the words 'you shouldn't have'?   Your Guardian Angels are reminding you today that you are WORTHY, and that an exchange of energy is NECESSARY, in taking care of yourself energetically---you can't just keep pouring water out of the glass, without replenishing it, or the glass will run dry and have nothing to offer!
Your Guardian Angels are also reminding you about how good you feel when you give in some way to another.  Why would you SELFISHLY deny another the joy in doing the same for you? Doesn't that other person deserve to experience how good it feels to be GIVING, also?  If you don't receive graciously, you rob the gifter of the joy of THAT'S a shift in perspective, isn't it?  By RECEIVING from another, you are GIVING them the opportunity to feel great about giving!  A beautiful, reciprocal cycle of LOVE! 
Living consciously means to be aware of your life in the physical on ALL LEVELS...body, mind and Spirit.  When you have expended a lot, be aware of how best to replenish yourself, and then DO SO!!  It is not selfish to care for yourself in this way---in order to give the best of yourself, you need to come from a balanced place of abundance within yourself.
What comes to mind for yourself when you think of a lovely little 'reward'?  Is it alloting yourself a quiet time to sit with a favorite book and a cup of your favorite tea?  Is it making a 'date' to spend time with a cherished friend?  Is it sitting with a bowl of popcorn and watching a favorite movie? Is it cranking up the music in your home and 'dancing like no one is watching'?  Is it going for a hike/walk/run in nature?  WHAT comes to mind when you think of indulging yourself and recharging your batteries?  Your Guardian Angels are URGING you to do this for yourself and to RELISH in the experience!  Don't simply indulge yourself...celebrate yourself and all that you are; and truly ENJOY the experience as you do so!  Your Guardian Angels want you to REWARD yourself!
Blessed be...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

LIght Within

This is your daily card reading for Thursday, November 6th/14.  HAPPY FULL MOON THIS EVENING!  Your card glided out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card today is the 'Light Within' card, (PERFECT as this Full Moon is in Taurus!) and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are awakening to your Inner Light and opening to new levels of spiritual understanding and awareness.  Guides and teachers are working with you to assist you in this awakening. Support is coming in the human form as well.  Those who are knowledgable and experienced will be there to offer their support as needed.
The main color of green in the card shows that, to know our own Inner Light is to know our own heart.  Enjoy the experience, stay connected and the rest will happen naturally."

My message for you today is this:
As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, it was a gentle, pulsing energy that I felt in my hand; and the words, 'basking in the glow' came to mind.  The current Full Moon energy is powerful and transformative---make no mistake about that---but it feels like more of a 'smooth transition' type of energy, rather than a 'knock you off your feet' type of energy.  
This is because you have already done the work...October was a month where the energy of transition was palpable and somewhat disorienting at times!  You have received clarity about how you truly wish to express yourself out into the world in a Soulful way.  This is not only in relation to career---it speaks to ALL aspects of self-expression, including personal relationships and spiritual commitment/Soul path.  
The green within the fractal image of this card, does relate to Heart Chakra, as Cheryl Lee states in her message, but it also relates to HEALING energy and honours the work you have been doing to heal aspects of yourself that were no longer in resonance with the higher vibrational being that you have been becoming at this time of the great Shift.  The indigo color, also prolific in this image, relates to your Third Eye Chakra, and reminds you that it in following your heart and your intuition that you are best able to lead a Soul-filled life.  
'Bask in the glow' of the Full Moon energy (which resides 24 hours either side of the actual event).  Focus upon what MATTERS---what AUTHENTICALLY MATTERS---to you, and give thanks for all that you hold dear in your life at this moment in time.  Gently release any residual that no longer serves you in moving forward in the best possible way, knowing that the Full Moon will assist you in doing so.  You are SO READY, as we move into 2015, to share your Light Within, and to help illuminate the world!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Wednesday, November 5th/14.  Your card today wafted out of the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  I LOVE this deck!  I have often felt the grace of Mother Mary at pivotal points in my life---her nurturing, maternal strength is a true blessing!  Your card today is the 'Integrity' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"I trust my ability to know what is true for me...
You drew this card because the situation you're asking about involves someone's integrity. This card comes as guidance to pay attention to your body's signals, because you can sense whether someone is being honest.  Mother Mary is a wonderful role model of gently and lovingly demanding that others live truthfully.  You can do the same with the people in your life.  You can also avoid those who aren't acting with integrity.  Either way, trust your gut feelings to steer you toward individuals who tell the truth and who 'walk their talk'.
This card also asks you to tell the truth yourself, even if you're uncomfortable with the possible reaction.  Prayer can guide your words, give you courage to speak up, and help create a healthy atmosphere of honest communication."

My message for you today is this:
INTERESTING how the cards for you this week, drawn from 3 completely different decks, are all IMPORTANT 'I' words:  INTENTION, INTUITION and INTEGRITY!  There is NO such thing as coincidence...only synchronicity...and so it is with the cards that presented for you this week!
I am getting a slightly different message for today's card than Doreen had in the guidebook, however.  As soon as the card wafted out of the deck, I had the knowing that Mother Mary was communicating to us today about trusting in our own intuitive messages---not just in regards to another's integrity, but rather, to live in our OWN integrity by being true to ourselves.  
Of course, this does at times mean being selective about whom we include in our lives, which is not always as easy as it sounds.  I seldom 'share' things on my personal Facebook page, in terms of 'quotes', etc.; but just yesterday I did share a quote that I could relate to: "I'm guilty of giving people more chances than they deserve but when I'm done, I'M DONE." Mother Mary is reminding us that we need not remain in close personal contact with those who compromise our own personal integrity---choose to spend your precious time with those who lift you up, rather than attempt to drag you down. You CAN approach such situations from a loving place---beginning with LOVE for yourself!  Call upon Mother Mary to guide and assist you in how best to approach such situations. Honour yourself in this way.
Mother Mary is also gently reminding us that, just because someone has psychic abilities, does NOT guarantee that they are always operating from a place of integrity.  This was a HUGE lesson for me, personally!  I assumed that all the people in my 'community', as my son calls it, also held to the same beliefs and standard of ethics as I hold---not necessarily true!  Of course, I have my own challenges as a spiritual being having a physical experience;  but I ALWAYS hold any conscious connection to the Divine and to Spirit as SACRED.  I have witnessed that this is not the case with all who have an aptitude for making the connection for themselves and others.  Trust in what your intuition is telling you in regards to this in your life, and honour it.  No need to go into judgment, but be selective about whom you align yourself with in this way.
Mother Mary's primary message for us today is just as the message on the card states:
'I trust in the ability to know what is true for me.'  At times, even when we 'know', we still deny our 'knowing'.  Set the intention today to truly listen to what your intuitive self is communicating to you, and to stand firmly in the integrity of that!  Mother Mary is with you and supporting you in this!
Blessed be...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Tuesday, November 4th/14.  Your card today sprung out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is the 'Intuition' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"There is a focus right now on your intuitive and clairvoyant abilities.  This card usually signifies an amplification of this functioning.  You may find yourself feeling more tapped-in to the cosmic energy field of information.  This can include the sudden channeling of information from Celestial beings, an increase in predictive dreams, or sensing information from objects or your surroundings.
Stay open to this flow.  It is happening for a reason.  You are being attuned with higher ascension energies which are affecting the planet at this time.  And yes, this will be a permanent enhancement. These gifts are intended to work in this way.  It is part of the awareness, which the rest of humanity will experience when they are ready to move into this higher frequency field.  But for now, just relax as you adjust to it.
The Intuition card also comes to those whose intuitive gifts are strong, but underdeveloped. It is important for you to trust that you are indeed intuitive and this is an important part of who you are.  Be open to learning about your intuition and how it works.  Take classes, read information on it, and speak to those you know who are actively using their gift.  You may be very surprised by how easily and naturally your intuition blossoms for you.
The main thing is to trust the process of what is happening for you.  Trust any information you receive. The more you acknowledge and focus on your intuition, the stronger it will be. It will become clear soon, how to use your gift in service."

My message for you today is this:
As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, the energy emanating up my arm and to my crown chakras was intense!  I have personally pulled this card for myself previously in layouts, and I have not experienced such intensity---it was almost 'dizzying'.  This indicates to me that we are presently in a POWERFUL time of amplification for  'consciously connecting' to the Divine and to Spirit. Utilize the cosmic energies; and in fact, the evolutionary time that we are in spiritually; to recognize, identify, acknowledge, and DEVELOP your own unique psychic gifts.  While you may have an inherent aptitude or ability for ANY skill (be it psychic, intellectual, or physical); it is NECESSARY to practise and develop that skill in order to take it to its potential---otherwise, it just lays dormant. Such a waste of possibility! 
We ALL have INTUITION---yet we, as individuals, have varying aptitudes, abilities, and capabilities.  You were given your own unique gifts for a reason!  Get clear on how you were meant to embrace your intuitive self and to develop and utilize your abilities for 'the greater good of All' (including YOURSELF)!  You are supported at this time in a MAGNIFIED way. Step up and step into it...even by taking 'baby steps' is ALL movement forward! Understand that you may feel periods of 'adjustment', and what I call 'integration', as you strive to align with the new energy and vibration.  It IS possible to move through such transition with ease and grace, if you ALLOW and flow with the shift.  You chose to be here on planet Earth at this time for a reason---your Soul knew that you were ready, and that you have actually longed for this.  Know that in your heart, and trust in your INTUITION.
Blessed be...

Monday, November 3, 2014

Universal Law of Intention

This is your daily card reading for Monday, November 3rd/14.  Your card flew out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana LaPonte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is the 'Universal Law of Intention' card, and the author's message for the card is this:
"This law states that this is a Universe of infinite possibilities, and within every intention there lies the possibility for its fulfillment.  When intention is clear and focused it becomes a power that attracts the means necessary for its fulfillment.  Strengthen the power of your intention by focusing more energy and attention into it.  Create a detailed vision of what you want.  Ask yourself what it is that you REALLY want and discover the deeper the reason that underlines your intention.  The Universe responds to your authentic intentions, whether or not you are consciously aware of what they are.  Experience the self-discovery that is gained by looking more deeply into your desires and motives.  Ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself; why do you want what you want?  You may be surprised at the answers.  The authentic intention behind a thought or action will ultimately determine the outcome that results.  This card is bringing your attention to your intentions. It may be time to re-evaluate your intentions.  Or perhaps it is time to recommit to an intention you valued in the past.  Fuel your intentions with your belief, energy and vision.  Let go of the notion of limits.  The Universe is reminding you that where there is a will, there is a way.  It is time to set your intentions, believe in yourself, and boldly move forward."

My message for you today is this:
I LOVE that this card came forward for you today!!!  Anyone who has come to me for a consultation; or has taken any of my courses; or has even been in a discussion about the metaphysical with me; will most certainly KNOW how POWERFUL I believe the word INTENTION to be!!!  I have said, time and time again, 'it is ALL about INTENTION'!  One way that I use to illustrate the power of intention, is in making a conscious connection to Spirit/Divine.  I believe that Spirit/Divine responds to the energy of intention---therefore, if it is your sincere intention to make the connection, you will.  You could recite the most beautiful prayer ever written, but if you are merely reciting the words and not consciously INTENDING to connect with the Divine;  then you will struggle in making the connection. Yet, if you merely utter the words 'help me', and infuse those words with the heartfelt desire and intention to communicate; then the power of intention will ensure that it happens.  
I had an interesting exchange with Panache Desai, a spiritual leader whom I have mentioned previously (I attended a seminar with him in Sedona, Arizona last November, and an Immersion with him on Vancouver Island last August).  Panache was speaking to us about 'letting go of our intentions, because we will only be disappointed and suffer when we don't get the results we had planned on'.  WHOA!!!  'LET GO OF INTENTION???' Are you kidding me???   To my mind, it is IMPOSSIBLE; and indeed UNDESIRABLE;  I would go so far as to say MEANINGLESS; to attempt to live a life here in the physical without INTENTION!  Can you sense how strongly I feel about that?  
True spiritual leaders/mentors challenge us to clarify and deepen our own spiritual understanding, which is what happened here.  I came to understand, through discussion with Panache, and fellow students at this Immersion, that my disagreement with Panache's stance on intention was really all about SEMANTICS---what the word 'INTENTION' truly meant to each of us.  I came to realize that Panache views the word 'intention' in an 'end-result' way; whereas, I view the word 'intention' as an 'energetic seed that you plant', or the energy you infuse into something, without placing expectations on exactly how that seed will grow.  I pointed out that Panache had to set the intention to hold the Immersion; his friend had to set the intention to provide the space for it to happen and to facilitate the accommodations; the 'students' had to set the intention to attend the Immersion; otherwise none of it could happen!  Yet, once I set the intention to attend the Immersion, I honestly had no concrete expectations about what would transpire during my time there, and I surrendered to that.  Panache viewed 'intention' as the 'students' coming to the Immersion with the expectation of certain outcomes.  Trust me...if there's one thing I've learned it's that the Universe will play things out in ways that we couldn't even begin to imagine for ourselves! The point in all of this is that we must be aware of the way in which we personally label and define things; knowing that a certain label or word may not have the same meaning to others, as it does to us.
Today, you are being reminded of the power of SETTING INTENTIONS, and being clear and honest with yourself about the underlying energy that you are infusing your intentions with.  We are energetic beings...the Universe responds to the energy you put out.  Choose to consciously employ the 'Universal Law of Intention' in creating what your Soul-ful desires are---plant the seed!  Then, surrender into exactly how the Universe will provide for you. Simply said:  set your intention(s) and relax into how it all plays out, knowing that the Divine dreams a bigger dream for you than you could ever dream for yourself!
Blessed be...