Tuesday, January 13, 2015


This is your card reading for Tuesday, January 13th/15.  Your card today skimmed out of 'The Animal-Wise Tarot' card deck, authored by Ted Andrews.  Your card is 'Loon', and Ted's message for the card is this:
"The Loon is unique among water birds, almost always found around water birds, almost always found around water but clumsy on land.  Powerful swimmers, loons can dive deeper and swim faster than other birds, including the penguin.  When Loon appears, it reminds us to pay attention to our dreams since they will become more vibrant, more colorful, and more lucid---taking on greater importance, providing answers, and inspiring hope.
The time is ripe for us to gain insight into our problems and anxieties through the dream state.  It is not unusual for lucid dreaming to occur when Loon appears.  In lucid dreaming we become aware that we are dreaming in the midst of the dream.  The dreams may have a tendency to be intense, awakening old pains, but only so they can be cleansed out.  Such dreams remind us of coming opportunities if we face and resolve past unhappiness. Though there may be sadness and some pain in the process, Loon reminds us that anything lost is no longer healthy for us and it will be replaced by something more beneficial.
The Loon has a haunting call that stirs us on a primal level.  When Loon shows up, it is calling us not only to pay more attention to our nightly dreams; but also to remind us of all the hopes, wishes and dreams we have tucked to the back of the heart, which are about to surface once more.  Loon's appearance reminds us not to compromise these.
It's ability to swim, it's iridescent colours, and haunting call symbolize the possibilities opening to us.  Loon awakens imagination, reassuring us we are never given a hope, wish or dream without also being given opportunities to make them a reality.  The only thing that shatters that possibility is compromise.  Loon's appearance tells us that when we deal with the past, we open doors to fulfilling our greatest dreams and imaginings in the future."

My message for you today is this:
Ted Andrews ( who transitioned in Oct. 2009) was an internationally recognized author, teacher, and mystic.  His strong alliance with the animal world, and his understanding of their potential role in our lives as messengers and support---because ALL of Nature is interconnected---caused him to write 2 best-selling books, 'Animal Speak' (1993) and 'Animal-Wise' (1999), which are EXCELLENT references as to the energies that certain birds, animals, insects, and amphibians share with us. His deck, 'The Animal-Wise Tarot', is an off-shoot of those books. 
It is my belief, that we each come to this Earth with a 'Power Animal'---which is a Spirit animal that aligns with us at birth---and acts as a 'Guardian Angel' for us, in cooperation with our other spiritual advisors.  Our Power Animal holds certain characteristics and attributes which will support and honour what our Soul has chosen to experience and learn through this incarnation.  Our Power Animal always remains with us, to guide and protect us, just as our Guardian Angels do. Further to that, we have 'Totem Animals' throughout our life, who appear as messengers, if we are open to their presence and their teachings.  It is not necessary for an animal to present to you in the physical, to be a Totem, or messenger, for you---you may see an animal on a billboard; on t.v. or in a movie; on the cover of a book or magazine; an oracle card deck, etc.  Once, prior to going for a motorcycle ride with my husband, I asked that we would see a bald eagle on our ride that day...when we later rode past a huge motorhome with a large mural of a Bald Eagle on the side of it.  While the Universe had granted my request, my husband reminded me that perhaps I should have been more specific, and asked to see a 'LIVE Bald Eagle'!  Anytime a particular creature draws your attention, know that it is presenting as a messenger for you...you can also call upon certain animals to support and assist you in your life, just as you call upon certain Archangels.  Use Ted's books as references as to the energies and messages that animal holds for you, or simply trust in your own intuition in that regard. 
Loon has presented for you to remind you that your dreams ARE valid and worthy of pursuing!  Let go of anything that may be holding you back, while blessing the lessons provided, and then go for it!  Allow the call of the Loon to lure you toward the active pursuit of your heartfelt desires.
Blessed be... 

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