Monday, January 5, 2015


This is your card reading for Monday, January 5th, 2015, the day following the first Full Moon of January (in some parts of the world, the Full Moon is today).  This is an 'intense energy' day, and so I chose the very high vibration 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish, for your reading today. The 'Gratitude' card glided out of the deck for you.  Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Gratitude is a very powerful energy which can open the heart and mind to all the wondrous blessings we are given.  Take time each and every day to offer your deepest, heartfelt gratitude for all that you have and are given.  Make a conscious effort to look for all the good that is flowing into your life.  Send your love to all those you cherish and love.  Your acknowledgement of the Divine flow, that supports and provides for you, opens your energy in a powerful way.  You will become your own bright Light, even in the darkest of times."

My message for you today is this:
I had the blessing of attending a Full Moon drumming/releasement ceremony yesterday afternoon and evening.  What came up in ceremony, was to express gratitude for what revealed itself in 2014 and to acknowledge what we wished to carry forward from that year; in addition to what we wished to release.  I loved this approach to honouring the learnings that we had embodied, as well as releasing what no longer served us.  
I have expressed here many times the powerful manifestation energy of GRATITUDE. Gratitude is a very high vibration.  Employ it's energy to draw into your life in 2015 the experiences, situations and people who will best serve you in living an authentic Soulful life.
For me, the Full Moon energy can be felt on the day proceeding and the day following the Full Moon...this is due in part to the fact that we are a global community, regardless of geographical manifestations.  The Moon reveals itself at different 'times' in different parts of the world; and also, it's waxing and waning are a gradual progression...not a sudden occurrence.  So...embrace the powerful cosmic energies being offered you today and express gratitude for all that 2014 had to offer you on your spiritual path; release what no longer serves you; and lovingly choose to reside in gratitude for the lessons and growth you experienced in 2014.
As I sat in contemplation yesterday morning to consciously write down what I wished to offer in the fire ceremony, I made my list of that which I wished to release in moving forward.  But I concluded my writing/offering intuitively with this phrase that I strive to live my life by:
" will you express yourself through me today?"
And...I expressed my gratitude, as I do with, "I say 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'..."
As I wrote this, I had no knowing that the person leading the ceremony was going to be directing us to express gratitude in addition to releasing what no longer served us...but my Soul obviously knew...  Further evidence that we are guided and supported when we strive to be conscious.
There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for...and when you are in gratitude for your blessings, you are further blessed...
Blessed be...

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