Thursday, March 31, 2016


This is your card reading for Thursday, March 31st/16.  Your card spun out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Work', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This card relates to work.  It describes working at what you are 'really' here to do.  It is about combining all of your knowledge and gifts, on both the physical and spiritual plane and utilizing both as a means of earning a living.
If you are not sure what it is you are 'really' here to do, this card is asking you to take action and the rest will follow. The two worlds have come into alignment and the time has come.
This card can also show you that you ARE on the right path.  Everything is in proper balance."

My message for you today is this:
Your message today is not only in regards to your career, or what it is that you do to 'make a living'.  WORK, in this instance, alludes to the Soulful purpose for which you incarnated at this time.  It is very important to honour ALL that has brought you to this point in which you are well prepared to live from this Soulful place, and to also understand that to live your life 'on purpose' is ALSO a journey, rather than a destination.  That is to say, that living your life 'on purpose' will look differently at various junctures in your lifetime. We truly have been maturing, spiritually, as a collective at an accelerated rate...which has meant that many of us have experienced chaos, confusion and angst during these vastly changing times. Honour that, also, as it has been leading you to the next great Soulful step for yourself. 
You have been repeatedly advised by Spirit for some time to 'shine your Light as only you can'.  Delay or procrastinate no more!  Everything is in balance and the time is right!  Yet, it is truly up to YOU, and your participation and activation are required. When I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, I cold palpably feel the pulsing, encouraging energy emanating from it.  What comes to mind for you that you wish to draw into your life experience that feels like a Soulful expression of yourself?  Be TRULY HONEST with yourself about what is 'calling to you'---not what your obligations are---what your Soul is whispering to you. Listen...we all have obligations in our lives, that is a reality...yet we sometimes use these obligations as an 'excuse' to keep us from living our lives 'on purpose'.  You CAN prioritize and meet your obligations, while still giving energy to Soulful pursuits. Spirit is cheering you on! 
You may have been experiencing some situations in your life experience this past month (or even longer) that have been 'rocking your world' or shaking you up somewhat from the status quo.  Spirit is advising you that this was honestly bringing things 'into balance' for you, even as it didn't seem so at the time. We here in the physical do not have the advantage of the omnipotent vision that Spirit holds.  Trust in your spiritual advisors...your 'Team' assist you in navigating your way, and then take guided action. Be in your power!
Blessed be...

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