Friday, April 1, 2016

Planting Seeds

This is your card reading for Friday, April 1st/16.  Your card today sunk out of the 'Gateway Oracle' card deck, authored by Denise Linn.  Your card is 'Planting Seeds', and Denise's message for the card is this:
"Seeds of grace are being planted in the fertile soil of my soul...
CARD MEANING:  The fertile soil of your soul is ready to receive the seeds that will come to harvest in the years ahead.  Get clear on what you desire for yourself and your future. Timing is vital, and now is your moment to plant spiritual seeds.  
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW:  Every realized dream once started as an idea that took root.  For your projects, ideas, and dreams to come to fruition, you need to first become clear on what your heart truly desires.  Then ask yourself, 'Is this really what I want?'
Believe that miracles can happen.  Use this time to plant seeds for your future. Nurture these precious seeds so that they will grow as strong as the mighty oak.  Take action in the desired direction of your dreams, but be willing to pull the weeds along the way.  It won't be long before you are reaping the bounty of your labour."

My message for you today is this:
How beautifully synchronistic that the message on Doreen's 'Messages From Your Angels Perpetual Flip Calendar' for April 1st is: "You only need to be clear about what it is that you want, pray for guidance, and then motivate yourself to take the necessary steps that are guided."  Denise's message for your card today, and Doreen's calendar message for today perfectly synopsize the messages that you have received this week!  And as we are now in the energy of the Spring Equinox, we are energetically in alignment with 'planting seeds'. 
All this week Spirit has brought to your attention that you are being urged to live your life consciously and 'on purpose'---doing so means that you are acutely aware of what your desires are.  
How do you plant the seed of your desire?  By first being very honest and specific with yourself about which seed you wish to plant.  It is not very efficient to plant a handful of random seeds and hope that you'll be happy with something that grows!  Rather, choose your seeds with INTENTION, and then tend to them in the way that you are guided to.  I believe strongly in the POWER OF INTENTION---I personally define setting an intention as 'planting a seed', energetically. The more specific you are about the intention you set---the seed that you sow---the more true to your intention will be your result. 
Understand that this whole 'growth thing' is a process!  Once you plant the seed, you must have FAITH that that which you have planted will grow, even as you may not be able to bear witness to each phase of the growth.  Some aspects are occurring in ways that we cannot 'see'...yet the growth is happening, all the same.  This is where FAITH comes that things are progressing as they need to, underneath the soil, even though it's not a visible seedling yet.  Your role is to reside in FAITH and to believe in the intention you have set. 
I love the portion of Denise's message that states: ". . .be willing to pull the weeds along the way."  This speaks to the understanding that, even intentions set in perfect alignment with our Soul's desire, are seldom manifested without having to tend to and sort through the 'weeds' that will appear.  Also...metaphorically...while you can't control when it will rain, you CAN find an alternate water source, when necessary. Be resourceful in nurturing your dream. This requires a clear vision; the willingness to follow the guidance that is presented to you; and the motivation to do the work necessary in reaping the harvest. 
Do not become intimidated or overwhelmed with feeling that you have to pay attention right now to ALL of the details of exactly how your seed will grow...understand that all you need focus upon now is the PLANTING. Perhaps this entails making a phone call that you have felt an urging to make; or contacting someone that you have been interested in taking a course from; or reading a book on a subject that will inspire/educate you in promoting yourself; or attending a conference that will enlighten you in ways that will serve you in moving forward on your Soulful path...there are a multitude of ways in which to 'plant the seed of your intention'.  The message for you today is to consciously plant and tend to the seeds of your heart's (Soul's) desire... It is the season for doing so, and you are so supported energetically!
Blessed be...

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