Monday, April 4, 2016


This is your card reading for Monday, April 4th/16.  Your card today spun to the floor from the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Vibrational', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Some souls come to the earth plane to simply experience life.  Their lives focus on personal interactions---not on the betterment of the planet or on humanity itself.  You however, are not one of those souls. You have incarnated for a much bigger reason.  The core energy of who you are and the vibrational field you carry, has a profound effect on all those with whom you come in contact.  You may already be aware of this---or you may not.
There is nothing you need to do to make your energy stronger, better or higher in frequency. It does not need to be adjusted, altered, or activated.  It already is all of those things.  By believing that your energy needs to be improved, you are actually limiting the force and flow of it with thoughts of lack.
You did not come to this earth to improve your energy.  You have come to this earth to use your energy! You are an energetic powerhouse and the Vibrational card has come to remind you of this.
You have the ability to effect and uplift the energy of anyone you come in contact with. Spirit is asking that you place your awareness on this.  You, and the energy you hold, is intended to aid and benefit your fellow human.  In your own unique way, through whatever it is you do, your energy makes an important and valuable contribution to this planet.
It is time for you to claim your energy and the power you hold.  By focusing on how you use it and how it affects others, you are aligning your field to its intended purpose---to make a lasting and positive change in the lives of others."

My message for you today is this:
Are you one of those people that are often approached in public places for directions or to assist someone in some way? (It is hilarious to me that I am often asked for directions by strangers, when in truth, I am lost myself, a good part of the time!)  Are you in a career or profession that would be labeled as a 'helping profession'; such as a teacher, a nurse, or another employment position which entails helping others?  Do others often turn to you for comfort and guidance?  Are you that 'go to' person in your family? Do you find that you are often very fatigued after being in large groups of people, and that it is IMPERATIVE for you to spend time alone, in your own energy, in order to reenergize yourself...even though you would say that you genuinely 'like people'?  Would you be described by others as a 'warm' and affectionate person who is comfortable to be around? Do you find yourself wanting to hug or comfort others when you see them in distress, and that merely being in your presence or experiencing your touch IS calming to others?  
We are ALL vibrational beings, yet as Cheryl Lee has shared in her message for you today, some have incarnated here at a higher vibrational resonance than others. You have, essentially, agreed to act as a support to others.  You do not have to be an empath in order to fulfill this role, but those who are empaths have definitely agreed on a Soul level to be of service in this way; whether they know this consciously, or not.  This is a Soulful assignment you have taken on!  Do not doubt in your own wisdom, strength, and Divinely gifted energetic vibrancy that you hold!  Those who hold this resonance are often labeled as 'overly sensitive' and may even have grown to see themselves as 'weak' because of how strongly they 'feel', and are affected by, what is happening around them energetically.  Yet, nothing could be farther from the truth!  Only those who are strong enough to embody this vibration have been given the task!  You are a gift, dear Soul!  To acknowledge this is not being Egoic, or considering yourself 'better or less than'; but rather, is embracing what it is you came here to do, and thereby honouring the Divine within you. Ensure that you honour and take care of yourself, energetically, even as you are ever willing to care for others. Much love to you!
Blessed be...

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