Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Universal Connection

This is your card reading for Tuesday, April 19th/16.  Your card skimmed out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Universal Connection', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"The guidance you are now receiving is truly Universal.  Take time daily to connect with your guides and Angels.  They wish to connect with you as much as you wish to connect with them.  They are working very closely with you and you are being encouraged to journal at this time.  This is a Great story you are writing.  It is your personal story and it is unique to you and only you.  Write poetry to express the emotions you are feeling. Write down your dreams and synchronistic events that occur.  This card calls for putting your connection and experience with Spirit into writing."

My message for you today is this:
The energies at this time are a dichotomy, because they ARE Universal in nature, but are also about 'going within'.  That is to say: you ARE feeling a powerful connection to, and an integral part of the Universe; yet you are also feeling as though you have a strong connection to your 'inner self' and you may hold the desire to spend time alone, in your own energy.  Honour this... This is about realizing the role that you play as an individual in the network of humanity.  As Cheryl shares in her message for your card today, the veil between you and your Spiritual team is translucent at this time---they are highly accessible to you, and wish to make the connection---take advantage of this.  Journaling is absolutely a means of 'anchoring in' the messages and guidance that you are receiving.  One means utilized in connecting with Spirit is called 'automatic writing'.  You write your question or query and then simply relax and allow the pen to flow across the page, without attempting to 'script' or force what comes forth.  Understand that it may take some time for the information to present, and how it presents will depend upon you as an individual.  For instance, I am a 'wordy' person, and so my automatic writing sessions are long and verbose. You may be a succinct, to-the-point kind of person, and so what comes forward for you may be brief and even in point form. There is no right or wrong way...but you must relax into it, with no expectations of how it 'should' go, in order to allow the information to come forward. 
Or perhaps you just wish to journal your thoughts and feelings as an outlet, or to anchor them in to your consciousness. Or you may just come across a phrase or quote that really 'speaks to you' today, that you make record of.  Just be aware as to how 'the word' will be utilized in making your connection with Spirit.
Blessed be...

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