Wednesday, April 27, 2016


This is your card reading for Wednesday, April 27th/16...a 22 Master Day (2+7+0+4+2+0+1+6=22).  Your card soared out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Expansion', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"It is time to share yourself on a much larger scale.  The expansion card is about your connection to large groups of people, whether it is to offer yourself in service through community events, volunteer work, workshops or healing groups, speaking, or publishing your writing.  It's about sharing your gifts and talents in a way that serves many, on a more public scale.  In doing so, your energy reaches far and wide, having a meaningful and positive effect on all those whose lives you touch.  Now is the time to really put yourself out there, so take a deep breath, trust the process and open wide!"

My message for you today is this:
As we lead in to the 3 week period of Mercury Retrograde tomorrow---whose theme always includes 'relationship' and 'communication'---what comes to mind for you regarding being your 'full self' in regards to relationship and communication?  Perhaps it has something to do with the dynamics within your family.  Perhaps it is in regard to your career or means of expressing yourself out into the world at large.  Perhaps, like me, it relates to a heart-centered expression of yourself that you have heard the call to share out into the world (and been pushed outside your comfort zone to do so!).  As a 22 Master Day, the energies highly encourage you to truly 'step into all that you are' and to be confident and open in expressing just that.  This doesn't necessarily mean standing on a stage in front of many and proclaiming yourself (although it could!).  This means to approach all that you encounter on this day from the stance of sharing your magnificent self.  Whatever situations and experiences present for you today, make the commitment to be authentic, sincere, and vulnerable in expressing yourself 'fully', rather than as an 'edited' editing today! 
Remember the 'ripple effect'...we seldom fully know the impact our acts have as they ripple out into the world.  What may seem to be a 'small' loving act, ripples out to effect more than we can conceive of.  Be cognizant of that today. You matter.  You make a difference just by being here and having the courage to express all that you are and have to share. 
Be confident! Be brave! Lovingly express yourself!
Blessed be...

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