Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Gentle Release

This is your card reading for Tuesday, April 5th/16.  Your card wafted so lightly from the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish, as I shuffled, that I barely noticed it had dropped out!  Your card is 'Gentle Release', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"The presence of Archangel Michael is here to assist you with clearing your energy field of old hurts and past experiences that are weighing you down and slowing your progress in life.  He is here to help you cut the cords that keep you energetically attached to people and events that no longer serve you in a positive way.  Michael always performs his duties with love and asks you to consciously send love to those people and things in your past so that you may release them into the Light and move forward with your life."

My message for you today is this:
The energy of the day is absolutely about taking personal responsibility for your life!  You are an empowered, self-determinant, courageous Soul!  As you read Cheryl Lee's message for your card today, you may have been (as I was!) asking 'Just how many  MORE times, exactly, do I have to release old hurts and determine to choose forgiveness in order to release myself?'
The answer is: As many times as it takes, in order that you can get to that place where you see that experience as having served your growth and development.  Until you can integrate the lessons held within it and most importantly, until you can forgive YOURSELF and step out of any residual self-judgment you may hold regarding the experience, you will find yourself needing to release that old hurt on various levels. 
As vibrational beings, we are impacted by the energy in which we find ourselves.  I have often shared here my love of inspirational quotes and my belief in the power of the word. A quote that comes to mind for you in regards to your message today, is one by Jill Bolte Taylor, an American neuroanatomist, and author of the book, 'My Stroke of Insight':
"Take responsibility for the energy you bring."  She had this quote posted at the entrance into her hospital room, as she endured the long recovery from a debilitating stroke that she suffered at the age of 37.  She had become acutely aware that 'everything is energy' and she wanted those who entered her personal 'healing space' to bring only 'positive energy', in order to support her healing. 
Essentially, your message today---as we lead into the Super New Moon this upcoming Thursday---is to take responsibility for your own 'vibration' and for the energy that you emanate.  You were advised in yesterday's message that you are an 'energetic powerhouse'---so take responsibility for how you will care for yourself energetically and "...for the energy you bring."  
Archangel Michael is the supreme Archangel whose name means 'He who is like God'. His 'specialty' is protection; and to heal fear and lend courage; as well as to clear energy.  We can call upon him to clear our energetic centers (chakras). Many experience Archangel Michael's aura as royal purple in color, and a crystal that aligns energetically with him is Sugilite. Archangels are Light Beings and are therefore not restricted by the physical manifestations we are.  They are able to bi-locate (to be with more than one Soul simultaneously) and so, by calling him to assist you, you are not taking him away from assisting another.  Archangels and Angels are governed by the Law of Free Will and are not able to intercede in our lives without our permission, so you must ASK if you desire assistance and guidance from them.  It isn't necessary to recite a formal prayer to invoke an Archangel's assistance---simply think the thought or speak the request, and they will be there for you.  Archangel Michael has presented for you today, to let you know that you are so supported in caring for yourself energetically; and that you have the understanding and capability of taking responsibility for the energy that you emanate!  Yes...you ARE a 'sensitive Soul', and yes...you CAN handle that (and you can even bless the world with that)! 
Blessed be...

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