Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Brigit ~ Self-Dignity

This is your card reading for Wednesday, April 20th/16.  Your card wafted out of the 'Awakening of the Divine' card deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes...each card in her deck is aligned with a goddess, and a crystal.  Your card is 'Brigit ~ Self-Dignity', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"CRYSTAL: Blue Lace Agate
MESSAGE: Do you speak your truth to others? Do you honor your inner voice? Are you judging you own thoughts, your physical body, and others around yourself? Do you have neck related pain in your body? Do you have intense fire cycles in your life and aren't sure how to balance the energy? 
Brigit is a triple Celtic goddess who represents the three parts of a woman's life; the young virgin, the loving mother, and the wise woman (crone).  These three aspects are phases that a woman goes through from childhood to death.  She cumulates a lot of wisdom through these stages in her life giving her the name of a wise woman.
You might have drawn this card as you have been holding back in speaking your truth to someone close to you.  You may think that you are keeping the peace by not rocking the boat and sharing what's on your mind, but physically you may be creating a block in your throat chakra (your communication center), which can lead to dis-ease in the future if this energy isn't cleared.
You may have been receiving guidance that you may wish to begin writing a blog, a book, or will soon begin teaching about the wisdom you have accrued from the wounds in your life. When we go through these painful experiences in life and have extracted the wisdom and light from them, then we are able to share our wisdom with others who are in the healing process.  Don't belittle yourself and think that you don't have great wisdom to share to help others along their spiritual journey.
You are a strong person and now is the time to stand in your power and speak your truth with love.  The more you practise this, the stronger your power will become and the easier it will be straightforward with those around you. You will find that you are doing less out of obligation and more from the heart, which will keep you in a state of balance.  You may find that those around you will respect you even more when you stand in your power and speak from the heart. 
You may be in a fire cycle which means that your body is burning away a lot of old patterns and energy and Brigit can assist you in using the element of water to calm this cycle and bring you back into a state of receiving, as when we are burning we tend to forget that it's important to receive.
AFFIRMATION:  I am lovingly able to express my innermost thoughts to all without fear of judgment and self-doubt.  My inner voice is honored with love, strength, compassion and wisdom with others who may learn from my words and experiences.  My communication originates from the highest dimensions of one."

My message for you today is this:
Your message today is about honouring yourself. Self-dignity implies knowing that you are is NOT about being egoic and self-centered; but rather acknowledging that you MATTER.  You have much to share with the world, and ALL of your experiences have led you to who you are now.  Honour ALL of them.  If you choose to live your life consciously, you will be able to see the learning and lessons within each and every experience you have had in your life.  Do not deny what you may paint as your 'dark side'...we live in a world of duality here in the physical, and you would not be human if you approached every moment from the stance of 'your best self'.  Yet, if you integrate the lessons within even your 'less than shining' moments, then you are honoring your journey of self-discovery and self-dignity.  Self-dignity also implies taking responsibility for choices you have made and will now make for yourself.  
Today, the Celtic goddess Brigit has presented for you to remind you that embracing and expressing your own personal Truth is pivotal in your life at this time.  We are in the energies in which standing firmly in your own power from the stance of self-love and personal integrity are key for you.  This does not mean that you need PROCLAIM your Truth out into the world, necessarily (although you may be placed in a situation where you are pushed to speak your Truth).  What this means, primarily, is that you KNOW where you stand on a certain matter in your life, and you lovingly honour that for yourself, regardless of whatever prevailing winds may try to sway you.  You are so supported in moving forward in your life in a way that embodies and exemplifies all the wisdom you have accumulated to this point from a heart-centered place of personal Truth.
Blessed be...

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