Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Building Blocks

This is your card reading for Wednesday, April 13th/16.  Your card glided out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Building Blocks', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  Strong foundations; a beautiful work in progress.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  You have everything you need to cultivate an extraordinary life.  This is a time when your focus needs to be on the foundations you build upon. Your work, your relationships, and your very being are underwritten by your values, ethics, morals, and core beliefs.  Are they still true for you? Will they stand the test of time and serve as the solid grounding upon which you construct your life? Now you are making changes that will affect everything in a positive way.  Your destiny is truly a remarkable and beautiful design."

My message for you today is this:
I recently purchased a gift for a friend that says, "She designed a life she loved."  I loved the underlying 'self-empowerment' of that message!  And as I have had the gift of bearing witness to my friend's life journey over the past 25 or more years, this has been true for her. She is one of those people who exudes a true 'love of life' of those people who can find fun and joyful moments in the simplest things. She is one of those people who would be described as 'full of life'!  This doesn't mean that she hasn't experienced tragedy and heartache and very real health she was diagnosed with a very serious heart condition some years is the way in which she CHOSE to place her focus and to navigate her way through these times, that caused me to think of her when I read the phrase, "She designed a life she loved."  When certain circumstances were presented to her, she consciously chose to 'embrace life' and to continue to live life enthusiastically, rather than to merely 'exist', and to reside in fear.  
You are being reminded today that it is up to YOU to 'design the life you love', and that that is well within your power; and is, in fact, your birthright.  You may currently find yourself in circumstances and situations that could be viewed as 'disempowering' or 'out of your control', but from a conscious standpoint that is never true.  HOW you respond to whatever is happening to you is always up to YOU.  The building of a house begins with the design. You have been laying a solid foundation through your life experience thus far.  When you consider yourself the designer of your life, what would you include in the blueprint?  For my friend that I spoke of earlier, travel is important to her---she has always loved to travel and experience other places and cultures.  When she was initially diagnosed with her heart condition, travel was not possible---yet, rather than RESIDE in fear and victimhood and the belief that travel would never be possible for her again; she moved from the initial fear and was proactive in making lifestyle changes and doing what she needed to to become 'heart healthy', and in having the attitude that she WOULD travel again.  Some people, with this very same diagnosis, would simply remain in victimhood and would allow the disease to 'design their life' from that time forward. 
Today, spend some time honestly reflecting upon the phrase, "She designed a life she loved."  Does this feel true for you?  Perhaps the life you had once designed for yourself no longer fits. If this is true, how can you now design what it is that you wish to experience or express? The energies are very powerful in supporting you in this at this time!  All of our lives are "...a beautiful work in progress", as shared in the message from Colette. What you would have considered the perfect design for you 20 years ago, has likely changed as you have changed.  It has been said that we are constantly 'reinventing ourselves'...I would say that, foundationally, we are who we are...yet how that is expressed out into the world evolves as we evolve.  Life is not happening TO you...this is YOUR LIFE!  Be the grand designer of it!
Blessed be...

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