Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bull Guide & Fairies

This is your card reading for Thursday, March 10th/16.  Your cards skimmed out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your cards are 'Bull Guide' and 'Fairies', and Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are:
~Bull Guide~
"The Bull Guide appears to offer you strength as you move through your life.  He imparts the teaching and wisdom of standing strong and firm when you need to and not allowing others to cross your personal boundaries.  Look at all the situations happening around you at this time.  Bull Guide is here to help you be firm where ever and when ever you need to be.
He wants to remind you that you are strong and you are deeply supported as you find your way to your own self-empowerment."
"You are being asked to watch for situations that may get you 'fired up'.  Remember, every experience you have is a part of your learning.
If you do find yourself in an uncomfortable situation do your best to stay in the moment.  Be mindful and do not allow yourself to slip back into old patterns.  By staying true to who you are now, you will find the situation to resolve easily.  The fairies are showing you the magic of staying present and heart centered."

My message for you today is this:
Fairy energy abounds as we enjoy this recent, amazing Spring-like weather is south/central Alberta!  This prevalent Fairy energy is making itself known to you today to support you in the dynamic cosmic energies we are currently in the midst of.  How perfect that Bull Guide presented also, in compliment to the Fairy energy.  This reinforces the knowing that there is gentleness in true strength.  We have had ongoing lessons in this year of Creative Courage that have illustrated this for us...particularly in regards to self-empowerment.  We have been 'encouraged' to stand in our power from a loving stance (including self-love).  This theme will continue...particularly into the upcoming Full Moon.  Recall that Fairy energy has a 'playful' aspect to it.  Embrace that; even as you simultaneously embrace the Bull Guide energy that is being offered you.  Neither 'counteracts' the other, but are actually 'complimentary'.  True freedom---as epitomized by Fairy energy---comes from confidently standing in your authentic self and in being true to who you are.  Approach ALL situations from this loving place, and you cannot go wrong.  
Blessed be...

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