Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Angelic Being

This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 9th/16.  Your card twirled out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Angelic Being', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Your Angelic Being has been with you since the day of your birth, and will continue to be with you when you cross through the veil and return home.  Your angelic guardian is asking you to look for signs and synchronicities. They are trying to communicate with you now.  In a whisper of gentle guidance, you may hear your name being called, or feel the subtle touch of a feather or a tender tickle.  You may see a sign on a billboard, a magazine or even on TV.  Keep your awareness open to the message they are bringing you."

My message for you today is this:
We continue to be in the energies of last evening's New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse. During such dynamic cosmic events, the lines of communication with Spirit are all the more accessible, requiring only your acute awareness and receptivity. As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, the message that came through loud and clear was to open your heart---I can literally feel the energy from the card emanate up my left arm, to dwell in my heart chakra.  'Open up your heart'---it sounds so simple, but in truth, to do so requires that you trust and allow---this necessitates vulnerability.  Your Spiritual Advisors are letting you know that they are there for you. The energies at this time are calling us to make the adjustments necessary to living a more Soulful existence.  
As Elizabeth Peru ( the Tip-Off Global Energy Report) shares for the energies of this day:
". . .You are now looking over the last six months of your life and wondering what you have achieved, where you have been and deciding if you are happy with where and who you are. Are you?
This New Moon is asking for a re-set on a very personal and internal level. You will be sinking deep into your imagination and drawing forward the highest vision for your life.  Your dreams are totally merging with your reality; they are now one and the same.
Where in your life could you trust your intuition more? . . .
* Your long held desires are strong and demanding that you take action on them over the coming month.
* I suggest you take some time out of your busy schedule today and write down what your intuition is telling you.
* Have the courage to acknowledge and face what you are being told from within.
* See it written in black and white, in your own handwriting, right in front of you.
* Let your truth wash over you today.
* At the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in September, you will see the results of what you begin now."
Understand that these energies are NOT just alluding to aspects of CAREER, in terms of 'achievement', as Elizabeth refers to in her message.  This is all about personal growth and development in terms of authentic self-expression and your 'way of being' in the world. Perhaps you have recently had some health or relationship issues brought to your attention in such a way that you can no longer just continue on as you had been.  Although you may have, for some time, been hearing the 'whisperings' and therefore held the intention of making some needed changes in this regard; you hadn't taken the action steps necessary. Well...the time is NOW.  Your Spiritual Advisors are stepping forward to make their presence known and to assure you that those 'intuitive hits' you have been receiving are REAL.  Your intuition---in the form of your Higher Self and your Spiritual Advisors---is 'amped up' right now.  Settle into your heart chakra and open yourself up to the guidance that is being shared with you.  You will feel the 'realness' of it, as you allow yourself to trust and receive.  How do you know what is your Truth?  It literally warms your heart. THAT is the energy that is emanating from the fractal art card that presented for you today...
Blessed be...

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