Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Bast ~ Unified Strength

This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 16th/16.  Your card dropped to the floor from the 'Awakening of the Divine' card deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes.  Each card within this deck is aligned with a Goddess.  Your card today is 'Bast ~ Unified Strength', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
Do you feel called to work together as a team for victory?  Are you ready to let go of the old paradigms where there is only one winner on the podium?  Is now the time for you to use your strength to follow through with that step in a decision that has been whispering to you for awhile now? 
Bast is an Egyptian goddess who represents strength, independence, and wisdom.  She strives to forge forward and overcome any and all obstacles that she may encounter on her path of her true life purpose.  Bast has the qualities of a cat, independent and strong.
This card is an affirmation to you that it's time to make that move that you have been waiting to.  Bast is here to affirm that it is the right divine time to move ahead with that change in your life. She will support you energetically and will align all of the resources you will need to move through this change with ease and grace.  When you release the old you will amplify your inner strength and trust.  Please know that you are never walking alone as the goddesses will illuminate your path.
You are a leader moving forward showing others that it's impossible to achieve your dreams when you follow through with your intentions and create healthy boundaries for yourself to achieve these goals.  When you trust your intuition and follow your heart's desires you will amplify your own light within, which will illuminate the light for other's to follow their own goals and desires.  We need to come together supporting one another in achieving a collective union of dreams lighting up the planet with the essence of a collective victory.
AFFIRMATION:  I am strong and I am supported by the divine feminine.  I am a leader of love and enlightenment.  I chose the path of spiritual expansion feeling a deep sense of peace within."

My message for you today is this:
How perfect that the Goddess, Bast, has presented for you today to support you in the energies that we are currently experiencing.  Her appearance is in compliment to the message that you received yesterday.  Bast is affirming that you are divinely supported as you strive to live your life in a conscious way that is in full expression of your Soul.  She also reminds us that all of humanity benefits when we, as individuals, live our lives from a Soulful place.  It's that 'ripple effect' alluded to in your reading yesterday.  To stand authentically and lovingly in your power, is truly empowering and inspirational to another.  We are being called to pay close attention to what Spirit is communicating to us at this aware!  
You may benefit from wearing or carrying the beautiful crystal, Tiger's Eye, with you at this time.  I am going to wear my Tiger's Eye bracelet while I am on my walk in the coulee this afternoon (where I often feel most 'open' to receiving messages and 'in tune' with my Higher Self).  Allow the vibration of this crystal, which aligns with the energy of the goddess Bast, to help bring you into sync, energetically, with the cosmic energies that are prevalent at this time.  Tiger's Eye is about 'balance', calling in the balance between the Solar and Earth energies.  As Naisha Ahsian (creator of the Crystal Resonance Therapy™ program) says about Tiger's Eye: " Tiger's Eye lends it's frequency to balance of perception, enabling one to walk a true path.  It is a stone of strength, in that it enhances one's connection to the Earth, while grounding higher energies into the energetic systems and physical body.  It is useful for those who are in positions of leadership, as it encourages the balancing of extremes, so that the needs of the majority can be perceived.  Finding our own place of balance is a necessary step for growth. When we are able to respond to the situations that arise around us without losing our sense of center, we are always able to act upon our guidance.  Tiger Eye encourages you to find your place of balance within."
Allow the goddess, Bast, and the energies of Tiger's Eye to collaborate with you today.
Blessed be...

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