Wednesday, March 23, 2016


This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 23rd/16---the day of the Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse!  Your card dropped out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Manifest', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Energetically, everything is falling into place.  You are coming into a high point where you will find you are able to easily manifest the people, things, and situations you need to carry you forward on your journey.  The energy of manifestation is a creative force and right now it is in full flow for you.  Stay focused on where you want to go in your life and how you want to feel.  Don't worry about the details of what you think life should look like.  The Universe is infinitely wiser than we are, with our human point of view.  Just know and trust that things will come to you in perfect order, and in perfect time.
We don't manifest anything that is not part of our Soul's plan.  So while you may not win a lottery, you can expect to experience abundance and ease while these energies are here. This is a great time to play with and learn about the order of manifesting.  While you will notice that most of what is manifested is done by the Higher Self, a smaller portion will be manifested from your conscious mind.  Explore it fully and have fun with it!
Anything can be manifested at this time, so do not limit your potential. Your soul knows no limits.  You are a creator and able to naturally turn energy into physical manifestation.
You can use this power of manifestation to help you gain understanding about your purpose, to help connect you to the right people or organizations, or even aid you in gaining the financial resources you require.  Really, the sky is the limit with this one.  Enjoy it while it lasts!
Hold in mind, that it wasn't intended that you use your ability to manifest for yourself only. You can also use this to help others who may not be able to help themselves right now."

My message for you today is this:
Did you have the opportunity to view the amazing Moon in the sky last evening?  Although the Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (when a partial shadow surrounds a complete shadow---the Moon travels through the peripheral shadow of the Earth, as the Earth is between Earth and Sun) will be occurring this evening.  Recall that energy is 'in flow', rather than 'clap on/clap off'.  Therefore, we also experience the Full Moon lunar energy on either day of the actual event, as it morphs in to and out of being. While Full Moons are typically about 'releasement', each Full Moon also holds it's own unique vibration, dependent upon the prevailing cosmic energies at that time.  This particular Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse occurs at a dynamic energetic time!  As Elizabeth Peru shares in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast: "This is a power period for celebration, letting go and creating a new way."
Don't be intimidated...  You have been 'doing the work' leading up to this. Those who are particular sensitive to energy, such as Empaths, must be particularly conscious about how you navigate your way through these energies.  Ensure that you are, indeed, 'in your OWN energy'---do not allow surrounding energies to take you off course.  How do you do this? The best way is to spend some time alone, and especially in Nature, if that is possible for you today.  We are deeply connected to Mother Earth at this time, so take advantage of the beautiful 'grounding' she has to offer you.  Do your best to reside in what you desire for yourself, whether or not it has yet manifested for you here in the physical.  Relationships and career are particularly poignant themes at this time. Understand that the Universe is conspiring in your favor---even if you can't see it yet---and you can support it in doing so by focusing upon the positive outcomes and changes you have been longing and working towards.  This stance requires faith and trust and belief in your being worthy.  It also necessitates CREATIVE COURAGE, as even desired change can feel uncomfortable initially, as we step out of the familiar.  You are a powerful manifestor, and all the more so now. Have the cognizance to recognize how far you have already come in 2016. We often get so caught up in making our way through the days, that we don't realize the Soul growth we have achieved along the way.  Take a moment to acknowledge that for yourself.  You are and have been brave!  Have faith!  Trust, allow, believe!
Blessed be...

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