Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Milk and Honey

This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 30th/16.  Your card dropped swiftly to the floor AS SOON as I began shuffling, from the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Milk and Honey', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  The taste of prosperity; opportunities born of authenticity; nurturing abundance; trusting that your needs will be met.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  You've entered a sweet time in your life, enjoying the 'land of milk and honey' that everyone wants to experience.  It's an interlude that feels more languid than ambitious, when all your senses are awake to the the unlimited possibilities in the universe.  These times are precious and only come when you're in your authentic zone, 'wearing the world as a loose garment', not wanting, yet able to be nourished in ways both tangible and subtle.  Abundance is an energy that you are a living part of.  All your needs are being met.  You are given the gift of nourishment in every form.
PROSPERITY MESSAGE:  There is only one authentic YOU. This version of your Self is Spirit's emissary in the world.  When you are in alignment with the truth that you are a unique expression of the Divine, your ego can rest and your soul can illuminate your purpose.  Now is the time when you're seeking your true north.  When you find this direction, you automatically step into prosperity and the world brings you evidence of abundance. Miracles are a choice and a way of seeing the world. With every choice you make right now, you have the potential to seize good fortune and embrace your destiny. Opportunities will lead you to your best life now. Be open to them.  You're getting a sweet taste of what you want."

My message for you today is this:
I was getting goosebumps as I typed up the 'Prosperity Message' portion of Colette's message for you today! I particularly LOVE and appreciate this segment:
"There is only one authentic YOU.  This version of your Self is Spirit's emissary in the world."
That is such an incredibly beautiful way of encapsulating what Spirit has been saying to you repeatedly during this time of great shift that humanity has been undergoing!  I savour words and believe in the power of words. You will find quotations that are 'speaking' to me posted at various places around my home and in my journals...this has been a lifelong habit of mine.  Just yesterday, I came across a collection of quotes I had compiled as a gift to my Mom on her 65th birthday. (I will be printing this inspiring expression by Colette, and posting it in my sacred space, for sure! Thank you, Colette!) 
Also, the Universe has presented this message for you at such a time when you are well able to truly HEAR it...Universal energies have been pushing all toward our authentic expression of Self.  This has been uncomfortable and even painful at times, admittedly, but has always been for our greater good.  Sometimes we need to be radically shaken out of our old status quo; and into situations, circumstances, and relationships that will allow us to be who and what we truly came here to be.  
I've said this before, and I'll say it again (and likely again and again!)...your Soul CHOSE to be here at this time.  It is no accident that you have incarnated during a time when the possibilities and potential for Soul advancement is substantial!  How exhilarating, and sometimes overwhelming!  Universal cosmic energies are powerful today in urging you to rise into your power. As Elizabeth Peru states in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast: "There is now a magnificent series of planetary influences that we have not experienced in a long time.  There is an intense and supportive cosmic vibe. . . there are planetary lines of influence over the next 24 hours.  You may feel swamped by your full potential and not know where to begin, or you may feel overwhelmed and wish to hide under the covers. Either way, I urge you to use this RARE DAY to your advantage. How? BY BRAVELY SPEAKING UP FOR WHO YOU ARE AND FOLLOWING THROUGH."   The card and message that presented for you today is in perfect alignment with the message that Elizabeth shares with us in regards to prevailing cosmic energies.  Understand that, ". . .speaking up for who you are and following through", need not entail standing up on a soapbox and proclaiming your awesomeness to the world; so don't be intimidated by that statement!  It may mean that you actively engage in something that feels as though it is an authentic and Soulful expression of who you are.  Or it may mean that you take the time today to at least honour that aspect of yourself.  For me, the Universe conspired that I will be doing an Akashic Records Consultation with a beautiful Soul this afternoon, which is emphatically a Soulful expression of who I am!  Perfect Divine timing (which was 'scheduled' well before today), for me to have this appointment at a time in my life when 'fitting it in' is challenging to say the least! In truth, I have been frustrated with how this fulfilling aspect of my life has been 'placed on the sidelines' due to life circumstances; and so the Universe has conspired to remind me today that I have the choice to prioritize myself and who I am as "...Spirit's emissary in the world", regardless of extenuating circumstances.  YOU are being reminded of that today, also!   If you embrace the knowing that you ARE a unique expression of the Divine, then you will not feel overwhelmed; but rather, blessed and, embrace that knowing! In doing so, you honour the Divine and the Divine within you!
Blessed be...

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