Thursday, April 9, 2015


This is your card reading for Thursday, April 9th/15.  Your card slid out of the 'Healing With the Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Harmony', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"CARD MEANING:  Conflict is resolved in a situation that was troubling you.  Know that you deserve this peace and happiness, and accept it graciously...
Beloved child of God, you are a peace-lover at heart.  This card comes to you as a sign of new harmony that dawns upon you.  Let go of viewing the situation as troubled, and see yourself and others through the eyes of your guardian angels.  In this way, you'll look past the surface and see the beauty that eternally shines within everyone.  
By shifting your viewpoint to the angelic perspective, you become an Earth angel.  Holding an elevated viewpoint sparks miraculous healings in all of your relationships.  Conflict drops away, revealing the clean and new truth about everyone and everything."

My message for you today is this:
Your message today is not only about harmony in regards to relationship with others, but also about harmony in relationship with Self, which is where ALL HARMONY begins!  When you are at peace with yourself, then peace will be your experience, regardless of extenuating circumstances.  Yet, many of us have felt anything but peaceful and harmonious over these past weeks.  We have just come through a highly volatile time, energetically, where much was brought to the surface so that we could deal with it CONSCIOUSLY.  Whew!  It felt somewhat like being put through the ringer at times, didn't it?  We were truly striving to make space to embody the Light that is being inflowed to us as a collective, and to receive that Light in a mindful way.  We have been encouraged to bring into the Light, those 'darker' aspects of ourselves---not so that we can examine them from a place of self-judgment or guilt---but from that elevated perspective of viewing how our 'dark side' has served us and to see the 'unfolding' of it all. The word 'harmony', in terms of musicality, means to bring together various individual tones to create a symphony of sound. We are being asked to bring into harmony ALL that we are---to acknowledge our 'humanness'---even as we strive to express the best of ourselves into the world.  What you would have formally judged as 'darkness' within you---such as your anger, rage, envy, grief, guilt, fear---has now all been revealed as essential 'notes' in the 'harmony' that is your life. These 'dark' emotions (and Panache states that all emotions are simply 'energy in motion') are not 'dark' at all, we have come to realize.  It is the actions that you take in regards to experiencing these emotions that denote your growth and maturation on your Spiritual path. To deny that you are feeling certain emotions, only serves to have them take up residence within you as what Panache terms 'vibrational density'.  'When you know better, you do better', and we have been embroiled in the 'knowing better' of late!  We have been urged to release old 'vibrational density', so that we can come into harmony with the energies and the Light that the Earth has been receiving.  So...when you experience fear or anger, or any 'negative' emotion, henceforth, rather than attempt to stifle it or drop into self-judgment because you are feeling it...BE WITH IT!  Yet, CHOOSE how you will react to it.  Your fear and anger---and even your rage--- can be very constructive emotions in your life---they only become destructive if you express these energies in a destructive way.  The most beautiful HARMONY is composed of high AND low notes---an amazing spectrum of sound.  To come into HARMONY, means to acknowledge ALL the notes---to see their value, and even their beauty---as contributing to the music that is your life.  All that we had been experiencing is truly the Universe contriving to bring us into harmony with ourselves, which in turn denotes being in harmony with our surroundings and circumstances, and relationships with others.
Acknowledge the various 'notes' that compose who you are, and in so doing, you are better able to acknowledge and accept the various 'notes' that compose those you are in relationship with...creating the space for Harmony.
Blessed be...

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