Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Universal Law of Present Moment

This is your card reading for Wednesday, April 29th/15.  I will be using the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman, for your readings this week.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Present Moment', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Present Moment states that all power is in the present. You do not have any power in the past, and you do not have any power in the future.  The only time and place where you have full access to your power is in the now.  You are fully engaged in the now when you allow yourself to experience whatever the moment has to offer you---without judgment, distraction, or resistance.  You instantly divide your attention from the present moment if you are in any way resistant to what you are experiencing.  The present moment is still and silent and is found beyond your mind's chatter.  Cultivate a calm mind and open heart to fully experience the present moment.  To consciously create in the present moment, act as though you are already in the state of reality you desire to manifest.  Act with your whole self, including your thoughts, feelings, speech, actions and body language.  By bringing the qualities that you want to manifest in the present moment, you make an impression upon the Universe and your ideal is brought toward you."

My message for you today is this:
Wow!  Today's message is DEEP...and yet fundamentally SIMPLE!  In 1997, Eckhart Tolle published a book entitiled, 'The Power of Now'.  Somehow, that book came to my attention in the early 2000's and I remember 'slugging' my way slowly through it (I usually devour books because I am an avid reader), until I just placed it aside with the final chapters left unread.  Some years later, Oprah Winfrey created a series on tv, where she and Eckhart presented and discussed his book 'The Power of Now', chapter by picked up my copy once again and joined them on that journey.  It is clear that Eckhart was not someone who was seeking to be 'the messenger' or to be in the limelight in any way; and he does not have the charisma or appearance or demeanor of a typical New Age thought leader!  Yet, his message has emanated throughout the world, and many are embracing and now also proclaiming the importance of striving to be in the 'present moment'.  I believe that this quote from Eckhart's book encapsulates the core meaning of the 'present moment':
"Nothing has happened in the past; it happened in the Now.  Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now."
Today, you are being reminded to strive to fully BE in the present moment.  Yes...we are here in this physical experience, and so it IS necessary, at times, to look to and plan for the future. To have goals and dreams and to BELIEVE in them, as though they are happening to you NOW, is one of the most powerful means of manifesting them!  It is also true that our past has influenced who we are in the NOW, but to RESIDE in the past, rather than in the present, simply recreates the past and those old patterns and ways of being in the NOW. In order to utilize your past and the learning incurred, you need to focus upon the present and the choices that you make in the present, rather than focusing upon the 'mistakes' or 'regrets' that you cannot change from the past. 'When you know better, you do better.'
Now, many of the contemporary thought leaders are encouraging us to understand that our only point of power is in the present moment.  To be present means to make conscious choices and to interact with what is happening NOW...not what happened previously or what you are projecting may happen.  I have been calling 2015 the year of 'conscious action', and that means taking action in the moment that is guided by your higher self, rather than just unconsciously responding to what is happening around you. We live in a world where there are so many distractions and we are inundated with information and stimulus...strive, when possible, to be FULLY in the present moment. In doing so, you will find that your life moves with such ease and grace.
Blessed be...

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