Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Universal Law of Symbolism

This is your card reading for Tuesday, April 28th/15.  Your card flew to the floor from the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creations' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Symbolism', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Symbolism states that your external world is a reflection of your internal world and that all parts of this reflection have meaning.  There are no coincidences, and everything present in your environment is there for a reason.  Everything is meaningful.  The Universe is in constant communication with you through the objects, people, and circumstances that make up your environment.  By learning to look more deeply into the symbolic meaning of your surroundings, you can participate in this communication. You are able to recognize through intuition, repetition, and synchronicity when the Universe is using something in your environment as a sign or symbol.  When your intuition senses that something in your environment is particularly relevant, trust the feeling and ask yourself what this sign might mean to you.  If something captures your attention again and again, pay attention.  By questioning the attributes of the sign or symbol, you will come to decipher deeper meaning.  To decode a sign, ask yourself the following questions: what does this sign make me think of? How do I feel when I see the sign? Under what circumstances does the sign appear? What does this sign symbolize to me? If you have chosen this card, the Universe is trying to get your attention.  Watch for the signs.
Practise perceiving a deeper meaning in material objects by imagining the Universe is sending you a sign right now.  Look around and pick out an object that seems to stand out. Ask yourself, 'If the Universe was using this object to communicate with me, what would the message be?"

My message for you is this:
I have stated here many times my belief that there is NO coincidence...only synchronicity, which is Spirit's way of guiding, supporting, and communicating with us.  Our role is to be CONSCIOUS and to be aware of the signs.  My oldest son has a sign in his home that says: 'If you're looking for a sign, this is it!'  He bought it because I have spoken to my family many times about watching for the signs that Spirit will use to communicate with us, and our family fully embraces that belief. When my mother-in-law and I were sitting at my father-in-law's bedside in 2002, as he was close to passing, my mother-in-law said to him, 'Let me know that you are alright by showing me a very special yellow flower.'  She wanted a sign or symbol that he had crossed over into the Spirit world and that all was well with him, and she chose a flower because they had spent many hours together during their retirement years, working in their gorgeous garden.  Although he was non-responsive by that time, she just trusted that he had heard her, and he passed peacefully that very day.  Some months later, when our son, Jayden, was in Istanbul, Turkey, I expressed to my mother-in-law that I had been worried about him lately, and she told me that she wasn't worried because she had sent Opa (her crossed-over husband, and my son's grandpa) to be with Jayden.  The next day, I received a call from Jayden saying he had been on this tour of an amazing garden in Istanbul, which Holland had created as a gift to the city (my in-laws had immigrated to Canada from Holland as a newly married couple) and that he had been compelled to take a picture of this one area which was a field of red tulips with one solitary yellow tulip blooming boldly amidst all the red ones!  Jayden had not been present when his Oma had made the request of his Opa about the yellow flower. I immediately shared the story with him, and we both KNEW that Opa had made himself known to all of us in this beautiful, synchronistic way!  Upon his return to Canada, Jayden gifted his Oma with a framed photo of that bright yellow tulip amongst the sea of red tulips with a plaque that read: 'His love is always with us.' 
If you are conscious and aware, the Universe will communicate with you by utilizing that which is in your environment in a way that you can understand and receive.  Your role is to TRUST, ALLOW, and BELIEVE.  How do you know that it's a symbol for you?  You will JUST KNOW...it is that simple, and that profound.  When something stands out for you, pay attention.  We are inundated with so many experiences and stimulation in the course of any given day, that when something draws your attention to it, that is happening for a reason. 
Over time, you may find that specific symbols mean specific things for you, and they will appear regularly.  For example: when I am doing a reading for a client, when I experience pain in my right ear, that is my symbol that harsh words have been expressed toward my client by someone.  Whenever a red bird draws my conscious attention (whether in a picture, or in nature), I know that that is my mother-in-law's Spirit expressing to me.  When I see a blue butterfly, or the words to the song 'I love you, a bushel and a peck' present in some way, that is my Mom's Spirit making it's presence known to me.  You will have your own unique symbols that become your 'communication system' with the Universe.  
Always express gratitude for this communication...just pause, receive and give thanks.
Your Guides, Guardian Angels, Crossed-Over loved ones and all aspects of the Universe employ symbolism to commune with you.  Be open and aware and grateful!
Blessed be...

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