Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Universal Law of Perfection

This is your card reading for Wednesday, April 8th/15.  Your card slid out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Perfection', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Perfection states that all form exists in a state of perfection because all form is made from that which is flawless.  You are perfect as you are because you are made from that which is perfect.  Life unfolds perfectly, whether or not you perceive it this way.  The Universe is reminding you that there is an absolute reality beyond what you can grasp consciously.  Trust that there is much more going on than you are aware of and that all things ultimately come together perfectly.  Make a habit of changing how you perceive the world around you by acknowledging the perfection inherent in nature and the Universe.  The more you look for perfection in the world, the more you will find it.  The Universe is telling you that all things are perfect just as they are.  Trust that the entire Universe is conspiring in your favour, even when things appear not to be going your way.  You cannot imagine the infinite possibilities that are aligning with you right now."

My message for you today is this:
Panache Desai, a new-thought leader and vibrational catalyst whom I have had the privilege of studying with (and will be again, here in Scottsdale, AZ, May 1st - 3rd), makes this same declaration in his teachings.  He tells us that we are perfect---just as we are---because we come from the Divine, which is perfection itself.  As Panache is known to say frequently, "You don't need 'fixing' because there is nothing 'wrong' with you."  A radical idea that is highly opposed to what we have been indoctrinated with culturally here in North America!
Historically we were taught that we must absolve our 'sins' and earn our way into Heaven...that we would never 'be enough', no matter how we tried...that we must continually strive to be more, have more and achieve more in order to be worthy.  
Yet we have also had messengers along the way who understood the grand picture and who shared these beliefs with us, such as in this excerpt from the beautiful Desiderata poem, written in 1927 by Max Ehrmann, which gained huge popularity for it's insight and ideology:
"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.  And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
(I invite you to 'google' the Desiderata poem and to read it in it's is a beautiful expression.)
Max Ehrmann's words, "no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should", and the message that is shared with you through the authors of this card deck in their message above, "Life unfolds perfectly, whether or not you perceive it that way"  inspire a reaction within us. I know exactly what comes to mind for you when you read that, because it came to mind for me initially, too---'how can some of my painful life experiences be considered to be perfect?' Often, when we have allowed enough time to pass, and we reflect back upon our painful experiences, we ARE able to see the lessons, and even the blessings, in them.  They served to shift us in a way that is often pivotal in our lives.  I am NOT saying that it is necessary to experience pain to grow, or that the only growth that happens comes from struggle, but we humans can become so ingrained in patterns and ways of being that it sometimes takes a radical situation to shake us up enough to affect change.  What your message today is relating to you is that you are PERFECT through this entire process---even when you are at 'rock bottom'---from the viewpoint of the Divine you are worthy just because you ARE! 
Today's message is a 'deep' one, that is cause for reflection, and yes, celebration!  There is no 'there' that you need to get to.  There is no 'someone' that you need to become.  There is no acquisition that you need to strive for.  YOU are unfolding just as you are meant to, and you are loved unconditionally as you do so.  How powerful is that?  THAT is the expression of the Universal Law of Perfection.  All the Divine wants for you is that you honor yourself and embrace and express your TRUE and authentic self, as NOONE else can.  Know that YOU are enough, just as you are at this very moment in time. Share the Light that resides within you. 
Blessed be...

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