Thursday, April 30, 2015

Universal Law of Inspiration

This is your card reading for Thursday, April 30th/15.  Your card dropped out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Inspiration', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Inspiration states that inspired ideas, visions, and thoughts originate from the one universal mind.  Because all minds are one and interconnected, all individuals have access to the knowledge, wisdom, and genius of the one universal mind. The individual is inspired by the universal mind when living in harmony with the Universe.  Be open and receptive to the guidance that will come your way.  Inspiration can come in a variety of forms.  Perhaps a great idea will enter your mind, or a friend may inspire you with the solution you have been asking for, or something you see may initiate a series of thoughts that lead you to a creative breakthrough.  Allow yourself to be inspired by a source that can see the whole picture.  You will know you have been inspired because you can feel it. If you want to receive inspiration, ask for it.  It will come.  Be patient and pay attention.  Remain relaxed and trust that the Universe is sending you exactly what you need.  If you have been seeking direction or guidance in a particular area of your life, this card is telling you to pay attention to your inspired thoughts."

My message for you is this:
Have you ever had a thought or idea come to you and wonder, 'now where did THAT come from'?  All the while, you had a 'knowing' that it was an inspired thought or idea, that is meant to be expressed through you.  We all incarnate with our own special aptitudes and abilities that allow us to act as the conduit through which the Universal mind may be expressed.  Perhaps your aptitude is for writing, or public speaking, or painting, or drawing, or singing, or playing music, or working with numbers, or inventing, or working with animals or the environment...  Regardless, I KNOW that you have experienced moments of Divine inspiration!  When you are being inspired by the Divine, what you are creating flows effortlessly and just feels natural and 'right'...and often times you are left feeling amazed yourself by what has been created, even though it was expressed through you!  It is that wonderful feeling of being 'connected' and in perfect alignment with all that you are and all that is.  In order to draw the experience of being inspired CONSCIOUSLY into your life, it is necessary that you SURRENDER.  The Universal mind holds such limitless possibilities for you.  I have a little prayer that I often say first thing in the morning: 'Creator, how will you express yourself through me today?'  In essence, this prayer is my way of asking for inspiration (the word 'inspire' means 'in Spirit'). This prayer opens me up to the Universal mind and the Divine as a conduit, utilizing my own unique talents and abilities for the betterment of my own life and the lives of others.  Once you ask to be inspired, surrender to how and when that inspiration will be presented to you.  Be open and aware to the multitude of ways that you may be inspired...then act on your inspiration.  When you are given an inspiration you may ask yourself, 'why me'?  Well...why not you?  Trust that you were given this inspiration for a reason and then bravely act upon it. We all benefit when you strive to live an inspired life!
Blessed be...

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