Friday, April 3, 2015

A Favorable Outcome

This is your card reading for Good Friday, April 3rd/15---the day prior to the Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse!  I chose the Archangel Michael card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue, for your reading today---this supreme Archangel of protection and courage, also assists us with matters regarding life purpose and life changes.  Your card today is 'A Favorable Outcome'.  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"MY PRAYER:  Thank you for the beautiful outcome to this situation, which is perfect and fair for everyone involved. Thank you, Archangel Michael, for helping me trust and have faith...
A situation that you're concerned about has already resolved itself with fairness and justice, and you (and others involved) will be pleased with the outcome.  Heaven's ingenuity has devised a plan that's beyond the scope of human imagination.  You may not see the solution at this moment, but trust that it's already in place.  You're guided to give your worries or anger to Archangel Michael, for there's no need to burden yourself.  The more that you let go and allow God to be in charge, the faster your favorable outcome will manifest.
POSSIBLE SPECIFIC MEANINGS:  A legal matter will settle in your favor. * Your new relationship will be long term. * You'll get your desired job. * The money will come through. * A healing will occur."

My message for you today is this:
I love the synchronicity with which the Divine delivers guidance and messages for us!  As I have said here so frequently, 'I couldn't script these things, if I tried!'  Just yesterday, I was watching a video posted by Elizabeth Peru, whom you have seen me quote here a number of times regarding cosmic energies.  She was speaking in this video to the energies of the month of April and said that she is calling tomorrow's Full Moon the 'Justice Moon'!  Then, Archangel Michael's message for us today holds the theme of 'justice' also!!! Love it!!!
I have also shared that I am extremely sensitive to the energy of the moon...particularly New and Full Moons...and that we all sense these energies on the day prior to and following these lunar events.  The energy is in flow and so, while it reaches it's 'peak' on the day that it is New or Full...the flow of New or Full Moon energy can be experienced on either side of the actual event.  Last night's Moon here in Arizona was so bright as to appear Full---highly illuminating! 
We have been told that this Eclipse season harkens back to a similar Eclipse season that occurred in 1997, and that we are being given the opportunity to deal with similar themes that may have shown up in our lives in 1997, but to revisit those themes from a different viewpoint.  We have matured and grown. Having said that, those old patterns and coping mechanisms that you once employed may be reappearing and challenging us for a final releasement---this implies that you may be feeling very vulnerable and emotional.  Some old patterns and shadow beliefs are stubborn.  I have always said that the energy of a Full Moon encourages releasement of what no longer serves us...add to that the Total Lunar Eclipse which acts as a 'doorway' or 'opening' and you have two powerful energies working in unison for your greater good!  When you consciously acknowledge old patterns that no longer serve you, and CHOOSE to adopt new patterns, there is often a period of adjustment.  Be gentle with yourself...recognize when old patterns of behavior and coping resurface and make the conscious decision to step out of that pattern. Maturity means taking personal responsibility, stepping out of matyrdom or victimhood, and affecting change.  In terms of the theme that Elizabeth has discerned for this Full Moon: 'justice' is not something that is 'given to you', but rather an expectation that you hold.  I mentioned in yesterday's reading my penchant for quotes and this one by Denise Linn speaks to personal 'justice': "The way you treat yourself sends a very clear message to others about how they should treat you."  Denise's quote places such an empowering spin on 'justice'!  When we honour ourselves, and hold certain expectations about how we will be treated, others pick up on that and respond accordingly.  Or, if they don't, we are not as hurt or affected by their behavior.  For example: if you have long held the role of 'peacemaker' or 'fixer' in the past---to the detriment of your own needs and Spirit---it is time to let go of that pattern.  How can the Universe provide you with a 'just' situation, if you refuse to expect 'just that' for yourself (pun intended)!  
Utilize the powerful energy being offered you over the next few days (and on into the continuing Eclipse season) to make changes that your Soul and Spirit have been lovingly encouraging you to make.   Acknowledge that your old ways of being may have served you in the past, but are no longer 'in sync' with whom you have grown to be.  No self-judgment about those old patterns...only acknowledgment and releasement.  Call upon Archangel Michael to be with you and to support you as you move toward your 'favorable outcome'...all is well!
Blessed be...

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