Monday, February 29, 2016

Cause & Effect

It is great to be back!  This is your card reading for Monday, February 29th/16!  A leap year, and this leap day is also a 22 Master Day!!! (And haven't we been taking 'leaps' in our lives, in one way or another?!?) Your card flipped out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman. Your card is 'Cause & Effect', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Cause and Effect states that nothing happens by chance because every effect has its cause.  Your thoughts and feelings have effects, your actions and inactions produce effects, and your choices and reactions cause effects.  The nature of the thought and action you generate matches exactly the nature of the effect you cause.  If you cause 40% happiness and 60% disharmony in your life, this is exactly what the Universe returns to you. The natural process of cause and effect is generally experienced with a time delay:  cause takes time to unfold into effect.  This process can be sped up by aligning all aspects of your being - your thoughts, feelings, and actions.  The more aligned you are in your full beingm, the faster your results will manifest into form.  You can use the wisdom of this law to produce the results you want to experience in your life.  When you know what it is you want to create, discover what will cause the effect you desire.  What thoughts would you need to be thinking?  What feelings would you need to be generating?  What actions would you take? What attitude would you hold?  When you understand what is needed to bring about the results you desire, all that remains is to think, feel, and act accordingly.  This card is telling you that you have the power to cause the results you desire.
Select one element you like in your life, and think back to determine how you created it. Look back at your past actions, choices, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes. Alternatively, consider an element of your life you do not benefit from and trace its origin; take note of the choices made in your internal world of thoughts and feelings and the actions taken by you to create this condition.  You will discover your true power when you acknowledge yourself as the cause of all the events and circumstances in you life."

My message for you today is this:
What a powerful month of transformation February has been!! No wonder it holds that 'extra day' for us in this leap year of 2016! That which you may have been experiencing as 'whispers' of encouragement for making necessary changes within your life circumstances, has been brought into the forefront of your attention in a more urgent way; if you had not been taking action steps to acknowledge what your Soul has been affirming for you.  We have been pushed to release some of our old 'ways of being' and patterns of behavior which may have served us in the past; but which are no longer in alignment with the shifts in our vibration we have been undergoing.  I know how uncomfortable this can be---I myself, have been undergoing this!  Yet, on this 22 Master Day (2+9+0+2+2+0+1+6=22 and 2+2=4)---the first of 21 Master Days that we will experience in 2016---we are reminded that we are not VICTIMS to the prevailing energy shifts.  Rather, we are being deeply EMPOWERED to take responsibility for living our lives consciously and 'on purpose'.  That is to say, making life decisions and choices that are in alignment with WHO WE AUTHENTICALLY ARE, and in honoring that.  You will find some relationships shifting and some simply 'falling away', depending upon how those you have been in relationship with respond to this 'new way of being' that you are embracing.  There may have been some 'grieving' happening for you over this past month, because that which has shifted in your life may have determined making your attitude or perspective and concurrently, your physical life experience.  This all requires a period of adjustment.  Be gentle with yourself, and stand firmly in your TRUTH in order to move through this adjustment period.  We have been pushed to dig deep and to find that place of power within ourselves.  This does not imply that we now move forward from a place of aggression, but rather from a place of compassion---first and foremost for ourselves.  As I have stated here many times:  true self-empowerment NEVER disempowers another!  You have the power!  Embrace it, as well as all of the support that is there for you---from your spiritual advisors and guides on the ethereal plane and those who here in the physical who recognize, honour and love the REAL you, in all it's glory! 
Blessed be... 

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