Friday, February 27, 2015


This is your card reading for Friday, February 27th/15.  Your card is from the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Honesty' and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"I am in touch with my true feelings regarding this situation.
You received this card in answer to your question, because Mother Mary sees a need for self-honesty if you are to proceed. What do you have to admit to yourself about your current situation?  When you think about it, what feelings arise?  Why?
It's important to take stock of your emotions and thoughts about anything that confuses or annoys you.  Otherwise, you're reacting instead of taking charge.  Although the ego is threatened by looking deeper, it's an essential component of healing this situation. This card guides you to take some time to evaluate and understand your feelings. Remember:  you are entitled to them, and they are neither right nor wrong.  Very often, your feelings are the voices of angels delivering God's guidance to you."

My message for you today is this:
A spiritual mentor that I have been strongly drawn to, and have been studying with these past few years~Panache Desai, who describes himself at as a 'vibrational catalyst'~says that emotions are 'energy in motion'.  He advocates that there are no 'good' or 'bad' emotions, but that emotions are simply energy and we are MEANT to experience the myriad of emotions while we are in this physical experience.  His teachings are that, when we seek to deny or 'squash' an emotion rather than to experience it and allow it to flow though us, we create energetic blockages.  He advises that our emotions act as 'guideposts' in our life and can serve to direct us in living a Soulful life, when we acknowledge and embrace them. 
Mother Mary has presented for you today with that same message.  I would add to her message that, "It's important to take stock of your emotions and thoughts about anything that confuses or annoys you", to include ALL of your emotional experiences.  You FEEL what you are feeling for a reason!  Whether you feel happy, satisfied, fulfilled, frightened, anxious, angry, hurt...ALL feelings are here to serve you when you acknowledge them as a guiding force.  If you are feeling frustrated, rather than try to deny your frustration, ask yourself WHY you are feeling that way.  Frustration is not a BAD emotion---it is simply 'energy in motion'.  What is your frustration seeking to indicate to you about something you may need to change or perhaps quit attempting to change?  We have been taught in our culture that anger is a BAD emotion, as well.  Let me tell you that your anger can actually serve you!  It is the actions that you take as a result of feeling anger that determine whether it is a detriment in your life.  Anger can be a powerful motivating force for making necessary change and for positive movement in your life. It is often not until we reach the stage of feeling ANGRY that we are willing to step out of our 'comfort zone of being uncomfortable'. The next time you feel angry---rather than dismiss that feeling because you feel guilty for feeling it; or worse yet, simply venting and spewing irrationally in an attempt to release that energy---consciously acknowledge that you feel angry and ask what the anger is there to show you.  Then take conscious action around that.  Listen...we are here in this physical experience and there will absolutely times and circumstances in your life when you will not handle your anger or other emotions in a 'conscious' way!  The message today is to STRIVE to do so, and to see just how effective your emotions can be in assisting you in navigating this life experience. 
Mother Mary is asking you to acknowledge ALL of your emotions and then to take CONSCIOUS ACTION, rather than to simply be reactionary.  See your emotions as indicators and 'guideposts', as Panache describes them.  Step out of self-judgment for feeling certain emotions and utilize them, instead, to steer you in the best direction.  Be HONEST with yourself about what you are feeling and WHY you are feeling it---what is the underlying message that this emotion is sharing with you?  Mother Mary's nurturing maternal energy will assist you in this self-discovery.
Blessed be... 

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