Thursday, February 26, 2015

Time to Decide

This is your card reading for Thursday, February 26th/15.  Your card dropped out of the 'Life Purpose' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Time to Decide', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Make a decision based on your heart's true desires.
The angels ask you to be very honest with yourself (and them) about your dreams and desires.  What do you want?  What do you wish to change?  What are you waiting for? Allow yourself to acknowledge your genuine feelings.  Have the courage to admit your dreams.
This card indicates that if you can dream it, you can do it.  The angels are encouraging you to explore your options and take charge of your life.  After all, your work comprises a major portion of your daily activities.  You (like everyone) deserve to spend your time in meaningful and enjoyable ways."

My message for you today is this:
Your message today is not only in regards to the career aspect of your life.  It speaks to any aspect of your life where you have felt a calling to make a change or have felt a spark of inspiration.  Why are we often reluctant to admit or---Heaven forbid---SPEAK ALOUD our deepest desires and aspirations for ourselves?  It is because these heartfelt desires and aspirations are Soul-based and therefore precious to us. To reveal them may make us feel vulnerable to ridicule or to potential negative responses that could discourage us in our vision.  To be honest, just as an infant is cocooned in the womb for a gestation period---protected and yet nourished as it grows and develops---it is often beneficial to hold our deepest dreams, desires and aspirations close to our heart until the time is right to 'birth' them. Yet, so many of us allow our fear to hold us back and remain too long in the 'gestation' period, attempting to protect ourselves from the risk of revealing and sharing that integral part of us.  The angels are encouraging you today to begin by authentically acknowledging TO YOURSELF your sincere feelings and desires and aspirations. Trust and know that these aspirations are, in part, the means by which the Divine wishes to see you express yourself out into the World.  You were given your own unique attributes, talents, and abilities for a reason---that reason is so that the Divine could be expressed through you. To understand and embrace this is NOT being in EGO...but rather, acknowledging the Divine spark within you.  When you are coming from what I call 'a heart-centered place of service' (which means expressing your abilities and talents from a loving, giving place; rather than from an Ego-gratification place) you are in symphony with the Divine.  It is far from a selfish act to pursue and express your dreams and aspirations---quite the opposite. When you follow your dreams you serve to inspire and lift the world up, in a true expression of the Divine.  The angels are urging you to decide to live your best life, and this begins by acknowledging your deepest desires and dreams for yourself...then making the decision to actively strive for that in your life.
Blessed be...

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