Thursday, February 19, 2015

Receiving from Angels


This is your card reading for Tuesday, February 17th/15.  Your card is from the 'Gateway Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Denise Linn.  It is the 'Receiving from Angels' card, and Denise's message for the card is this:
"Shimmering wings of angels embrace me with love...
CARD MEANING:  Blessings from above are showering over your life.  Angels are real, and their presence is near---they are only a thought away.  Messengers from the Creator, they come to you with the immense blessings and love.  All is well.  Spread your wings and soar!
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW:  Angels are watching over you.  They love you deeply and profoundly.  Be still and open you heart to their wisdom and healing.  They will come to you in soft breezes, rainbows, and feathers that seem to magically appear.  These signs let you know that you are going in the right direction and that all is unfolding exactly as it should.
The angelic energy within you is expanding.  Know that you are an angelic healing force for others.
QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF:  How can I access the angelic energy within me?  What is the most important thing that my angels want me to know?  How can I accept and receive even more from the angelic realm?"

My message for you today is this:
We are all blessed with Guardian Angels in our lives---our own personal, loving advocates who are with us ALWAYS, whether we consciously acknowledge them or not.  My belief and experience is that we each have at least 2 Guardian Angels that we incarnate with, who remain with us throughout the course of our Earthly experience, and then additional Guardian Angels may join us---at various junctures of our lives---depending upon life circumstance and life purpose or mission.  
Guardian Angels are Light Beings, who have never been in physical form.  Their vibration allows them to be with us, and accessible to us, AT ALL TIMES.  They view us from that elevated perspective of unconditional LOVE that is the energy of the DIVINE.  They do not judge us and will NEVER denounce us, but of course, always want what is best for us.Their ability to 'see the bigger picture' for us, means that they can offer us guidance and support that is lovingly objective and progressive for our Soul.  Your Guardian Angels WANT to communicate with you---it is their greatest desire to be in conscious communion with you and to serve you in this way.  Having said that, all Angels are governed by the 'Law of Free Will'.  This Universal Law determines that any Angel, including your Guardian Angels, may not intervene in your life without your permission to do so.  To ask for Angelic assistance or support is NOT a complicated matter...simply ASK!  You need not recite some formal prayer (although it's fine to do so, if that feels right for you)---all that is required in seeking communion with your Guardian Angels is the INTENTION to do so!  Your request could be as simple as 'help'!  Simply set the intention and then express your desire to communicate with your Guardian Angel in whatever way feels right for you at the time. There are a number of guided meditation CD's available to assist you with this, if you feel drawn to that, also.  The key is to TRUST, ALLOW, and BELIEVE!  Once you have asked for support and guidance, be OPEN to receiving that guidance, in whatever way it is expressed.  Be conscious and aware.  The signs will be there, and it is up to you to relax into receiving and BELIEVING them!  
There are those who will say that our crossed-over Loved Ones are our Guardian Angels. While our Souls DO take on a higher vibration than our dense physical vibration when we cross-over, that vibration is NOT of the very high vibration of the Light Beings that are our Guardian Angels.  Simply put, crossed-over Loved Ones have to WORK to lower their vibration to be with us here in the physical, and it requires effort on their part to be in our vibration, so they are not able to be with us consistently and at all times, as our Guardian Angels are.  In addition, our crossed-over Loved Ones continue to work on their own Soul development and progression while on the Other Side, and so they are not accessible to us 24/7, as our Guardian Angels are.  Having said that, our crossed-over Loved Ones CAN and DO visit us and can be said to act in a 'Guardian Angel capacity', when their visits occur 'just when we need them'; to support us through a difficult or dangerous situation; or to celebrate a joyous event in our lives with us.  
The Angelic Realm---all facets of it---Guardian Angels, Archangels, Nature Angels and Fairies, etc, are a gift from the Creator and are messengers of that Divine source.  Just as everyone has Guardian Angels, everyone holds the ability to commune with their Angels, and you are being lovingly reminded of that today.  Embrace this gift...
Blessed be...

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