Tuesday, February 10, 2015


This is your card reading for Tuesday, February 10th/15.  Your card shot out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is the 'Power' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"The Power card rules the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra.  This is where we experience our own sense of personal power.  If you have drawn this card today, it is because Spirit is asking that you focus on your own sense of personal power---and claim it. Have you been hiding from your power or afraid to own it?  Have you been feeling powerless or fearing you aren't strong enough?  It's time to focus on your solar plexus, and start to build your sense of personal power.  
Sometimes there can be a drain from our solar plexus, because we are unintentionally corded to another person---most often in close relationships.  This energetic cord runs directly from our third chakra and attaches to the other person.  We unknowingly let others siphon off our power.  This can happen if we are enabling or trying to please someone.  It can also happen if we fear losing the love of that person or if we feel attacked in some way. It is time for you to look closely at why this has happened to you and to ask your guides and angels to assist you with cutting that cord.
This card also comes if we are in fear of claiming our power; of standing tall and showing the world exactly who we are.  Most often, we have had experiences in our early years where we personally witnessed the misuse of power or had someone attempt to diminish our own.
That was in the past though, and you know how power is not to be used.  You also know that not claiming your own power does not serve you.  It's time for you to claim YOU---to claim your life, and claim the fact that you are a powerful, incredible soul."

My message for you today is this:
Notice the light shining brightly in the photo taken of your card today.  Your Solar Plexus Chakra is the color of a beautiful yellow sun, and when you stand in your personal power you are literally a 'ray of sunshine' that illuminates the space you hold.  I have stated here innumerable times that to be self-empowered NEVER implies disempowering another!  To stand lovingly in your own authentic power actually encourages, motivates, and inspires others to strive for self-empowerment, also, because they witness the Light that can be shared.  Why do you feel drawn to certain people and literally feel 'uplifted' when you are in their presence?  What is it about that person or persons that is so compelling for you?  Have you, yourself, experienced others seeking out your company, or opinion, or advice---perhaps even a stranger in a store or some other public place?  I know you have.  They are responding to the Light that is emanating from you at that time.  You can consciously choose to be a 'ray of sunshine' as you move about your day.  Focus upon your Solar Plexus Chakra and strive to own your place of personal power.  You can do so from a loving place, and this is, in fact the most powerful energy there is...the energy of Love.  Notice how your day plays out for you---even in the minute little details of the day---when you choose to approach things from a loving place of power.
Blessed be...

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