Tuesday, February 24, 2015


This is your card reading for Tuesday, February 24th/15.  Your card skimmed out of the 'Healing With the Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Friendship', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Changes in your friendships are occurring.  Be lovingly honest with yourself and your friends right now, and appreciate the healing benefits of a true friend.
Not only are you changing on the inside, but your life is changing on the outside as well! Among these changes are your relationships with friends.  Perhaps you fear that you no longer have common interests with old friends.  Or, maybe you wonder if you'll meet new friends with whom you'll share close bonds.
Changes in friendships are natural, and the angels ask you to surrender your relationships to them.  Know that God and the angels watch over you and your friends.  They will lovingly help all of you during these transitions.  This card also signifies that you are ready to receive new friendships with people who mirror your interests and ambitions."

My message for you today is this:
I have mentioned in previous postings here that it took me some time to come out of the 'psychic closet', even though I have been actively studying various metaphysical modalities for close to two decades now.  It was difficult for me to open up and be authentic about my psychic self, even with my close friends, because I had a long held pattern of keeping my abilities 'hidden away' for fear of being 'different', although I have felt 'different' all my life. In time, my hesitation to share that part of myself was more because I held it as sacred, and I feared judgment of what was such an integral part of me.  Let me say that when I finally took the courageous (yes---it felt courageous) step to reveal (to only a few select friends, at first) my spiritual, authentic Self, my life and friendships were enhanced in ways I could not have foreseen!  Not only did my special friends lovingly embrace and accept me and my revelations about my Spiritual path; I have witnessed the blessing of seeing some of them move forward in expanding and developing their own Consciousness in their own way and how their lives have been significantly improved because of this.  I have had the great pleasure of sharing experiences with them that I had previously shut them out of, and what I had already considered to be important friendships have deepened all the more!  Joyful!
I have also come to understand that there are friendships and relationships which no longer 'resonate'---those friendships and relationships were a blessing and I am in gratitude for having had them. Yet we have chosen this physical experience, which involves growth and change...not always in the same direction as those we once traveled with.  Sometimes it's healthy and necessary to say good-bye.  
Also, I know that you have all experienced those people who you felt a close connection with as soon as you met...there's an instant familiarity and it's as if you have already had a long history together.  Well, I believe that you HAVE shared a history, if not in this physical lifetime.  I call these 'Soul connections', wherein your Soul recognizes the Soul in another because you have had past lifetime experiences together.  I am so blessed to have what have come to be known as 'Soul Sista' relationships that transcend this physical lifetime, but that enhance it in such profound ways.
Finally, it is important to understand that we have what I call 'pockets of friends', who bring their own blessings to our life experience in their own ways.  Although all of my close friends and the significant people in my life now know about my psychic abilities; not all of them are interested in being actively involved in that aspect of my life.  That's okay, because while it is not 'for them', they honour that it is an integral part of who I am and they accept me in my totality.  We do not have to be exactly alike in every way, in order to enjoy each other's company!  In fact, our differences are sometimes what draws us together in exposing each other to new and exciting experiences.  For example, I have a friend who is a bit of a daredevil and who 'enjoys feeling scared'...she has lovingly pushed me outside my comfort zone to have experiences that I actually found exhilarating and I wouldn't have had, were she not there to 'push' me.  She has informed me that there will be an experience with a combination of 'repelling and zip-lining' in my future...yikes...I am afraid of heights...but feel sure that if she lines it all up, I will be right there with her, and will be so grateful that I was a part of it  (I have informed HER, however, that I will NEVER bungee-jump or sky-dive...and I MEAN that)!
In order to be a TRUE FRIEND, you must begin by being true to yourself and honour yourself by being your authentic self.  Only then can you share in the deepest form of friendship, and the joy that that brings to your life!  As in all aspects of your life, your Angels are there to support and encourage, every step of the way, and that includes regarding your friendships.  Ask your Angels to help you have the vulnerability to share your authentic Self within existing friendships and relationships; to have the courage to walk away from what no longer serves you, even as you bless how it served you in the past; and to be open to the new friendships and experiences that await you on your journey.
Blessed be...

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