Thursday, February 19, 2015


This is your card reading for Thursday, February 19th/15.  Your card pitched out of 'Manifesting Wealth & Wisdom' oracle card deck, authored by my friend, Jaden Sterling. You can purchase a deck of these awesome oracle cards at Jaden's website page:
Your card is 'Faith', and Jaden's message for the card is this:
'The Universe is reminding you how important it is to have faith at this time.  
Having faith in yourself and in the Universe, especially now, is paramount and will assure a positive outcome for you.
ACTION:  Make a list of the areas in your life where you lack faith.  Ask yourself; by not having faith is this helping me reach my goals?
Next, make a list of the areas in your life where you already have faith.
Lastly, make a list of five steps you can take today toward increasing your faith, then follow them."

My message for you today is this:
Wow!  The card and message that presented today SO relates to a conversation that I had with my dear friend, Lynda, yesterday during her visit!  I personally resonate strongly with Jaden's message for this card today, and I trust that it will serve those who feel drawn to visit this reading, as well. I love the synchronicity of the Universe, and how the support and guidance is truly there for us if we strive to be conscious and aware! 
There is a powerful quote by Rabindranath Tagore, an Indian author who became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, that says:
"Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it is still dark."
Faith holds a powerful energy, but we must FEEL it---not just SPEAK it---regardless of our current situation or circumstances.  The Universal Law of Attraction requires that we have faith...the faith to believe that we are truly drawing to ourselves what we may not be currently experiencing.  
I appreciate that Jaden suggests ACTION steps to take, as FAITH is not a sedentary experience!  Faith gives us the motivation to take action, in order to achieve our desired outcome.  Another quote by Rabindranath Tagore that speaks to this is:
"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water."
Metaphorically, you must first have faith that you CAN cross the sea; then take the steps to make it happen, even if there are those who would have you believe that it is not a possibility for you.
We remain in the powerful energy of last night's Super New Moon, yet today, and so utilize that energy in carrying you forward by choosing to have FAITH.  Faith is the underlying element of any endeavor, and of all our manifestations. To quote the song lyrics of Limp Bizkit:  "I gotta have faith, faith, faith!"  Let THAT be your mantra today!
Blessed be... 

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