Monday, February 23, 2015

All Is Well

This is your card reading for Monday, February 23rd/15.  Your card is from the 'Archangel' oracle card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'All Is Well', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL:  Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to, with hidden blessings you will soon understand.
ADDITIONAL MESSAGE:  Sometimes, what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise. When we ask for help, Heaven may dismantle the old to make room for the new.  During this time of change, practise relaxation methods such as yoga, deep breathing, exercise, and meditation.  Ask me to make your transition smooth and harmonious for everyone involved.  And know that this change is for the better!"

My message for you today is this:
Archangel Jeremiel's name means, 'Mercy of God'.  He assists us in healing our emotions and his energy is of 'gentle strength'.  Many experience his aura as violet.  A crystal that aligns well with his energy is Amethyst, which is no surprise, as I think of Amethyst as the 'harmony stone'.  Implement Amethyst to assist you in bringing in Jeremiel's energy.
Jeremiel has presented for you today to remind you that you may not understand all that the Universe conspires in answer to your prayers.  The Divine often has a higher perspective than we do here in the physical, and so even when things are not playing out for us as we believe they should, they are STILL playing out for us in our best interest.  That is when we require FAITH and the knowing that 'all is well', even as we find ourselves in what may be challenging times.  Perhaps you are not exactly in challenging times, but you feel a sense of frustration that things are not progressing as you believe they should.  If you have set an intention, and taken guided action toward your goal, then trust that things ARE progressing even though you may not be witnessing that yet in your experience.  Your doubt and fear energy may hold you back, so step instead into the knowing that 'all is well' and implement that energy to carry you forward.  Jeremiel is reassuring you today that your prayers have been heard!  Call upon him to support and assist you with having faith in that!  All is well!
Blessed be...

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