Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Athena ~ Inner Wisdom

This is your daily card reading for Wednesday, February 25th/15.  Your card is from the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Athena ~ Inner Wisdom', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You know what to do.  Trust your inner wisdom, and take appropriate action without delay.
MESSAGE FROM ATHENA:  I'm happy to assist you; however you'll be most thrilled when you first consult your own inner bank of knowledge.  For I assure you that this situation is already resolved and that you have access to all the wisdom that the universe supplies.  To access this wisdom, you must quiet your mind.  Surrender all worries and other concerns to the loving and almighty power of the universe.  Close your eyes, and note the thoughts and feelings that come streaming into your consciousness.  If you like, you can ask me to give you a signal that you've heard your inner wisdom correctly.  But have faith.  I assure you that you HAVE heard, and that the guidance brings you and your loved ones very good news indeed.
VARIOUS MEANINGS OF THE CARD:  Stop procratinating. * Stop giving away your power to others. * Trust your gut. * Don't second-guess yourself. * You are correct. * Notice recurring ideas, and take action on them."

My message for you today is this:
Athena, the daughter of Zeus, is a well-known Greek Goddess.  She is often depicted with the White Owl---one of her Power Animals.  This powerful goddess is known as a warrior; but battles with her wits rather than physicality.  She is also recognized for assisting us with matters of a creative nature: including writing, arts and crafts. 
Athena has presented for you today to remind you about your own self-empowerment and to trust in that 'gut feeling' that you have in regards to a certain situation in your life experience at this time.  There is nothing wrong with seeking the advice and counsel of others; but when it comes right down to it, you must do what feels RIGHT with your Soul. As Athena has advised in her message through Doreen: to reach this place of inner wisdom, you must go within and set aside any distractions.  Allow yourself a quiet moment and the sanctity of simply sitting quietly with yourself.  Then pose the question or reflect upon the situation that you seek 'knowing' about, and pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that arise around that.  Your emotions are serving you as a guidepost---do not judge them or try to alter them---pay attention to the emotions that arise within you.  You will KNOW the answer, even if it makes you feel slightly uncomfortable to embrace it!  The RIGHT thing to do is not always the EASY thing to do!  Keep in mind that this is for your greater good, and move forward from a self-empowered stance!  Call upon Athena to support you in standing in your power---recognizing that to be a 'warrior' on your own behalf, does NOT imply disempowering another!  True self-empowerment serves to inspire others to stand in their power, also.  To truly stand in your power exudes 'gentle strength' that is undeniable, and you have this within you.  Utilize it today!  Athena will stand with you.
Blessed be...

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